The Red Hand

Chapter 288 – The Great Snuggle Protest.


The Invasion Begins Next!

"WHAT DO WE WANT?!?" A Catkagi that was standing on stacked boxes called out to a massive crowd of other rowdy Catkagi.

"SNUGGLES!" (Catkagi crowd)

"WHEN DO WE WANT THEM?!?" (Box Catkagi)

"NYAOW!" The Catkagi crowd continued the chant as Hishya looked on in complete confusion.

"What the fuck is going on?" Hishya sighed as she watched the stupid scene of one group of Catkagi protesting around the main house of the estate while another group of Catkagi held them back, dressed as riot police.

{Did I die and go to fucking crazyland?!? Oh wait, Dumetor IS crazyland...} (Hishya)

"Ok, Akagi." Hishya grabbed a nearby Catkagi by the shoulder and spun it around. "What the hell are you doing?"


"We are dismantling this oppressive establishment which refuses to respect our fundamental rights!" The Catkagi said with passion in her eyes. “We shall tear it down board by board! Painting the streed red with the blood of the oppressors!”

"Ok... And what might those 'rights' be?" Hishya was holding back the urge to face-palm.

"Those foolish oppressors dared to take away our snuggle time!" The Catkagi explained the injustices that they'd been subjected to. "The Evil Demon Princess conspired with the Magical Girl and the Shoguness to deny any future snuggles!" She pointed to the Catkagi protesters who were burning effigies of the girls. "We shall make them understand the error of their ways! We are the working Catkagi! And we demand our rightful snuggles!"

{Yeah... I understand what's going on even less now...} (Hishya)

"Well, maybe I can go talk some sense into them?" Hishya figured that going to the girls in question would yeild more answers than speaking to the crazy cat.

"You will likely not be able to enter the Palace. Those disgusting pigs beat any who attempt to enter!" The Catkagi told tales of innocent Catkagi protesters being beaten with clubs.

{Is this considered self-harm? Should Akagi get help? Wait, who am I kidding, there's not a shrink alive qualified enough to handle that mess...} (Hishya)

"You know what, I'll give it a try anyway." Hishya sighed as she made her way through the crowd, taking note of several burning police vans that the Catkagi had tipped over. "Where did she even get those? Never mind, never mind..." As she reached the front of the protest group she came face to face with a group of Catkagi wearing riot gear.

"Get back!" A riot Catkagi smacked a Catkagi protester with its club. "Back I say! Don't make me get out the taser!"

"Nice to see the law enforcement in Dumetor is just as militarized as elsewhere." Hishya rolled her eyes as she attempted to move past the police line.

"Hey! You can't pass!" A riot Catkagi blocked her path, threatening her with an electrified club. "We were told to let no one but the negotiator enter, so back off!" She wiggled her baton at Hishya.

"Ah yes, the Negotiator. We'll that would be me." Hishya figured that this was exactly what Akagi wanted her to say and was correct as she was quickly allowed past the police line.

{Why is my friend so fucking dumb... And why do I actually find this funny?!?} (Hishya)

Once she was inside the house, she quickly found Kana sitting on the couch, her face red from embarrassment while Mika and Naomi were struggling to breathe from laughing.

"S-She actually... Oh fucking god!" Mika was wheezing on the couch.

"I-I can't breathe!" Naomi fell to the floor laughing.

"ITS NOT FUNNY!" Kana yelled at her laughing friends. "Onee-chan is embarrassing me!"

"Well, to be fair, this is your fault." Yumi said. She was duck tapped to a chair while some kind of special forces Catkagi watched over her.

"So this was your doing." Hishya sighed as she walked into the living room, past the laughing idiots. "What did you do this time?"

{Why is it when Akagi is doing stupid things that 99% of the time its one of these four that cause it?!?} (Hishya)

"S-She thought it would be funny to declare an end to all petting for Akagi." Naomi said as she struggled to get to her feet.

“Y-Yeah! Kana decided to end all pets!” Mika said while barely holding it together.


{WHY ME?!?} (Kana)

"Well, this is kind of silly if you think about it." Hishya shook her head. "You have Akagi split into police and protesters demanding an end to the oppressive evil of the Demon Princess. Why are you even surprised at this point? Akagi does stupider things on the regular, and since this is her we're talking about why would you even try something like this?" She could hear minor explosions and cheers outside as police fired tear gas into the crowd.

{Did you learn nothing from the cheese?!?} (Hishya)

"I don't even know why I bother sometimes..." Kana hung her head. "I wanted to have a bit of fun and tease Onee-chan... Why did I think this would end any other way?"

{Book smart, common sense stupid...} (Hishya)

"By the way, why is Yumi tied up?" Hishya thought it was strange that the Priestess was restrained.

"This instigator tried getting through the blockade in an attempt to harm the VIPs." The Special Forces Catkagi said. “We couldn't risk her harming anyone so we used the most powerful adhesive force known to Cat.”

"Meaning that I tried to get the three of them to give in before things got out of hand." Yumi sighed.

"You got swept up in Akagi's stupidity, didn't you?" Hishya figured that Yumi was sucked into Akagi's antics and probably did some protesting of her own.

{I'm picturing her with some kind of picket sign and shooting off flares...} (Hishya)

"She's the one that burned that car out front." Mika said as she tried to stop laughing. "She screamed that we would all suffer for our tyranny and that she'd see our heads roll."

"I-I was only playing my part!" Yumi huffed. "Plus, it was funny."

{Nice to see that she and Akagi share the same fucking brain cell.} (Hishya)

"Alright, so, how about you three just end things by turning back on the pets." Hishya pinched the bridge of her nose in exasperation. "Otherwise, Akagi might ramp things up if you keep holding out." She figured that thing would only get worse until Akagi got her way.

"But then that rewards her basically throwing a temper tantrum!" Kana exclaimed. “If we give in now then there's not telling how much worse she'll get!

{I think its already too late for that, Kana...} (Mika)

"If you think this is a temper tantrum, then you'd better hope you never see a real one." Hishya shook her head. "This is just your sister messing around for laughs. Don't forget that she's simultaneously playing the fucking police and the rioters at the same time. If she really wanted to cause a stink, she'd bust in here and start tickling you all to death or something." She figured that Akagi was just play at this point, and that this was merely her memeing.

"Please don't wish that upon us..." Kana sighed. "Fine... Not like I was going to actually stop spoiling her anyway." She looked at the Special Forces Catkagi. "Are you happy now? You can call off all the nonsense."

{I swear I'm going to get you back for this! What was that food you always hated?!? Because I'm going to force feed it to you!} (Kana)

"Apologize mam, but the crowd might not be willing to return to the status quo." The Special Forces Catkagi shook its head. "They've gotten far too violent and angry to be disbursed with just your words. There's a chance that they might-" She paused as a message came through its ear-com, and an explosion went off out front that shook the building.

"What the hell was that?!?" Kana asked in a panic.

"Looks like counter-protesters have arrived, and a street brawl has erupted." The Special Forces Catkagi moved to the window where Hishya could see dozens of picket signs that said phrases like: Down with Snuggles: Snuggles Keep the Working Catkagi Down and: Catkagi Against Snuggles.

"Why is this getting so realistic?!?" Hishya groaned. "Akagi, just call it off... please..."

"I'm so glad that I came over today." Mika giggled.

"Yeah, this was definitely better than doing summer homework." Naomi laughed.

"It's not funny!" Kana exclaimed.

"Yes, it is!" (Naomi x Mika)

Outside hundreds of Catkagi engaged in hand-to-hand combat, with dozens being killed and many more wounded. The police chose to watch on as the two sides bloodied each other, and Hishya greatly enjoyed watching the carnage from the window.

"Yeah! Knock that bitches' lights out!" Hishya cheered on the violence as she watched from the window. "OH SHIT! Did you see that?!? One did a German Suplex!" Her eyes sparkled as she watched the Catkagi bash their heads in.


"Shouldn't you be doing something about this?" Kana asked with a sigh.

{Aren't you supposed to be the responsible one?} (Kana)

"Nah, this has gotten far too interesting now." Hishya snickered.

{Why must my girlfriend be just as bad as my sister...} (Kana)

"Onee-chan..." Kana walked over and put her hand on the Special Forces Catkagi's shoulder. "What's it going to take to stop all this?" She asked, defeated.

"Hmmm." The Special Forces Catkagi thought for a moment before whispering something into Kana's ear.

"I-I hate you... fine... you win..." Kana groaned as she gave into Akagi's demands.

"A pleasure doing business with you." The Special Forces Catkagi melted away, and the normal form of Akagi took its place as the different Catkagi outside disappeared.

{Darn, it was only a few more seconds until that one exploded...} (Hishya)

"It would seem that the siege of the Dumetor Palace has ended. There were many casualties in the fighting that took place outside, and in the coming days and months we will see just how many innocent Catkagi lives were lost as a result of the tyranny of the Demon Princess." Hishya laughed as she turned to Kana. “How will she make amends for all the violence that she caused?”

"I hate you..." Kana sighed as she took a seat on the couch.

"What was the price for ending things?" Mika looked at Akagi, dying to know what Kana was going to have to do.

"This." Akagi snapped her fingers, causing Kana to grow black cat ears and a tail. They were an illusion, but just like what she'd done with Miji, these extra parts would look, act, and feel like the real thing.

"ITS SO CUTE!" Hishya dove onto her, now kitty, girlfriend. "THIS IS AMAZING! AKAGI YOU'RE THE BEST!" She started petting and rubbing Kana's ears while the poor girl tried to wiggle away helplessly. “KANA HAS GONE FLOOFY!”

{EEEEEEEEE!} (Hishya)

"A fitting punishment." Naomi nodded in approval as she scratched Kana's ears.

"This one's totally going on my socials." Mika took a picture.

"DELETE THAT!" Kana hissed as she was forcefully pet and snuggled by Hishya. "AND HISHYA GET OFF ME!"

{Since when are you this interested in cat-girls?!?} (Kana)

"No!" Hishya declined. "I will take this opportunity! You're far too cute to let this chance slip away!"


"And now for the finale!" Akagi leaped into the air, landing next to Kana in Catkagi mode. "MEW!" She let out a cute mew as she was pet by Mika. “Now, say the line, Kana.” Akagi snickered.

"M-Mew~." Kana gave a said meow as she was defeated.

{Why did I ever imagine that this would end well for me...} (Kana)


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Next Chapter: Chapter 289 - Over There!

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