The Red Hand

Chapter 285.5 –Mew Two Electric Mewgaloo.

"Are you two done yet?" Yumi sighed as she stood outside the sun room which Akagi had turned into a play area for her and Miji. The two troublemakers had told her to wait outside and closed the door, telling the Priestess that they were going to show her something fun while giggling the entire time.

{I have a feeling that I know what's about to happen...} (Yumi)


"We're nearly done!" Akagi called out as Miji giggled in the background. "Just one moment, we're almost ready! You're going to love this"

"Yeah! Sister is gonna be so surprised!" Miji giggled as Akagi hushed her.

{Maybe... But probably not...} (Yumi)

After a few minutes, and a whole lot of giggling and noise, Akagi told the Priestess to come in and after opening the door Yumi was greeted with the sight of a white futon with two small lumps hiding underneath the white, fluffy sheets.

"Oh nooooooooo, I wonder where they could've goooooone?" Yumi rolled her eyes as she walked over to the giggling futon. "Could they have possibly gone under here?" She sighed as she yanked the futon cover off, her eyes going wide as the Priestess saw what was underneath.

"MYU!" Miji meowed as she leaped at her sister, tackling her to the floor with a big happy hug. "Look, sister! I'm a kitty too! MU! MU!" She giggled as she hugged Yumi and rubbed her fluffy ears against her sister's completely stunned face.

"Isn't this amazing?!? Now you can have two kitties!" Akagi laughed as she dove on top of them, causing Miji to giggle.

Both girls were in kitty mode, and Yumi was completely frozen as she looked at Miji. She was wearing a cute black Yukata/dress, but the most eye-catching thing was her green cat ears and tail that blended in perfectly with her hair color.

"MYU! Sister, look! I'm a good kitty! MU! Give me hugs!" Miji continued to giggle as she hugged Yumi more. "MU! MYU! MYU!"

"S-S-S-" Yumi stuttered, unable to speak.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Akagi laughed as she moved alongside Yumi and hugged her, placing the Priestess firmly between two floofy cats that wished to give her love. That Miji was saying MEW wrong only added to her adorableness.

"SO CUTE!" Yumi screamed as she pulled Miji into an incredibly tight hug. "MIJI! OH MY GOD! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She squeaked as Miji was assaulted with hugs, pets, and fluffs.

{KITTY!} (Yumi)

"Hurray!" Miji giggled as she was given enough attention to satisfy even them most needy child. "Sister likes it! I knew she would!"

{Pets feel good! No wonder the kitty likes them!} (Miji)

"I told you that she'd like it. After all, Yumi loves kitties." Akagi snickered as she watched Yumi go to town on Miji.


"This is the best thing ever! Miji was already the cutest thing, but now she's somehow even more cute!" Yumi said as she pet and floofed her sister. "And the ears! They feel so real!" She said as she rubbed them. “Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty!”

“MYU!” Miji meowed as she was rubbed.

"I used some high-tier illusion powers of mine to make them as close as possible to being real, and Miji can even feel and move them a bit." Akagi said as she pointed to Miji's wagging tail.

"Who's a good little kitty? Who's a good widdle kitty?" Yumi said as she tackled Miji to the floor and floofed her good.

"MU! I'm the good kitty!" Miji giggled as she was tickled.

"Yes! You're the bestest kitty ever!" Yumi laughed. “And good kitties get spoiled!”

"What about me?" Akagi asked, pretending to be hurt by the lack of attention being given to her and the claim that she was no longer the best kitty.

"You've been demoted to second-best kitty. Miji won out due to overwhelming adorability!" Yumi snickered. "Just look at how cute is! I just want to eat her up! NOM NOM NOM!" She pretended to bite onto her sister, who laughed.

"NO! Kitties aren't for eating! Save me, kitty!" Miji continued to laugh as Yumi tickled her more.

“Sorry, but this is the price you must pay for the snuggles.” Akagi laughed.

"Fool! There is no escape from me now that I've seen you like this! Now that you've became kitty I'm going to spoil you rotten!" Yumi laughed as she hugged her sister, who hugged her back as they fell to the futon.

{Well, isn't this just adorable?} Akagi smiled as she sat on the floor and watched the two sisters roll about, laughing and enjoying themselves.

"What in the hell is all the screaming abo-" Kana turned the corner and looked into the room, freezing as she saw a Cat-Miji being hugged and floofed by Yumi. "Onee-chan..." Her gaze shifted to the innocent Catkagi. "What did you do?" She asked.

{Do I have to break out the bat?} (Kana)

"I simply made a young girl's wish come true." Akagi said with a smile as she turned around to look at her, being adorable as she did so.

{Don't just sit there and pretend to be a pure-hearted kitty... } (Kana)

"Hey, what's going on... in... here..." Hishya popped up behind Kana, having a similar reaction to the adorable Miji's cuteness. "Well, she finally did it. Akagi went out and made her own catgirl."

{I guess I shouldn't be shocked.} (Hishya)

"I think we're well past that point, Hishya." The Catkagi said as her kitty ears and tail twitched and swished. "Not to mention why would I need to make a Catgirl when I can become one?"

{Not only can I become my own blankie, but I can become my own Catgirl too! These things lead to lots of fun options, some of which Yumi enjoys greatly.} (Akagi)

"Fair." Hishya rolled her eyes at the obvious response. "But please don't tell me you went and actually did something irreversible to Miji..."

{We don't need more Cats running around here, as adorable as this new one may be...} (Hishya)

"Don't worry, it's just a well-made illusion. One snap of my fingers, and Miji's cat parts go away." Akagi replied with a finger snap. "Tough, if you'd like, I can give you or Kana some kitty parts to play with. Things could get nice and spicy with a good kitty." She winked.

"Don't you dare!" Kana hissed before turning to Hishya, understanding that the Dragon was definitely interested in seeing such a thing. "And don't you go getting any ideas!"

{I don't need another idiotic Otaku doing stupid things!} (Kana)

"I would never." Hishya feigned ignorance. "Seeing Cat-Kana is absolutely not on my list of things I really want to see, nope."

"Well, it ain't happening!" Kana grumbled.

{Don't worry, it will.} (Akagi)

"Hishya, Kana!" Miji got away from Yumi, much to the dismay of the Priestess, and hopped over to the two of them. "Look! Look!" She wiggled her kitty ears and tail. "Am kitty! Just like the kitty! MYU!" She smiled as she spun in circles and chased her tail.

{That's too fucking cute!} (Kana x Hishya)

"Yes, you are." Hishya smiled as she pat Miji on the head. "You're absolutely adorable! Unlike a certain other kitty who's name shall not be mentioned.."


Akagi blew a raspberry.

"Yeah. Unlike Onee-chan, Miji here is a pure adorable bunch of fluff without a hint of evil in her heart." Kana laughed. “She's a good kitty who embodies the purity that all should be.”

"Oi! The gap between my appearance and my actions as a kitty is part of the charm." Akagi grumbled. "That's literally the appeal of gap moe."

{Why else do you think having young girls commit war crimes in anime is funny?!?} (Akagi)

"I agree wholeheartedly!" Yumi protested, picking up Akagi and hugging her, eliciting a meow. "Seeing this adorable little creature burn everything to ash with her mighty MEW would be the best!" She giggled as she rubbed her face against Akagi's ears. "World destroying evil kitty is best kitty!"

"MEW!" Akagi meowed as she was pet and hugged.

{See, being evil has perks!} (Akagi)

"Hmmm. Does this mean that I should be like kitty and be evil?" Miji looked up and asked Hishya.

"No!" (Kana x Hishya)

"Don't listen to her! You need to stay a good girl! Never, EVER be like that!" Hishya pointed at Akagi, who meowed again.


"But... But kitty!" Miji pouted, wanting to be the cutest kitty in the land.

"Just stay the happy and cute little kitty that you are now." Kana said, trying to cheer her up. "Onee-chan is a bad kitty. Do you want to be a bad kitty?"

"No..." Miji replied weakly.

"Good!" Hishya pat her on the head. "Just don't forget that and everything will be good!" She smiled.

"Can I still play with the kitty and be a good girl?" Miji was worried that she would need to stop playing with Akagi, which was not going to happen.

Naturally, both wanted to say no but they knew that saying that was not an option as it would evoke the wrath of Fluffy Satan herself.

"Yes, just be careful not to let her evil ways rub off on you." Kana said with a wry smile.

"Hurray!" Miji cheered as she ran over to Akagi. "Come on, kitty! Let's play some more!" She took Akagi away from her sister, and the two played a game of tag that took them all around the house. The two ran and ran and ran until Miji was exhausted, but that didn't stop their fun as Akagi quickly changed things up and had them play hide and seek before settling down for more fun and games flopping about on the futon.

"MEW! MEW!" Akagi meowed happily as she and Miji tackled each other while the girls watched on, jealously.

{Must be fucking nice...} (Hishya)

"MYU!" Miji returned a mew of her own, causing Yumi to nearly nosebleed due to the cuteness being let into the air.

"I think I'm going to die from cute overload." Yumi said while pinching her nose to stop the blood from gushing out. "This is just too much for me."

"Don't you want to join?" Kana elbowed her with a smirk.

{I REALLY DO!} (Yumi)

"No, I'll just let them have fun together." Yumi smiled as she pulled out a tissue and dabbed her nose.

{This girl is dying to go cat and flop around with them. Then again, I can't blame her...} (Hishya)

"MEW!" Akagi tackled Miji to the futon, and the young kitty let out a mighty yawn after getting back up. "Alright, I think that's enough." Akagi said as she got up.

"NOOOO!" Miji pouted before yawning again. "I'm still not done! I want to be kitty with you more!" She clung to Akagi, not wanting the fun to end.

{Stay with me, kitty!} (Miji)

"Now Miji. We've been playing for a while, but it's nap time now." Akagi gave a wry smile. Miji was clearly tired, but the girl didn't want to stop playing since she was having so much fun.

"Then take a nap with me! And let me stay kitty too!" Miji pleaded for snuggles with her, and Akagi couldn't say no to such a thing even if she wanted to.

"How about I do you one better and we all take a nap together in the big bed?" Akagi looked over to Yumi, who was practically vibrating in anticipation.


"I-I w-wouldn't be opposed." Yumi said while trying not to look too enthusiastic at the idea of nap time with the Catkagi and CatMiji.

{You're not hiding your desires AT ALL Yumi...} (Kana)

"We'll take a nap together?" Miji said as she clung to Akagi. "Me, you and sister?"

"Yep!" Akagi smiled as Yumi was practically ready to bolt out the door with the two of them in her arms. "How about it, Yumi? Want to snuggle with the kitties?"


"If you insist." Yumi said, again failing to hide her excitement.

"MEW!" Miji and Akagi let out a mew together as they went upstairs and took a nap together. Miji was happily tucked between the two of them, embraced by those who loved her the most in this world.


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Next Chapter: Chapter 286 - A Scandal in the White House.

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