The reborn giant beast was summoned by his girlfriend

Chapter 255 Race Evolution Plan, Interstellar Colonization Plan

At this time, Xu Manman was also in Southeast City.

She lives in a suburban villa area near the area where her home was in Southeast Base City 20 years ago.

A three-story luxury villa covering an area of ​​several thousand square meters.

Xu Manman lives here alone, her parents and grandfather live elsewhere.

In the past 20 years, due to policy changes in Blue Star and the spirit animal world, her family's company has also adjusted its business direction. No matter how it changes, her company is getting bigger and better.

Today, Xu's company is already a world-famous company.

Xu Manman does not need to make money and lives a very wealthy life.

At this time, she was practicing an improved version of the "Xinghuan Meditation Method".

Ever since Zhang Xiaohui took control of the Tower of Spiritual Beasts, she has shared all the secrets and practices in it with the Blue Star Human Alliance in order to promote the strength of the entire Blue Star human race.

"Xinghuan Meditation Method", as the best meditation method of the Hungu people, is not completely suitable for human physique.

Therefore, after many revisions, it was promoted in Blue Star and became a meditation method for summoners.


Xu Manman opened her eyes in the practice room, her eyes shining with light.

She is already in her forties, but she does not have the figure of a middle-aged woman at all. She still looks like a young and beautiful girl in her twenties.

That's because of her current strength: God of War realm!

The cultivation of human warriors is a process of evolution, and the essence of life is evolving.

Whenever you break through a major realm, your life span will be extended.

From the super power realm to the God of War realm, it is a qualitative change.

And the breakthrough from the God of War Realm to the Vacuum Realm is a qualitative change.

Xu Manman's grandfather Xu Lai is still alive because he broke through from the super power realm to the God of War realm.

With Xu Lai's potential, it would have been impossible to break through to the God of War realm. But with the relationship between Xu Manman and Zhang Xiaohui, it would not be difficult for her to obtain the evolutionary crystal.

"My current spiritual power has reached 2. The level of a high-level God of War, haha."

Xu Manman is very happy. The high-level God of War is not far from the vacuum realm.

Although her talent was top-notch before, it was not easy to break through to the God of War realm. In the past, the God of War realm was extremely rare and precious. There were only two or three Gods of War in a base city with 100 million people.

Since Lin He continued to produce evolutionary crystals, the number of war gods on Blue Star has increased.

His evolution crystal is battleship level. If he just wants to evolve from the super energy realm to the God of War realm, he doesn't need a whole evolution crystal at all.

After research by human scientific research institutions, his evolutionary crystals can be diluted and divided into many parts, and can be used by human warriors to help break through bottlenecks.

Many warriors who were trapped in high-level super realms were able to break through.

For example, Su Changqing has also reached the God of War realm.

Lin He's evolutionary crystal is very magical. Research shows that if his evolutionary crystal is taken directly, it is rich in a lot of crude evolutionary energy.

If it is eaten directly by a spiritual beast, it will evolve into a starry sky beast, similar to Lin He's bloodline.

Even if human warriors eat it directly, there is a possibility of "mutation", that is, turning into a conscious monster like Luo Wei.

Therefore, after years of research, human technology can change the effect of the evolutionary crystal by adding various ingredients, making the evolutionary crystal become "normal" and no longer "mutate".

"I wonder where Xiaohui is now?"

Xu Manman turned on her smart watch and contacted Zhang Xiaohui.

Zhang Xiaohui has been very busy these years, and various plans require her participation, so she is always moving around Blue Star, the spirit beast world, and the starry sky.

Xu Manman needs to make an appointment if she wants to find her.

"Hey, Xiaohui, where are you? I have good news for you. I have reached the high level of the God of War!"

"Hehe, congratulations, treat me to dinner later. I'm preparing to go to another planet now. I'll go find you when I'm done."

Zhang Xiaohui responded quickly.

"Okay, you get busy first."

Xu Manman just hung up the call and received a video call request from her mother.

"Hey, Mom."

She connected to the video.

On the other end of the video is her mother Zhang Ying. Her mother still looks like a middle-aged person who still has charm, and is quite elegant.

"Manman, didn't I introduce a young man to you before? Why didn't you pay attention to him?"

At Xu Manman's current age, she has not been in love yet, so Zhang Ying is a little anxious.


Xu Manman let out a coquettish voice and said: "I don't want to fall in love, I only have martial arts in my heart. The realm of martial arts is my pursuit. I want to take Xiaohui as my goal and catch up with her."

"What are you comparing to Xiaohui? What is his status? Besides, there is no conflict between martial arts and dating. The young man's family is in good condition and he has good talents. He has already reached the God of War realm in his thirties this year.

In the future, you can also discuss and communicate together and grow together. "

Zhang Ying tried her best to persuade her.

"A war god in his thirties? Just average."

Xu Manman curled her lips, and after a few more excuses, she hung up the call.

"This kid, it's true."

Zhang Ying shook her head helplessly. She knew that Xu Manman was more talented than Zhang Xiaohui because she and Zhang Xiaohui were often together. She felt that even those in their thirties who were in the God of War realm were not considered talented.

Of course, Xu Manman didn't think that others were not talented, it was mainly because she had no intention of falling in love.

She wanted to break through to the vacuum realm as soon as possible, so that her life would be longer and she would be able to enjoy her youth and beauty for a longer period of time. Then she would become a rich woman and go shopping with Xiaohui every day. What a nourishing life that would be.


Summer Alliance.

A remote area, far from the city.

A science fiction-style research base is located here.

Zhang Xiaohui is here, with several staff members wearing special armor standing in front of her.

The special armor of these staff members, in addition to having super strong defense, is also airtight and airtight, and also has various functions such as anti-virus and anti-radiation.

This special armor is similar to a "space suit."

They all held various instruments and equipment in their hands.

This research base studies the development of other planets in the universe!

Lin He's existence makes the development of other planets hundreds of times easier than before. They don't need to study warships or rockets that can fly from Blue Star to other planets.

All he needed to do was find a suitable planet and let Zhang Xiaohui open the summoning gate.

"Are you ready?"

Zhang Xiaohui looked at the group of people in front of him.

The group of people nodded.

"The planet environment is better this time, so there won't be any accidents."

Zhang Xiaohui thought.

These staff members are all at least super warriors, and there are two gods of war among them. Coupled with the special armor protection, even if you are suddenly exposed to a strange planet environment, your life will not be endangered.

Then, she opened the summoning door with a diameter of five meters.

The staff brought various instruments and equipment through the summoning door. Along with the staff, there is also a fully automatic unmanned detection vehicle.

<divclass="contentadv">After everyone passes, the summoning door closes.

In front of the staff, a new and completely unfamiliar planet appeared.

The dark blue sky, the grass-green earth, the red sun, and the two "moons" hanging high.

In the universe, every planet is different, and no planet has exactly the same environment.

There are all kinds of strange planets.

The task of these staff members is to analyze whether the planet's environment is suitable for human habitation. It doesn't have to be a place to live. It can also be used as a resource planet if it has abundant resources.

In the past twenty years of development, they have developed three resource planets.

Where the staff appeared, there was a giant beast as tall as a mountain.

This giant beast is none other than Lin He. They have become accustomed to Lin He's presence, and can successfully complete various tasks in the face of overwhelming momentum.

"Collecting air, collecting soil, collecting water samples, measuring stars, radiation testing..."

They completed various tasks in an orderly manner.

Lin He, on the other hand, was bored and had to stay aside.

At first, when he flew into space, he was very excited and full of novelty.

But he soon got tired of it. Ninety-nine percent of the planets were desolate planets without any signs of life and no resources. They were just desolate lands with harsh environments.

And these planets are far apart.

Lin He often needs a month or two to fly from one planet to another.

He is not far from Blue Star and has only explored a few hundred planets.

This planet is the second planet found to have an atmosphere. Even if there is an atmosphere, it does not mean it is suitable for human habitation.

As Yun Mengqing said before, finding a habitable planet in the vast starry sky is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Lin He was not in a hurry, as his strength was increasing as usual.

With his physique, even the rocks and mineral resources on a deserted planet can be digested and absorbed by him. When he was really bored or needed other resources, he would ask Zhang Xiaohui to open the summoning door and return to the Blue Star or Spirit Beast Realm.

According to the theory of the summoner opening the summoning gate, Zhang Xiaohui opened the summoning gate and connected Blue Star to another distant planet.

Lin He passed through the summoning gate and returned to Blue Star.

At this time, Lin He was beside Zhang Xiaohui. But as long as the time between the last opening of the summoning gate is not long, Zhang Xiaohui can open the summoning gate again at the previous location.

The two sides connected by the summoning gate are still Blue Star and another planet.

When the summoner opens the summoning gate, he will have some kind of special "memory" to remember the spatial locations of the two summoning gates.

Just because Lin He returned to Blue Star, Zhang Xiaohui would not be able to open the summoning door from Blue Star to another planet.

This time interval is generally not long, at most one day.

[Host: Starry Sky Beast·Combat System

Height: 2000 meters

Weight: 1000 billion tons

Telekinesis: 250

Strength: Battleship level nine

Innate abilities: Evolution crystal (third evolution), transfer of all things (third evolution), star gold (third evolution), control of all things with divine thoughts (second evolution), force field field, killing to become a god, annihilation, internal space

Internal space: 1 kilometer by 1 kilometer by one kilometer

Evolution points: 41]

In twenty years, Lin He's weight reached 1 billion tons, his height was meters, and his strength reached the ninth level of battleship level!

His growth rate is countless times faster than Cangming's.

It took Cangming more than a hundred years to reach the ninth level of battleship level from the first level of battleship level.

Lin He's next step is to evolve to the Destroy Star!

That was a new, uncharted territory.

Cangming had not reached the star-destroying strength before.

Lin He's evolution points accumulated to 41 points. He also spent 30 evolution points to evolve the talent of the evolution crystal three times.

Perhaps the talent of "Evolution Crystal" itself comes from a star-level bloodline, and the level is relatively high. Spending 30 evolution points did not produce a qualitative change.

After evolution, this talent only allowed Lin He to consume less and increase the efficiency of producing evolutionary crystals.

It used to be that one evolutionary crystal was produced a month, but now one evolutionary crystal can be produced in half a month.

His evolutionary crystal is Blue Star's most important resource at present, and will be handed over to the Blue Star Human Alliance for re-production and distribution.

It involves another very important plan: the human race evolution plan.


There are thousands of civilized races in the universe.

These civilized races all have very strong strength.

Lan Xing didn't know much about cosmic civilization, and Yun Mengqing didn't know much about cosmic races.

There is very little relevant information in the Tower of Spiritual Beasts.

Lin He only knew about the Hungu clan and the race that caused the Hungu clan's demise. The strongest ones were those in the void realm (star level).

According to Yun Mengqing, the Hungu tribe is just an ordinary race in the universe, and their strength is not outstanding.

This means that if Blue Star encounters a cosmic race, it will be reduced to rubbish in seconds.

They have just begun to carry out interstellar exploration, and they are too behind compared with the civilization of the universe.

So Lin He and the others were worried about accidentally encountering other cosmic civilizations, although Yun Mengqing said that the probability was very small.

The probability is small, but it does not mean there is no possibility.

For example, the spirit beast world was accidentally discovered by the Hungu tribe thousands of years ago.

Blue Star also inadvertently opened the space door to the spirit beast world.

No matter how small the probability is, the probability of it happening over time will be very high.

Lin He will be very careful when exploring other planets in the universe.

Their top priority is to develop with all their strength.

It is not only the exploration of the universe and the stars, it is not only the acquisition of resources from other planets and the development of science and technology, but more importantly, the development of martial arts strength!

Even in cosmic civilization, the cutting-edge combat power of the ethnic group is the most important.

The generation of cutting-edge combat power is based on the overall bloodline.

Genes are inherited, even in cosmic civilizations. According to the old saying of Blue Star: Dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix, and the son of mouse can dig holes.

In other cosmic races, it is very likely that people are born with super-power level strength, have God of War level strength by adulthood, and can reach vacuum level with a little practice.

This is very possible.

Just like those spirit beasts in the spirit beast world. Some spirit beasts are born with noble blood and can possess SSS-level strength as adults, and can easily evolve to king-level.

The improvement of bloodline depends on the overall improvement, because Lin He's evolution crystal is very important!

Lin He's evolutionary crystal greatly improved the efficiency of human warriors in breaking through bottlenecks.

In the past, the God of War realm was extremely rare.

Nowadays, the God of War Realm is not uncommon, and the number is ten times more than twenty years ago.

Lin He's evolutionary crystal is of battleship level, which makes it easy for warriors to break through to the "vacuum realm".

When his strength increases again, reaching the Destruction Star level, or even the Star level, then the strength of human warriors will also reach this level.

Lin He may not have many evolutionary crystals, but what he brings is an increase in the strength of the entire group.

As long as those top experts continue to multiply and optimize their bloodlines from generation to generation, it won't take long for a powerful human race to be born.

This is the meaning of the stellar starry sky behemoth!

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