The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 519 - Return

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

“‘Follow the wind’?” Song Yi laughed, looking at the token in his hand, and said, “What are they going to do?”

Although it is said that “following the wind” is one of the cards of her maiden Jiangnan Song, Song Yixiao has never received any help from them, no matter in past life or this life-so now the other party actively comes to the door, and Song Yixiao naturally feels at home Be in doubt.

However, Yu Shiheng felt that this was a good thing: “Isn’t grandma just worried about the Lord of Xinling County and Song Xiaogong? Let them take it away! After all, Song Xiaogong was originally the blood of the Song family. These are the daughters of Prince Hengshan, and those people can never be against them. “

As for saying that Song Yi laughed at his mother and daughter, Yu Shiheng would definitely not agree to follow the “following the wind”. Once he did not trust the strange “following the wind”, and secondly entrusted his wife and daughter to him before Jian Xubai, and he also I think I have the confidence to complete the task, what should I leave to others?

However, Song Yixiao also did not trust “Following the Wind”, so he did not agree to hand over Lu Yan’er and Song Xuan to them. Instead, he solemnly said: “You also know the relationship between the Song family and me, and now they have come to the door to ask for help. In my opinion, it may not be good intentions, let alone the idea of ​​exchanging our mother and daughter for my two half-brothers and siblings! So if you go to persuade them for a while, you will say that I have slept with Chaoping. It will take a bit of effort to get up and clean up, and let them wait for a while-Guard Yu, let’s go right away, we won’t let the softness go! “

Yu Shiheng said busyly: “You don’t need to worry about being soft!”

Since Jian Xubai prepared a house in the east of the city as a back road, how could he not prepare the soft gold and silver for future use in the house?

At present, the three of them broke up, because Song Yixiao was resolute, and Yu Shiheng was afraid of being deadlocked, so he was caught by others, so he had to helplessly agree to bring Lu Yaner and Song Xuan together.

Unexpectedly, they shouted and wore up the three children after they shouted. They were about to leave the house at night, but a young cricket rushed over to sue: “Houye is back!”

“Really ?!” Song Yi laughed with surprise and joy, and asked quickly, “How come back ?!”

“I came back on horseback.” Although the little sister didn’t know that the mother and the little master were ready to go out to take refuge, but also knew that the atmosphere in the house was so dignified because of the slackness and lingering tonight. The letter came immediately after the letter, and at this moment hurriedly said, “I will also be accompanied by Bo Yiping, Shen Hanlin, Liu Hanlin and others!”

Song Yi smiled and exchanged a glance with Yu Shiheng: It seems that they did not guess all tonight, something must have happened in the palace today!

Otherwise, it ’s so late. Xu Xi swore that they also had a family. They went out of the house easily, and they did not go back to the house to settle down. They all gathered in Yanhou Mansion—a major event that must be discussed immediately at the birthday party today!

“Tanjin, you can take the children to sleep again!” Song Yi smiled and thought that since her husband was still willing to bring people back to the meeting, it can be seen that no matter what happened, Yanhou Mansion should be worry-free for a while, so naturally there is no need to rush Take the children out of the house to avoid the limelight, touched Jian Qingyue ’s little head, and Wen Yan appeased a few words, leaving the grandmother to come to the aftermath, and she discussed with Yu Shiheng, “I do n’t know what is the reason tonight, But the husband is going to entertain the guests now. I’m not bothering to interrupt. I also asked Guard Yu to ask your subordinates who stayed in front of the palace gate to report to me so that I won’t worry! “

Yu Shiheng went according to his words, and later came to Shaotang to make an obituary, but said, “Grandma, the people under his subordinates said that the gate of the palace just opened suddenly, and those who went to the banquet today went out as usual, but everyone His face was very heavy, and something happened–but although there were many people in front of the palace to pick up, no one was talking there. Our Houye only talked to them, and it was good to go home on horseback. Let them chase after the carriage! “

He also said, “After entering the house, Hou Ye immediately led people to the study, and asked people to look around and not allow them to approach-so the subordinates were incompetent, but did not know what was happening in the palace today?”

“Did the husband say what we need to do?” Song Yi asked with a grin.

Seeing Yu Shiheng shaking his head and pursing his lips, “Okay, I know. I’m asking you to worry about it tonight. Since there is no extra call from the husband at this moment, it can be seen as a false alarm, you should go back and settle it! It is also called Jin Xun Breathing with your children! “

After sending Yu Shiheng, Song Yixiao had wanted to wait for a while, but in the end he was pregnant, he could n’t survive it, so he had to undress and settle down.

So she didn’t know until the next day that Emperor Duanhua was the father of King Qing’s birth—like those who went to the banquet last night, Song Yi was stunned and asked, “Why did your Majesty promise to be in In the eyes of everyone, confess your love to King Qing ?! “

Although it is said that Duan Huadi did not agree to confess his blood by confessing his relatives, it is inevitable that he would be guilty of being a thief, but Lu Hehao, who is not a man of high moral standing, was instead arrested by a sinner who had paid no heed to Jun En and planned to usurp him. Staying at this point, biting the “disdain” because of his words to prove his innocence, can civil and military officials still rush to Dan Bao, pressing the emperor to make him bloodless? !!

So even if Duanhua Emperor can’t escape the argument, but Lu Hehao did not give any evidence, how can he not take Duanhua Emperor-like now, the emperor in front of everyone has confirmed that Qing King is him My son, let’s not talk about Gu Shao, Xian Jiadi’s resurrection is weak!

Although it is said that the chaos of the historical God ’s royal family you is not a minority, the emperors who have greened their fathers and fathers only spread the emperor’s throne before they spread it out. What about emperor emperor? There are so many competitors so strong, without this matter are eligible to fight with him for a dead net, and with such a handle, his emperor must continue to do so, unless His Majesty Tairu Emperor Taizu lived and wiped his face for him The bias is almost the same!

“Looking at His Majesty at the time, it is obvious that King Qing could not be his blood.” Jian Xubai’s face was very ugly, partly because he hadn’t closed his eyes since yesterday, and partly because of this matter: Immature growth palace, the relationship with the royal family has always been good.

Although in the past two years, I gradually learned that his relatives had an inside story, Xiandi Xianjia had always been very good to him when he was alive, and there was always some real feeling between him.

So even if this is not a bad thing for Yanhou Mansion, when you think of the Emperor of the Emperor I, Jian Xubai still feels uneasy—how could such a powerful emperor choose such a successor?

It ’s been a whole night, and the simple white spirit still has n’t completely calmed down. He said, “I do n’t know what to say about this majesty! Dignified emperor, who has been taught by the emperor for many years, was designed by people. He didn’t know it at this point-he lost his face, what he lost was the emperor’s face! Not only for the celebration of the king, but also for future people to talk about it, saying that the emperor was intent and dedicated I have taught my whole life, and I have taught such a thing! “

The resentment can not be simple and vain. The tone was fierce. Before, even under the pressure of Song Yixiao, he made a choice, but in fact, he was guilty of Emperor Duanhua.

But this time the emperor was so disappointing!

If it is an ordinary person, without knowing it, he is designed to have a child with his father’s sister-in-law. Jane Xubai will most likely think that this person is the victim, and the person who designed him is the culprit.

But Duan Huadi is not an ordinary person-he is an emperor!

As Emperor Wei taught the prince, the emperor is a member of the nation ’s community. If the emperor is still weak, what can he take to protect his people? !!

Emperor Duanhua, as the successor cultivated by Emperor Xianjia for many years, came to the world, but was so stupid as to be so stupid. How can the people below have confidence in him? !!

Song Yi smiled and saw that her husband was in a real fire, so he calmed down and said, “We originally wanted to replace the throne, and he did so. If we can help us, why should we be angry?”

Holding the pot again, he filled a layer of tea in front of him.

After seeing her husband holding up the tea bowl and blowing the tea foam, after taking a few sips, his expression eased, and he asked, “What happened … how did you end up yesterday?”

“What kind of scenes are you still receiving after this?” Jian Xubai heard the words, and the flames that had been suppressed suddenly had an upward trend, but fearing that his wife was worried, he evened out and sighed, “At the time, the hall looked at each other. I do n’t know what to say. In the end, I just pointed at the grandmother ’s grandmother and Gu Xiang to get an idea. ”

And these two, including the queen queen and the queen mother considered to be the mastermind, are actually in a mess.

So after being stared and asked for a long while, they all said nothing!

Jane Xubai said here, showing complex colors. “Finally, Your Majesty opened his mouth and let everyone disperse, saying that it was already late, and it was past the usual time for a feast. Worry. “

The emperor had lost his morality to this point-the main point is that the prestige of the emperor was not enough to suppress the ministers-the courtiers could not be dismissed so easily, but Gu Shao and the empress dowager were also disheartened at the time, and finally agreed Emperor Duanhua, except for a few impatient ministers who expressed opposition on the spot, everyone knows that this incident is so big that it is impossible to make it smaller.

Moreover, neither Emperor Duan Hua, the Empress Dowager, or Gu Shao did not give them a password. It is obvious that including Emperor Duan Hua himself, this matter is impossible to deny.

So even if they disappeared last night, the Duanhua Emperor could not escape the fifteenth day of the first day. After all, to give an account, there is really no need to be aggressive on the spot-after all, even if the Duanhua Emperor’s Hardcore, I also know that it is impossible for the emperor to sit on the throne.

So how can they not consider the candidate of Xinjun? !!

Song Yi smiled and groaned, “Yesterday, you brought cousin Xu back to discuss and discuss all night. I don’t know if there are any regulations?”

When the Yanhou couple thought about Xinjun, the pale-faced queen was breaking into the palace hall of Xuanming Palace despite the obstruction of the palace people: “Your Majesty, this is the end of the matter, please His Majesty give a life to his mother and son !!!”

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