The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 556 - Brothers first confrontation

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

At this time, in the Prince’s Mansion of the Kingdom of Jin Kingdom, Lu Hehao and Su Wangzheng ate tea in the same room, with only a few children apart from each other-except for the two of them, only a few people wiped out the hall. .

As for those who can make the decision in the Princess Palace of the Great King of the Kingdom of China, no one has disappeared.

“What if something happens?” Mrs. Shou Chunbo was not in favor of the arrangement when the Qingjiang county chief asked him to do so. “The two are now fighting for the top position, and each other can be said to be at the tip of Mai Mang. How can you not make a noise? “

“It’s good to be troubled!” Qingjiang Jun sneered. “That’s not a good reason to ask them to make a noise and go elsewhere, don’t disturb the mother to raise her!”

The Qingjiang Junzhu now has nothing to do with Wei Su, even if King Su is her brother-in-law. After all, the princess of the Jin Dynasty Grand Prix was ill because of Jane ’s death in Liaozhou. Because this year’s chapel events have been one by one, involving Su Wang and his wife, Yanhou Mansion and Pei Yourui, the eldest princess of Jin Kingdom not only has no intention of recuperating, but also has to worry about the juniors under his knee. Not as good as one day.

Therefore, although Lu Hehao and King Su came to visit the princess of the Jin Dynasty, the Lord of Qingjiang County did not appreciate it, and even had the desire to expel them sooner.

Mrs. Shou Chunbo could not beat her, plus Jian Xubai reminded from the side: “Lu Hehao and His Royal Highness will come here. In addition to caring about the second aunt, in fact, it is also done for the people in the court and the world. What’s going on in Aunt Er’s house? And Sister Yi, let them sit in the flower hall for a meeting, and see if it’s almost time to say hello, they should leave. “

Then he whispered, “I will have nothing to say if we go there. Eryou, you went to the eldest sister to say something, but it is troublesome, it might as well go!”

As he said, Shou Chunfu’s talents came to their senses and Yanhoufu had already stood in the team. If he went to the flower hall, he would just help Su Wang. But the Qingjiang County Lord and Shouchunbo government never expressed their attitudes and did not want to express their attitudes-so if they went out to entertain the two, they would n’t be upset, really upset, who would they help?

Isn’t it easy to play round all the time?

“This day is a mess!” Mrs. Shou Chunchun sighed. “I don’t know when it is headed–yes, you haven’t been back to the house until now. Your brother and sister are alone in the house and you have to watch again. Child, can you get over here? Or just take her over, anyway, there are so many empty houses on Mother ’s side. “

When Mrs. Shou Chunbo voted for Tao and paid attention to Song Yi’s laugh, Lu Hehao and Su Wang began a confrontation in the flower hall after a brief stalemate: “I didn’t expect my cousin to come back so quickly.”

Lu Hehao held up the tea and blew, his mouth slightly raised, but his smile didn’t reach his eyes. “I thought that when your Majesty summoned you to return to the imperial capital before, he told you that the emperor’s grandmother and the emperor’s phoenix of Jin Dynasty were insecure, but you There are no signs of going around. This time I heard that the aunt’s condition had worsened, and she might not be able to arrive in time? “

He deliberately emphasized the two words “cousin”. The meaning inside and outside the words naturally meant that King Su was not sincerely caring for his elders, but pretending to be pretending.

“The reason why Gu was delayed on the road was because of the assassination of Brother Xiang. The court was worried that Gu was also hit by accident. He had also allowed Gu to be cautiously engaged.” Su Wang said lightly, “This is also no way out. After all, the aunt Dai Guohuang and her uncle are already far away in Qiongzhou, and it is still difficult to escape the poisonous hand-how can Gu Leng accidentally carelessly? “

Naturally, Lu Hehao would not be embarrassed by the satire that he murdered the princess and granddaughter of the National People ’s Congress. He still smiled and said, “You do n’t do bad things and do n’t be afraid of knocking on the door. The cousin is so tight. It ’s big. Otherwise, why do you need to have such a mind? ”

“If you want to lose your mind, who can be compared to the third brother you?” Su Wang heard sneer and sneered. “The wives and the biological young children can pull themselves in front of them to block arrows, and they don’t know that these three brothers are in the middle of the night. Have you ever dreamed of the late Mikasa and her nephew? “

“The man by the pillow, my dear son, of course, occasionally dreamed of it.” Lu Hehao calmly said, “But to talk about it, shouldn’t it be Su’s family?”

He turned his head and looked at King Su with a smile. “Cousin had severed Su Jiaen before despising me for this matter? If not, but what qualifications do he point at me? Can the cousin only see me? It ’s a love affair, but you ca n’t see the innocent killing of the Su family? My cousin is so kind, so I have to dream about my innocent wife going to cry out in the middle of the night? ”

King Su facelessly said: “Wei’s family is also involved in this matter. Now the third brother is very happy with Wei’s affection. The third brother’s birth as husband and nephew of Guier Father, so open-minded, why is it so lonely for the lonely son to be the third nephew and Guier’s nephew to break with Su family? “

The two quarreled here to see if the time was almost up, but the people of the Princess of Jin Dynasty’s Grand Princess had not yet come to say hello to them-this was so obvious that they didn’t want to stay to make people annoying, Su Wang turned His head told the waiter, “How is the aunt now?”

Then the humanity said: “Just ask the young one, and I beg you to wait a little while, Lord Wang and Gongzi!”

Soon after this person went to ask for instructions, the Qingjiang County Lord came out to see the guests off-the County Lord was in a bad mood because of the illness of Princess Jin Guoda, and his attitude would not be too beautiful. He said, “He Hao, He Bone, are you going away? I am really sorry, my mother hasn’t woken up yet, there is no main body in the house now, and I am really neglecting you today! Fortunately, they are all My family, I am not polite with you either, so I will send you out! “

Lu Hehao and Su Wang heard the words, and the corners of their mouths were all drawn: Su Wang just asked what was the current situation of the princess of the Jin Dynasty, and then the man did not have the courage to fake the words of the grandfather, but the Qingjiang County Lord said that they were leaving This obviously makes them want to get off early!

However, they were not good enough to talk to the master of Qingjiang County, and they were concerned about the illness of the princess of the Jin Dynasty. They were sent out by the master of Qingjiang County.

They only stepped out of the threshold, and the Qingjiang County Master threw down a sentence: “I still have to go back and guard the mother, you slow down!” Immediately ordered the people to “bang” the door shut!

“Big cousin’s temper!” Su Wang smiled bitterly, glanced at Lu Hehao, and was about to wear his robe to his mount. He didn’t expect Lu Hehao to turn his head suddenly, and laughed in a voice that only he could hear: “Cousin seems I look down on me? I don’t know if his sunset cousin is a cousin, will he still be as high as he is today? “

Su Wang heard his words narrowed his eyes, stopped and turned his head, and said lightly, “Lonely is just too lazy to talk to me!”

“Isn’t my cousin myself a tadpole?” Lu Hehao listened to this, as if he had heard a joke, and laughed sincerely, “Cousin thought that if you were to be crowned in the future, you could do it yourself Being the master? Do n’t be kidding-Su Jia has worked so hard for so many years, Ji Guogong lost his life, and the eldest son, Sun Bofeng, became a disability with only one foot. To the cousin Ji, who was born in nature, the Su family in Qingzhou paid a huge price to unconditionally let you reign in the world ?! Did they owe you for eight lives? Or do you think that you shouted and shouted cousin, they I was so moved to bow for you and die without any compensation ?! “

Lu Hehao said with a smile, “I thought there was something special about the cultivation of Su’s in Qingzhou. Now it seems that your cousin is more innocent than His Majesty!”

He seemed to think of something, and changed his tongue, “Oh, no! This is exactly proof that Su’s teaching to you is really very successful-if you want to come to the future, even if the Su family wins, you will be happy for them forever. I am grateful and think that I have everything in my grasp! I am very happy to let my relatives and relatives be a guise. It is indeed a famous family who has inherited several dynasties! It is truly unique and convincing! “

Speaking of which, Lu Hehao gave a thumbs-up to King Su and left with a smile.

“His Royal Highness?” Everyone who heard this remark changed his face, and looked angrily at Su Wang.

“He’s the same!” Su Wang was still calm, and said lightly, “Unfortunately, solitude is not His Majesty. He listens to him with a few words and doubts his close relatives-this kind of lip service is not good, but look at tomorrow The court debate, whether he can still be so sharp! “

The waiters heard a sigh of relief, but did not notice that King Su’s eyes flickered slightly, thoughtfully.

At this time, everyone knows that the next day’s pilgrimage will be very intense.

However, in the evening of that day, an imperial edict from the palace almost caused the ministers to embrace the palace on the spot and start the war ahead of time—the silenced Emperor Duanhua promulgated the imperial edict on the pretext that Lu Hehao went to visit the aunt of the Grand Princess Palace of Jin Dynasty today as an excuse. , Said that Lu Hehao is filial and considerate, and can correct his mistakes and restore the Lord of King Liang!

At a glance, this imperial edict shows that it is from the Wei family. After all, the Wei family now recommends Lu Hehao to fight with King Su—and King Su is the king, but Lu Hehao is just a tadpole. Today, the two met in the princess palace of the Jin Dynasty. Lu Hehao’s mouthful of a “cousin” didn’t seem to fall into the wind. In fact, King Su opened his mouth “solitary” and closed his mouth “the king.”

How did the Wei family let Lu Hehao suffer this loss?

So this will catch a chance, no matter whether it is far-fetched or not, let’s restore the title of Lu Hehao first!

Of course, they knew that the Su family would never agree with Lu Hehao’s easy restoration of the prince ’s identity-so that evening, in addition to reinstating Emperor Duanhua to Lord Lu Hehao, they also let King Liang descend from prison to Zong Zhengshao, who is in charge of the Zongzheng Temple. Come and take someone to Su Wang’s house to arrest Su Wang.

The reason is naturally the assassination of King Xiang, which has almost been forgotten.

… In fact, when King Su first appeared on the court, the Wei family could seize it.

The reason why I didn’t mention it at the time, and I only mentioned it now is to cover Lu Hehao’s restoration of the title: Is your Su family now looking at the landing Hehao should not restore the king, or should he kill the king for the sake of Su Wang? King’s charge? !!

Although the Su family now has the upper hand, the advantage is not so great that they can achieve both goals at the same time.

And when you can only choose one of these two things, I also want to know that the Su family must choose the latter-so, the resistance that prevents Lu Hehao from recovering the Lord will be much smaller.

“So this candidate is really impossible!” Wei Ai regretted privately, “If it wasn’t because Lu Hehao had too many problems, as the emperor’s parents and children, it would take so much effort to restore a title, how much can the King Xiang case be used? That can only be wasted! “

“In the end, Xiang Xiang’s case was the sword that Gu Xiang personally manipulated.” Xinxin comforted, “Which Su family can easily solve? Maybe it might not be wasted?”

Wei Wei smiled bitterly: “I can only hope so–“

He rubbed his face, “There is nothing else, you can go back and settle down! If you don’t cultivate your spirit, you won’t be able to hold on to the future!”

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