The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 166 - Qianqiu Festival

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

It’s a custom since ancient times to worship the elders in the first month. If you don’t like this display, you can’t hide it-but before you go to Qiufu, there is a Qianqi Festival on the fifth day of the first month.

Although Queen Su came from everyone, she admired frugality. In addition, her birthday was in the busiest and busiest time of the year, so she never refused to do anything. She only set up a few tables in Weiyang Palace. .

Although there are not many people, it may not be calm-not long after the opening of the table, the acting princess princess talked about what Wang Zhaonian would enter the DPRK afterwards: “Why do n’t you let King Wei also help you to worry about it? Although he is not as noble as Wang Zhao, anyway, he is a few years older and has always been wise and filial. If you are not assured, send a few competent courtiers to teach him. The courtiers will give you a ticket here: he must I won’t lose your face! “

He also said, “Otherwise, the younger brother Zhao Zhao has entered the DPRK. As the elder brother of King Wei, he has nothing to do in the sky. Brother Huang, how do you tell him how to handle himself? There is no light on the face of the mother-in-law!”

“Queen’s good day, what do you mention these things?” Although the acting head princess repeatedly dragged out Zhao to speak, the queen Su only smiled dignified, and talked to Jiang Xianfei, the next head, as if she didn’t hear– The most direct threat of the Wei Dynasty’s entry into the dynasty was the Prince, but today’s East Palace is not the queen’s own son!

This will stop the princess of the Kingdom of Jin. “Today is a family banquet. If you want to talk about business, wait for the year and let your brother-in-law show you!”

The princess didn’t make this for the prince. She was distressed to her brother Xian Jiadi. She didn’t want him to worry about the two days when he had a rare break a year.

Rao is so, the prince and wife still gave her a grateful glance.

But the princess on behalf of the country was not happy: “Sister Huang, when Sakura used to make sex. Son, when I helped Mancheng find it, what did you say? Do you want to hurt your daughter, you are not allowed to hurt me Is your daughter-in-law? Singer is just your ‘right daughter’! Nanzhang was born to me! “

Her voice didn’t fall, and Nie Wuying, who seemed to be incompatible with the present game, was a deadlock!

“Since all of you have come to the family banquet, it’s all your family!” Princess Jin Guo clearly saw it, her face flashed angrily, and said in a cold voice, “What do you mean, righteous daughter and daughter? In my opinion, all Those who call me ‘Mother’, speak slowly of the righteous daughter, even the daughter-in-law, is also my uncle’s blood! “

The princess acting as the founder of the country did not achieve her purpose, and did not think about arguing with her. She only said, “I said something wrong, and ask the emperor to forgive me. Right? The children under her lap are all treasures. The children under my lap are all root grass? “

Said to Emperor Xianjia who turned to Fu Zun, saying, “Brother Huang, do you think this is the reason? I and the horse are just like this one son and one daughter, and Zi Fu hasn’t had any serious messengers now. Not only my son-in-law, but also your son-in-law, you can’t treat him kindly! “

The vertical marks of Xian Jiadi’s eyebrows appeared, which seemed a bit distressed, but the tone of speaking to his sister was still very mild: “Zifu really should have a messenger, but I don’t know where do you want him to go?”

After hearing the words, Princess Princess Guo said, “I want him to be sharpened, but Ma Ma said that he is still too impetuous, I am afraid it will be embarrassing!”

——The Emperor Xian Jia only mentioned Ji Zifu instead of Wang Wei. He had already declined the intention of Wei Wei to enter the dynasty. In case of an exception, Ji Zifu was given a high position, and the grace was clear. Keep going! It’s not that she doesn’t want her son to have a high weight, but if the new junior is not King Wei, now the Ji family is richer and more prosperous, after all, it is an air tower!

Her concubine Ji Weiguan remained silent, apparently acquiescing to his wife.

Emperor Xianjia was about to speak, but Ji Zifu suddenly stood up and said, “Huang Ye, although Er Er is useless, but in some small things, you can still do it. I also ask Huang Er to give Er Er a chance!”

This was a surprise to everyone. Song Yixiao thought it was the acting princess and looked at her subconsciously, but she was surprised when she saw the aunt—Xianjia Emperor stood high, her vision was exceptionally clear. Interestingly asked: “What does Zifu want to do?”

“Yi Er heard that A Xu was very busy during this time, and wanted to go to the Ministry of Defense to give him a hand.” Ji Zifu’s words slightly changed the Prince: He just held the seal of the year before, and placed He Wenqiong in the position of the Ministry of Defense. Did n’t have time to send out Zhao ’s pro-satellite soldiers, did Wang Wei plan to openly mix sand?

He looked subconsciously at the top.

On the first, Xian Jiadi rubbed his fingers on the golden bottle for a moment, and smiled slightly: “You are brothers, brothers and sisters. How can we be an elder, how can this not be convenient?”

Then he asked the prince, “What’s missing in the Ministry of Defense?”

“Back to the emperor, He Wenqiong was originally the left servant of the Ministry of Defense. Now he has been promoted to Shangshu, and the position of the left servant has been vacated.” How to arrange but ask yourself first-apparently to remind everyone of Chu’s existence.

He got up and calmly said, “As for the other vacancies, they are not suitable for cousin Ji.”

“Zifu is now at this age, and I’m afraid he can’t hold back his position as a servant of the left.” Emperor Xianjia heard that, waiting for the princess and his wife to resign on behalf of his son, he said, “So let’s go: look at the staff, cars, Is there any one in the three divisions of the arsenal who has sufficient qualifications to promote the waiter? If so, he will make up one, and the vacated position is just for Zifu. “

The princess of the Kingdom of Jin took the lead and said, “They seem to be at the same age!

Slightly frowning at this point, “The official said that these two sentences are almost the same. Today I am here to congratulate the queen, but what is the endless talk about the children’s future?”

Although this remark was made for Emperor Xianjia, Queen Su was embarrassed: she had to follow the princess of the Jin Dynasty, that is, the disdain of the dissatisfied generation of the princess, how could the imperious acting princess be willing to give up? She wants to say that she doesn’t really care, but stepped on the soles of the kindness of Princess Jin Guochang for her!

The simple queen is known as the city mansion, and she will think about it for a while, but she has thought about it—but she has not spoken yet, and suddenly rushed into an internal servant outside the hall, panickingly obituary: “Your Majesty, Madam, warm lady suddenly The abdominal pain was endless. The aunt who waited said that it looked like … like a small labor! “

“What ?!” Queen Su was startled, and Xian Jiadi’s face changed slightly, but she soon recovered her calmness, raised the bottle, and quietly passed it to her lips to sip. The temple was taken aback by the sudden bad news, and in a silence, the queen was angry and angrily, “Is that a doctor too good?”

The housekeeper said: “Someone has been invited to do so, but the Lan Qiu Palace has no theme, and there is no one who can do it in Pinglan Pavilion. The slaves are afraid to specialize!”

“Don’t dare to specialize?” Queen Su heard the ominous under these four words-if the lady Shunren is not in an emergency, just ask the doctor to see it, why do you need someone who can take the idea? She took a sip of air, turned her head and said to Emperor Xian Jiadi, “Your Majesty, I …” “Today is your birth, how can I ask you to work?” Xian Jiadi understood what she meant. , But shook his head and said, “I’m really uneasy, just send a palace maid to look at it. It’s just a lady, so how can you sweep the Qianqi Festival?”

Nianzhen is the name of Queen Su’s girlfriend.

Xian Jiadi shouted in front of a younger junior. Although intimate, it was a bit out of order.

Song Yixiao and other juniors who didn’t know much about the emperor didn’t feel anything yet, only when the empress loved him, and he forgot to change his name.

But everyone else, including the queen mother who hasn’t talked much, and the two elder princesses, all saw that Emperor Xianjia had made such a mistake, and they were all shocked!

“Nan Fangyu, please go and see what’s going on?” Queen Su stunned before ordering a big maid behind her, “Remember, everything is important to the safety of the warm lady and mother!”

The harem of Da Rui completely follows Qianyong, from the lowest Zhengba Pinli to the highest queen, and from the middle to the low is the royal wife, lady, picking girl, Xiaoyi, lady, Baolin, talent, beauty, 嫔, Jie Ai, Jiu Ai, Concubine, Madam, Gui Shuxian De Four Consorts, a total of sixteen levels.

Although there are many grades, from Jiefang, he is considered a serious master and can live in the main hall. Follow the queen to the Qingxi hall to greet the queen mother-there is also a place for the feast of the Qianqiu festival today!

However, the lady who will be in trouble is only from the fifth grade, which belongs to the lower level of the palace, but in the end is pregnant with the emperor. Although the Emperor Xianjia Dili was not allowed to disturb the Qianqiu Festival, the subsequent atmosphere was eventually affected.

Even the acting princess and princess did not mention the incident of Wei Wei into the dynasty.

Song Yi laughed when the music resumed. He turned his head and asked her husband if he could return something to show condolences to the warm lady. However, he saw Jian Xubai’s one-handed support, playing with the beast titled ear wine bottle. , Frowning slightly, seems to have encountered some trouble.

“Since Aunt Dai Guo stared at the Ministry of Defense, there must be others without Ji’s cousin!” Song Yi laughed and thought he was having a headache. Ji Zifu asked himself to enter the Ministry of Military Affairs, and he threw Nuan Nu to the side, quietly soothing “You have said it before, cousin Ji is not a city man. Although his status is distinguished, he is better at dealing with those tricky veterans, isn’t it?”

After hearing a few moments of simplification, I was a little unnatural and said, “Yes.”

“Then don’t worry about this, after all, Your Majesty promised him personally, the Prince didn’t say anything, you will frown, and I’m afraid I will make a fuss when I see it!” Song Yi said with a smile, facing diagonally Yang Yang Xia Xun-there is the person sitting in the direction they will go to the New Year tomorrow, Qiu Shuxia.

Jian Xubai didn’t go to see the grievous watchmaker, capped Shitakou, beckoned the palace person waiting to be filled up, and drank it, as if he had made up his mind, whispered to his wife. : “Warm lady … now that we have caught up, let’s look back and send something to the palace!”

Song Yi smiled and said, “I will ask my sister at that time, and see if I can find out the preference of this warm lady!”

“No need!” Who knows Jane vanity and thoughtlessly, “Just pick up a few of the things we brought back from Wuxu in our library!”

“Wuyi?” Song Yi smiled for a moment, suddenly thinking of something, whispered to her husband’s ear, whispered, “Is this warm lady … with the Wuyi Princess who entered the palace at the beginning of the year?”

The simple and white look was complicated, and only a while later said: “It is the daughter of the lord of Wujing, Princess Feinuan!”

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