The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 202 - The Crown Prince shot

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

It was only that night, when Jian Xubai returned, Song Yixiao hadn’t considered whether he would tell him about the arrival of Mrs. Duanmu, but Jian Xubai told her first: “The prince has sent someone to Jiangnan to ask Gu Gong Out of the mountain! “

“Is Gu Gong going out of the mountain?” Song Yi asked with a surprise.

She didn’t know much about Gu Shao. In addition to the generation of ministers that Jian Xubai said, she also knew that her grandfather Song Ying had a good relationship with him during his lifetime, so that Song Ying had died for more than ten years. Gu Shao Zhishi was still at home, Don’t forget to care about Song Yuan.

It was only a few days ago, when Gu Shao sent his nephew to the State Government of Yan Kingdom, he simply said nothing. Although the old man expressed his tendency towards the East Palace in this way, he did not mean to go out of the mountain himself?

“The king of Zhongling County asked the emperor to be Gu Gong, and the emperor agreed.” Jian Xubai said here, smiling slightly. “Before we all felt that Cui Guifei was confined to her feet, while the emperor was resting, the prince was here. No one helped to speak, but forgot that there was another county king! The princess had thought that she would let the king of Zhongling County go to Xuanming Palace to serve her filial piety. “

——The King of Zhongling County, who is the same age as the King of Shu, is the eldest son of the prince and the grandson of Emperor Xianjia.

Due to his age, he doesn’t need to be too shy about his concubine now, and now he can fill the gap in the palace.

“I don’t know if the princess thought of this later, or when she proposed to release the concubine to the queen?” Song Yi smiled and heard, but secretly said, “If it is the latter, I am afraid the princess said that, even if The queen will prevent the concubine from lifting the ban-the words seem to be considered for the East Palace, but in fact, the queen’s hand continues to trap the concubine so that his son can make a contribution! “

After all, how could a mother-in-law be reliable?

In particular, the king of Zhongling County has served for a few hours with Emperor Xianjia, and he has already achieved success-although everyone knows that Emperor Xianjia willingly nodded this, largely to continue to pull the prince, but at least The guise is the king of Zhongling County!

“Although Gu Shao returned to his hometown when he lost to Jane’s grandfather, he helped my dad to recover and told him that the son-in-law of Zheng Sanpin was the continuation string, which shows that the foundation is still there!” Song Yi laughed Can’t help but think again, “If such a character, under the banner of being a teacher to the King of Zhongling County, puts into the crown prince, once the prince is done, he will also become the patron of the king of Zhongling County!

By that time, even if the prince and Cui Guifei suspected that Cui Jianli’s death had the prince’s handwriting, they could not move the prince and mother lightly!

“The princess’s move also helped me!” Song Yi laughed at the thought and felt relieved. “After all, the rumors inside and outside now regard the culprit of Cui Jian’s mother and son’s death as the princess. I am at best a horse pawn. But if the status of the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law is guaranteed, this matter must be sealed, and no further mention is allowed! “

At that time, even if the person who turned over the old account was directed at Song Yixiao, it would be regarded as the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law. Of course, if someone wants to count the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law in the future, maybe Song Yixiao will be dragged Launch.

In other words, she is currently tied to her mother and son …

For this situation, Song Yi laughed and thought for a moment, but did not think of any good countermeasures, but had no choice but to think: “The horizontal and vertical trees have become a boat, take a step and look at it!”

Jane Xubai also wanted to think of these things: “Gu Gong previously hired the daughter of a prince’s guest for his father-in-law as a continuation string, and sent his nephew to his prince to play for his prince. Obviously, the emperor agrees. As a teacher to the king of Zhongling County, I expected that he would not refuse to leave the mountain in person-so Zhongling has a promising future, and the department of the East Palace does not need to be jealous of each other, it can be regarded as unanimous! “

“But Gu Gongyuan is in Jiangnan, and even if his Majesty is ordered, he invites his talents to be sent out!” Song Yi reminded with a smile, “If you want to come, even if everything goes well, you must arrive at the capital after the Spring Festival. The Yi King ’s You can learn more about it! “

Although it is said that this move of Xianjia Emperor will definitely have a great impact on Wang Yi, Qiu Shuxia’s class is not a fuel-saving lamp!

What’s more, it’s not just Zhao Zhao who wants to pull the Prince right away!

She flicked the jade bracelet on her wrist and said, “Don’t forget that Aunt Dai Guo has always been straightforward. Gui Cui was an example in the past! The elder sister was very respectable in the queen queen and her Majesty. It was said that I had a few words of conversation with King Wei and I couldn’t be sure to protect me in my aunt’s hands and had to send me and my five sisters to avoid Yaohuayuan overnight! “

Jian Xubai also said that King Yi was the weakest. “If the aunt and mother of the country were to be persecuted from the door, our king may not be able to hold it!”

——The generational princess is a woman, and she has always been favored by Emperor Jia. She also acts as a vixen. The crown prince of the East Palace ca n’t learn from her, right?

“How can I forget my aunt?” Jian Xubai said with a smirk, “Wang Wei’s school was purely made by my aunt, how can you not take her seriously?”

Song Yixiao was relieved.

Speaking of which, there is nothing more to say about Jian Xubai. Although he is not in a good mood, it is not bad—Song Yi laughed and groaned for a while, and finally, the old lady Duanmu will arrive on the seventh day of next month. Speaking out: “The third uncle said that the Duanmu family had an old house in Emperor’s capital, and someone had been sent to clean it in advance, so that we don’t have to worry too much-I originally sent a person to ask, the old lady arrived, do you want to prepare something special? what?”

Jane Xubai heard this, her smiley eyes froze, not like disgust or dislike, but there was a heavy sense of suddenly carrying something.

He tilted his head, half of his face was hidden in the shadow of Luo Tiao, and his long long eyelashes covered the emotions in his eyes. A bit of light in the phoenix’s eyes was dim, and for a moment, he said lightly: “Since the uncle said so, let us listen to him Right! “

Song Yi smiled and looked at her husband for a moment. When he saw that he looked at the embroidery on the quilt, he didn’t notice his gaze for a while. He frowned slightly, stretched out his hand, and gently held his sleeve. Zhengzheng said, “Who is this old lady? You said that you haven’t seen her, how can you mention her so unnaturally? If you really don’t want to tell me, I won’t mention it later-I didn’t ask such a question The meaning next to it is that the crisis is now unresolved on the Prince’s side, and I really don’t want you to worry too much! “

“… you know my grandmother is the sister of Mrs. Duanmu.” Jian Xubai was silent for a while, her eyes closed to cover her emotions, and Fang said, “After their sisters are all beautiful, they are serious ladies-but our grandfather At that time, he was born in a poor family, and he didn’t figure it out when he was a teenager. Therefore, grandmother’s parents did not agree that her grandmother would marry her grandfather, but it was only after the grandmother insisted that she could barely relax. “

Even so, “the two elders did not like their heart. Although there were only two daughters under their knees, the grandmother did not get anything except the makeup of the daughter-in-law of Duanmu family. The accumulation of Jinxiutang’s pulse in the two Hundred years later, the elders gave it to Mrs. Duanmu! “

The question is, “Mrs. Duanmu had three sons and a daughter, but all three sons died, except for her daughter. Our grandmother also died shortly afterwards, so Mrs. Duanmu convinced her grandfather that she was still in the uncle. My uncle was brought to his knees and raised with the only biological daughter to comfort the pain of the bereaved and bereaved sister! “

“The third uncle and our cousin were young and sweethearts. When they grew up, they naturally married and kissed each other. After marriage, they were also very loving. Madam Duanmu naturally wanted to leave the splendid remains of Jinxiutang to them!”

Hearing this, Song Yixiao was already a little clear: “But Sanyi is gone.”

“Yeah, Sansao is gone, and even that cousin hasn’t survived.” Jian Xubai looked complex. “Uncle San took an oath before becoming married that year, and there were only three people in this life. No matter what happens, he won’t continue the string. I do n’t want to worry too – so after the death of Misaki, Mrs. Duanmu suddenly did n’t know what to do with the accumulation of Jinxiutang? ”

Song Yi smiled and said in surprise: “I heard Su Ergong before-you do n’t doubt, it was mentioned in the Zhanchun Pavilion when the five sisters were ill, and when they asked about their illness-he said that The man is crippled, but there are branches? Why didn’t Jinxiu Tang pass over the branch from the branch? “

It is said that the heavier the family, the heavier the inheritance, not to mention the famous family such as Jinxiu Duanmu.

“This is because of the rut in front of the car, and speaking from your mother’s family!” Jian Xubai groaned. “Your mother’s family is one of the six major scholars a hundred years ago. After Jiangnan Song, the clan number is Jiangnantang.” Jiangnantang had five-family people in the late Western Yong Dynasty, and the people were very prosperous. At that time, the Song family had Song Qi, but the wealthy but no sons. They were very close to Wu Zhi, and they succeeded him from Wu Zhi. For me. “

It ’s nothing here. “But ten years later, Song Qi passed away due to illness, but the sister-in-law Song Xie packed up his industry and returned to the family. Song Qi was a family of single generations with no close relatives and ordinary relationships. Who is willing to offend the support for a dead person? The result is just like that, more than ten years of hard work and cultivation, the family pays everything, and in the end, there is still a lone grave, no one continues! There is such a loss example, Jinxiutang naturally did not want to move After that! “

Song Yi laughed and didn’t know what to say: “Jiang Nantang was a little bit like that at the time? Was he acting so unfairly, isn’t he afraid of people joking?”

“This is also inside. When Song continued to reach the branch, it was the end of the Western Yong Dynasty, but when he returned to Fuzhi, it happened to be the beginning of the East Yong.” Jian Xubai said, “In simple terms, the world was chaotic at that time, Jiang Nantang For some reason, the loss was heavy. At this juncture he returned with huge sums of money, and shot generously-in this case, the famous family can also be confused! “

Knowing that his wife had no feelings for the Song family, he did not say anything about it. “Speaking of the six major registrants of the year, we are now still prominent in the Wei Yutang and the Fu Fengtang Su. The remaining four surnames, Liu Xingtang and Liu Shitang The defeat of Ming Peitang’s Shen family was because the single tree was difficult to support; the decline of Jinxiutang was because of no one; the decline of Jiangnantang was purely because of two people-one of them was Song Xu! “

Because, “Although Song Xu is not righteous to Song Qi, the old servants of Song Qi had many feelings for the graciousness of the old master. If Dong Yong had supported him for a few years, these people might not be able to accept Song Xu either. However, the Eastern Yongtong dynasty died less than 40 years ago. Song Qi’s old ministry is still alive, and while the soldiers and horses are in chaos, the Qiang people are ransacked by the inside and outside—the Dawang tribe, only two are less than ten years old. Boy escaped from birth! “

Just two little children, “It’s a pity to keep Jiangnantang’s salary, how could it not be defeated?”

Song Yixiao held back his feelings of vomiting blood, and said, “Forget it, don’t say this-so to speak, the old lady Duanmu came to the imperial capital, in addition to healing the wind paralysis, just to find a heir to pass down the accumulation of Jinxiutang ? “

If so, what do she think her husband is worried about?

“Since it is the accumulation of Jinxiutang, it must be for those who have branch blood in Duanmu family! Mrs. Duanmu has no son of her own, and her nephew also father and uncle, but she was raised by her and her son-in-law. How could she not be partial to Uncle San? And you yourself said that Uncle San hurts you the most in your nephew and niece–who does the old lady tell you?

Jane stared blankly at his wife: “I never seem to tell you, our aunt’s husband’s family?”

Not waiting for Song Yi to speak, he calmly said, “If the next man made an obituary 21 years ago, he would not say Mrs. Duanmu, but Princess Chengyang! As the cousin of the emperor, the emperor would have to emulate Yishui. Sheriff. “

Song Yi smiled and changed his face: “Twenty-one years ago …?”

This year, isn’t it the 21st year of Xianjia? !!

“Prince Chengyang was the uncle’s uncle of the emperor Shi Shentu.” Jian Xu was blank and expressionless. “This is also the reason why when the old lady Duanmu asked the third uncle to take care of her knees, her grandfather did not dare not agree-but the emperor ascended the throne Later, even his half-brother and sister were only spared by King Yi, not to mention those related to Shen Tu’s concubine? “

“The King of Chengyang was given the death the day after the Great Emperor’s great deed, and Hefu was exiled!”

“Until after the death of the third child, the uncle went on a show of affection and moved the emperor, and the Chengyang Royal Mansion was pardoned, but he was not allowed to return to the imperial capital-but was sent to the emperor Taizu’s majesty to guard the tomb! “

“Mrs. Duanmu came to the Emperor for medical treatment, and she was still licensed by her grandmother!”

“Now she calls her old lady inside and out, just thinking about her former identity!”

“Actually, Chengyang Wang is in the same vein. The current situation is very bad!”

He couldn’t see his expression at the moment in the dim account, but in the shadow under his long eyelashes, the light was dim, and his tone was faint. “You said, on this bone, she wanted to help the sick to come to the imperial capital. What did she want to do?”

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