The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 200 - Wouldn\\\'t it be a surprise to act cousin like this?

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

There was nothing else along the way, and the three of them arrived at the Princess of Jin’s Palace. Although the Princess of Princess Palace yesterday announced the cancellation of today’s birthday feast, and thanked guests behind closed doors, everyone gave gifts to the door. .

“Four younger brothers and sisters are here?” The Long Princess Mansion does not accept guests today, but the long princess’s daughter-in-law and relatives and nephews are naturally not blocked. When they arrived at the back hall, the Qingjiang County Lord was already there. After seeing it, they were no longer enthusiastic. They just greeted Song Yixiao lightly. They were very enthusiastic about Xu Xi ’s oath. I transferred from the Ministry of Civil Affairs to the Ministry of Military Affairs at the end of last year. Is it unknown to get used to it? “

Song Yixiao has always been regarded by this aunt as her own person, and was suddenly left out, slightly surprised, wondering if she had offended her by accident?

While thinking about it, Nie Wuying came to hold her arm, and said happily, “Four concubines, is Niang talking with Aunt Dai Guo in the inside, but it won’t come out for the time being, why don’t you go to sit with me?”

He said quietly, “I have been practicing those moves you have taught me for the past two days. Can you help me see the results?”

Song Yi laughed and heard the words and had to let go of the aunt, and deal with the aunt first: “Come!”

The two of them arrived at Mingzhu Garden. Nie Wuying dissolved her fox and put on her dance clothes, and showed her the result of hard work during the time in the flower hall. It seems to be unsatisfactory to Song Yixiao, but in order not to sweep the aunt. Xing Xing still tried to praise her as much as possible.

Nie Wuying was very happy to change her dress before talking, but she heard her cry in the court, aunting that the two long princesses had finished speaking to the back hall, so she sent someone to call They hurry up and dare not neglect.

I didn’t want them to rush into the court with their furs, and only knew that someone was going to borrow a boat tied to a small pier in front of the Pearl Garden.

The small boat was used exclusively by Nie Wuying in the Princess Long Palace. The gatekeeper’s wife did not dare to take the initiative and had to come in for instructions.

“Who is going to borrow a boat for this cold day?” Nie Wuying was surprised, and asked as she walked outside the door, not wanting to have a face-to-face meeting with Zhao Zhao.

“Cousin Nie!” King Zhao nodded generously and nodded at Song Yixiao who followed him, and laughed, “Let’s congratulate our aunt on his birthday. I don’t want our brother to swim in the lake. I couldn’t coax it, so I had to bring him over to cousin Nie! “

During the conversation, the two aunts saw him on the snow not far behind him, and a boy wearing a white fox fur was standing. The fox fur was almost mottled and almost melted in the snow. They did not find it at first.

Although the five princes Shu King was only eight years old, they were from the royal family. They are not comparable to the urchins in the house. This will not require Wang Zhao to mention, and they have come forward to give them professional gifts. “

The two were busy with national courtesy-at this time they saw King Zhao standing behind Shu Shu frequently winking and begging them not to agree.

Only Song Yi laughed and said, “How did your Highness remember to swim in the lake? It was very cold this day.”

The King of Shu suddenly wept and said, “Gu Gu hasn’t been out for months, and the last time he rowed, he was away from the heat last year!”

As he said it, he raised his hand to wipe his tears—the aunt two hurriedly coaxed, but the king of Shu had to swim around the lake, and he kept crying if he didn’t agree!

When Nie Wuying saw her mouth twitched, she was very deceived and changed her persuasion object to Zhao Wang: “It is just a lake in the house. There are no big storms. It should be fine to find a few guards to support the boat?

The King of Shu immediately put down his hands, and he did not care about the tears on his long eyelashes, and looked forward to them with great anticipation.

Zhao Wang glanced at Nie Wuying silently. He had to bring his younger brother because the King Shu was so bad. He wanted to use Nie Wuying to dispel his younger brother’s thought. Now Nie Wuying Instead, speak for the king of Shu-how can this be advised?

After stalemate for a while, seeing the King of Shu was about to cry again, and the helpless people had to go to Nie Wuying’s plan to find a few good guards who came to rowing.

Song Yixiao also urged to go to the guard, and by the way, shouted a man like Jian Xubai casually—after all, Zhao Wang, 13 years old, and Shu King, 8 years old, were not considered adults, and they were not released in the winter. The reason that two take the guard to swim the lake. There must be someone to accompany the princess on this boat.

After a while, Jian Xubai and Ji Zifu led the guard together. After the ceremony, Jian Xubai touched King Shu’s head with a smile, and said with a smile: “This cold day goes to the lake to blow cold wind, but you want it come out!”

“Four brother, look at Jian’s cousin and bully me again!” King Shu shook his hand unhappyly and turned his head to complain to Zhao Wang.

“Isn’t the child’s head just for touching?” Wang Zhao didn’t want to answer yet. Ji Zifu followed and rubbed two on his head, laughing, “What is bullying you? People who are almost ten years old Then, when you are in trouble, you will only find a complaint from your emperor. Shame or shame? “

Wang Zhao looked at his brother who was flushed and couldn’t help crying: “How old are you, cousin Ji, and you still like to tease us so much?”

Song Yi laughed and heard that suddenly remembered the day when the army was sent off seven years ago, Jian Xubai once said that when Ji Zifu teased Princess Changxing, he had made this cousin of gold and jade leaves cry for more than an hour. Can’t live—looking at King Shu again, his eyes felt a little sympathy.

Sure enough, Ji Zifu didn’t care about Zhao’s run and smiled, “Isn’t I like you yet? Otherwise, there are more children on the street, why don’t I go joking with them?”

He stretched his fingers to play King Shu’s forehead, “As a result, you all did not like to play with your cousin, it really made me sad to be a cousin!”

King Zhao knew that he was shameless and difficult to beat. He shook his head and did not tangle, only to pull the King of Shu away from Ji Zifu.

Here, Song Yixiao and Nie Wuying had planned to go back to Mingzhu Garden to continue eating and chatting, but Jian Xubai suddenly remembered that he had been busy after he became a married couple. Do n’t bother to say where to go outside or inside the city, even I haven’t visited the garden in my house once, so I stopped them: “It’s my own person, so why not go to the boat to play?”

He said this in public. Although Song Yixiao didn’t want to blow cold wind at all, he nodded in order to show his husband face.

So a moment later, all the people got on the boat—to be honest, the lake tour in this season is really meaningless. The sky is cold, the wind is cold, and you can look out, whether it is the vast waters or the gray shore, A listless depression.

Occasionally, a few plum blossoms lightened the sight, but in the vast field of vision, it didn’t feel lively, but it became deserted.

Because of something unexpected, I did n’t even prepare to eat, so at the beginning, everyone commented a few words, but later, only the king of Shu was lying alone by the porthole to see the strength-as for such a monotonous view, why did he look at it for a while I’m not tired at all hours, maybe only a child of this age knows?

Unexpectedly, Song Yi laughed and thought so. Su King suddenly stood up and said, “It doesn’t make sense to look inside, let’s go play on the deck!”

“No!” Wen Yan was being stopped by a group of people who were not chatting, “What is the wind on the deck and you accidentally fell into the lake?”

But the King of Shu looked at Zhili. In the end, the eight-year-old boy inevitably had a naughty time-after hearing this, his face was disappointed, and his mouth said, “Oh!”

Make a move to return to your seat, but when the crowd relaxed their vigilance, suddenly ran away!

“Funny!” When Wang Zhao was in a hurry, he quickly reached out to stop—the cabin was narrow. Seeing that Zhao Wang was about to catch him, who knew that King Shu was young but sly, and he had a plan before he ran: there was no precaution. Nie Wuying pushed her fiercely towards Zhao Zhao, and took the opportunity to slip onto the deck, laughing proudly!

This kid was happy for his purpose, but Zhao Wang and Nie Wuying, who were rolling in the cabin, were embarrassed and blushing!

“King Zhao, shouldn’t you collude with King Shu, you must take advantage of cousin Nie? Otherwise, King Shu is usually not an outrageous person, how can you push cousin Nie?” Jian Xubai and his wife cried and laughed. Is about to come forward to help, may Ji Zifu said ridiculously, “and push cousin Nie into your arms-just the cousin is always the palm of your aunt Jin Guo, is not worthy of you, you are intentional, It is time to ask the elders to come out and discuss. Isn’t it not a surprise to cousin? “

Zhao Wang heard his words suddenly changed his face. Regardless, he hadn’t completely got up yet. He said, “It’s about cousin’s festival. Please be careful, cousin Ji! Although I am young and ignorant, I will not take advantage of my eight-year-old younger brother. , Count the uncle ’s jewel in the palm of your hand! If your cousin does not believe it, you can call the five brothers back for confrontation! “

In the end, he came out of the palace, and Su Jiahua vigorously cultivated candidates to compete for the top position. Although Ji Zifu’s speculation was abrupt and not good, he was still calm and right. But Nie Wuying, who is also thirteen years old, is no longer in this city. The serious girl of this age smashed into the arms of her cousin under the eyes of everyone and pulled apart for a while before she separated. She has consciously lost face!

Although Ji Zifu’s remarks went to the Zhao brothers, it also hinted that Nie Wuying had been taken advantage of, and the festival was damaged. The girl thought about it, and was ashamed, angry, and aggrieved. Blue and red staggered for a moment, tears came down immediately!

“The place on the boat is narrow and not flatter than the shore. There are bumps and bumps, and it’s too much for Ji cousin’s talent ?!” Song Yi smiled and drew his aunt into his arms with a somber smile, looking straight at Ji Zifu said coldly, “Although my cousin’s uncle’s sister-in-law husband, King Wei and His Royal Highness Zhao, are now political opponents, today is their mother’s birthday. Everyone comes to congratulate the mother as a junior. Regarding kinship, do you want to let it go first, whether it is dissatisfaction or hatred?

When she can’t see Ji Zifu’s intentions?

Nothing more than to fear that Zhao Wang Dangzhen and Nie Wuying would have a relationship with each other, and thus won the support of Princess Jin Guozhen!

After all, the departure of Nie Wuying in La Yue last year has proven her status in the eyes of the “mother-in-law”!

“It’s really strange. How did this surname Ji hit that sister Zhao met five?” Song Yi laughed and scolded Ji Zifu, but he was very puzzled. “I know this with my elder sister, but it’s still In the Zhanchun Pavilion, it happened to catch up. The five sisters themselves were exposed, and they were half coaxed and cheated before they came to an end! It is said that I have never said it before, and the eldest sister can’t make fun of the five sisters’ festivals— If King Zhao had to make an idea for his five sisters, there would be no reason to disclose it until it was done! “

Even if Zhao did not have this idea, he would not be able to preach it! Isn’t that just plain offending the Princess Jin?

——After Nie Wuying went away that night, when she talked to the host of Qingjiang County, she had ears next to the wall? !!

When Song Yi laughed, when the telepathic thoughts turned, Jian Xubai also said unpleasantly: “If my cousin doesn’t want to come here to congratulate Niang Shouchen, just find a reason to talk to his mother, and I don’t think my mother would mind! Since coming, Why bother to say something that hurts people? It ’s hard for a cousin to be so big, and it ’s like being a kid, every time I see my brothers and sisters, why do n’t you make me cry? ”

Ji Zifu saw that she had made a lot of anger, laughed a few times, and touched her nose, arching, “Okay, I was wrong. Cousin Nie, please do not care about cousin-cousin sees you is A good boy, he will stop crying, right? “

… Nie Wuying didn’t say anything to care about him, but she still fell asleep on Song Yixiao’s shoulder and cried before she could hold her emotions.

This is the case. After going ashore, she was not in the mood to go to the back hall. She just said, “I just blew a little wind, and now I feel dizzy, my sister-in-law pleads guilty to me! I have to lie down!”

Song Yi smiled and looked at her distinct red and swollen eyelids, knowing that the little aunt is always thin, and the traces of crying now are so obvious that she must be embarrassed to appear in front of everyone-she really annoyed Ji Zifu: “Good days It was all disturbed by this person! “

Thinking about it that way, after sending Nie Wuying back to Mingzhu Garden, she glared at Ji Zifu several times on the way to the backyard.

Ji Zifu noticed it, but turned to smile at her, very friendly.

Song Yi smiled back to him with a cold eye.

When they entered the back hall, the two elder princesses had finished speaking, and they were all sitting on top, but their faces were not very good-looking. Obviously the previous conversation was not so pleasant.

Listening to Jian Xubai’s obituary, Nie Wuying pleaded not guilty, Princess Jin Guo frowned, and ordered Jia to go to Mingzhu Garden to see if she would ask a doctor, before she said, “I said before that I would n’t show up today. It ’s a banquet, but on a cold day, you are all here. You ca n’t tell you to go back for a cup of tea, and you ’ll have a quick meal! ”

Said to be a light meal, but the pomp of the Princess Palace is actually no different from a family banquet.

It was nothing but bamboo, no song and dance, and the owner had a shameful face. This meal was inevitably dull.

During the banquet, Song Yi laughed several times and felt that the first eldest son, Qingjiang County Master, was looking at himself. There seemed to be something to say, but the atmosphere at the moment was not convenient to move.

“Go and see her when you leave!” She thought in her heart. “The elder sister’s attitude towards me is really a little weird today-if she doesn’t look at me, I have to talk to her!”

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