The Red Hand

Chapter 294 – Meeting the Princess and the Goddess.

The four girls continued their adventure around the Imperial Capital, stopping to get some lunch around the time that Amakusa's stomach made noises that made Akagi think a member of her own kind was trying to speaking to her. The hard paved streets and interesting architecture caused Akagi to stop and admire it a few times, with her commenting that it gave her a feeling of nostalgia. During FWO, the Demon spent a great deal of time in the Imperial Capital, so to see something that vaguely resembled it again brought back plenty of memories.

"That you can have such happy memories about killing people speaks to your character." Amakusa quipped. The two had gotten into another argument, this time circling back to Akagi's career as an assassin.

"I simply enjoy the art of Assassination." Akagi replied as they walked toward the Imperial Palace. It was almost time for the meeting, and they would enter via the main gate as per Rebeckah's instructions. "The setup, the planning, all of it fills me with absolute joy. That somebody dies in the end is merely a product of the kind of profession I wound up in." She shrugged. "Though there is always a sense of satisfaction at a job well done, so there's that too."

"You talk as if you're some kind of hunter." Amakusa scoffed. "You do realize that the people you killed had family, friends, feelings, and a future, right? Taking the lives of people who threaten you or those you care about is one thing, but doing it for nothing more than payment is abhorrent." She still thought that Akagi was a despicable creature, even if she had resigned herself to working with her.

{In any other timeline, she'd be the villain of this story and I'd be the Hero that slays her...} (Amakusa)

"Demon Lords are hunters by nature." Akagi laughed at the apt comparison. "Souls are our preferred food, so perhaps that plays into why I enjoy assassination so much. As to your second point, I've had many people throw that same canned line at me over the years. They'd always ask me how could I kill people who did no wrong, or how could I take lives on a whim, and to that I say... Too bad." She continued. "I will not sit here and justify my actions, nor will I try and make myself out to be some gray anti-hero who does what needs to be done for the greater good. I do what I do because it brings me joy and for no other reason. If you don't like it, then try and stop me." Her voice briefly distorted for a moment.

"I still don't like it..." Amakusa grumbled.

{Think you're tough just because your voice... I'll show you...} (Amakusa)

"Just do what I do and put it out of your mind." Halifax said as they started the final approach toward the massive front gates of the Imperial Palace. "I don't agree with Akagi's actions, but I've come to understand that trying to change her isn't going to happen. Plus, knowing what I do about Demon Lords, it's better that she satisfies whatever urges she has in this more limited fashion." She gave a wry smile.

{Vikes was an insatiable sadistic monster who reveled in the destruction he caused. No lives had meaning to that thing, and he didn't hold back from killing anyone who crossed his path. Compared to him, I think I'll take the happy kitty who tackles her sister-in-law for pets.} (Halifax)

"Exactly! Just do what the girls do and focus on Akagi being a cute kitty and massive goofball!" Yumi laughed. “It helps a ton!”

"..." Amakusa shook her head without speaking, not wanting to get into the cat issue.


As they approached the massive stone gates of the Imperial Palace, Halifax informed the guards that she was expected, and after confirming her identity with her guild I.D. the four of them were let into the palace, and the sight within took both Akagi and Yumi by surprise.

{Well damn... This is awesome!} (Akagi)

Massive multicolored gardens covered the approach to the central building, which Akagi likened to the Hofburg Palace in Vienna. With high sweeping walls and gorgeously crafted glass, Akagi figured that such a building was more than worthy of being called an Imperial Palace, and she internally applauded the people who managed to make such a beautiful building possible.

"This place is always pretty cool. I remember how much Kanato wouldn't shut up about how the inside looked like some Medieval European Palace." Amakusa commented as they were led by a butler.

“In fairness, this does look very European. Judging by the architecture I'd compare it to...” Akagi then went on a rant about medieval and early modern castles and other things that none of the girls cared about.

{Hearing a Demon Lord rant about buildings...} (Halifax)

"Speaking of Kanato, I wonder if he's here?" Halifax knew that Kanato would've been cast into the world randomly, but figured that there was a chance he'd come home.

"Lord Kanato is currently not in residence." The butler who was escorting them answered. "He was sent on an important mission by the Gods and has yet to return.”

{Good. That's one less problem we need to run into. I'd rather not deal with him at the moment.} (Halifax)

After entering the Palace and walking down a massive hallway, Akagi and the girls stood at the bottom of a huge grand staircase, at the top of which was a gigantic portrait of a teal haired woman.

“That's a beautiful painting.” Yumi commented as they started up the stairs.

“Why thank you.” Halifax giggled. “I painted it myself.”

“Wait, YOU made that?!?” Amakusa retorted. “WHAT?!?” She'd been told that the portrait was created two centuries ago by a good friend of Empress Sheraldine.

“I gave it to Sherry as a gift for her one hundredth birthday.” Halifax smiled as she recalled just how happy her friend was. “It took forever to make that thing, and bringing it here was a nightmare.”

{It was nearly destroyed on the journey here by one of those stupid boars...} (Halifax)

“Wha- Huh?!?” Amakusa still didn't understand, so Akagi whispered to her the truth of Halifax and Sherry's relationship, causing her to go red with embarrassment.

{ISN'T THAT REALLY BAD?!?} (Amakusa)

“His Majesty is quite fond of the painting. He never met the late Empress, as she passed away not long after he was born, but I've heard him remark that this portrait makes him feel like he's always known her.” The butler commented.

“Strange, if Humans can live so long, then how did the current Emperor not meet his Grandmother?” Akagi thought aloud.

“There were some circumstances. Sherry lived till the ripe old age of two hundred and twelve, an age that I never expected her to live to since she actually had quite a low amount of magical power.” Halifax explained. “She had four children, but only three lived to adulthood and the one who later became heir to the throne ended up not having children until very late into his life. By the time Emperor Hadrus was born, Sherry was on her death bed and he never really got to meet her.” She recalled the day that Sherry passed and though her old friend was at peace with things, it was still painful. “After that her son, Alfred, ruled until he passed around sixty years ago and then Hadrus took over.” She didn't have a good opinion of the current Emperor and found him to be far to willing to use violence to solve problems.

{Though, it at least seems that Rebeckah takes after her Great-Grandmother a bit ...} (Halifax)

After following the butler up the massive set of stairs and through hallways that made Yumi's head spin with just how expensive they must've been, Akagi and Co were directed to the Office of the Imperial Crown Princess.

"Lady Rebeckah is waiting inside. Please mind your manners and show her the appropriate courtesy." The butler bowed slightly before leaving.

"Don't worry, we will." Akagi smiled.

"I can sense Elariel's energy... She's... She's inside..." Halifax hesitated to open the door, her hand hovering just above the handle.

{Its... Its been so long...} (Halifax)

"If you don't want to meet her, then you can stay outside." Akagi put her hand on Halifax's shoulder. “I won't ask you to do something that makes you uncomfortable.”

"No..." Halifax shook her head. "This was my mission, and I need to report to her about what's going on..." She grabbed the handle. "Besides, if I leave all the talking to you, then I know things will go sideways."

"You know me so well!" Akagi snickered before turning to Amakusa. "Now be a good pet and keep quiet until it's time to speak."

"..." Amakusa tried to say something but found that her mouth wouldn't move.

"Good pet!" Akagi scratched her ears, dodging a hand swipe before turning back to Halifax. "Are you ready?"

"It's been a thousand years since I saw her with my own two eyes..." Halifax gulped. "But let's do this." She slowly opened the door, revealing Elariel and Princess Rebeckah sitting opposite one another on luxurious furniture.

"Ah, Ms. Halifax! We were wondering when you'd arrive." Rebeckah was wearing a fine white dress, and the air about her was far more mature than when she met Halifax before. "I never expected that we'd actually meet again." She stood and the two shook hands before the Princesses eyes moved to Akagi, Yumi, and Amakusa. "Your letter mentioned that there were some developments, and seeing as you've brought some friends, I can guess what those were."

{This girl is calculating. Her mind is trying to calmly figure out what's going on, interesting.} (Akagi)

"Things... Things went a bit differently than expected." Halifax gave a wry smile as she turned to Elariel. Akagi was currently hiding her power so the Goddess had no idea she was standing mere feet from the Demon Lord that she'd briefly sensed earlier.

"Halifax... It's... Its good to see you." Elariel didn't really know how to treat her 'daughter' anymore. She wanted to hug her but knew that such an act would be a poor idea. "I'm glad you're safe..."

{She doesn't seem to have changed, thank goodness!} (Elariel)

"Elariel." Halifax locked eyes with the Goddess. "Let's put aside our past issues for a moment. We can sift through that once we speak about the issue at hand." She took a deep breath before continuing. "Things have taken a turn for the worse, and we need to be prepared for all hell to break loose in the near future." She side-eyed Akagi, which both women failed to notice.

"I see... Then, please sit." Rebeckah motioned for her to sit on one of the couches. "That you've returned with others must mean that our plan didn't work out as intended." She turned and took a seat next to Elariel, with Akagi, Halifax, and Yumi sitting opposite her. Amakusa was told to stand behind the three of them rather than sit, which annoyed her.


{I can tell from that look in Akagi's eye that she's about to enjoy scaring the fucking hell out of Elariel... Is it bad that I want to see the look on her face? That I... WANT her to feel fear?} (Halifax)

"I've had some tea prepared, so please help yourself." Rebeckah poured a cup herself, but only Akagi took one.

"What no poison? I was hoping for a bit of kick to my drink." Akagi laughed as she took another sip.

"W-Why would I poison my own guest?" Rebeckah stammered, not expecting that comment.

{What kind of meetings has this lady gone to where somebody poisons the very people they invite as allies?!?} (Rebeckah)

"Many reasons, but forget I said anything." Akagi waived off her comment.

{I mean, I've seen Nobles do far worse to their 'allies.'} (Akagi)

"Halifax, please tell me what happened in that other world. Who are these three, and why were the Heroes defeated?" Elariel's gaze turned sharp. She wanted, no, NEEDED answers, and Halifax was the only one who could give them.

{If Halifax is acting 'normal' then that leaves only one answer to where the power that's sealing Hitomi's mind came from, and I'm not sure I like THAT any better.} (Elariel)

"That's a long and complex story, but to summarize... The Gods fucked up, big time..." Halifax glanced at Akagi. "I arrived on Earth as expected and started my search for people powerful enough to drive the Heroes away... and I found them... a whole group, in fact."

"I suppose that means these three are of that group?" Elariel's eyes scanned over Akagi. She got the sense that there was more to her was meets the eye, and something about the Demon was giving the Goddess a bad feeling.

"Yes and no." Halifax shook her head. "To skip ahead quite a bit, the Heroes arrived and Akagi here quickly defeated the four of them, capturing Shiroe Amakusa and driving the other three back to Enoris."

"S-She managed to defeat all four of them on her own?!?" Rebeckah raised her voice unexpectedly. "Ah, my apologies."

"That is quite the claim." Elariel didn't react. "Those Heroes were granted an extraordinary amount of power. Individually they eclipse practically every other mortal on Enoris. To defeat all four at the same time... Just who or what are you to do something like that?"

Her question caused Akagi's lips to curve into a terrifying smile. "Me? I'm a Demon Lord."

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Next Chapter: Chapter 295 - The Demon Lord and the Goddess.

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