The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 39

Chapter 38: Forgotten Hero

Because Zhao Jiangchuan suddenly thought that He Tianya met him in the past, to be precise in the past and future.

But before I met him, He Tianya was not a good thing. In He Tianya’s own words, he was regarded as the last generation of big circle boys.

Daquan generally refers to people and groups from the mainland to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan or overseas who are engaged in underworld criminal activities. The various gangs formed by these groups are collectively referred to as “big circle gangs”.

But strictly speaking, the Daquan Gang does not actually exist. The Daquan mainly refers to those Chinese associations in Chinatown who have come from the mainland or the other three places.

The origin of the word “big circle” can be said to be very complicated.

In the first wave of going abroad, some people who had no money smuggled out of the country through channels such as smugglers. Because they are smuggling, they often use rubber bands and other things to float and land when they arrive at the shore. circle boy”.

Later, some stowaways were forced to commit crimes because of their life, and the big circle has also evolved into a synonym for “mainland cross-border criminal forces”. .

Most people are immersed in the various film and television dramas that Xiangjiang has filmed, including the “Across the World” series starring Xiao Ma, which is rewritten by the story of the big circle.

However, a movie is a movie after all, and there will inevitably be a lot of beautification.

In fact, the real big circle is not just what it appears in the film and television. First of all, the big circle represents the cross-border criminal force of the Chinese, and the reason why many people are smuggling abroad is because they can’t stay in the mainland for crimes.

He Tianya is such a person.

At that time, He Tianya took a group of younger brothers to seek a living in Chinatown, but due to the death of the older generation, the old and the old, the young and the young were unable to survive.

Lack of money and people means lack of strength, even if He Tianya has the skills, he is still unable to fight against the strong Vietnamese gang.

There are countless times, He Tianya has the opportunity to die under the guns of the other side.

But he often walks by the river without getting his shoes wet. Finally, He Tianya’s luck came to an end. After being ambushed by a Vietnamese gang, his brothers fled to death, and his own life was almost on the line. .

It was at that time that Zhao Jiangchuan appeared, with a fully armed mercenary army.

The result can be imagined. The mercenaries known as war hyenas are fully armed, and the Vietnamese Gang, which is just an organization of ordinary criminals, is no match for it.

The snipers sniped at the opponent’s firepower, the assaulters shot at random, and with the cooperation of various tactics, the massacre was almost one-sided, and the people of the Vietnamese gang were almost wiped out.

The price Zhao Jiangchuan paid was only 10 million US dollars.

And then…, no more.

He Tianya owed Zhao Jiangchuan ten million dollars.

He Tianya reluctantly discovered the fact that 10 million US dollars is almost an astronomical figure. No matter how hard he tried to make money, it was impossible for him to make so much money.

It’s just that he doesn’t have the face to default on his debts, and the Chinese people pay attention to personal death and not owe debts. His only choice is to sell his life to Zhao Jiangchuan.

The world of money has always fascinated everyone. It can be said that no one in the world can resist the temptation of money.

Such a huge temptation means that under the game of the capital market, there are various murderous intentions that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Zhao Jiangchuan’s boulder capital has been grabbing food from the mouths of those international predators again and again, and even other capitals have to add a kick when they attack the currencies of various countries. It will inevitably become one of the targets that the forces behind all parties want to eliminate.

Assassination, revenge, coercion, and countless crises, big and small, He Tianya and several other backbones of Heishui International became Zhao Jiangchuan’s strongest defense in terms of security.

Naturally, the two became the closest partners and brothers.

With the kind of feelings and trust built in life and death, Zhao Jiangchuan naturally knew all about He Tianya’s past.

He Tianya is a native of western Guangdong province. He was born into a family of soldiers. His father, He Chao, was a true fighting hero.

In the 1979 counterattack against Vietnam, He Chao served as the platoon leader and followed General Xu Da all the way into Lang Son, Vietnam.

After a tragic war, the people’s defenders protected the country’s land and dignity with blood and facts, and occupied more than 20 important cities and towns in H County in northern Vietnam in just over a month.

The war is won.

But victory has always been fought in blood and fire. Since the team led by He Chao belonged to the vanguard, they naturally exchanged fire with the first wave of the Vietnamese army.

Due to the unfamiliar terrain and the fact that the entire Vietnamese people were soldiers, when the Vietnamese women, children and children used human hearts to participate in the assassination, He Chao’s team suffered extremely heavy losses.

It’s not that He Chao and the players in his platoon have poor combat experience, nor is their fighting ability weak.

But who would have thought that a father and daughter holding a baby would hide a bomb on the baby, and who would have thought that a young child would suddenly kill someone.

After being attacked again and again, the members of He Chao’s platoon were killed and wounded, paying a heavy price for their kindness with blood.

The war is When the heroes are disarmed and return to the fields, everything returns to the plain life. After all, not every soldier can be a general. The real hero is only for the homeland behind him.

However, time is the most ruthless. After one year, those heroes who once sacrificed their blood and lives for their homes have been gradually forgotten.

This book is nothing, and the heroes who have paid for it are not many people to let others remember them.

But heroes are people too.

If you are a person, you need to eat, if you are a person, you need to wear clothes, and if you are a person, you will grow old.

Since ancient times, beautiful women are like heroes, and they are not allowed to see white heads in the world.

Those who sacrificed on the battlefield in those days were fine, and the grief of their relatives would always be diluted by time, but those soldiers who were wounded or even disabled, after getting older, could not even survive.

Because of their physical disabilities, many people never find a partner in their entire lives. Because of their physical disabilities, their lives are inherently more difficult than others.

The meager allowance of the year has long been exhausted in the pain of day and night. When everyone forgot them, they could only survive.

Like an old dog, lingering on.

Who will remember those soldiers who used blood to protect their common homeland, and who will remember those martyrs who gave their lives for the country.

They were forgotten.

They were despised.

When you can’t even survive, even the only remaining dignity is trampled on.

No one will remember them, they have long been forgotten in the corner, they can only struggle to the death when they are tortured and injured.

But just when they thought everyone had forgotten them, someone came, someone they trusted the most.

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