The Red Hand

Chapter 325 – The Stick.


In the early morning hours on the day after Akagi's deadline passed, the Amdamell Capital of Riftwood found itself under attack as a massive wave of explosions rocked the City. People screamed and ran in all directions as buildings were vaporized, and quickly, it was looking like a massive inferno would engulf the Noble district.

"Oh hell yeah!" Elna cheered as she charged up a massive fireball and hurled it at a guardhouse, turning it and its occupants to ash. "Playing spy is fun and all, but I think terrorism is my real calling!" She laughed as she chucked another fireball at a different guardhouse, which exploded in a fiery ball, killing dozens of soldiers.

{Either that or I just enjoy causing fucking chaos. Oh well, at least being leashed by Akagi has its perks sometimes!} (Elna)

"It's not terrorism if it's done by a state actor as part of war, Elna." Sabia sighed as she hopped onto the building behind her. "And don't forget our orders." She glared at the Elf, which caused Elna to tense momentarily. "Lady Akagi wants to strike governmental and military targets first. If the people of Amdamell still refuse to work with us after this, only then are we permitted to harm the civilian population." She approved of her enthusiasm, if nothing else, but it wasn't good to take things further than what they were told to.

{The last thing I need is for this idiot to go rogue and violate direct orders. Lady Akagi has given us permission to kill her if she tries anything, but I'd prefer to convert her fully to our cause. For all of Elna's problems, she's a useful member of this team. Perhaps I should petition Lady Akagi to rewrite part of her personality again? That she still refuses to give Lady Akagi pets is appalling! She is the fluffiest of all creatures! How could you not want to pet such a thing?!?} (Sabia)

Akagi's internal rules were a bit flexible in this situation since, technically, the entirety of Enoris was at war with her in one form or another due to the actions of the Gods. Thus, while the Demon would be justified in inflicting mass death upon its citizens for refusing to listen to her demands, she'd decided to use a two-strikes policy when handling the various nations. Though, it could be said that her response after the first strike was already too severe.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry your fluffy little ears, Sabia. I'll keep the greater goal in mind." Elna rolled her eyes as she chucked another fireball at a group of guards. "Akagi gets to play the nice little Demon kitty and pretend to be their savior, and the higher-ups take the fall."

{It would be so much easier and a lot more fun if we just started leveling cities. At least that way, our message would come across loud and clear, not to mention that it would provide much better entertainment.} (Elna)

"Good, just don't go forgetting your place, and we won't have any problems." Sabia leaped away to deal with other soldiers, leaving Elna alone as a group of Knights on Pegasi flew toward her from the Royal Palace. They were some of Amdamell's best fighters and were typically only used at the command of the King.

"Well, at least these idiots will be a bit more fun to kill than a bunch of screaming idiots." Elna's lips curved into a wicked smile as she leaped into the air and flew toward the incoming attackers with her Ki. “Time to knock some horses from the sky!”


<Feline POV>

"Your Highness!" Albert burst into Princess Feline's room, his face filled with panic. “Thank goodness you're alright!” He was worried that she'd been caught up in the attacks.

"Albert, what's going on?!? I've heard explosions throughout the Capital!" Feline was almost certain that this attack was the consequence that Black Company had promised.

{I suppose that my vague hope that they would do nothing has finally been dashed.} (Feline)

"It's that group you told me about. They've started their attack, and so far, dozens of soldiers have been killed, and portions of the Capital are in flames." Albert seemed nervous, something Feline had scarcely seen from the grizzled veteran. "An Elven woman is currently fighting off the Royal Flying Corp, while a beastwoman is engaged with the Second Knight Division. Your Highness, we must evacuate you from the Palace immediately. I fear it's only a matter of time before they come here and I see no way that we can hold them off." He forcefully picked her up and placed her in a Princess carry. “Please forgive my insolence, you may punish me after you are safe.”

"W-Wait?!?" Feline yelped. "I can walk you know!"

{I'm not a kid anymore, Albert! You don't need to carry me like you did when I was little!} (Feline)

"Sorry, but I'm faster than you, and every moment counts!" Albert turned before running down the hallway, and as he weaved his way through the Palace, more explosions rang out. The Palace staff were screaming and running in all directions while the guards and other Knights tried, and failed, to enforce order.

{Things have gone to hell, and Rudeaus has already told me to expect the worst. I'll admit that I didn't take Lady Feline's warning as seriously as I should've, and I suppose this is the price we pay for our complacency.} (Albert)

"What about Father and Brother?!?" Feline was still worried about others within the Palace since she figured that Black Company intended to massacre the entire government in one fell swoop. "We can't just abandon them, Albert!"

{I refuse to just abandon the Palace and flee like a coward while others perish!} (Feline)

"His Majesty and Prince Robert will be taken to safety by the Royal Knights, so do not worry about them. For now, let's focus on getting you out of here so that we can meet with them later! I know how much you're going to hate me for taking you away forcefully, but at least you'll be alive to do so!" Albert said as he stopped in front of a small bust of a prior King.

{Gods, that I'd actually have to use this passage a second time in my life... Forgive me for being so weak, Ryon.} (Albert)

The small bust had a seem that ran along its neck, and after putting enough pressure on a specific spot on its forehead, a clicking sound could be heard. “Good, it still works.” Albert said as he lifted the head, revealing a ruby button within the base of the neck.


After pushing the button, the bust receded into the floor, and behind it, the wall waivered and flickered before vanishing, revealing a dark passageway way. It had been an illusion, and covered a passage that was only know to a select few individuals.

{I always hated going in here...} (Feline)

"Alright, let's go! I'm going to run even faster, so I'd advise keeping quiet unless you want to accidentally bite your tongue!" Albert took off at full speed down the passage, which closed behind him a few moments later.

"HOLD ON A SECOND!" Feline screamed as she was forcefully taken down the hallway. These tunnels were created with the sole purpose of ferrying the Royal family and other important members of the government out of the Palace in times of emergency. In Amdamell's history, they had only rarely been used, and even during the height of the Spirit War, there was never any real threat to Riftwood despite its close proximity to the front lines. As a member of the Royal Family, Feline was aware of these passages and where they went, but she'd never actually been forced to use them for their intended purpose, nor did she think she ever would.

{Good. Now, we just need to follow these tunnels to the emergency bunker, and if all goes well, the rest of the Royal Family will meet with us at the designated rendezvous location, and we can use the hidden airship to flee.} (Albert)

Running full speed down the tunnel system with Feline in his arms, Albert quickly reached a large stone door that blocked his path. It had no obvious way to open it, and there wasn't even a visible seem to indicate that it could be opened, but he didn't look deterred.

"Princess, if you would." Albert set her down. These massive doors were enchanted with a powerful spell that required a person with Royal blood to be present for them to open as a precaution.

{Just a bit further. If I can just get Lady Feline out of here, then Amdamell can survive. Even if all else is lost I will protect her!} (Albert)

"Sure... just... give me a moment." Feline wobbled as she was put down. The suddenness of everything, combined with the wooziness from moving so fast, had left her uneasy about her feat and it took a moment for her to right herself.

{I think I'm going to puke...} (Feline)

"My apologies for the rough ride, but it was the best way to keep you safe!" Albert laughed as Feline steadied herself and walked up to the door, placing her right hand on it.

"It's fine..." Feline sighed as she channeled a bit of magic power into the stone doors, which caused them to emit a momentary green glow before they slowly opened. “There, that should do it...”

"Alright, let's get moving. We've got a lot of ground to cover before we-" Albert moved to pick Feline up again but paused as he noticed the look of sheer horror on her face. Her eyes were locked forward and her entire body trembled as she looked into the, now open, room.

{An enemy?!?} (Albert)

Fearing the worst, Albert readied himself for battle as he followed Feline's gaze. He was fully expecting to have to fight one of the attackers, but when he saw what had caused the usually steel-hearted Princess to turn white as a sheet, his mind went blank.

"N-No..." Albert's said under his breath. “This can't be...”

"S-Shiroe..." Feline managed to squeak out Amakusa's name as she gazed upon the blood-covered visage of her friend. "Y-You..."

"Oh? There you are!" Amakusa smiled as she flicked the blood off Inori, her orange eyes showing pure bliss in her heart and utter delight in her actions. "Too bad you didn't get here a bit sooner! You shoulda seen how much they coped and seethed before I killed them! Serves them right for ignoring my wonderful Master's demands!" The Samuari Hero laughed as blood pooled around her feet, draining from the dead bodies of the King and Crown Prince like fountains. "What's that look for? Aren't you happy to see me again, Feline?"

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Next Chapter: Chapter 326 - Where's my Drama?!?

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