The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 162 - Duanmu old lady

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

Until the evening, Song Yi smiled at her husband’s heart-worried appearance, and was surprised: “Mrs. Duanmu, who is that? Don’t you like her coming?”

Jian Xubai shook her head in a complicated look, and said briefly: “She is our grandmother’s sister-I have never met her!”

“It’s weird. I haven’t seen it before. What can I do to make this difficult?” Song Yi reminded him with a smile, only to remember that the tablet that Mrs. Yan Guotai saw at the temple was indeed Jianmen Duanmu.

It was just that this grandmother had died a long time ago, and no one usually mentioned it. She entered the door only a few months ago, and had not even recognized the three relatives and relatives of Jian’s family.

It was very puzzling when I heard this. I fell to my husband’s shoulders and asked curiously, “That’s our grandparents? In this case, I’m afraid we are not qualified to entertain her. At most, please be quiet. If you don’t want to I ca n’t see her a few times when I see her, right? ”

“I heard that my aunt and grandmother are very powerful people.” Jian Xubai smiled reluctantly, and she was clearly out of her mind, saying, “I don’t want to get wind-strapped, and I don’t know if it’s serious?”

Song Yi smiled to see that he was in a bad mood and stopped talking about him. He spoiled him and said, “Less, let’s settle down?”

This night Jian Xu was very restless. Song Yi laughed and was awakened several times by him. If he hadn’t considered that he would go up the next day, he would want to hold him to understand.

On the second day, she left without waking up. After Song Yi laughed and dressed up, she hurriedly used her breakfast and packed up for a meal. Then she took a bus to the palace of the princess of the Kingdom of Jin—the princess saw her very much. Accident: “You only came back yesterday. Why don’t you take a break today?”

“Xie Niang cares!” Song Yi laughed and didn’t go out in circles, and explained easily. “It was just that the daughter-in-law yesterday heard that an elder would come to the emperor after a few years. I was afraid that I was young and inexperienced. When the time came, I would have a face called Hu Jun. So please come and ask for advice! “

The princess of the Kingdom of Jin heard that her face suddenly became strange, and she said after a while: “Did you mean Mrs. Duanmu? Don’t worry, she is your aunt and grandmother. She is very kind and kind. You should be her grandmother … “

Speaking of which I remember here, the daughter-in-law’s grandmother is not reliable, and quickly changed her mouth, “Just look at her as Ah Xu’s grandmother!”

Song Yi responded with a smile, but thought, “Why isn’t mother-in-law mentioning that Mrs. Mu’s face is so right? It’s strange-what is the origin of this master? I have never heard of it before!”

Suddenly I heard the long princess said again, “But don’t mention your uncle in front of her.”

Song Yi said with a smile: “Yes. But I don’t know why?”

“Your uncle is her biological daughter.” The long princess sighed. “It is also her only adult biological flesh-unfortunately, it will be difficult for you to marry your uncle before long. This is a problem for your aunt, grandmother, you The three uncles have been hit hard. This time the old man came over. It is reasonable that your three uncles will go to meet them, but hope that both of them will not be too sad at that time! “

Song Yi was startled with a smile, and secretly said, “Is my mother-in-law and her husband heard that Mrs. Duanmu is coming, it is not natural, is it because the third uncle is worried?”

I always think that things are not so simple-but then the princess didn’t say anything. Her daughter-in-law is not good at staring at the elders and asking questions, and the others came up to sue: “Mr. Qiao has waited for a column of incense in the warm court “Have your Highness heard the tunes today?”

Busy got up and resigned: “Daughter-in-law went to see five sisters!”

The princess bowed her head: “Go!”

She went to Mingzhu Garden to talk to Nie Wuying, and said euphemistically that she was busy these days. She continued to instruct her aunt to dance after the year. After getting the consent of Nie Wuying, she used her meal again before leaving.

After returning to the State Mansion, Song Yi entered the door with a smile, and Qiao Qin ushered in an obituary: “Mrs., the three masters just sent someone a message and asked if it would be convenient to come to our house in the afternoon to see?”

Song Yi smiled inexplicably: “The third uncle wants to see a side courtyard? Which side is it? Why?”

Qiao Qin looked around, and then he said, “It seems that the old lady followed his father and brother’s residence when they lived in the government house.”

“Hurry up and send someone to clean it up, be careful not to mess anything!” Before asking her mother-in-law, Song Yi laughed and maybe a little bit puzzled, but it would be clear to him: This uncle is ten percent The news that his aunt and mother-in-law were coming to the imperial capital brought back memories of his wife, and thought of the two places where the couple had lived in the past.

Song Yi laughed and would not refuse such a request.

She instructed Qiao Qin not to worry at all, and asked the government that nothing was happening except Cui Yun. She simply went to the side yard where Jane Li was going to watch, staring at the next person, and keeping it as it was. Under the circumstances of moving, I cleaned the inside and outside before returning to the room to change my dress and wait patiently for my uncle to come in.

In the afternoon, Jian Lizhen brought only one old servant to the room—compared with the gentleness and generosity he had when he met before. At this moment, his eyebrows were full of gloom, but his tone of speaking to Song Yixiao was as graceful as he was, because of his grace and grace, The gloomy mood added a little grace to him.

Song Yi laughed, knowing that he would not like to disturb at this moment, so after saluting him, he briefly mentioned the cleaning and led him outside the courtyard, and then retired.

Back in the back room, Song Yi called Mama Zhao with a smile, and told her: “The courtyard where your uncle is now, you tell the people to go around, don’t bother!”

Mother Zhao responded and asked for instructions: “Cui Ye did not eat anything yesterday or today, and she was not allowed to put a charcoal pot in the room. Sister-in-law sees that she will get cold in the morning and evening, see?”

“Then bring her here!” Song Yi thought for a while, “The person who always gives it to the queen mother can never shut her down forever.”

Then he said, “Give her some hot porridge in the past, let her eat and drink, and then come again-or half of a hungry haze, what is it like?”

After a short while, she ate, and the cleaned Cui Yun was led into the back room. After a few months, she lost weight. However, although Song Yixiao was annoyed at first, she thought that she was waiting for Jane to be vain, and she did not plan to be too humiliating. These days under house arrest, she has always been delicious and supportive, and no one is allowed to toss her. .

So this will be a two-day hunger strike, but the spirit is not bad.

“Come up!” Song Yi smiled at her as soon as she entered the courtroom, and saluted her, but she also slowed her tone and told her to sit down and order someone to have a cup of hot tea and watch her. I took a sip and put down, and said, “I heard that you do n’t eat or drink just to see me or your husband. Now that you have seen it, what can I say?

After hearing this, Cui Min got up and left the seat, kneeling and crying, “Slavery has reflected on these days and finally knows what a big mistake it was! I only regret mistrusting the treacherous and provocative, I do not know the heights and heights, offend my wife, and ask my wife for punishment!”

Mother Zhao and others were present in the hall this time, and they were surprised when they heard the word “treacherous”!

Song Yixiao frowned, and said, “Get up and talk!”

Jin Xun and Qin Qin received a wink, and went down to stun her up-Song Yi smiled and thought for a while, and waited for Cuizhen to be seated by two girls, her mood was slightly flat, Fang Xudao said “In fact, I thought you were acting weird at first, not as stable as someone who served the Queen Mother.”

Her remarks were half true and half false, after all, the court man in front of the queen queen did not necessarily respect and care for others.

To say so, is to provoke Cuiyu to confide.

Sure enough, Cui Yan said in tears: “The slaves often asked the aunts in front of the queen mother, who didn’t dare to say how polite, but the upper and lower princes always knew! If you depend on the slaves, how dare you offend the wife like that? Really It was confused at first, and after listening to Cui Fangfei’s encouragement, it was a big mistake! “

“Cui Fangfei ?!” Song Yi smiled and smiled, her heart filled with hate, “I haven’t been able to find time to settle accounts with her. This poisonous woman is getting worse!”

The explanation of the whispering of Cui Xiu from the court—because Jian Xubai and his prince are uncle’s cousins, and they have a close relationship with him in private, plus the gap between the ages, so before Song Yi laughed, the prince congratulated After the prince’s order, he was very concerned about the life of Jian Xuanbai.

It is just that the princess is a female family member, and Jian Xubai has to go on a business trip. It is impossible to go to the East Palace for two days to receive the care of the concubine.

“The princess always ordered the slaves to go to the East Palace and asked the grandfather about the situation; sometimes when she sent things to the Yan State Mansion, she was also handed over to the slaves to take over.”

This way, Cui Jianli was given the opportunity to come in contact with Cui Yi.

“The slave knew that Cui Fangfei was very favored after entering the East Palace. Although the prince was kind to her, but she did not want to be guarded, so she didn’t want to be too close to her. But … but Cui Fangfei claimed to be playing with his wife. Don’t know any more about your temperament! “

This reason caught Tsui’s heart all of a sudden-after all, she has always regarded herself as a simple vain prospective aunt, and she certainly cares about the future mother-in-law!

As a result, Cui Jianli took advantage of this: “Cui Fangfei said,” Mrs. Cui … you are just a timid person in the Hengshan Palace, but you are the most timid and weak. But you don’t have the ambition of being a master! ” I also vowed to say that after you pass through the door, you will definitely not be able to support the backyard. When the grandfather is busy, he will have to be busy outside. I do n’t know how hard it will be! “

Cuizhen snorted and cried, “Slavery was confused for a while, just … thinking about you, you wouldn’t care about things, you might as well be slavery, lest the grandpa be too hard!”

-Who wants Cui Jianli to be nonsense!

Song Yi laughed without being timid and weak, on the contrary, there was toughness that most brides couldn’t do!

She thought she was having trouble with the winning ticket. In the end, not only did she end up with a shameless face, not even the queen queen and simple vain didn’t mean to talk to her, and no longer bowed down to this mother-in-law, Cuizhen really did not know when he would be locked ?

She is four years older than Jian Xubai, and is twenty-one this year. At this time, she belongs to a proper old woman. No matter where she goes in the future, how can she afford it?

Song Yi smiled when he heard this, squinted and said with a faint smile: “Everyone is right? Although you have been confused, once it was confusing, and now you have understood it. I see these past events, No need to mention it again! “

Mother Zhao heard the words and rushed to wink her: “One-sided words, how can I believe?”

“That being the case, you don’t have to keep thinking about it in the room.” Song Yi laughed and ignored the nursing mother, and only smiled and looked at Cuizhen, “but I don’t know what you plan to do next?”

Of course, she couldn’t be convinced because Cuiyi cried and complained—but no matter whether the girl is really repentant or pretending to be a surrender, after making such an outburst, she definitely doesn’t want to continue to be placed under house arrest, Song Yi She smiled but wanted to see what she wanted to do after trying to get out of house arrest.

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