The Rebirth Waste Strikes Back

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 My heart is like a stone, I will never r


“You go in yourself.” Yan Shaofu led Yan Shaorong to the door.

Yan Shaorong carried his hand and took a look at Xiao Shaofu. “Three brothers, you don’t go with me!”

“Father is getting angry, you still ask for more happiness.” Yan Shaofu revealed a look that could not help.

Yan Shaorong: “…” Yan Shaorong looked at the back of Yan Shaofu, picked up an eyebrow, and said: “There is a waste.”

Yan Shaorong walked into the house and looked at the majestic middle-aged man, faintly screaming “Father.”

Yan Yao twisted his eyebrows, full of picky, and looked at Shao Shaorong up and down. “You and Zhuang Yu’s marriage is yellow?”

Yan Shaorong nodded and said: “Yes.”

“You don’t blame others, you don’t live up to expectations, don’t blame others for not seeing you.”

Yan Shaorong nodded and said: “This is natural, I am a magical Wu Ren, where is the Zhuang ” ”!”

“Zhuang Yu, this kid, is really powerful. If there is no accident, he will be sanctified in the future.” Yao Yao is full of appreciation.

Yan Shaorong looked at Yao Yao, could not help but secretly said: Zhuang Hao is so good, Yao Yao fears that it is his son, but unfortunately, this guy can’t live.

“One thing, I want to tell you.”

Yan Shaorong nodded and said: “What?”

“Since you and Zhuang Yi did not have a fate, I pointed your sister to Zhuang Wei, fat water does not flow outside the field, I hope you do not make trouble.” Yan Yao is full of warning.

Yan Shaorong smiled and said: “If Zhuang Yi can marry five sisters, I am naturally optimistic.”

“You can justify it.”

Yan Shaorong looked at Yao Yao and said: “Father, if there is nothing else, I will leave first.”

“The admission certificate of Tianzhu College has already been given to you. Don’t forget to report it due to expiration. Although you are a demon person, you must learn something else, or marry a good family.”

Yan Shaorong nodded and said: “I know.”

Yan Yao hesitated for a while and said: “Do you know the evil doctor?”

“There have been a few faces.”

“Zhuang Yu is like a good impression on a sinister. If a sinister can say a few words to your sister, Zhuang Yi must be listening.”

Yan Shaorong smiled and said: “I know, but I am not very familiar with evil doctors. I may not say anything.”

“You try your best.”

Yan Shaorong went out, and his mouth sneered a bit. He was really a personal talent, looking for him to match Shao Shaoru and Zhuang Yu.

Qi Shaorong walked out of the hall, and Shao Shaoru came over to Yan Shaorong. “Four brothers can be regarded as coming back. I heard that the fourth brother came to the brothel when he came. Four brothers, you are enough to be embarrassed. You still don’t know how to clean yourself. You want our family to be a laughing stock with you.”

Yan Shaorong looked at Yan Shaoru and said: “Your fourth brother is a laughing stock. It is not too bad to be a little more and less shameful. It is the five sisters. The father wants to give you the genius of the dealer. You are still good at self-cultivation. The number of people who want to marry Zhuang is that if you know that you are a shrew, you can’t play.”

“You…” Yan Shaoru stared at Yan Shaorong with some anger, and pressed the fireway: “Four brothers, don’t blame Zhuang for you, you are too far away from Zhuang.”

Yan Shaorong was close to Yan Shaoru and said: “Who said it is not, but the five sisters, you and Zhuang Yi are not too close, the little girl of Yijia, but more than you.”

“Because Yi Xuexue has retired from your marriage, would you like me to deal with her?” Yan Shaoru is ironic.

“How come I am jealous of you, you really want to marry Zhuang Yi, Yi Chuan Xue can not make trouble?” Yan Shaorong casually said.

Yan Shaoru stared at Shao Shaorong and said: “Nothing about you.”

“It’s not my business, I am going to sleep, five sisters are busy.” Yan Shaorong said.

Yan Shaoru looked at the back of Yan Shaorong and screamed and said: “What stuff.”

“Less Ru, what are you doing?”

“Second brother, you are back!” , , , , , , , ,

Yan Shaokang looked at Yan Shaoru and said: “You just talked to the four brothers?”

“Yeah! This guy is poor in temper, but his temper is not small. He doesn’t know what his father is looking for. He used to check his qualifications. We lost a lot of faces!” Yan Shaoru frowned.

Yan Shaokang looked at Yan Shaoru and said: “The four brothers are not as simple as you think. He has friendship with the evil doctors and the blue clouds. You still don’t want to be too stiff.”

“A quack doctor, a song-song, what did you count?”

“There is no such thing as saying.”

Yan Shaoru frowned and said: “Second brother, I will not tell you, I am going to find Zhuang.”

Yan Shaokang looked at Yan Shaoru and shook his head. He said, “In the end, it is a girl extrovert, go!”

Yan Shaosheng rushed away, and Shao Shaoyu came out from the shadows. Xiao Shaozhen quietly raised his eyes, and the eyes of the glass beads were clear and black. “Two brothers, is the father interested in matching the five sisters and Zhuang?”

Yan Shaokang nodded and said: “Yes!”

“I see Zhuang’s vision is very high, the five sisters want to impress Zhuang, I am afraid it is not easy!”

Yan Shaokang looked at Xiao Shao, and said: “The woman who can be matched with Shangzhuang is not yet born. However, if Zhuang Yi does not want to be alone, he will always have one.”

Xiao Shao nodded and said: “What is said! If you are not good, you will find it cheaper for the five sisters.”

The hospital of the evil doctor.

“Young Master, you are back.”

Yan Shaorong changed the clothes of a sinister doctor and put on a mask and sat in a courtyard.

“I am a family, I am so mad, I have already discussed with the old man, I moved out to live.” A few juniors in the family, there are other hospitals outside, Yao Yao heard his request, just let him feel free, also There is no mention of subsidizing the room rate.

Yan Heng blinked and said: “Your father agreed?”

“Agree, the old man knows that I don’t have to sway in front of his eyes. I guess I am very happy.” Yan Shaorong fanned the fan, and some irritated.

“The situation is better than I thought! I am still surprised that you will be repaired by your father.”

Yan Shaorong smiled coldly and said: “That wouldn’t be the case. The old man still counted on me to give Shao Shaoru and Zhuang Yu the pimp.”

“Your father can be really creative!” Yan Hengdao, Zhuang Yi was originally the object of Qi Shaorong’s marriage contract! As a result, Yan Yao is really a big heart, looking for Shao Shaorong and Qi Shaoru and Zhuang Yi.

Yan Shaorong squinted and said: “No! Look at him, Zhuang Yu is like his own son, but unfortunately! Zhuang Yi, he can’t live.”

Yan Heng smiled and comforted: “You are not worse than Zhuang, the old guy is not aware of the goods.”

A gust of wind rang, and Xiao Shaorong blinked and said: “Someone is coming.”

Zhuang Qian’s enthusiasm came in, and Xiao Shaorong looked at the people, and his face flashed a bit of helplessness. “A Qian, how come you?”

“The evil doctor, Yu Shaorong came to the emperor.” Zhuang Qiandao.

Yan Shaorong nodded and said: “I know, I have seen him, Shaorong, the longer and more handsome, Zhuang Shao, you say?”

“Where is his brother handsome?”

“What is your brother’s handsome, a little white face.” Yan Shaorong said.

Zhuang Qian: “…”

Zhuang Qian scratched his head and said: “My brother is not so bad.”

“It’s too small, not mature enough.” Yan Shaorong said.

Zhuang Qian has some helpless words: “The evil doctor, you are too thick and thin, then Yan Shaorong is no bigger than my brother. He is a little younger than my brother. I really want to say it, but I have to call my brother.”

Yan Shaorong: “…” Calling brother, dreaming!

“How can he and your brother be the same?”

At that time, when he was killed by the crazy woman who bought the fake goods, he was already thirty-four years old. Counting the ten years of this world, he is already 50 years old, and Zhuang Wei’s such a lack of heart. Kid, can compare with him, if he is really and Zhuang Yu, the dead kid is in a piece, it seems that there is a bit of suspicion that the old cow is eating young grass!

“The evil doctor, you are so thick and thin!” Zhuang Qian could not help but say.

The evil doctor nodded and said, “Yes! I am like this.”

Zhai Shaorong and Zhuang Qian spoke here, and Zhuang Yu came in.

“The sinister doctor, I haven’t seen you for a long time! A few days ago, I came to see you, I heard that you went out.”

Yan Shaorong nodded and said: “Yes, is there something for me?”

“The royal family raised a green winged tiger king, do you know?”

Yan Shaorong nodded and said: “Know.” The Green Wing Tiger King is a nine-level spirit beast and a symbol of the royal family. The tiger king’s fighting power is amazing. If the tiger king is in trouble, the royal power will be greatly affected. influences. “Is it sick?”

Zhuang Yu shook his head and said: “No, but its son is ill, and the Qingyi Tiger King is extremely difficult to breed. For more than 100 years, he has got a tiger scorpion. However, the tiger scorpion is sick now.”

Yan Shaorong looked at Zhuang Wei and said: “You come to me, I don’t want to let the doctor look at the tiger.”

Zhuang Yi nodded and said: “Yes, I want you to see. After the tiger scorpion is sick, the tiger king becomes very violent. If the evil doctor can cure the tiger scorpion, the royal family owes you a favor. “”

Yan Shaorong nodded and touched his chin. He said: “It sounds good.” Compared to his family, he is too weak.

Zhuang Yu looked at Xiao Shaorong and said: “What do you mean by the evil doctor?”

Yan Shaorong smiled and said: “Let’s find a time, I will accompany you for a trip.”

Yan Shaorong took a deep breath and said: In that year, he changed to become a cosmetic doctor. His grandfather, excitedly ran to the hospital to come to the market. If the old man knew that he was getting worse and worse, he was veterinarian. I don’t know what it was. .

Zhuang Xiao smiled, and some happy words: “Okay!”

“The evil doctor, Yu Shaorong came to the emperor…” Zhuang Yu hesitated.

Yan Shaorong nodded and said: “Your brother has already said that Shaorong has been here today.”

“Your relationship is good!” Zhuang said.

“of course.”

Zhuang Yu bowed his head, and the wine glass in his hand fell into silence. Yan Shaorong looked at Zhuang Wei and said, “You are fine.”

Zhuang Yan shook his head and said: “Nothing.”

“Zhuang Wei, you said that one day, will you regret remarriage?” asked Xiao Shaorong.

Zhuang Yan frowned and said: “I don’t have a little emotional foundation with Yan Shaorong. I don’t agree with such a blind marriage. Whether or not Shao Shaorong is a waste material, I will remarriage.”

Yan Shaorong stared at Zhuang Wei and looked at it for a long time. He said: “Zhuang Shaoye, very personality.”

Zhuang Wei: “…”

“In any case, please remember, you said, do not regret.” Yan Shaorong said.

Zhuang Yuman looked at Yan Shaorong seriously and said: “My heart is like a stone, and I will never regret it.”

Yan Shaorong smiled and spit out two words. “Very good!” Yan Shaorong smiled like a flower, and paused again: “Zhuang Shaoye, anyway, please remember today’s words, it will be beneficial.”

Zhuang Qian looked at the evil doctor, and there was a little bad feeling in his heart.

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