The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 451

Vol 3 Chapter 47: The Rolling Wave Under The General Trend


Boulder Capital Trading Division.

Liu Qiang took the phone and started dumbfounded.

Boss, strike again.

After understanding the meaning of this message, Liu Qiang, like George King, began to have a big head.

“Wait for the news from George King. After the news comes, I want you to completely destroy the Thai baht within three days, and you must destroy the Bank of Thailand in the shortest possible time.”

Thinking of this sentence, Liu Qiang’s scalp is numb like an ant on a hot pan.

What to do in case of an accident!

What if Thailand strikes back strongly!

What if I can’t do it!

Liu Qiang began to panic.

After confirming from George King that his boss was on strike again, Liu Qiang panicked as if he had lost his backbone.

Can I accomplish such an important task?

I can!

I can not……

Destroy the baht and the central bank of Thailand.

This is attacking a sovereign country.

The huge psychological pressure made Liu Qiang unable to act.

He always thought he was capable of any level of competition.

But when things came to an end, he realized that he might not be able to do it.

For the competition of a country’s currency, it is the think tank team of the entire country to face.

Behind the Bank of Thailand, there are the top professional-level talents in Thailand’s finance.

The market is full of uncertainties.

Once the Thai side organizes a strong counterattack strategy, no one knows what will happen.

In the past, every Boulder Capital attack was done by Liu Qiang.

However, behind the tactical action, there is always a complete strategic deployment and offensive and retreat strategy.

But this time.

Nothing at all.

There is no help you can ask for when you encounter a problem, no order you can get in case of an accident, and there is no pillar of optimism that is like a needle to fix the sea.


what do I do!

“Liu, are you listening?”

Under George King’s questioning, Liu Qiang couldn’t help clenching his fists to stabilize his flustered mind.

I can.

I can do it.

The excitement and tension made Liu Qiang’s hands tremble slightly.


After a few deep breaths, Liu Qiang’s heartbeat gradually calmed down.

he asked.

“George. Did the boss tell you anything else.”

“Liu, I’m sorry. Except for letting me inform you, there is nothing else. But don’t worry, I will cooperate with you at any time.”

“I know. But what if an accident happens…”

“Liu. Are you nervous?”

“George, this is attacking a country, aren’t you nervous at all?”

“Oh, you don’t have to be nervous at all. Let me tell you a story. I used to be nervous before every exam question, to the point of getting a stomachache. I was nervous about studying, nervous about job interviews. But then I wasn’t nervous because I It turns out that being nervous doesn’t help at all, it doesn’t do anything other than make it worse.”

Liu Qiang was silent.

Come over for a moment, he said.

“George, thank you!”

“Don’t thank me. Liu, get ready for the most important exam in your life, come on!”



Southeast Asia Economic Weekly, a newspaper company affiliated to News Corp.

Due to its professional and rational analytical attitude in finance and economics, the weekly has a high reputation in Southeast Asian countries.

February fifteenth.

It was the day that Southeast Asia Weekly was published.

The Impact of Fed Rate Cuts on Emerging Markets

Since the second half of last year, the Fed has cut interest rates by a total of 1% basis point.

Stimulated by the rate cut, the U.S. economy has begun to recover.

The U.S. stock market hit a new high, and the real estate industry also began to stabilize.

According to the latest statistics, the US home price index climbed 0.69 basis points.

The US dollar also climbed from the lowest point of 77.285 the previous year to 97.389.

As the dollar continued to strengthen, large-scale hot money flowed into the United States.

But for emerging market countries, it is bound to bear a lot of pressure.

The dollar rose again after a short-term correction, and the national currencies of various countries were under pressure. The yen fell nearly 1.5 percent in yesterday’s session.

As Asia’s largest economy, the yen’s decline is bound to pass the pressure on to the rest of the region.

Because Japan’s industry, electronics, and automobile manufacturing have very strong competitiveness in Asia and even the world.

As the yen weakens, Japanese products will quickly occupy more markets.

Therefore, in the face of the weakening of the yen, the trade gap of many countries will be tilted again, and the national currencies of emerging market countries will also face enormous pressure.

Take Thailand as an example.

In the first half of the month, during the consolidation phase of the dollar, the Thai baht rebounded by nearly 10 percent.

But the baht is likely to remain overvalued after the dollar’s pullback ends.

Thailand’s main debtor is Japan.

With the weakening of the yen, Japanese consortiums and commercial banks are bound to shrink their overseas capital investment, which is particularly unfavorable for Thailand, which is absorbing overseas capital.

According to sources.

Japan’s Mitsui Group’s Toyota Motor, Sumitomo Rubber Company, and Suzuki Motor Company will fully divest from Thailand.

This is no less than a blow to Thailand, where the situation has just stabilized.

An executive of Sumitomo Bank, who did not want to be named, said that in order to avoid Sumitomo’s greater losses in Thailand, it will stop the credit line to Thailand and hope to recover the 30 billion yen credit loan to Thailand as soon as possible.

With the current overseas liabilities of Thailand, once the credit loans in various aspects are contracted, the Thai baht will face even greater pressure.

“Hong Kong Telecom”, founded in 1956, was acquired by Star Media in 1995.

The telecommunication news has a large listening rate in Hong Kong.

news from Thailand.

Chavalit officially resigned a week ago under pressure due to the corruption scandal of former prime minister Chavalit.

The new Thai Prime Minister Seni Bhamo will take office in a week.

Thurney Bummer is a Democrat.

People from all walks of life in Thailand have different views on the appointment of Seni Bhamo.

Bawang Kenlai, a famous Thai economist, said.

Thurney Barmer knew nothing about the economy, and his succession simply represented the interests of the Democratic Party.

Thailand now needs a prime minister who is proficient in economics and finance, but Seni Bhamo’s position in the civilian government is difficult to qualify for today’s prime minister.

The Free Thai movement also organized a massive protest.

Protests against the Prime Minister’s election are rigged.

The leader of the Free Thai Movement said.

In the current Prime Minister’s election, he has received multiple letters indicating that the election of Seni Bamo only represents the interests of the democratic parties.

He called on the Thai side to openly re-run elections.


Bank of Thailand headquarters.

In the president’s office, Sonny looked gloomily at the newspaper on the table.

Almost every newspaper has, intentionally or unintentionally, debunking some of the things covered up in Thailand.

What is even more annoying is that some unscrupulous media directly wrote some unwarranted things to maliciously damage Thailand’s image.

As a central bank governor, Sonny is keenly aware of the conspiracy.

But there was nothing Sonny could do about it.

The relationship between domestic media organizations is complicated, and the continuous fermentation of the Chavalit scandal is obviously the result of the struggle between the Democratic Party, the military, and the Free Thai Movement.

He, the central banker, simply can’t get involved.

And overseas media, he is not even qualified to intervene.

“The **** thing.

What time is it now, it is still fighting between the open and the dark.

hateful! ”

Sonny slapped the table hard to vent his dissatisfaction.

But in the end, Sonny fell silent again.

Because he knew that no matter how angry he was, nothing would change.

Under the general trend, even if he is the president of a country, he is just a drop of water that cannot control himself in the rolling tide.

“Today, I, Li Dabao, would rather be criticized by thousands of people and have to say something.

Thailand is a country made up of tens of millions of people.

Although the Thai baht has an inevitable downward trend under fundamentals, when it comes to the lives of tens of millions of people, I sincerely appeal to capital from all walks of life to give the Thai government more time.

It can also give the Thai people more time.

Once the baht falls again, Thailand will become a **** on earth.

Maybe millions of people will lose their jobs, maybe hundreds of thousands of people will not be able to buy daily necessities, so I urge everyone not to short the baht…..

Southeast Asia Economic Channel Jushi Capital chief analyst Li Dabao gave the Thai baht a one-star rating after analyzing Thailand’s fundamentals.

This is a bearish rating.

However, after Li Dabao gave Thailand and the Thai baht credit ratings, he still appealed to hope that capital from all walks of life can give Thailand more time to adjust its own problems.

Li Dabao’s attitude was very sincere, so sincere that he almost believed it himself.

Therefore, some people couldn’t help but scold the mother.


Boulder Capital Trading Department.

Liu Qiang looked at Li Dabao, who was speaking from the bottom of his heart, and cursed fiercely on the TV.

“This thing, it’s really not a thing.”

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