The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 149 - Who is willing to give a good daughter to a paralytic?

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

“What to do?” While Nie Wuying was worried for her sister-in-law, in the Ruyi Garden, the master of Nanzhang County was crying with tears in her eyes, tearing at the sleeve of the acting princess and weeping. It was neither cold nor hot. I didn’t hold back this time, and counted her niece in front of everyone. Where would she help King Wei? “

The acting princess princess glared, and said badly: “You should know so much earlier, wouldn’t it be all right ?!”

“How can I know that the surname Jiang is in that pavilion?” Mumbled the director of Nanzhang County, “I know I won’t go in-the most hateful is the Song! If it wasn’t for your mother, please help her and Cousin Dou Coaxed cousin Nie, and sent me to accompany their aunts with King Wei, who was impatient to wander around this winter? As a result, she sat idly by Yuan Xuepei and gave Jiang Muxun a bias, but she even went to face me in person! “

She grew more and more annoyed, “I didn’t want to think about how Jiang Muyi’s daughter-in-law treated her when she was having a feast at first? This would leave serious relatives unhelpful and turn her elbows outward! I can’t bear complaining that other girls would not see her. Taking her as a slave, she was still rushing to make cows and horses for others! It’s just a cheap bone! Cousin Ah Xu was just blind, so he picked such a thing as his wife! “

The acting princess princess sneered, “What do you know? You said that the Song family and the surname Yuan, these two people helped Jiang Muxi to get out, purely for personal relationships or quarrels? They are simply trying to win by your stupid opportunity People’s hearts-originally, the concubine and the Jiang family had a gap with us because of the marriage of King Wei! If you know that you have repeatedly bullied their palm jewels, can you not hate them? In contrast, Song and Yuan’s maintenance of Jiang Muzhen! “

She said coldly, “You say, next to the concubine and the Jiang family, can you not go to the Prince?”

That’s what it said, but seeing her daughter crying endlessly, the acting princess princess couldn’t bear it and sighed, “Fortunately, this thing can be remedied!”

Upon hearing this, the master of Nanzhang County wiped his face with a rush, hoping: “How to remedy it?”

“Don’t you scold Yuan Xuepei for helping Jiang Muxun, did you fancy her?” The princess Dai’s eyes flashed coldly. “Whether it is true or not, let us make it real!”

There was a sneer on her lips, “Xian Fei and the Jiang family have opinions on our mother and daughter, nothing more than arrogance for Jiang Muyu! In this case, if they know, the Prince’s side is trying to match Jiang Muyu and Yuan Xuepei …”

The master of Nanzhang County said suddenly, “They don’t hate the prince!”

Who is willing to give a good daughter to a paralytic?

Hereditary Hou Ye does not work!

Besides, the Jiang family does not lack wealth. Yuan Xuepei, whose power is only a single horse, has lost his leg, is not as good as the Jiang family!

“By that time, the Jiang family or Xian Fei will be the same. Although it will not support King Wei for this reason, it is unlikely that they will take refuge in the prince!” And Princess Yushan, maybe there is still hope to subdue them. How do you say that Xian Fei also raised King Wei as his biological son? As for Jiang Muyi, she has already been defeated by your men. Is it interesting for you to toss her?

The master of Nanzhang County said, “My daughter will be confused for a while, but she won’t do it again-but, have you forgotten it, mother? There is also a king Zhao who is interested! He is a sister-in-law of the palace, in case the Jiang family takes refuge What should I do if King Zhao? “

“Why can’t you be smarter?” The acting princess was helpless. “If the East Palace is empty there, you are also prepared for King Zhao. Now the status of the crown prince raised by the emperor himself is still solid, and you say we are going now What’s so good about calculating King Zhao? Isn’t that helping the Prince! “

After all, “After the emperor’s first move, he can take the throne directly before the spirit without any election, only the Prince! The sister-in-law does not have this power!”

“I’m also afraid that after the prince’s downfall, King Zhao will be too powerful, and it will not be easy to control at that time.” The master of Nanzhang County said that his face was red and white, and felt very unable to get off the stage, and he shouted, “In the end he Not only the sister-in-law and the Su family in Qingzhou, the ancestors have a long history. Although the dynasty can no longer compare with Xiyongna, it is still a well-known family who is known all over the world! “Princess Princess sneered:” Su Does the family need us to worry about it? Others don’t say, those who are behind Ah Xu remember it! If your emperor fights for the reserve, the Su family makes a great effort, and the queen will be with you Yes, how can Su Nianyi still be Ji Guogong because of a single deficiency ?! “

And disdain, “Although your imperial concubine remembers the old feelings, disagrees with everyone, and leaves him lightly-but the old guy is actually pointing at your imperial concubine now, and your imperial concubine is confident and decent when he is alive He doesn’t mind his mercy! Once there is anything wrong with your imperial concubine, he will surely send him on the road immediately, in case the new monarch is young. A great disaster! “

The master of Nanzhang County had nothing to say, so he had to break the topic: “Let Yuan Xuepei and Jiang Muxu falsify, and in the end they only retaliated against the surname of Yuan and Jiang. Does the Song family ignore it?”

“A junior junior, Rou Mei will take her to the table later, I will just ask her directly in front of her!” Princess Dai said, don’t care, “but in the end she is your aunt’s daughter-in-law and A Xu’s wife, We have done too much. Not only will Roume not sit back and watch, but after returning to the imperial capital, your aunt cares little about it. In case of a false run, your grandmother and grandmother will sue before you—your grandmother will be partial to the prince, and she will seize the opportunity. Make a fuss! “

The master of Nanzhang County felt very uneasy, and his eyes turned, and he tempted, “What is too much? For example … you are worried?”

Youlaihe is a blind medicinal material uploaded from the grassland in the past. It is as famous as Baiyujin. It is extremely cold. If a woman takes a little, it will cause difficulties for her daughter-in-law and the hope of salvation is very slim. Queen Su was so successful as a child that she was spoiled for childbirth.

In the heyday of Qingzhou, the power of the Su family, coupled with the power of the Xiyong royal family, gave birth to only two daughters and one son. Among them, the son is several years younger than the eldest daughter. After a generation of pets, he almost ended up without a child.

This is the only example of a woman known to be worried about You Laihe’s secret plan to have children-the problem is that the method of healing has long been lost to the flames of war.

Although Song Yixiao was also considered a noblewoman, she was completely incomparable to the then Soviet Queen. The master of Nanzhang County is convinced that as long as he successfully starts, even if this annoying Song family surrounds the simple and empty white room all day long, don’t even think about having a son and a daughter!

In that case, how could the Empress Dowager, the Princess Jin Guochang, and others not add people to the Palace of Yan Guo?

“It wasn’t a noble birth at all, and it wasn’t possible to give birth! Even if she relied on the seductive methods she learned from her mother-in-law, and temporarily caught her husband’s heart, there will always be a day of old pearls!” , “I won’t need to push the wave again at that time, for the wealth of the Yan State Mansion is too many people to count her down! Dare to help me with the surname Jiang, ha!”

She stared at the Dai Guochang princess eagerly, for fear that her mother-in-law refused.

“Then you do n’t talk too much about it, Song is much smarter than you! If you see a flaw, you will wait for your aunt to find your account! Once your aunt is really angry, your emperor will To let her, I may not be able to protect you at that time! “The acting princess princess thought for a moment, but could not bear to touch her daughter, but reminded,” Her ancestors were brilliant and did not let Su’s, but now they are dying, There’s no basis for it! It is said that Youlai He used the most, and counted those ancestors that year! “

“What’s the use of it again? She wasn’t raised by the Song family.” Nanzhang County’s host responded quickly but Zhenzhen resigned. “What’s more, her father didn’t care about her life or death. How could she mention her? Insight? I bet she never heard the word ‘Youlaihe’! “

The acting head princess didn’t say anything, just waved her hands to let her go to arrange-just the mother and daughter did not expect, in this step by step, the Qingjiang County Lord was persuading Song Yi to laugh: “brother and sister, please enter the door The days are not long, and I still do n’t know much about Aunt Dai Guo’s temper. Although my aunt usually thinks of her mother and has always been kind to us, she is short-lived, often in the presence of her mother.

When Song Yi smiled and heard the words, she immediately remembered that when she met her queen for the first time, the lord of Nanzhang County complained a few words in public because of the pair of haze and misty moon rings given by her queen. Didn’t the princess of the governor immediately quarrel with her sister in great distress?

“Of course, if your mother is here, your aunt will scold you at most, you can bear it, and you will pay for your sin by lowering your head.” Qingjiang Jun continued, “but now the mother is not here, we are all juniors. Once my aunt has a seizure, I may hit you a few times, and I may not be able to stop them all! “

Remembering Jian Xubai’s words, “My aunt caught up at that time, holding the concubine’s placket to open the bow to the left and right,” Song Yi laughed and changed his face!

This master, who even dad to give birth to his mother, dared to slap his face. It was so straightforward to call her a grandmother!

She quickly said: “Then I will return to the imperial capital now? But if I leave, here and outside, can you take care of the elder sister alone?”

The next head, Nie Wuying, was worried for Xunzi on the way back, and she said, “I can help her sister!”

“It’s getting late, and it’s the winter of this winter, how can I rest assured that you are going back now? Besides, you are now back to the imperial capital, and the city gates are closed. It is impossible to sleep outside for another night, right?” Qingjiang The head of the county shook his head and said to Nie Wuying, “It’s five sisters’ help!”

Nie Wuying straightened her spine involuntarily: “Sister, what should I do?”

“Before, we all said that you were a little sick, and now you just follow this reason-just say that when you come back, you suddenly have a cold, and you worry that Buyue Xiaozhu is too close to Ruyi Garden, and she is too sick for her aunt, so I let You moved to a farther place to live! “Qingjiang County main road,” and the four younger sisters, they will take care of you from the past! So you two will not be able to enjoy the skills of your aunt’s cook! “

This makes sense to avoid the party at Ruyi Garden tonight.

After that, “pack up things right away, go out the back door, go to the Yaohuayuan to borrow a night for another night! It ’s too late to clean elsewhere-if it wasn’t for Jiang Muyi, the four younger brothers wouldn’t offend the Wei Wang couple today, I think Even if there is no extra room on the other side of the courtyard, it will not be possible to shut you out! “

After this night, “I will arrange a horse and carriage to return to the imperial capital tomorrow morning! At that time, even if my aunt is going to find you, I will be one step behind!”

After returning to the imperial capital, with the support of the princess of the Jin Dynasty, the princess of the kingdom will have no chance to act!

So, the crisis went smoothly!

Song Yixiao and Nie Wuying looked at each other, and they felt that the countermeasures they had just thought of were not as comprehensive as those of the Qingjiang County Master. Song Yi smiled and said, “Sister Five, I am dragging you down the water today. ! “

“Actually, I also think that Princess Wei is too much!” Nie Wuying heard a flush on her face and pursed her lips-Qingjiang County’s Lord saw her go back for a trip, and her attitude changed greatly. I took the initiative to think for myself and Song Yi with a smile. I was relieved and thought that I was a family. How could I have been troubled before? When I heard that Xunzi was in trouble, I immediately became sensible!

She sighed and watched Nie Wuying retreat, turning her head to see Song Yixiao still sitting there, wondering: “Is there anything else?”

“Sister, under the guise of taking care of my five sisters, I can avoid the Yaohuayuan, but what about the brothers and sisters of the Yuan family?” Song Yi laughed. “In the end, it is the husband’s acquaintance. If my aunt is punished too much …”

“I can’t help this time!” This time the husband ’s name was raised but it was not easy to use, the Qingjiang County chief simply said, “Yuan Xuepei came here to soak in the hot springs, and I gave them my brother and sister somewhere to live, my aunt really If you are in trouble, you just need to send someone to watch the hot spring area, how can they hide away? Unless they are like you, they leave like this without the hot spring, but in the current situation of Yuan Xuepei, there is no hot spring to ease the injury, even the consciousness Can’t sleep, how does he go? “

At this point, I looked at the sky and frowned, “Don’t say that some of them are gone! Don’t go anymore, Ruyi Garden is almost ready there, and someone will be invited to come-in case if it is found, you will I do n’t have a chance to leave! I ’m a deadlifter. If I am aggrieved here, how can I tell Ah Xu? ”

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