The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 204 - Lushi dystocia

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

Jian Xubai and Song Yixiao saw in the gap between the curtains and thought they were assassins—Jian Xubai had pushed his wife behind his hands, and pulled out a soft sword from the waist. A slight shake, the cold is overwhelming!

The knight did n’t want to be ready, but the knight did n’t mean to do anything, just shoved with the guards who were around, and said loudly: “Miss, the younger is a member of the Song family, and in the order of the old lady, borrow a piece White jade gold is used! “

“Song family?” Song Yi smiled, and whispered to her husband, “Here is the street, he is so stunned, whether it is true or not, let him come up to ask!”

Jane nodded in white, took the soft sword back into the dark grid of the belt, turned his wrist to take out a dagger, and deftly turned it between his fingers and put it back together, and said loudly, “Bring it up!”

The guards outside the Yanguo Mansion promised, but quickly searched the man down, told him to get off the horse, and then led him to the carriage—there were still two people staring left and right, And the hands of the two people were pressed on the handle of the knife, and everyone looked at it, as long as the person who claimed to be a member of the Song family had nothing wrong, they would start aggressively!

But there was some courage in that person. He walked up to the car and raised his fist. “Grandma has given birth prematurely, and the situation is not good. The doctor used white jade ginseng in the prescription, but it is not at home. This medicine is common in the shop.” Can’t catch it. So … “

“You mean the mother was born prematurely?” Song Yi was surprised and almost lifted the curtain. “How ?!”

Without waiting for the person to answer, she was busy telling the only guard outside of the car that she remembered, “Yu Shiheng! You go back to the house immediately and open the inner library to take part–“

“No!” Jane cut her words in vain, “It will take some time to return to your house, Yu Shiheng, go to the eldest sister’s house and get two, and we will return the eldest sister!”

They have just left the main house of Cheonggang-gun, and they can see the gate when they look back!

Knowing that his wife had worried about her mother’s stepmother’s pregnancy before, she must leave this person down for questioning, and he also ordered, “After taking the ginseng, I will send it to Songfu immediately!”

Seeing that he had made arrangements, Song Yixiao was slightly relieved and asked urgently, “What the **** is going on ?!”

“After the death of my in-laws two days ago, my grandmother went to condolence, and it was not good to go back to the house.” Then the man saw that someone had already sent him in, and he reassured, and whispered, “Some words have been passed in the DPRK in these days Come out, although the old lady ordered not to let the grandma know, but the rumors were turbulent, but the grandma still heard it a little bit-to this day, it suddenly broke out! “

Song Yi smiled and clenched her husband’s arm, bit her lower lip, and then she asked in a deep voice, “So mother now …?”

“The old lady guarded it personally, and sent the doctor to take the pulse outside the screen.” The humane said, “After joining in, do you expect grandma and auspiciousness to have their own appearance?”

That’s what he said, but anyone in his tone could hear the uncertainty!

“You will not be very good in the past!” Jian Xu bluntly saw his wife open his mouth, but took her into her arms, whispered with ears, “The reason why you forgot your previous appearance at the Hengshan Palace was that you would run into you. Grandmother? Although it ’s not your grandmother who is having difficulty giving birth now, if you go to Song Mansion, your stepmother has three longs and two shorts, and it will surely be remembered on your head! Besides, you do n’t understand Qihuang, what’s the use of going? Distracted greetings! “

Speaking to the outside world, “Go and invite Aunt Yun to Song Mansion!”

Song Yixiao thought that the last time in Zhanchun Pavilion, Nie Wuying was so ill, Su Shaoge could only talk about the flawed way of worrying about cranes, but Yun Gu was able to get rid of the disease—the heart finally settled, Pulling her husband’s sleeve and saying, “What shall we do now?”

“Naturally, I’m going to wait for news!” Jian Xubai patted her shoulders comfortably, and gave a reward to the son of the Song family, saying, “Please rest assured, Aunt Yun has done a good job, and Lu Yuemu is not The first time it is produced, nothing will happen! “

He calmed down and calmed Song Yixiao.

After returning to the State Mansion, he didn’t receive any news about his safety-until the evening of the curfew, the last message returned was: “My grandma is still alive, and the child is not yet here!”

“Where is Aunt Yun? Did she enter the delivery room?” Song Yi smiled anxiously, stepping down the steps and asked, “Isn’t she saying that she has good medical skills?”

Helplessly, both sides are not in the same place, the news broke after the curfew!

Even though her husband was comforting tonight, Song Yixiao was still awake all night, turning over and over to dawn, and the past and present life before and after the scenes, turned his head over.

The stepmother, who has only seen one side so far, is just a stranger to her who needs to do a show when they meet.

But this stranger told her the secret she heard from her mother-in-law—if Huang was not dead, Song Yixiao would only write down this relationship, and if he finds a chance to pay it back in the future, it may not be very affectionate .

After all, she was far from naive enough to be greeted by any one, and she was so courageous!

But Huang died-Lu happened to be pregnant, and now she is born prematurely and has difficulty giving birth. I wonder if I can survive it?

After this series of things came down, Song Yi laughed but couldn’t be a human being.

Admittedly, she was a ruthless person, but this does not mean that she can be assured that Lu’s mother and son are in danger now and have nothing to do with herself!

“My dad is a role model.” With a queen mother is a daddy. “Leaning on Jian Xubai’s shoulders, listening to his long breath, Song Yi thought bitterly,” If the stepmother has three shortcomings and two shortcomings this time, I’m afraid that Yibao cannot escape the crimes I suffered in the previous life! “

That half-sister is only four years old this year, three years younger than when she was abandoned by her mother-in-law-if there is a stepmother like Liu, she may not even have the opportunity to grow up!

“If you really reach that step, you can only ask for your mother-in-law, even if the situation is overwhelming, you can’t let the child stay in the Song family!” Song Yi laughed at the worst intentions in his heart, “If the Lu family is not willing to have a good life, Wait for her, rather I’ll receive the Yan State Mansion! “

But she feels the most clear under the fence, but even if she can guarantee that she is really good to Song Yibao, the Yan Guo Gong Mansion is not like the Hengshan Royal Mansion. What is the trouble of Miss Cui, the main lady of the four counties, but her energy is limited. Yi Xiao doesn’t have her own child yet. Once she has, she can still keep a little thought on that sister?

Jinyiyushi can’t replace everything—when she was at the Hengshan Palace, Wei Mengying also raised her deliciously and deliciously, but she thought back to that time, and she still lost it?

“I hope the stepmother Fuze is deep and the mother and son are safe!” After thinking about it, Song Yixiao could only pray sincerely.

Maybe I have heard Cui Jian’s mother and son’s death before. The more I look forward to this, the more I feel unsure.

The day before was still bright, Jian Xubai got up on time, ready to face up.

Song Yi, who did not sleep all night, rarely got up early and called Jin Xun: “Send someone to guard the Fang gate, and go to Song Fu as soon as possible!”

“Don’t worry too much. I heard that some children are slow, but they may not be troubled!” Jian Xubai was very busy in the morning and had no time to talk with her, only holding her hand while going to the flower hall. Walking to persuade, “Maybe this party is already celebrating the Song family, you are here to scare yourself!”

Song Yixiao also understood this reason, but he couldn’t relax his mind, and just barely laughed, “That’s all right!”

-Not long after Jian Xubai left, the people who went to Songfu quickly returned, although it was not bad news, but it was almost the same: “Mrs. Hui’s words: Grandma in-law is still alive now, there is no news!”

“I’ve heard Mrs. Zhao casually mention before that Dao is the first person to give birth, and one day and one night before landing.” Song Yi laughed and heard a chill in her heart, and she was silent for a while. “But my stepmother This is the second time. “

Looking at her pale face from side to side, she dared not speak.

“Mrs. wait a moment!” After a long while, Jin Xun still fought against his qualifications, and said carefully, “Will you be born after a while?”

This waited until the evening of the day-the child finally landed, unexpectedly, it was a pair of sisters and twins! It’s just that although the child was born, Lu Yi, whom Song Yixiao cares most, fainted due to exhaustion, blood loss, and other reasons. Life and death are unknown!

Lu’s fainting was not confirmed to be out of danger until two days and two nights later, which is why Yun Gu has been taking care of the Song family.

“But Grandma Lu hurt her vitality this time, and I’m afraid it will be difficult to conceive within three or five years.” When Aunt Yun went back to her home with a dull expression, because Jian Xubai was still knocking at the door, she went directly to Song Yi He laughed and said, “Fortunately, she had a good baby before her. Although the twins are only seven months old, they are still strong. It should not be difficult to keep a good one-they have been saying that they are not alive. Although it cannot be generalized, it always makes sense. “

Song Yixiao was relieved. She thanked her and thanked her again. This time, Aunt Yun was still faint, not humble, neither cold nor hot—but Xu Yi laughed because of her help. This will see her particularly pleasing to the eye, but she feels that this is true temperament.

… At this time, Nie Wuying was there. When Aunt Yun left, she put out her tongue and laughed: “Aunt Yun is all right, it’s this cold nature. Son, we just want to say” Thank you “to her again But you saw her, until she said goodbye to you, I could n’t say it! “

“I heard that people with real skills often behave differently than ordinary people. Maybe this aunt is like that?” Song Yi put a big stone on her heart and said with a smile, “Thanks to her this time! Otherwise I am afraid of this matter You have to remember it all your life! “

Nie Wuying didn’t know much about the inside story, but her little girl’s nature and did not pay attention to his sister-in-law, but marveled at the pair of children that Lu obtained: “The twins! It is said that they are rare, but I heard that this is just a few days this year After two rounds, that’s a pity for the Prince’s concubine! “

“I haven’t heard of it before. I don’t even know that my mother’s stepmother was pregnant with a twin brother and sister.” Song Yi smiled and heard the words and said with emotion, “Unfortunately I’m not good enough to run into my grandmother, otherwise it’s true Want to see how the two children look? “

Nie Wuying guessed: “It is said that the twins look like they are printed in a mold, and it is cute to think about it!”

“Actually, even twins don’t necessarily look exactly the same!” She didn’t want her voice to fall, and the maidservant behind Xiang Li suddenly said, “Miss, do you forget that the horse and the three masters are twins? But they are just ordinary. Brothers come, they don’t look exactly the same! “

For the first time, Song Yixiao heard that his father-in-law and his uncle were twins, and he couldn’t help wondering: “In truth? I thought they were just ordinary brothers!”

“Slave listened to His Highness to the old man in front of her.” Wanxiang nodded surely. “It is said that Mrs. Yan Guotai was not very good at first, but she was pregnant with twin sons. Waiting, I still had a lot of hardships-later, the horse and the three masters were still in the house, and Mrs. Tai couldn’t support her death … “

“Don’t talk nonsense!” The two aunts were also curious to hear her talk about ancient times, and Wen Yan both changed their faces and scolded, “Isn’t this saying that Mrs. Yan Guotai was killed by two biological bones ?! There is such a nonsense-you dare to spread such ridiculous words! “

“Slavery knows the guilt!” Evening Wanxiang inadvertently spoke out the gossip heard among the subordinates. When she heard this, she realized that she was not right. She suddenly turned her face and knelt down to ask for sin.

Song Yi smiled and said with a smile on her face: “If you are a sister, if you are really good for your sister, you should listen to what you should and shouldn’t say, it’s better to pay attention to it! Otherwise, it doesn’t matter if you are unlucky, Five sisters are involved, I will not stop with you! “

Nie Wuying was also naive and knew how terribly the tuberose’s words were, and she followed the sister-in-law and beat them-so much trouble, my aunt and two were not in the mood to discuss any twins, so I would say a few gossips. Leave with Evening Incense!

Song Yixiao sent away his aunt, returned to the room and was waiting for a break, and suddenly remembered: “It’s the sixth day today, and Mrs. Duanmu, my aunt and grandmother, is she coming soon ?!”

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