The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 510 - Everything goes wrong

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

Song Yi smiled and sent Song Yanyan with suspicion, not that she did n’t want to ask for more details, except that Song Yanyan was very tight-lipped except that she implied that King Su was likely to ascend to the throne. Song Yixiao said that she was far from her relationship now. Yuan, saying that intimacy is not counted, considered for a while, did not tear his face to ask, asked Song Xuan to come over, and after speaking a few common words, Song Yanyan also left.

After she left, Song Yi laughed and sent Song Xuan back to her residence. She ordered Jian Xubai to go back to the backyard, and talked to him about the two sisters who were only talented. “It’s a coincidence! You said you want to choose Su King, The meaning of my sister’s words was revealed inside and out, but she is also optimistic about King Su, but she did not speak for reasons. “

When saying this, Song Yixiao thought again that if Mrs. Duanmu did attach great importance to Jane Xubai as Su Shaoge said, would the old lady fall to Su King because she expected Jane Xubai’s choice?

“If Lu Hehao was rescued by his grandmother, and his grandmother supported King Su, then the reason for the grandmother’s rescue of Lu Hehao was not necessarily to support Lu Hehao’s takeover, but he had other plans.” Jian Xubai Obviously I also thought about this, and after a moment of groaning, he said, “If so, I would be a little worried about my grandmother …”

Song Yi laughed to understand what he said, because he was afraid that Mrs. Duanmu would put herself in order to pave the way for Yanhou Mansion.

Because King Su now has the power to ascend the throne, but he does not have the status of ascending the throne-he is the successor of Emperor Xianjia himself-although the strength is strong enough, he can easily crush the position, but King Su ’s If supporters have such power, they don’t need to dormant to this day!

If Mrs. Duanmu can solve this trouble for King Su, one can imagine the credit!

And most of those who enjoy this credit are Yanhou House.

Thinking of this, Song Yixiao couldn’t help feeling a little heavy: “But don’t expect it to be like this, otherwise how can we feel safe to receive it? In fact, after Su Wang ascended the throne, the most reusable must be the Su family. Even if we have five sisters, Relationships, however, are ultimately separated. “

The implication is that even if the old lady Duanmu made a great contribution, the Yanhou Mansion could not go beyond the Su family, so why work too hard?

In fact, this is why Song Yixiao has been lingering between the Prince and Su King. The reason why these two have the advantage of winning the emperor is because of their foreign family.

One Fengzhouwei, one Qingzhou Su.

This means that no matter who becomes the new monarch, the first person who touches the light must be their foreign family, and then they can turn to other people-Yanhou House will definitely not get the first!

Even if the relationship between Queen Queen and her maiden is not as close as that of Queen Mother Su, this does not mean that she will not be partial to her queen after becoming Queen Mother.

This has nothing to do with her relationship with her maiden family, but because of considerations of pros and cons: the prince is younger than Su Wang, smarter and more sensible, expecting a child who has not yet given birth to manage a large country and settle the intertwined relationship between Chaotang That is impossible.

Therefore, if the prince came to power, it was either the mother-in-law Wei Yinxuan who was in charge, or some ministers of Gu Ming came out to unite.

Until the Crown Prince had grown enough to support the country, he was just a display.

So no matter it is the queen queen curtain or the minister’s care, in order to prevent the young prince from making decorations all the time, it is very important to check and balance the court.

Otherwise, who can guarantee that when the prince grows up to be able to take part in pro-government, he will be able to go smoothly?

Wei’s family is related to the mother and son of the queen. This is a natural ally.

Therefore, at that time, the Queen Queen will definitely add her maiden family to consolidate the status of the mother and son, and also use the strength of the Wei family to check and balance the court officials. If you are in a hurry with the British ruler, after the little emperor grows up, you must do one with the foreign family;

If it is a mediocre monarch, then the officials who do not like the exclusive power of foreign relatives can only hope that the new lord will be crowned, or the queen queen will hang up, so that such a foreign relative may decline.

The reason for this is that, in the final analysis, it is not because of the doubts of the host country and the insecurity of being a queen mother, so it is necessary to attract help.

In this year’s serious women, the men who can be seen in their lifetime, except for their mother’s family, is also the husband’s family.

And when the young master ascended the throne, the little emperor himself did not understand. How could his biological mother not be worried. The powerful man in the royal family would bully orphans and widows in an attempt to usurp the throne?

So when the Queen Mother wants to find a backer, who else can she find besides her family?

One or two queen mothers may be stunned by their affection to their maiden family. They would rather aggrieved the son but also offered to the maiden family, but it is impossible that all the queen mothers who came to the dynasty would be willing to help the maiden dig the corner of the son?

This often happens, is it because the queens’ maids are too brainwashing their daughters?

So no matter how pleasant and sincere the Queen’s promise now is, once the prince sits in that position, unless the Queen suddenly becomes stupid, she will do so.

Changing Song Yixiao is the same choice.

This also means that even if Yanhoufu chose the Prince, don’t even think about crossing Wei’s house when doing rewards.

If you change Su King, you must also submit to Su family-it’s uncomfortable to think about it!

Song Yixiao sometimes resents Duan Huadi why can’t he be peaceful, generous, and tolerant?

Otherwise, what will Yanhoufu do to make another trip to seize the water?

However, this is the end, and hatred of Duanhua Emperor will not help.

Song Yi thought for a while, and was worried, “Although Su Wang and Sister Wu are in love with each other, if Sue Wang ascended the throne, Sister Wu … If she hasn’t made much progress in the past two years, that mind is not suitable. In the palace! “

Jane sighed in vain: “This matter will not be considered until Su Wang’s success has been achieved! They are young couples, and Su Wang is not ruthless and unreasonable. He will never be too ruthless to the five sisters-I I have been sent to Liaozhou to ask my father for all kinds of doubts, and it is a coincidence that Dad is not in the Imperial City now! “

“Everything is not going well!” Song Yi laughed and sighed. “How have you been in the two days? Your Majesty and Gu Xiangke have any actions?”

The Emperor Duanhua had nothing to do except to receive the news of the assassination of King Xiang that day, and immediately held a meeting with the Queen’s advice-mainly because of Gu Shao’s request.

The reason why Gu Shao made this request was to say nominally: “The assassination of King Xiang was extremely great, and he refused to return to the imperial capital in order to prevent King Wang from seeking refuge. The minister has ordered people to spread the word throughout the country. What measures are at this time, I am afraid they will be easily taken advantage of! “

In fact, Gu Shao was frightened by the previous death of Duan Huadi. I was afraid that this time the game would be easy to lay down. When the time came, Duan Huadi came to sell his teammates-so he did not seek Duan Huadi at all. Any cooperation with him, just ask the emperor not to add chaos to the eye joints!

So although the emperor was a little bit idle during this time, Gu Shao was very busy himself, the more busy he was, the more tired he was.

The queen queen queen queen, the queen queen, and the queen are single-person identities, even if he is the Minister of Life, who was specifically left by Emperor Xian Jia, cannot be ignored.

The key point is that these three are not just identities, they all need means and means, and they need manpower and manpower–the strength of the two Su Wei needless to say, even if the queen has only one queen queen, Qiu Shuxia, look It seems that there is no manpower on the bright side, but since Darui Dingding was a noblewoman, until now it is the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager has vowed to say that there is nothing available under her hands. Will Gu Shao believe it?

Judging from these three recent actions, none of the opposite emperors held goodwill.

Gu Shao is short on time now. He is too lazy to waste energy on people who are obviously unlikely to persuade him, such as Queen Mother and Queen Mother Su.

I only went to find Queen Wei: “The prince is the eldest son of His Majesty, and he is very intelligent. Sooner or later, he will take on the responsibility of Da Rui He Shan. He also hopes that the mother-in-law can teach him so that the Prince can become a bright monarch like the emperor!”

What this meant was to promise Queen Empress, he would be optimistic about the emperor, and would not allow the emperor to save.

Then the Empress Wei can also let her maiden settle down and stop secretly doing those things that are not available, but help Duanhua Emperor to stabilize the Emperor. It is serious!

——Nominee is getting married, why not go on a conversation in private?

Queen Wei thanked Gu Shao very kindly, and then said that she would definitely teach the prince, let him be a good Chujun respecting the teacher and teaching!

The implication: Even if the prince first ascended the throne in advance, the benefits of your teacher will be indispensable, so you should let go of it and stop arrogantly for the emperor to bow and die!

This statement is tantamount to admitting that the queen has the prince’s mind to replace the emperor Duanhua now, and even wants to use the mentorship between the prince and Gu Shao to draw Gu Shao out of his mind-Gu Shao listened, but did not feel himself It is recommended that the emperor release the Empress Wei. The original intention is to stabilize the emperor’s throne. It was not intended to promote the ambition of the Empress, but to know that the Empress Wei is cautious. If you are not quite sure, even if you do not persuade yourself at this moment, It is bound to be indifferent to yourself, not to try to counter-invert yourself!

The Queen Queen did this, I’m afraid she did not have her own help, even if she helped Duanhua Emperor herself, she was sure to win the throne for the Prince!

“Where does the self-confidence of the queen and Wei come from?” Gu Shao finally quit the Weiyang Palace with worries. He felt that he needed to read the news collected these days. After all, it was his advancement that the queen could lift the house arrest. Can he suggest that Emperor Duan Hua use the power of the Wei family to prevent the Wei family’s oriole from behind?

This may not be unexpected for the Queen Queen, but she is still confident. Gu Shao thinks that something unexpected may have happened!

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