The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 459

Vol 3 Chapter 54: If You Want To Rob, Of Course, Robbing The Richest (Part 1)

Zhang Hua is not young anymore.

But Zhang Hua, who is no longer young, feels that he is getting younger and younger.

He felt as if he suddenly had inexhaustible strength.


Xinghuang Hotel.

In a presidential suite on the top floor, 53-year-old Zhang Hua is working hard like an old scalper.



Under Zhang Hua’s hard work, a woman’s soft humming could be heard from time to time in the room.

Two very different voices.

One, with a hint of sharpness; one with a slightly lower voice.

two women.

Both of them are top-notch women.

A young, beautiful, and charming woman.

The one with long hair and shawl has a face of national beauty. If anyone sees it outside, it will even attract screams from the crowd.

Because, her name is Huang Yingying.

Although it is only a second-tier star in Hong Kong, it also has a huge fan base in the mainland.

Taking the route of youth, she is the dream lover of countless young people.

But no one could have imagined that Huang Yingying, a star, was lying on top of another woman, making shy voices from time to time.

Huang Yingying is not bad for singing.

That sharp voice represented her beautiful singing voice.

The girls under Huang Yingying have short hair.

She is slim without losing her **** and plump figure.

With that convex and concave figure, any normal man will have some kind of fantasy when he sees it.

Wang Anqi.

A well-known underwear model in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, she is known as a **** goddess with her glamorous and swaying figure.

Although it does not have as many fans as Huang Yingying.

But he also has a lot of fame in the modeling world, and even once appeared on the cover of a fashion magazine.

However, now she no longer has the goddess model when she was on the catwalk.

The **** goddess also fell into the world.

After a long time.

Huang Yingying and Wang Anqi both knelt on the bed and didn’t want to move again.

Even if the two of them are not as old as Zhang Hua, they are not Zhang Hua’s opponents at all.

After more than two hours of extreme sports, the two could only beg for mercy and surrender.

“Boss Zhang. You spared me!”

“Oops. President Zhang, it’s too bad!”

“Ha ha…”

Zhang Hua laughed out loud.

He laughed and scolded.

“You two little girls are still shy, come back at night and clean up you.”

“Destroy you.”

“You can’t let people stop.”

“Ha ha…”

The refreshed Zhang Huamingjin drew back his troops and slapped the two very different fat buttocks, and then he started to get out of bed and put on his clothes.

Suits, shirts, ties, shoes.

As soon as the clothes were changed, Zhang Hua, who had a big belly, seemed to be a different person.

The red light is full of extraordinary demeanor, and there is a trace of the majesty of a big leader.

However, Zhang Hua was not satisfied with this.

He carefully sorted out his clothes in front of the mirror.

Tie, a little biased.

The collar of the suit is slightly pressed.

Finally, after some serious sorting out, Zhang Huacai showed a satisfied smile.

“Little darlings, have a good rest. Let’s do something deeper when I come back in the evening.”



“Ha ha…”

Zhang Hua turned around and walked out the door with a big smile.

But after going out, the slutty smile on his face disappeared instantly.

The whole person is like a different person.

Where is the lewdness and shamelessness of the past.

“Mr. Zhang. Shall we go now?”

Not far from the door, Wang Dong, the driver and part-time bodyguard, asked.

Zhang Hua nodded.

“Well. Go there now, don’t let it wait too long there.”

Zhang Hua’s face was calm, but his heart was still excited.

Even if he vented on the two peerless stunners, he still couldn’t restrain the excitement.

Because he is going to do something big today.

A big, big thing.


Lucky Holding Group.

Early in the morning, Chao Zhibin, the chairman of the company, was standing at the gate of the company, looking left and right.

Accompanying Chao Zhibin were the senior management of various departments of the company.

The group was mighty and mighty, and it was obvious that they were welcoming someone.

Suddenly, someone shouted.

“Mr. Chao. Here we go.”

Chao Zhibin was shocked and looked up quickly.

A silver-gray Bentley followed by three or two Mercedes-Benzes was approaching the door of the company.

After a while, the car stopped.

Chao Zhibin immediately greeted him.


A middle-aged man with a pot belly stepped out of the Bentley.

It was Zhang Hua who rode two fast horses in the morning.

Chao Zhibin said immediately.

“Old Zhang. You made me wait.”

“Haha. Old fashion. Isn’t this a traffic jam! Forgive me, forgive me!”

Zhang Hua laughed.

Block your sister’s car.

What kind of traffic jams this early in the morning.

Chao Zhibin cursed inwardly, but his face did not reveal the slightest.

no way.

Who caused the current Jixiang Automobile to encounter financial troubles, and the gold masters like turning a stone into gold can’t be found anywhere.

Chao Zhibin also laughed.

“Haha. Old Zhang, I’m afraid you didn’t drive your car to block other people’s doors.”

Zhang Hua didn’t mind Chao Zhibin’s jokes.

Both of them are from Zhedong, and their relationship for more than ten years is there, and they usually make jokes like this.

In Chao Zhibin’s ridicule, Zhang Hua put his head to Chao Zhibin’s ear and whispered.

“Old tide. You guessed it right. Two, Lao Zhang, I drove two cars in the morning, but I ran out of gas in both cars. I don’t admire it!”

“Just blow it up. At your age, if you don’t drive a car wrong, I’ll give you your surname.”

“Hey. No one will believe me when I tell the truth. If you don’t believe me, it will open your eyes next time.”

“That’s what you said. If you don’t treat me, I can’t stop with you.”

“Small idea. Hong Kong and Taiwan, Europe and the United States. You can choose. I have everything covered.”


The atmosphere is very harmonious.

Harmony Zhang Hua came to Zhejiang Jixiang Group to discuss the level of driving.

But after an hour, everything changed.

The meeting room of the office building of Jixiang Holding Group.

Representatives of Dianshichengjin and Jixiang Group are discussing a cooperation project.

A project for a car production company.

But it didn’t take long for the talks to lead to serious differences between the two sides.

Zhang Hua said that Dianshichengjin can invest 300 million to invest in the automobile company that Jixiang Group is going to set up.

But it has to be 90 percent of the car company.

Auspicious Group, responsible for all the overall operation processes of the automobile company, holds 10% of the shares.

This is an outrageous and demanding cooperation requirement.

Therefore, Chao Zhibin was dissatisfied.

“Old Zhang. You are not interesting. We are lucky, we have developed the first Huaguo-made magnesia-aluminum curved plate, and we have also built Huaguo’s first luxury scooter. Isn’t it enough to have a stone with you? Chengjin cooperation?”

“Old tide. You misunderstood. If I didn’t have the heart to cooperate with you, how could I come to visit in person. We are very interested in the car research and development project you proposed earlier.”

“Then what do you mean by only giving us 10% of the shares of Lucky, we do all the emotional work, and the benefits are all yours. This is absolutely not possible, 10%, if you don’t say I won’t agree, the company’s other Shareholders will not agree.”

Chao Zhibin’s attitude is very tough, and his tone is also a little unkind, showing that he is very dissatisfied with the harsh requirements of turning stone into gold.

In this regard, Zhang Hua just smiled.

After a moment, he spoke.

“Mr. Chao. You really don’t think about it seriously? If you don’t agree to cooperate with us, I don’t think your car company needs to be built. With our strength, we can definitely find a better partner.”

This time, Chao Zhibin was completely annoyed.

Lucky Holding Group is a company that has been developing for nearly ten years.

In the entire Zhejiang region, it is also an old-fashioned company that is known to others.

But now he is being mocked and threatened like this.

This is downright humiliation.

“Bang” with a loud noise.

Chao Zhibin slammed **** the table and stood up.

“Mr. Zhang. What do you mean? Feelings, you really look down on our Jixiang Group. 300 million is a lot of money, but don’t use these 300 million as US dollars. There is no one to cooperate with any company. I can accept your demanding requirements. It’s not that we can’t raise the 300 million funds. So I hope Mr. Zhang can take back what you just said.”

“Mr. Chao. I’m sorry. What I said to Zhang Hua, I never took it back. I can assure you that if Jixiang Group doesn’t cooperate with us, there is really no need to start another car company. I’m not I’m threatening you, I’m not intimidating you, I’m stating a fact.”

Chao Zhibin was simply mad.

Where is there such a negotiation.

This is simply unstoppable.

How can the dignified auspicious group suffer such humiliation.

Chao Zhibin gritted his teeth.

“Excuse me to turn stone into gold is too noble, we can’t afford it. President Zhang, then I won’t keep you, and I won’t send you far.”

Zhang Hua is happy.

Yi Le, this guy couldn’t help but laugh.

“Haha…Old tide, you are still the same impatient 20 years ago. By the way, there is one thing I may not have said just now. Do you want to listen to it again?”

Chao Zhibin glared at Zhang Hua, but the old wave still made him suppress the anger in his heart.

In the final analysis, Dianshichengjin is currently the largest investment company in China. If the investment from Dianshichengjin cannot be obtained, it will indeed take a while for Jixiang Group’s automobile company to be established again.

Chao Zhibin endured his anger.

“you say.”

“Actually, you said it for me just now. We really used 300 million dollars as US dollars. Because the 300 million we invested was not RMB. It was US dollars. 300 million US dollars.”

“Three hundred million dollars…”

. m.

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