The Red Hand

Chapter 329 – Searching.

"What?!?" Reflia exclaimed. She was presently in the Capital of the Confederation of Northwind and 'investigating the Demon Cult' when she received a message from one of her Angel servants that Amdamell had been attacked. The events described were unbelievable and the Goddess got a chill down her spine as the level of carnage was made evident.

{Damage is reported as significant, and large portions of the Capital were either leveled or are in flames. We're estimating that thousands are dead, and I was just informed that both the King and Crown Prince, as well as most members of governmental ministries, were killed during the attack.} The male blonde-haired Angel spoke to her via telepathy. The two had moved into a side alley to speak, and it was decided to limit verbal speech due to the sensitive nature of events.

{It seems this so-called Demon Lord and its followers are even more formidable than we expected. The assassinations of Imperial Nobles and Northwind Merchants were already concerning, but to launch a full-scale attack on a major metropolitan area is...} Reflia shook her head.

{Shall I contact Ms. Penelope and direct her to Riftwood? She's not that far away, and her appearance would likely boost morale.} The Angel asked if he should change the Demi-God's mission.

{No, let's keep her on her current path and allow her to perform recon. It's already too late to prevent the attack on Riftwood, and I'd rather her not walk straight into a large group of Cultists.} Reflia figured that the ones who attacked Riftwood must've been quite powerful since the Kingdom's Royal Pegasus Knights were formidable fighters and regarded as one of the best aerial forces on the entire continent. {At this point I'm convinced that the disturbance I sent her to investigate is related to this so-called Demon Lord and I need her to give me a report of the situation. If there really is a large force gathering down there then its best that we're made aware of it before it strikes anyone else.}

{As you wish.} The Angel bowed. {Then what are your orders?}

"Continue as we've been." Reflia spoke aloud. "Our main priority should be to investigate the Cult and its plans. I know that the Demons in the South are putting together a punitive force to attack them, but unfortunately for them, their intended target is just a decoy." She'd used her expansive intel network to figure out that Vikes' Cult had moved its main operations into Northwind some time ago, and she was currently trying to figure out where they were stationed.

{Though what now worries me is that we've got two crazy Demon Lord groups running around. If the one that's recently appeared isn't related to Vikes' Cult then that can only mean...} (Reflia)

"I will continue having my subordinates perform recon, and hopefully we will have something to report soon." The male Angel nodded. "Though I am a bit worried about their strength level. I've been told that the group which sacked Riftwood was quite formidable."

"Just be careful and don't go picking any fights that you can't handle. I've already been opening and closing the Kalmya gate far too often for my liking, so we can't risk bringing too many of our forces here, lest our only safe connection between the worlds become unstable." While there had been no issues so far, Reflia was worried that the Kalmya portal would eventually stop working due to Enoris' instability.

{If we lose the one viable way to move between planes without things going kaboom, then things are going to go to hell.} (Reflia)

"It is as you say. But worry not, My Lady. We shall handle this swiftly and efficiently." The Angel bowed before vanishing in a burst of golden light.

"I hope you do." Reflia sighed as she rubbed her temples. "Gale's probably going to be furious when he finds out about this attack, and if this keeps up, the people are going to start thinking that we can't protect them. Argh!" She ruffled her hair in frustration.

{Stupid Demon Lord or whoever you are! Why can't you just kill Gale and those other idiots and leave the people here alone?!? This world's already doomed, so why do you need to pull these kinds of stupid stunts?!? It's not bad enough that Vikes' weapon still exists and causes problems, now we've got this crazy running around!} (Reflia)

"Whatever..." Reflia calmed herself down and took a deep breath. "Hopefully Gildra's got some useful information. If that fox is anything, it's crafty, and I'd imagine that she's already got her contacts looking into the Cult's activities." She spoke to herself. "And while we're at it, maybe she can tell me where that idiotic fourth Hero disappeared to since we might need him for this..."

{I'll have to tred carefully. This chaos will give me a bit more leeway to act outside of Gale's gaze, but it will also draw his focus more on the mortal world. I suspect he's going to start speeding up his plans, and if I'm not fast enough...} (Reflia)


<Labrys POV>

"Hmmmm... This body... It's... Adequate..." The voice that came from behind the mask that covered Muichiro's face sounded nothing like his usual shrillness and was instead dark and foreboding, much like Akagi's could get. " Oh well, I suppose we must make do with the hand we are dealt. Good work, Tanya, Valuru. You've done well to find me a host that can withstand my power. You shall both be rewarded for your dedication and loyalty." One couldn't see his face but the smirk on it was audible.

"Kyaaaa! Lord Labrys praised me!" Tanya wiggled back and forth as she squeed in delight. “Anything for you, My Lord! And don't worry about a reward, just being of use to you is reward enough!”

"Indeed! We serve the Demon Lord and will do anything in our power to help you as the heir to his will. My only regret is that it's taken this long to find a proper body for you." Valuru knelt.

"Hmmm... Well lets leave the matter of your reward to the side for now. I believe you said that this child was a Hero summoned by the Gods? I suppose I can stomach my disdain for them long enough to rip this world to shreds." Labrys channeled dark power through his body, causing the massive black Axe resting against the wall to fly over and snap to his hand. "Though it appears I can't use even a fraction of my true power in this form. Mortal bodies are weak, after all. Truly a pity, though it will not be a problem for much longer."

"Please forgive us, Lord Labrys." Valuru bowed his head in shame. "It was the best body that we could find. I am ashamed of our failure."

"If only my body was suitable for you, Lord Labrys!" Tanya pouted. She'd wanted to be the one that Labrys used for his return, but she was simply too weak and her mortal body would burn away from even a small percentage of his power being placed within it.

{Feeling your power flow through me and embed itself everywhere... KYA! If only Lord Labrys could take control of me and force me to do whatever he wanted!} (Tanya)

"It is fine." Labrys raised his hand to stop their groveling. "It matters not if I am unable to use all of the power that my Master gave me. I will still complete his mission regardless of this handicap." He flexed his hands. “Besides, this should be more than enough to do what is needed, and I'll just need to gather a few extra pieces to allow more of my strength to be used.”

{A few souls should enable a bit more power to flow freely, and this world is simply bloated with them.} (Labrys)

"Yes, this wretched world shall perish as Lord Vikes decreed!" Tanya said while still wiggling. "We shall purge it so that a better world can grow from its ashes!" The followers of Vikes were aware, vaguely, of what a Demon Lord truly was, though Vikes and his Axe was more than happy to leave out the fact that there would be no rebirth of this world once they were finished with it.

"How goes surface operations?" Labrys asked about the current state of affaris. He was conscious of events surrounding him, but he was still not entirely aware of how things had progressed since Vikes was vanquished. Being separated from his master had left him in a partially lucid state where he could only vaguly recall his actions or events during the last four millennia. "If I recall, you mentioned that the Demon-Blooded have stepped up attempts to excise us from their territory."

"Those fools have been assembling an army numbering in the tens of thousands near their Capital. Our agents have given them false intelligence that our headquarters is still in the South, and we plan to take this opportunity to buy some time to allow our forces to regroup so as to crush those fools later." Valuru gave the cliff notes of the grand plan.

"Good." Labrys said as he spun his massive Axe around. “First and foremost I must begin harvesting so that my power can awaken properly. With enough souls I should be able to regain much of my former power, and after that we can focus on getting me a more suitable body.” Labrys figured that a Demi-God would be the best option.

"Of course, we will make preparations at once, though..." Valuru's words drifted off, and Labrys could tell that something was causing him to hesitate.

"What is it? Do not hesitate to give me important information." Labrys stopped and locked eyes with the Demon man. “I do not like to be left in the dark, so speak.”

"It's just... There seems to be a group causing chaos around the continent..." Valuru started sweating.

"What of it? Those who cause destruction are to be welcomed as useful tools." Labrys didn't see the problem. “If they are making things miserable for the people of this world then I'm all for it. Destruction and chaos only serves to weaken the Gods' position and makes our job easier.”

"Well..." Tanya jumped in, afraid as well. "It's just... There's a teensy-weensy problem... Because... Well... Ya see..." She poked her fingers together nervously. "They are apparently working for a Demon Lord Akagi..." She winced as she spoke those words, fearing that she would be smote for saying such a thing.

"I see..." Labrys did not react to the claim, and instead he mulled it over. "Keep an eye on things and report back whatever you can about this so-called Demon Lord." He turned to leave but was stopped by Valuru.

"Umm... One last thing, My Lord..." Valuru was still trembling as he looked up at his master. "Our agents have reported that Halifax has reappeared. She was sighted within the Imperial Capital recently, but we've been struggling to locate her ever since..."

"No matter." Labrys said as he walked away. "The two of us will be drawn together in time, so for now, keep your focus elsewhere. When the time comes, I shall handle her." After disappearing around the corner, Tanya and Valuru let out a deep breath.

"Kyaaaa! I thought Lord Labrys was gonna exterminate us right then and there!" Tanya started wiggling again, this time even harder.

{But you can't, My Lord! My maidenly heart isn't yet ready for such a thing!} (Tanya)

"I would've thought that he would react with more anger at hearing that someone else was claiming to be a Demon Lord." Valuru pulled out a white towel and wiped his brow.

{I thought we were dead...} (Valuru)

"There have been others who pretended to be Demon Lords, so maybe he just doesn't take it seriously?" Tanya figured that he was simply not interested in more pretenders.

{I don't know about that. Even if they are mere fools letting them off like that doesn't seem like the Lord Labrys in the stories from my predecessor. I was told that he raged relentlessly against any who dared claim the same title as his Master...} (Valuru)

"Well, it doesn't matter what his reasons are. As long as we follow his orders, Lord Labrys will surely deliver this world into destruction and free it and all of us from despair." Valuru nodded as he clenched his fist and thrust into the air.

"Yuppers!" Tanya giggled. "I'll do everything in my power to help Lord Labrys finish Lord Vikes' mission! That way, I can become one with him in nothingness! Kya!"

"As much as I approve of your devotion to our Lord, I need you to keep your head in the game." Valuru sighed. Tanya's 'devotion' was a strange quirk, but it was normally an asset. At least when she kept her fangirling to a tolerable level.

"Do not worry about me!" Tanya said with a big smile. "I will do everything in my power to aid Lord Labrys in destroying this world! I just hope that you are up to the task, Valuru."

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Next Chapter: Chapter 329.5 - Picking Up the Pieces.

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