The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 389

Vol 3 Chapter 117: Too Bad Or Too Stupid

Thailand, Prime Minister’s Office.

Sonny did not dare to have any delay. After receiving Chavali’s interview, he immediately reported all the information he had to Chavali.

Now in Thailand, all major commercial banks are caught in a wave of dollar runs.

Banks from work to get off work, people queuing at the door to exchange dollars have been lined up on the street.

Sonny knew very well that this was a planned, premeditated run on the run.

From the mouth of the arrested Ananda, it can be confirmed that someone bribed to instruct Ananda to drive the run on the money.

Obviously, this run is a heartfelt attack on the Thai baht by international capital thieves.

But Sonny couldn’t care less about the messenger’s problem.

Whether it can be caught or not is two-pointed, even if it can be caught, in all likelihood, it will only catch some small fish and shrimp.

This will do nothing to reverse the current situation in Thailand.

Thailand is running out of time now.

If the panic of the people cannot be appeased as soon as possible, all the banks in Thailand will be paralyzed by the run without any action from international capital.

The Thai baht will also collapse completely because of the run.

“General, this is the current situation. We must appease the panic of the people in the shortest possible time, otherwise, within three days, our dollar reserves will be exhausted.”

Chavalit was taken aback. He never thought that the current situation in Thailand would be so dangerous.

Chavali was shocked.

“What did you say, how could you not be able to hold it for three days?”

Sonny’s face was bitter, as if he had swallowed a bitter gourd.

Why can’t it last three days?

It’s not because it was too waterproof before.

Even with the stock market plummeting in the past year and the falling property prices, a large part of the baht that has been over-issued in the past has flowed back to the central bank.

However, with the current total circulation of Thai baht, there are still trillions of billions of Thai baht in circulation in the market.

If that money is going to be exchanged for dollars in the short term.

Not to mention three days, I am afraid that it will only take one hour to bury Thailand alive.

But Sonny couldn’t tell Chavalit these words.

In the past ten years, the number of Thai prime ministers has changed more than in years.

Each term has a backlog of various problems that need to be solved.

On the other hand, Chavali was a representative appointed by the military, and his understanding of the economy was completely at the level of a layman.

When he explained all the problems clearly, I was afraid that the Thai baht would have already been hit by the run on the baht and collapsed.


Sonny sighed deeply.

He already felt that his single tree could no longer support it.

The heavy pressure made it almost impossible for him to breathe.

Now that he has made the crisis facing Thailand very clear, Chavalit is still delaying time by asking various questions in detail.


Chavali didn’t want to take that responsibility at this time.

Sonny understood why Chavalit did this.

After all, Chavalit’s tenure was only a few months.

The problems that Thailand is facing now are all the problems left over by successive rulers.

Chavali didn’t want to take this responsibility, nor did he want to take the blame.

Anyone can think of it.

Once Vali makes a decision, he will not be able to escape from that huge responsibility.

At that time, the power of Chavalit’s family in the country will inevitably be affected, and the power of the military will also be attacked by political parties.

These damned guys are still pushing three resistances at all times.

Sonny had an urge to curse.

But after thinking about his family’s arrangement, he still didn’t scold in the end.

After all, no one’s **** is clean.

Since some things can’t be spread out on the bright side, we can only talk about some obvious problems.

Sonny hesitated and spoke again.

“General. The three days I’m talking about is the maximum limit of cash flow estimates. If we can’t appease and solve the problem of the run in the shortest time, it may lead to a large-scale outflow of domestic funds. If those multinational investors withdraw their funds desperately, we will even Might not even make it through this morning.”

“What? Maybe it won’t even make it through this morning? What to do then.”

Chavali was startled this time, he stood up from the sofa in shock and asked.

There was a trace of sarcasm in Sonny’s eyes, but it turned into deep sorrow in an instant.

Irony, because Sonny knew why Chavalit was so nervous.

As for misery.

One morning, that was already his optimistic estimate.

If the situation really develops as he thinks, I am afraid that in just an hour, Thailand’s foreign exchange reserves will be exhausted.

Up to now, international capital has only started with a company like Jushi Capital.

But Boulder Capital alone smashed three billion dollars worth of Thai baht in the market.

If the situation cannot be stabilized as soon as possible, those international speculators who are always only chasing profits will swarm like piranhas smelling blood.

By that time, the wall will be pushed down by everyone.

Thailand has only one dead end.

In the shock of Chavali, Sonny said solemnly.

“General, this is my most optimistic estimate, and that’s why I came to you. Now you need to come forward to appease the panic of the people and stabilize the people’s confidence in holding the Thai baht.”

“Is it useful?”

“…, I can only answer you, I hope it’s useful!”

Chavali’s eyes were uncertain.

After calculating the gains and losses, he spoke.

“Okay, I will arrange it right away, and I will stabilize the panic of the people in the shortest possible time.”

“Then I’ll take my leave first, and the central bank still needs me to sit down.”

“Okay, then I won’t send you. I hope the Buddha can bless us to get through this difficult time.”

After Sonny left, Chavalit immediately picked up the phone and dialed a number.

Soon, the call was connected.

“It’s me. In the shortest possible time, convert our Thai baht into US dollars. Don’t ask so much, do as I say.”

After that, Chavalit hung up the phone and made another call.

“Make arrangements with the media, I have something important to announce.”


Hong Kong, the top floor of the Standard Chartered Bank Building.

Boulder Capital King looked hesitant and puzzled.

“Boss, is your decision this time… a little hasty.

At present, the market value of News Corporation, the value of 15% of the equity is at most 1.5 billion US dollars.

But that’s just market value.

Now that Standard Chartered’s IPO schedule has been submitted, if it works well, I believe it will be able to raise funds and go public in two years.

As long as you operate it properly, the market value of Standard Chartered can definitely be several times higher than that of News Corp.

We exchanged 1% of Boulder Capital for the 15% of News Corporation.

Is it a little…”

“A little too bad? A little too stupid!”

“That, all of them.”

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