The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 233 - Ji Zifu\\\'s Thoughts

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

“This is really a happy event!” The husband and wife heard the words a little bit, but they were not the same as King Wei, and personal relationships were not good. Therefore, after hearing the news, there was nothing exciting except for some surprises. In order to tell people to reward the reporter, and ordered Qiao Qin and other big girls to draw up a gift list.

The next day, Song Yixiao brought his congratulations to the Palace of Wei and congratulated him—the original mother and daughter of the princess and the princess were all very proud people. Now that Princess Wei is pregnant, the flattery will go on and on. The people who were congratulating outside the Wangfu Palace were in a rush, and the carriage of the Yanguo Government was almost blocked outside the door.

After finally getting into the house, Song Yixiao almost queued to talk to Princess Wei. The two of them hadn’t seen it a few times, and they had an argument because of Jiang Muzhen in Zhanchun Pavilion. Naturally, she would not give much face, but said a few words coldly, and said, “I’m lacking, you go down!”

Although it is said that Song Yixiao’s grade is half a grade lower than her, but they are relatives, and the gap is not very large. Princess Wei uttered the words “Go on”, but her attitude was too slow.

It was just that Song Yixiao was too lazy to care about her, heard the words and said, “take care”, and left.

She happened to meet Xie Yiren when she went out, and she had to stop saying hello—Xie Yiren winked her aside and said sulkingly: “So many people come to visit? Is it possible for Princess Wei to eat?”

“She looked okay when we just went in.” Song Yi smiled softly. “Everyone is good, maybe she likes so many people to see her? It’s inconvenient for Jiang Xianfei to be in the palace. Aunt Dai Guo is sure. How could you make Princess Wei really tired if she would love her grandson? “

Xie Yiren thinks about it too. After all, it is the King Wei Palace. Even if they are relatives, it is not good for long talks here. So I said goodbye and said goodbye.

Song Yixiao returned to the State House of the Yan Kingdom before he heard the people say that the joy of Princess Wei made the royal family up and down, and the empress, empress, and concubine all have rewards-but these are nothing, the point It was the acting princess princess who used this as an excuse to personally go to Xian Jiadi and said, “King Wei is a man who wants to be a father. How can he not do something practical?”

Prior to the Emperor Xianjia ’s King Shu, all the princes entered the dynasty. Although King Wei was among them, he was also divided into the Ministry of the Sixth Division-but the emperor ’s uncle, Xu Xi, had not been inserted into the Ministry. Well, Wang Wei, the emperor’s own son, is still not Jin Suke’s opponent. These days, Wang Wei was nominally a clerk in the Ministry of Officials, but in fact he was just watching the excitement in the Ministry of Officials.

Xu Xi’s mother-in-law, Princess Lu Guochang, died early and could not take the lead for him, but the mother-in-law and aunt acting as the acting princess would not sit idly by and watch King Wei be elevated!

It’s just that Jin Suke wasn’t a good gentleman, otherwise, Xu Xi, who was a noble son of Yi Ping, would not have vowed to go to the Ministry of Defense. Besides, he has already taken refuge in the prince now, how can it be the main face of the Wei dynasty of the Princess Wei?

Even if the acting princess princess threatened to lure, both soft and hard, he would ignore it, and just hold Wang Wei in the official ministry as a idler. The so-called King Wei entered the dynasty to share his worries with his father and prince, which naturally became empty talk.

This will easily make an excuse, and the princess on behalf of the head of the country has also learned to be clever, instead of tangling with Jin Suke, go directly to Xian Jiadi!

Sure enough, Emperor Xianjia did not know whether to look at the face of the future emperor grandson or the face of the emperor sister. In short, he spoke to Jin Suike and told him to give King Wei “more opportunities to sharpen”-Jinkou Yuyan came down Jin Suike is also not good at continuing the hard cap, and can only inform the East Palace: If Her Majesty does not change his mind, the authority of the Ministry must be separated from King Wei!

Of course, such a key department, of course, the princes can’t just sit back and watch Wei Wangran finger!

However, when the prince was convening the people and discussing the counter-attack strategy, Gu Shao sent the King of Zhongling County to tell them: “The Her Majesty Princess Yushan made improper remarks and aggravated her condition a few days ago, and I am afraid that she will not be able to see this year. Chao! Now that Her Majesty the Princess Her Majesty has n’t recovered her body, and Hu Huan is still entangled. Her Royal Highness is her eldest son, who is Chu Jun, how can she have general knowledge with the woman? ”

“Gu Gong said that everything is more important now than the father-in-law’s rest.” The princes had been discussing these words for a long time, and finally decided to adopt it. The prince himself concluded, “What will happen in the future, unless absolutely necessary, or not Disturbing the father-in-law-Aunt Su and his grandmother have been loved by the father and the emperor, and they are not well thought out; how can you be filial as a son of man? “

——The Prince’s remarks were originally transmitted from the East Palace. After hearing from Asano, the Prince said that he understood the righteousness and was filial and considerate. By contrast, the acting princess princess was flying as far as she could, and always gave Wei a graceful impression of Wei. The king is also unavoidably hypocritical: In order to fight for power and seize power, acquiesce to his mother-in-law to disturb his father who needs to be kept quiet.

“His Royal Highness is His Majesty’s Prince, who has lived in the East Palace for more than ten years, and is known by virtue. As long as the Royal Highness sits upright and does not grant people handle, there is no reason to abolish the Prince!” Gu Shao was alone afterwards During the call, he warned the Prince, “This is His Highness’s greatest advantage-so His Highness remembers the word ‘steady’, and he should not be too careful about everything, but respect and obedience. This is the duty of the Son of Man.

“King defeats the king!” At about the same time, the acting princess princess also taught King Wei, “the so-called reputation, but the words of the winners’ family! As long as it is you who will rule the world, all the discussions today will be turned into heavenly praise. You do n’t need to keep your heart in mind, you can squeeze Jin Suke away as soon as possible, and you are serious about winning the Ministry! ”

In addition to mentioning the son-in-law, and through the action of Xian Jiadi’s Matsuguchi, the princess acting on behalf of the head of the country beat the idea to the marriage-after several rounds of secret bargaining, the three days after the good news from Princess Wei , Ji Zifu and Miss Su Jiaqi’s wedding, and finally confirmed!

Qingzhou Su family has a deep foundation. Since ancient times, the fine materials are beautiful, and they are known at home. Women in the clan have also been well-received, and there have been queens in previous dynasties. In particular, Su Shaoling’s impulsive twin sister Su Shaomo, the two sisters have always been in and out together, more and more out of her chastity, tenderness and generosity.

The Seven Lady, although acting low-key and does not like to be in the limelight, is the most well-known lady in the circle of Emperor Guigui.

In contrast, although Ji Zifu had a long princess’s mother-in-law and a hereditary marquis’s father, the Ji family had only three or four generations, and did not even match the shoes on the Su family’s ancestors-even if it was At present, Su Shaoling has a father-in-law, brother Tanhua and aunt Queen, and his family history may not be worse than him.

In fact, these are also worth mentioning, the key is that his own evaluation in Guixi is not very good.

Zhang Yang’s willfulness when he first entered the youth can be said to be young and ignorant.

But when Da Rui slayed Wudang, all his sons and daughters were captured—the culprit known to the world is him!

Facing such a former branch, Ji Zifu has no extraordinary talent or character. It is really difficult to think of this reputation.

So after the news of the two marriages came out, many people, including Song Yixiao, secretly frowned for Su Shaoling.

Just hindering her relatives, she had to pack up and congratulate Jane Xuba on behalf of the governor’s Princess House.

The day they went was unfortunate. When the carriage was not in front of the palace of the Princess of the Prime Minister, they saw that the gate was wide open, and Ji Weiguan, who was in the golden robe, stepped out, and personally greeted the man who was saddling and dismounting. Qiu Shuxia-The surname Qiu’s enthusiasm for finding Jane’s vain trouble was so terrible that when he bumped into him, Song Yixiao naturally had a headache.

Helpless under the eyes of this blue sky, it is impossible to turn around and avoid it, right? Where does Yan Guogong’s face face? The surname Qiu is going to be more arrogant.

Song Yi laughed with a smile, and couldn’t help but imagine how he wouldn’t drop the handle after the husband and Qiu Shuxia got together. It was only a moment after getting out of the carriage that I realized that there was a long-term preparation on the part of the Princess of the Prime Minister’s Palace-specially sent Ji Zifu to greet them to sit in the back garden.

“We are serious to congratulate my cousin to be a relative, and it ’s rude to enter the door without first seeing my aunt and uncle.” Song Yixiao was relieved when he saw the situation. Now I do n’t even have the right to have a tea in Zhengtang, so I can only be sent to the back garden? ”

Ji Zifu’s face was indifferent: “Naturally I am afraid that you will go to the hall to take a picture with Qiu Biao, and you will have to roll up your sleeves and fight for 300 rounds-the problem is that you ca n’t decide to fight now, except for defeat. Interesting? Might as well lead my siblings to go back and forth in the garden. Although spring flowers are thankful now, it’s nice to walk between Nong Cui and Qing Bi. “

Speaking of this, Song Yi smiled, and said with a smile, “I haven’t seen my siblings for a few days! How is your siblings lately?”

“Xie cousin cares, we are very good.” Song Yi looked at her husband with a smile, but did not notice that his attitude towards himself was obviously milder than that of Jian Xubai. In fact, it didn’t matter that he noticed her, only to hear Ji Yan Zifu, politely, “I haven’t congratulated my cousin to hire a lady!”

“Congratulations?” Ji Zifu saw her perfunctory, a disappointment flashed in her eyes, and turned around to cover up before humming. “Everyone said it was a happy event, so let’s forget it-Ah Xu, do you think? Go to Zhengtang to quarrel with Qiu Biao, or go with me to the backyard for a pastime? If you want to go to Zhengtang, I wo n’t stop you, but you just think about it: if your siblings are here, you win Qiu Biao Come on, believe it or not, siblings will have to pay you for a long time? Otherwise, if they look back to the grandmother’s grandmother, they will know that the siblings will be blamed! “

His last few words persuaded Jian Xubai-Jian Xubai was not afraid of Qiu Shuxia, but did not want to cause trouble for his wife. In particular, he and Qiu Shuxia inevitably mentioned the current situation and political affairs, and even revealed each other’s recent writings, and these were exactly what he did not want his wife to get involved in too much.

But at the moment Song Yi followed him step by step with a smile, and he could not leave her here to go to the church alone.

There was a bitterness between Wenyan Meiyu, and she said lightly, “What can you do for a pastime?”

Of course, Ji Zifu didn’t prepare any good pastimes—who led them around the garden, and after walking tired, they ate tea in the gazebo. Seeing that the time was almost the same, Jian Xu made his resignation, and he got up. Give it away.

On the way out of the Palace of the Princess of the Kingdom, Ji Zifu thought about it for a while, then found a reason to laugh at Song Yi: “My brother and sister seem to know Miss Su Qi?”

“Miss Seven is Ling Lingxiu, clever and quiet.” Song Yi laughed and said that he wanted to inquire about his fiancee, and immediately hesitated. “And beautiful, cousin can get Miss Seven as his wife, and I must thank Aunt Dai Guo in the future. “

Today she wore the wide-sleeved curls of the white camellia embroidered with impatiens, and her placket, show mouth, and hem were set with two inches of light-colored gold woven brocade, tied with the same color waistband, and her hem was a ochre color. Luo skirt-whether it is Fengxian powder, light concubine, ochre color, are more delicate colors, but Song Yixiao’s temperament is more quiet and dignified, this dress is worn on her, but it is mostly gentle.

At this moment, he really praised Su Shaoling, and Shuiguangyingxing’s eyes were full of sincerity and seriousness. When he turned his head slightly, the April sky’s sunshine outlined a soft face arc, looking like a newly blooming begonia, delicate and bright.

Ji Zifu didn’t dare to look at it once, but after turning away his eyes, he couldn’t help but glance at it. For a time, he just felt confused, but he didn’t even know how to send away the Jianxubai couple. :”What’s wrong with me?”

Although his uncle’s cousin Ji Mingfei is known to the public as a ethical cloud, his own reputation is better and more limited than Ji Mingfei-but the two cousins ​​are ultimately different. Ji Mingfei likes people. Wife, the owner’s famous flower There is also limited interest in Tianxiang Tianxiang; Ji Zifu can’t do such a bad thing: Besides, Song Yixiao obviously has no thoughts about him. His cousin is simple and vain. ? !!

“Fortunately, I am about to get married.” Ji Zifu returned to his room, entered with cold water, twisted the quilt on his face, and sighed deeply. “After getting married, I have my own wife. I don’t want to come. Think again about those things you shouldn’t! “

Just thinking of his wife, what unexpectedly appeared in front of him was on the day of Zhanchun Pavilion. Song Yixiao, holding Hu Qiu, stretched his fingers and brushed his hair, and his face became colder and paler. Brow-eyed, half horrified and half surprised looking at himself.

The lifted parchment was severely thrown into the basin, splashing waves, like Ji Zifu’s mood at the moment.

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