The Red Hand

Chapter 322 – The Negotiations Were Short.

"No... NO!" Ariel waivered slightly as the idea of saving her father flooded her mind. Saving him was something that she'd desired above most all else, and the offer before her was tempting. "I will... I won't be swayed by the lies of you monsters!" She refused, but deep within the Princess truly wanted to take any deal to save her Father, but her duty to her people just barely overrode her desire to cure him, especially since she knew that wouldn't be what he wanted.

"Such cruel words, but I understand." Nima nodded at the predictable but unfortunate result. "Though perhaps it would benefit our discussion if I informed you of our demands? At least that way you can't say we didn't give you the full picture."

"I don't care what it is that you want. I will never deal with the Cult, and I will not give in to any of your demands!" Ariel growled before coming to a sudden realization about the situation.

{Where are my guards?!? The alarm should've been sounded by now, but no one is coming?!?} (Ariel)

"I would heavily advise against chasing us off without at least hearing what my Master wants." Nima replied, curtly. "For I can assure you that her next offer will not be anywhere near as generous as the first." She smirked.

{If no guards are coming then I'll just have to deal with them myself.} (Ariel)

Ariel mentally prepared herself for a fight with the Dumetorians. The Demon Regent was no slouch in magical combat and was regarded as one of the most powerful living members of the Demon Race, save only her father and a few others.

{Judging by the magical power that I'm sensing, that beastkin girl should be the only real threat, but I should be able to easily overpower her-} (Ariel)

"I wouldn't advise trying to pick a fight with me." Shimari's words shot through Ariel, breaking her out of her thoughts. “I can assure you that what you think will be the result will be anything but.” She wasn't keen on fighting, but was not about to let Ariel threaten her or, more importantly, Nemino.

"Y-You... Did you just..." Ariel stammered, not expecting Shimari to read her thoughts like that.

"Read your mind, no? But I've always been decent at reading people's intentions, and unlike a certain Imp, you are an open book." Shimari sighed. She'd learned quickly how to pick out people's inner thoughts, largely to save her own skin from Imp's machinations and Akagi's whims. "And I can tell you for certain that I'd take you down if we do this for real, so how about you stop right there, and we don't fight." Even a weaker player like Shimari was no joke in combat, and compared to the people from Enoris, she would be almost unassailable, especially with Imp and Imperial's items at her disposal. "Not to mention that harming either of these two fluffy-eared creatures will cause their Master to go ballistic and probably exterminate you all..." She gave a dry laugh as she imagined Akagi's rampage.

{Fluffy-eared creature...} (Nima x Nemino)

"Shimari is right. I see no reason for us to come to blows, Your Highness." Nima said before turning to the Copy Boze. "As you can see, while our arrival was a bit out of the ordinary, we've done nothing hostile to you or your Kingdom. Count Boze has gracefully agreed to act as an intermediary between our two nations as he desires peace."

"Boze..." Ariel growled at the Copy. “You...”

"Your Highness, if nothing else, I believe that we should at least hear them out. I don't believe there is any harm in at least knowing what they want, and perhaps this is a chance to obtain a valuable ally against the Empire?" Copy Boze smiled.

"Ally with the Cult?!? Boze, have you gone mad?!?" Ariel was astonished to hear a Noble of the Kingdom say something like that. “These are the same people who've cursed your rightful King and brought terror to our people for millennia! How could you say something as ridiculous as allying with them?!?”

“While it is true that Vikes' Cult has done much harm to us, I am convinced that cooperation with these people is in our best interest. Additionally, I wish to avoid our people being caught up in a much greater conflict." Copy Boze replied in a mildly threatening manner. "And I think it unwise to make a second enemy while we've yet to deal with the first."

{Boze... What the hell is going on here? I've known you to be little more than an insignificant and cowardly Noble from the East, so why are you acting like this? Have these Cultists done something to you?} (Ariel)

Sensing that she may have no way to fight Shimari alone, Ariel relnted and decided to listen to the Dumetorian's, for now. "Fine, I'll hear you out, but once you've said your peace, I want you out of my sight."

{Though I'm going to guess that until I listen to you, I won't be getting any backup.} (Ariel)

"Thank you for your understanding,and I will try to make this quick." Nima bowed slightly. "What my Master wants is simple, she wishes for the return of her subjects that you and your people have wrongfully enslaved."

"Subjects?" Ariel was confused by this request, not knowing who Nima was refferring to as she couldn't imagine a Demon Lord having subjects. "I have no idea what you're talking about. We do not capture proper Demons, and we've never waged war with your nation before, so how could we have your people as slaves?" She was wondering if this was a joke.

"Oh, but you have." Nima smiled. "You see, the people you call Spirits belong to my Master, and she is none too pleased to see what you've done with them."

{Since when were the Spirits ruled by a Demon Lord?!? And wait, didn't they flee to another world?!?} (Ariel)

"To answer the many questions that I can imagine are circling in your head, please allow me to explain..." Nima then described a truncated and slightly altered version of events over the last year, ending with the Dumetorian arrival on Enoris. She intentionally did not include anything regarding the Gods falsly blaming the Spirits, largely because she knew that such a claim would not be believed, and also because Akagi had further plans.

"I see..." Ariel's mind was racing as she tried to get a grasp on things.

{But if that's the case then...} (Ariel)

“So what do you say, Your Highness?” Nima smiled again, though this time her smile was less warm and a bit darker. “Will you comply? I can assure you that the benefits for doing so far outweigh the cost of resistance.”

"I said that I'd hear you out and that's what I did, but I'm afraid that I can't agree to turn them over." Ariel shook her head. "The Spirits are responsible for the decay of this world and were declared persona non grata by the Gods. Giving them over to your Master would be an affront to the Gods and invite their wrath, and I've no interest in picking a fight with them."

{She had to know that this wouldn't be feasible, so why even broach the topic? No nation, not even the EMPIRE, would willing to turn against the Gods, especially if that meant siding with some Demon Lord from another world. So what is the game here? Unless this is all just a pretext for war?} (Ariel)

"That is to be expected." Nima nodded, not seeming to be surprised or disappointed by this turn of events. "However, do note that your compliance in this matter is not required and we are merely requesting it as a courtesy." She flashed a scary smile for a brief moment. "My Master's will shall be done, and the Spirits will be returned as per her orders. I would strongly advise you to hand them over, lest your people be caught in the crossfire and things become unfortunate.

"Hah! I knew you Cultists weren't really interested in talking." Ariel scoffed at the Catgirl. "If you wish to fight, then so be it. But this world has already defeated one Demon Lord, and we will do it again if need be. So tell your master that if she wants us to bow before her then she's going to have to defeat us in battle and force us to our knees!"

"Don't worry, that can be arraigned." Nima pulled a small tablet out of a bag on her shoulder. "Though, perhaps you will be a bit more receptive to our off after you see what happens to those who oppose my Master's will?" She started flicking through the tablet.

"Is that a threat?" Ariel laughed. “Because I don't take kindly to those.”

"No, it's simply a warning." Nima shook her head before turning the tablet to show a countdown with five hours remaining. "I think this will be a good lesson in what happens to those who oppose my Master's will."

"And what might that be?" Ariel could tell it was some kind of timer, but that was about it.

"The countdown to the destruction of Riftwood." Nima answered with a smile that completely conflicted with her horrifying insinuation.

"Destruction?!?" Ariel's eyes went wide. Riftwood was the Capital of the Kingdom of Amdamell and the de facto Capital of the entire United City State Alliance. That someone would claim its destruction was imminent was unthinkable, as even both the Empire and Demon Kingdom wouldn't have an easy time invading such a place.

"You see, around one week ago, we gave Amdamell a similar demand to the one we just gave you." Nima said as she put the tablet away. "We told them to hand over all the Spirits within their borders, and all would be well, though as expected, they declined, and their leadership laughed off our promise of consequences." She gave a slightly unnerving laugh. "And so they shall pay the price for ignoring our Master's will."

{They shall burn for making light of Lady Akagi!} (Nima)

Ariel's mouth ran dry as her heart rate increased, something about the Catgirl's claim had gotten her worked up, and something was telling her that the Cat was serious. "You... You can't be serious. There's no way that you could destroy Riftwood!"

{Something like that is impossible!} (Ariel)

"Well, in fairness, we won't be wiping it out entirely." Nima clarified that turning the City into a smoking ruin was not on the agenda, as Akagi had other plans for it. "Rather, you should think of the coming attack as simply a... second notice. Though I'm afraid that after this timer expires, our original and very generous first offer will be off the table and the deal will be altered."

"You'll never get away with something like that!" Ariel declared. "The other nations, and even the Gods themselves, won't stand for an attack like that! If you do something like you're insinuating its going to bring everyone down on you!"

"Oh, my Master is both fully aware of an expecting just such a response, and we're none too worried about those silly Gods of yours." Nima's reply confused Ariel, as she couldn't understand how anyone could say that the Gods weren't a concern. "After all, what reason is there to fear beings that my Master can easily kill?"

{Those rumors! Are they actually true?!? Is Lady Tahena truly dead and not just wounded?!?} (Ariel)

"But enough about all that." Nima continued. "We shall take our leave, and I will give you some time to think about your answer to our very generous offer. Take great care in your deliberations, and I pray that you reach the correct answer." She snapped her fingers causing both Shimari and Nemino to hop back into Boze's shadow, which was effectively acting as a portal. "Oh, and if you should need to speak with us, then please feel free to inform Count Boze. Just please do me a favor and keep his involvement in this whole thing to yourself, there's no need for him or his family to suffer negative repercussions just because they helped us a little bit." She bowed politely. "Goodbye, Your Highness." She jumped into Boze's shadow, leaving only the Copy Count and Ariel in her office.

"Boze..." Ariel growled as she glared at the man. "I should strip you of your title and have you and your family executed for this stunt. As far as I'm concerned you're a traitor to the Demon Kingdom and deserve nothing less than death!"

"Feel that way if you must, but I'm afraid that such an action would ultimately be self-defeating, Your Highness." Copy Boze replied with a polite smile. "Killing me will not stop the Kingdom's actions, and is likely to incense them. Not to mention that I've committed no crimes, as there is no law forbidding a member of the Nobility from acting as an intermediary with a foreign land." He smirked.

{No, but you brought them into my office without prior authorization, and it's clear as day that you've sided with them!} (Ariel)

"Leave... I will decide what to do with you later." Ariel clicked her tongue in disgust.

"Of course." Copy Boze bowed before backing out of the room, leaving Ariel alone with her thoughts.

"Nothing... Nothing is ever simple..." Ariel leaned on her desk, her hands slightly trembling as the gravity of the situation finally hit her. "This... I suppose this means that Bathrumd is going to get his war after all..."

{One that I don't think anyone will win.} (Ariel)

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Next Chapter: Chapter 323 -New Snakey. .edited

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