The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 273 - murder!

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

But Grandma Chang didn’t mean to elaborate. She scolded the person who had served Princess Liang for a while, thanked Song Yixiao for his mention, insisted on leaving a generous gift, and left.

Although Song Yixiao suspected that Princess Liang had been pitted, she might have been behind the scenes, and it was not easy to pull her to ask. After all, although the Si Kong family has no outstanding men today, the eldest princess Zhenyang is still here, but this is the ancestor The emperor’s own daughter, what have you never seen in all his life?

She personally asked her granddaughter’s pregnancy, who could do anything for Princess Liang?

Grandma Chang did n’t say it deeply, maybe it was n’t that I did n’t expect it. I ’m afraid it ’s inconvenient to spread the story—Song Yixiao left and right to air the letter to Si Kong ’s family. The picture is only the old relationship with Si Kong Yiluo. In the trend, Princess Liang’s pregnancy also had her mother’s asylum, and she was not very interested in those secrets.

Therefore, after sending away Grandma Chang, she didn’t think much about it.

At this time, more than half a month has passed since Su Bofeng’s accident, and Zhao Wu and his entourage are gradually approaching Gyeonggi.

The rumours of the emperor that Donggong instructed Qingzhou Tashi history to start with his uncle’s mother and mother’s house were once again full of enthusiasm!

“His Royal Highness made a decision early!” Gu Shao reminded the Prince privately, “Zhao Wu will arrive in four or five days. Then, if all his father and son’s behaviors are shoved to His Highness, the former harem will be used as a essay. — Your Majesty has not been very well lately, so don’t worry about it! “

The Prince heard the meaning in his words. Even if Zhao Wu hadn’t thought of dragging the East Palace into the water, if someone had thought about it in the harem before, someone would have reminded him-didn’t Emperor Xian Jia say? The Su family can’t be wronged in this matter. The life of Zhao Wu’s family is now in the hands of the Su family!

If the Su family at the cost of leaving a trace of vitality for the Zhao family in exchange for Zhao Wu’s death and biting the prince, could Zhao Wu not agree?

“If you want to take a salary at the bottom of the pot, naturally you will let Zhao Wu and his son shut up forever.” The Prince was silent for a moment, and slowly said, “But there is no one to do this in his own hands. I do n’t know Gu Xiang can teach me?”

When he said this, he actually suggested that Gu Shao would arrange someone to handle the matter well. In case something goes wrong, don’t get involved in the East Palace.

Gu Shao had expected the Prince to say this before speaking, and it was not surprising at this moment, he only said: “The escorted person sent by the court is easy to deal with, and I am afraid that the dark arrows will be difficult to prevent-the minister can only try hard!”

The crown prince solemnly said, “Everything has to work!”

He paused and said, “Let’s wait for Gu Xiang’s good news.”

The prince was a bit regretful when he said this. Gu Shao said that he could only try it. Regardless of whether he was humble or did not have full confidence, he emphasized a “good news” at the moment, and he was suspected of persecution. It seemed to be irritable, and some of the superiors were calm.

——Although the prince would really be calm.

He settled down and decided to remedy, “The matter of Qingzhou has nothing to do with Gu, the truth is that he is not afraid of evil, and Gu Xiang doesn’t have to worry too much!”

Gu Shao nodded calmly, and could not see whether he cared about the previous sentence of the prince, and said slowly: “His Royal Highness, rest assured, the minister will do his best!”

Two days later, Zhao Wu’s group encountered bandits in Jianling County, which was only dozens of miles away from Gyeonggi. According to the Lingling Express of Jianling County, the escorted man was killed and wounded, and both Zhao Wu and his son were hacked in a prison car. Inside!

But Su Bofeng, because he was traveling with injuries, was uneasy at home, and sent a master to accompany him. Fang Xun took his life–but the accompanying servant girl, no one left!

It was just such a thunderous extermination, but the prince was furious: “Now the emperor is legendary that Zhao Wu was under the direction of the solitary, so he deliberately condoned his son to murder Su Bofeng-Gu Xiang could make such a big movement Isn’t it more and more true that you are alone ?! “

He didn’t have to go out to inquire, and guessed that he could guess what kind of rumours are flowing out now? !!

Originally thought that Gu Shao was a delicate man, and presiding over the mouth in person must have been done properly. God didn’t know the ghosts, so that people couldn’t pick where to talk-but he didn’t expect that the well-known minister in China would take care of things. It ’s so stupid: Now it ’s not a turbulent world decades ago. At the time when the country was prosperous, Jianrui County was so close to the emperor. If you are fast, you can say that it is coming soon, how can it be formed? Bandit? !!

Taking a step back, even if there is a bandit, the normal bandit’s purpose is nothing more than asking for money, and the start should also find a caravan or the like. How can it be aimed at the team that releases the prisoner? !!

You must know that Zhao Wu is a member of the Sanpin Group. In order to escor him, the Criminal Department sent a Langzhong—this is the Wupin Officer who was listed by the Department of Classics!

Killing an officer is equivalent to rebellion, not to mention, who doesn’t know that the Chaoyang case is the case where Zhao Jiaxi paid attention to and spoke personally?

All in all, even fools can now guess that the murders of Jianling are out of the ordinary.

If it weren’t for Gu Shaoshi’s high prestige, the prince could only count on him to turn the tide. At this moment, the resolution would not be as simple as making a case-this is so, the prince had no usual courtesy to him, and looked sullen. The prime minister, who was not in power soon, calmly waited for him to explain.

Gu Shao, who did not want to be summoned, was even uglier than him: “His Royal Highness, this matter has nothing to do with the minister!”

“What are you talking about?” The prince looked at him in disbelief, but the first reaction was that Gu Shao Mofei couldn’t clean up after getting in trouble, and planned to pull back and let himself, Chu Jun, give him a top cylinder? !!

However, the anger flashed between his eyebrows, but he heard Gu Shao anxiously said, “His Royal Highness, the minister did send someone, but the minister’s people are going to start tonight. Relationship! “

“Are there any accidents that happened beforehand?” The prince heard that the anger in his heart had dissipated a lot, so he said, how could Gu Shao be so stupid as to create Jianling under the broad daylight? That **** case?

Now it seems that things are not going well … I didn’t know that I thought of it, but I saw Gu Shao sighed and shook his head: “His Royal Highness, this is impossible-because when the minister sent someone to explain clearly, they will use Zhao In the name of a certain confidant in Qingzhou, Wu went to assassinate Zhao Wu ’s father and son, because that confidant helped Zhao Wu to do many things that were angry and resentful, for fear that Zhao Wu ’s trial would involve him, so he lost his mind. So those People would rather annihilate the whole army, and it would never be possible to do such a tragedy today, let alone to attack the man in the Ministry of Justice! “

After all, there is a Qingzhou official who is only four or five grades, worried about his life, and sent a desperate person to chase a thousand miles to murder the offending officer. It already belongs to the extraordinarily powerful and capable and more desperate existence.

And the manpower that a middle-ranking official of ordinary origin can reach, where did he come from, so that the escorted court official and the **** are unified? !!

The old ministers who were always impassioned at the moment could not help revealing a bit of mourning. “After receiving the news of Jianling’s accident, he ordered people to send pigeons to tell them to cancel the plan immediately and disperse and hide! However, they only came near the **** team. The team suffered such disasters. By coincidence, Zhao Wu and his party were mostly a trap. I was afraid that this would retreat, it was too late! “

——It’s really late, because that night, leading troops to search the “bandits” in Jianling County, they blocked the person sent by Gu Shao!

Although it was too late, everyone could not be wiped out in one fell swoop, but the one who was hacked in the chaos, not to mention, took three of them alone!

The first evidence and evidence were naturally sent to the imperial capital! The three living ones were the dead men sent by Gu Shao, and they were tortured all night in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. They never uttered a word—but they did not say that it did not mean that there was no progress in the case.

The next day there was a breakthrough in Jianling County: The officials in Jianling County, who had worked hard to redeem their guilt, followed the trail of the people who had fled the previous night and chased them all the way to the end. In a grange!

“These people are not determined by the ministers!” Gu Shao explained to the prince like this, “the ministers …”

“This incident was directed at Gu Gu from the beginning!” The Prince interrupted before he heard it. “Otherwise, Zhao Wu had nothing to do with Su’s family, so he hurriedly wrote a letter to rely on Gu Gu? Later, Gu Gu returned Without thinking about it, Su Bofeng was disabled under the hands of Zhao Wu’s son, and then the grandmother ordered the trial-if not for this series of issues, how would Gu Gu send someone to kill him? Gu Gu wouldn’t send someone to blend in, even if Su Bofeng, including himself, died on the way, and what did he do with him ?! “

“His Royal Highness!” Gu Shao was extremely ashamed, bowing down in robes, and said, “All of them are incompetent, causing His Royal Highness to fall into a trap without knowing it! What’s more, what happened to His Highness is his own control?”

The prince shook his head and calmly said, “Let’s take care of one another. Although the matter of killing the mouth is done by you, it is from the solitary intention of the solitary. How can the solitary be kept away?”

After all, he had been taught and taught by Emperor Xian Jia for 20 years. Although due to lack of sharpening, the fighting methods, experience, and mentality were not enough in the eyes of elders such as the princess and the head of the country, but they were not there. As for the total panic.

At this moment, Gu Shao was soothed, and he got up and said, “The rumor that the emperor had vilified the lonely, and now there is firm news that the murderer hid in Gutianzhuang in Jianling County. Then the former harem must be right. Let alone attack! “

He waved his hand to stop what Gu Shao said, “The Ministry of Justice is in the hands of the four younger brothers, and Jianling County is now working together to get rid of the crime. Even if the three people who are now in the criminal department are still silent, the second and fourth brothers must be silent. They are doing their best to attack, and the emperor’s grandmother is condescending, and they can intervene at will! “

There was a flash of determination on the young Chu Jun’s face, and Shen said, “It’s just that hand-foot-to-hand and ancestor-to-child suspiciousness make Gu anguish, but Gu an even more afraid to disappoint his father and emperor!”

After a pause, he said, “Immediately sum up our staff to discuss in the study!”

After a long while, He Wenqiong, Jian Xubai, and others gathered in the study room, listening to Gu Shao’s description of the ins and outs, sitting solemnly and solemnly—of course, the matter of sending someone to destroy the mouth was carried by Gu Shao alone, and he did not mention the prince. Only to say that he made his own claim-Liang Wang, who has no court experience, was the first to be dissatisfied: “Gu Xiang’s move is too rash!”

Jane Xubai and others exchanged glances with each other, and they knew everything: How could Gu Shao hide his prince from such a big deal? Slowly say that now that you have lost your hand, you are still being seized by political opponents; even if you succeed, you may not be able to win the praise of the prince after all. After all, no matter how powerful the superiors, you will never like the people under your hands to hide the critical events!

“It’s no use talking about it now.” In addition to Gu Shao, in the seat, He Wenqiong, who has the highest official position and the longest age, stroked his short sting, and said, “In addition, it seems that the whole thing is a bureau set against His Highness. Even if Gu Xiang doesn’t send someone to destroy the mouth, I am afraid that the Jianling bloodshed will still occur, and the ‘robbers’ will still be in the public eye and hid in the property under His Royal Highness! “

The Prince’s calm expression couldn’t tell the mood: “That’s the truth. So now we don’t have to blame our own rights and wrongs, it’s a matter of business to discuss countermeasures!”

“Is there any detail in the deceased punishment minister?” A brief moment in the room, Jian Xubai first said, “How is it a five-grade official? This time, I was sent to Qingzhou by the order of the imperial court. Abandoned son, what is the idea of ​​his family? “

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