The Red Hand

Chapter 24 – Don’t Choke on Your Aspirations.

Kana let out a big yawn. "Ahhhhhhughgh."

"There it is." Akagi chuckled. "I think you should head off to bed; it's been a long day for you." she walked over to Kana and patted her on the head.

"Onee-chan, why are you always doing that?" Kana looked up at her. "I'm not a little kid anymore."

Akagi pulled her hand away. "Sorry, I guess I'm just used to it.” she scratched her cheek. “I've been doing that for so long its just kind of natural, and honestly, part of me still thinks you're twelve.” she gave an embarrassed smile. “You're right, your not a little girl anymore; I'll try to keep that in mind."

Kana let out a sigh. "I don't really mind. But maybe, try not to do it when there are others around." Kana reached out and grabbed Akagi's hand placing it back on her head. “No matter how old I get, I'll always be your little sister.” she smiled.

Akagi let out a laugh. "I take it back, you're still a kid."

Kana let out another yawn. "But you're right. I'm going to head off to bed; it's been a long day. Tomorrow is Hishya's interview isn't it? Do you know when she's coming over?" she was looking forward to meeting Hishya.

"Hishya said she would let me know.” Akagi shrugged. “ I'll walk you back to the house, and have Yumi show you to the guest room." as Akagi said this, black smoke began to appear from her body; she was going to revert back to her usual appearance.

"Wait!" Kana called out.

Akagi was taken off guard by this sudden cry and was only more confused when Kana leaped at her and brought her into a hug. "I don't know if I'll get to see you like this again, so I wanted to take this opportunity to hug you," Kana said, squeezing her. “I missed you, Onee-chan.”

Akagi shook her head and let out a chuckle. "You really are still a kid, aren't you, Kana."

After Kana had her fill of hugging Akagi, the two walked back towards the main house. Akagi had, of course, returned to her usual appearance. Yumi was waiting for their return and took Kana to the guest room where Mika and Naomi were sleeping. After about twenty minutes, Yumi met Akagi on the front porch, ready for battle. It was finally time to perform the assassination of the Mitsuhide family.

"Is everything ready to go?" Akagi asked Yumi.

"Yes, Marshal and his team are in position," she replied with a fierce expression. "He reported a marginal increase in security, but it shouldn't pose any problems.” Yumi didn't seem worried.

"And Kana and the girls; are they ok?" Akagi was concerned that today's events might have been too much for them to handle.

"Yes, there all asleep in the guest room. After the day they had, I'm impressed they managed to stay awake this late. "Yumi smiled. "And I'm glad you were able to clear things up with Kana."

Akagi turned her face away from Yumi. "Yeah, me too." she may have turned away, but Yumi could still see the smile on her face.

The moon was full on this warm late summer night. The stars were visible, and the darkness that Akagi thrived on was still present, despite the light of the moon. If there were a more perfect night for an assassination, Akagi would ask you to prove it.

"My lord." Yumi interrupted her thoughts. "Shall we head to Tokyo? I already prepared our arrival point; it's across the street from the Mitsuhide estate." (Yumi)

Akagi cracked a smile. "Yeah, let's give those bastards what's coming to them."

{Naomi, when you wake up tomorrow morning, it'll all be over.} (Akagi)

Yumi pulled out her staff and began to spin it over her head. A moment later, a large white magic circle appeared below them and in a flash of light, they vanished.

Chloe watched them teleport away from a vantage point on top of one of the buildings of the estate. "And they're off nya!" she said. "Happy hunting myaster!" the cat-girl said while leaping away.


<Nagumo POV>

Today had been an unmitigated disaster. Not only had the military failed to take down Akagi, but she also destroyed a JSDF military base resulting in over six hundred casualties. It would be impossible to cover this up, too many civilians had seen the explosions and heard the gunfire. On top of that, a media outlet had managed to broadcast footage of the burning base, live to the entire nation. Nagumo was definitely going to see some heads roll at work tomorrow for that one.

Social media and national news were already demanding answers for the attack on the base. The Prime Minister agreed to hold a press conference tomorrow morning in response to pressure from the Diet, and the country eagerly awaited answers. Nagumo arrived home from the Capitol late tonight after running around trying to do damage control. As the Minister of Defense he knew that any attacks on Japanese soil would be his responsibility. However, right now, what he cared about more was the fact that his political career was on the line. He might be lucky enough to feign ignorance or force a lower level subordinate to take the fall, but he would likely never politically recovery from this.

"Dammit!" he screamed as he slammed his glass of whiskey onto his desk. "How in the hell could those idiots in the JSDF let this happen!" his yelling was loud enough to rattle the windows.

"After all the money and support we gave them over the last twenty years, you're telling me that they couldn't even take down twenty people?" he put his head into his hands. "What was the point of amending Article 9 if these idiots still can't do their job properly." he stood up and walked to his whiskey cabinet to pour another glass.

After the fourth Taiwan Straight crisis of 2033 the Japanese government, with American approval, formally amended Article 9 of the Japanese constitution. Japan's military was still limited in its ability to deploy overseas, but today it resembled a proper military.

"We were so close to greatness, everything was set up perfectly. I would become the next Prime Minster after the election and our family's power would be cemented. But those incompetent fools set me back over a decade in the span of one day.” he chugged his glass. “Miyori might be able to survive this debacle at the very least. She'll probably try to feign ignorance and throw me and the Prime Minister under the bus, not exactly my preferred outcome but that will still leave the family with power." he sighed. "Perhaps Dad was right; maybe I do let my ambitions get the better of me." he looked at the family portrait above the centerpiece.

"Your father was a smart man." an unknown voice said from behind him.

Startled, Nagumo spun around. "Who goes...there...." he froze.

In front of him stood the same woman he tried to kill earlier today and at her side was young girl dressed like a shrine maiden. These were the two people he never wanted to see, and now, they were standing in his private office in his estate. There was no sign of forced entry, the window behind her was closed, and he hadn't heard a sound before she spoke. It was almost as if she appeared out of thin air.

"Good Afternoon Defense Secretary Nagumo Mitsuhide." Akagi gave a polite bow.

"Yo-You!" he yelled, dropping his drink causing the glass to shatter. "What are you doing here? Where are my guards?" he asked frantically.” You're here for revenge aren't you? Revenge for taking your sister?”

{What the hell is my security team doing?} he cursed his subordinates.

"Listen, I had no choice. It's my duty as Defense Secretary to carry out the government's orders. So please understand, it was nothing personal." He was trying to talk his way out of this mess.

"Orders huh? Well, there's no helping those." Akagi shrugged.

"Yes, orders. There was no way I could go against the Prime Minister's wishes, you understand," he said thinking his argument was working.

{If I play my cards right, perhaps I could get out of this in a better position. Maybe if I help this girl, she might help me?} his inner thoughts were filled with schemes.

"Hey, how about this," he spoke up. "Let's work together. I can help keep the heat off you by testifying that the government acted illegally. I'm pretty good at spin, it might not be perfect, but with my help, you can definitely keep in the public's good graces." he thought his plan was perfect. “How does that sound? I've no qualms with stabbing the Prime Minister in the back.”

"Hmmm, not the worst plan I heard today. But, I think I'll pass." Akagi said while scratching her chin.

"Wha?" Nagumo couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Why? You need my help! Without me and my family's support, you'll be labeled an enemy of the state!” he screamed. "Forget about the Japanese government. I figure most of the major powers will send people after you! Do you really intend to fight such forces all on your own?”

Akagi had already expected foreign powers, especially the United States and China to be interested in her, so what he was saying was most likely accurate. However, that really didn't matter since she could put them on ice with the slight threat of a nuclear apocalypse. While Nagumo was aware of the nuclear program, he was not informed that Akagi had hijacked it. From his perspective his plan seemed perfect, so when she dismissed it he could only think she wanted to fight the world.

{This woman is insane.} (Nagumo)

"I honestly don't care. That's why." Akagi responded flatly. "Let them come. If they want a war." she licked her lips. "I'll give them one." slowly a shadow began to seep from Akagi's form until the entire room was black. The only thing you could see were the forms of Akagi, Yumi, and Nagumo.

"Now. You asked me why I'm here." Akagi said walking toward him. "While I would kill you for your actions in the kidnapping of my sister." She stared at him, her eyes glowing. "I'm actually here on business." her tone shifted to be more formal, almost business like.

"Bu-business." Nagumo choked out. “What sort of-” it clicked.

"Yes, business. And you, Mr. Mitsuhide, should know just what kind of business I deal in." she chuckled.

Her words briefly caused his mind to blank before he understood what she was getting at.

"Someone... Someone hired you to kill me?" he stammered. "That's ridiculous, who would hire an assassin to kill the Secretary of Defense of a Major Nation, do they have a death wish?” he was flabbergasted. Political assassinations were definitely a thing, but most would never target a nations top political figures; especially in developed nations like Japan. “I'll pay you anything you want. My family has a tremendous amount of assets, far more than your client could ever hope to match. So please." he was practically begging.

*tsk* Akagi clicked her tongue. "It really pisses me off when people do that." Akagi's words were laced with anger. "What do you people think I am? Some cheap mercenary that changes sides at the drop of a few coins?" his words had greatly upset her. "I'm an assassin god damn it and I take pride in my work! Bring me any amateur that would sell out their own client like that, and I'll gut them myself!” she practically growled at him in anger.

Akagi had dealt with a few other assassins in FWO, both Player and AI, that would betray their clients for the right price. She usually hunted these individuals down as she took such people as an embarrassment to her profession. So when Nagumo offered to pay her to betray her client, she got just a little bit irritated by the assumption that she was like them.

{Oh boy.} It wasn't the first time Yumi had seen her master get angry over this.

Taking a minute, Akagi calmed herself down. "Almost lost my cool there," she said shaking her head. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that asinine comment."

"I'm here at the behest of my client, who I believe you are familiar with Mr. Nagumo," she said looking at the trembling man. “And they wanted you dead, so that's whats going to happen.”

"I know them? Who! Who would dare make an enemy of the Mitsuhide family!" he asked while filled with fear. “Whoever they are, even if I'm dead, my family will find them and make them pay!

"Naomi Tokugawa." at her words, Nagumo's blood ran cold.

"Tokugawa..... You can't be serious. That little girl! That stupid girl is the one who sent you?!?" he was practically screaming. “How could that worthless girl possibly do something like this?!?”

"She asked me to repay the horror you inflicted upon her and her family and she wanted to make sure that you understood the gravity of your crime. You took her entire family because you feared losing some of your political power and you foolishly assumed that you would never be held responsible for your actions." Akagi drew her katana. "She told me to make sure you knew who sent me but I'll add this. She contracted me to kill not only you, but every member of the Mitsuhide family." her voice was ice cold.

"The entire family... not just me? What?" her words shook him to the core. “There's no way you could do something like that!”

"Oh... but I can” she gave a terrible grin. “As we speak my team is eliminating every other member of your family. Your children, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews; all of them will die. If things are going according to schedule, only you and your father should be alive at the moment." Akagi's matter of fact explanation showed just how little she cared about the morality of her actions.

Upon hearing this, Nagumo could only start laughing. He laughed and laughed like a man driven to madness. His eyes started darting back and forth and his entire body started shaking. “I knew you were a monster, but I never imagined it would be this bad.” he laughing continued. “If only, we managed to use you. We could have done anything!” he looked at Akagi, his eyes showing a mix of anger and sadness.

"You have no one to blame but yourself. Your aspirations were so large that even with all the power you and your family has, you ended up drowning in them.” she explained. “Had you taken the same approach as your father, you would have made much less enemies, and I wouldn't be standing before you today.”

Akagi then drew her Katana from its sheath. “Now, Secretary Nagumo Mitsuhide. In compliance with my contract, I will take your life.” She approached the laughing man slowly. “I cannot say whether there any gods that will judge you for your actions, but there is one thing I am certain of.” she stopped, and stood just before the crouching man. “Where life is filled with equality and unfairness; all are equal before death's embrace.” she swung her blade. “And I am that Death.” Nagumo's head was separated from his body and fell onto the floor. His eyes peered one last time into the darkness that surrounded him, and as his mind began to fade, he looked at the now shadowy form of Akagi.

{Strange.......I never knew death...... could be so warm. It's like......when my mother would hug me..... as... a.... kid.....} with that thought, the man known as Nagumo Mitsuhide died.

A moment later, Akagi drew all the darkness into her body and the room returned to normal. Nagumo's blood drenched the carpet and began spilling everywhere as silence filled the room. It was done, the man who had killed Naomi's family, the man who had caused her so much pain was gone. Akagi put away her blade and looked over at Yumi.

"All targets, other than Ryuji Mitsuhide, have been dealt with without issue my Lord," Yumi confirmed what Akagi already knew.

"Excellent, what say we pay the old man a visit and put this whole thing to rest," Akagi said as she opened the door to Nagumo's office. “Never thought I would meet him again.” her words were almost a whisper.


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Next Chapter: Chapter 25 - A Father's Regrets. 

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