The Red Hand

Chapter 330 – The War Room.

In the hours and days since the attack on Amdamell and the decapitation and replacement of its government, a slow but steady wave of panic washed over the various nations of Enoris. Those that had dealt with Dumetor assassinations in the prior weeks began to fear that they were next, and there were rumors that the Demon Lord was collecting the captive Spirits for some unknown reason.

Some people called for a united effort against the so-called Demon Lord Akagi, while others pushed for a rapid liquidation of the captive Spirits so as to deny them to the Demon Lord. However, there were just as many who feared being targeted if they gave such an order, and thus the fate of the enslaved Spirits had yet to be decided, though handing them over peacefully was likely not going to an option.

However, in the still traumatized Kingdom of Amdamell and indeed, all of the United City State Alliance, a slow yet noticeable disappearance of Spirits was underway. Officially, the now Queen Feline and her government condemned the attacks and made statements calling for retaliation and retribution, but behind the scenes, there was a frantic attempt to find and repatriate every Spirit within their borders. Some of the smaller members of the Alliance initially resisted turning over the Spirits, fearing that it would be seen as a betrayal of the Gods. But seeing the destruction that easily brought their most powerful member state to its knees, most quietly went along with the plan or at least turned a blind eye to Spirits being expropriated from their masters.

Naturally, the Gods themselves were aware of recent events and were swift to condemn the attacks and vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice. It was made blatant to the people of Enoris that the so-called Demon Lord was their direct adversary, and these attacks were seen as an affront to the Gods authority. However, while many felt safe knowing that the Gods were taking an active role in hunting down this group, some began to wonder if the Gods might not be able to handle things.

Throughout towns and villages across Enoris, whispers could be heard in bars and taverns. Some said that the Goddess Tahena was truly dead, while others said that the Demon Lord was offering salvation to those who sided with her. Of course, such rumors were quickly dismissed by the vast majority of society, but some began to listen to the honeyed words told to them. With the Ondai Clan and many of Akagi's other Clansmen working double time spreading dis and misinformation about current events, a sense of confusion began to spread among the population as people began to question everything.

Were the Spirits truly Evil? Could the Gods save the people of Enoris from destruction? Were the Gods planning on betraying the people and saving themselves? Was the so-called Demon Lord truly able to save people? The Ondai clan were hard at work implanting such ideas into peoples' heads, and Akagi knew that it was only a matter of time until idle talk in bars turned into something more.


<Ariel POV>

"Alright, everyone, settled down. We've much to discuss and precious little time to waste." Ariel called her meeting to order, causing the room to go quiet. "Now, I'm sure you've all heard about the recent attacks on Amdamell, and I can assure you that we've taken precautions to prevent something like that from happening here." Her eyes scanned over the six other people at the round table. Originally, this meeting was scheduled to devise a war plan for the attack on Vikes' Cult, but with the recent Dumetorian demands, Ariel knew that things were about to escalate. “Military patrols have been doubled and magical wards have been erected to prevent any unauthorized movement into or out of the Capital.”

{Though I have little faith that any of this will work.} (Ariel)

"I should hope that you're doing everything you can to ensure the Capital's safety, Princess." Elector King Balour spoke up. He was a large and rotund man from the Eastern most provinces under the Kingdom's control, and he and his family had been known as the Demon Kingdom's financiers for generations. Though while they brought in both great wreath to both their own domain and the Kingdom as a whole their methods and general greed tended to make them plenty of enemies too. "We've already received reports about a decrease in trade across the Kingdom. An attack like that in Riftwood would devastate our economy."He said as he took a bit of a large chocolate filled pastry.

"I'd say it's more the loss of life than coin that's the problem, Balour." Elector King Jerome said with a bit of snark. His long silver hair and sharp features along with his incredible battlefield prowess, had earned him the name of the Sword Prince, and his down-to-earth style of governing had endeared him to the general populous. "Do not forget that your money comes from the hard-working people of the Kingdom and that their lives are more important than your ledgers." He scoffed.

"Of course, of course. People's lives are precious, and one mustn't forget how important they are." Balour said while rubbing his hands together after finishing off his sweat treat. “How else could the wheels of the economy turn with out its people?”

"Though that begs the question, how do we go about dealing with these attackers?" Elector King Delora asked. "As the one whose territory is closest to Amdamell, I fear that it won't be long until my own lands are attacked. Either by these Cultists or those Imperial Dogs." She and her family were typically diplomats, though their position opposite of the Empire's South Western shore meant that they were well versed in naval warfare, and having Water Elemental blood running through their veins didn't hurt.

"Isn't that why we've gathered here?" Elector King Melifous asked with his trademarked flamboyancy as he flicked a deck of playing cards between his fingers. "We just need to crush those disgusting traitors and prove that our people are more than just mere monsters that share Demon blood." He swished his purple hair back and flashed a bright smile that made everyone in the room roll their eyes. His eccentricities aside, Melifous and his family were expert combatants and typically provided the largest levee in times of war. Melifous himself was generally regarded as the most skilled Duelist in the Kingdom, and there were rumors that he'd fought the Demon King to a draw once in the past. Though, rather than fight with blades, he fought with a special kind of magic known as Cartomancy.

"What we need to do is crush these cultists once and for all!" The massive red arm of Elector King Bathrumd slammed onto the table, shaking the marble floor below. "We've assembled nearly a hundred thousand of our best troops, and we know where their base is, so let's wipe them out once and for all so that we can prepare for war with the Empire!" His call for war elicited a positive response from the others.

{I can't let him hijack the meeting. Not with what needs discussing.} (Ariel)

"While I appreciate your enthusiasm, Bathrumd, I would like us to remain focused on the matter at hand." Ariel interjected, not wanting him to turn the meeting into a campaign pitch. "We will speak about war with the Empire at a later time. This meeting was called solely to deal with the Cult so lets keep things topical and focused."

{We've got time to think rationally about our next course of action. The Fortresses in the Fumbal Gap have never failed to repel enemies from the South, even Demons, so its unlikely that any larger force can invade, at least not without us knowing well in advance.} (Ariel)

"The Princess is right, Bath." Two Demon women sitting next to each other spoke at the same time. "The time for war with the Empire will come soon enough, but we should focus on the immediate threat. If we ignore the immediate threat then we may never get the chance to deal with the next problem." These two were actually the same person, Elector King Phima. As one of the leading magical researchers of the Era, she succeeded in creating an exact copy of herself. Due to strange quirks in Demon succession and the nature of events that created the copy the two were technically both the Elector King of their territory and they were practically joined at the hip. In order to prevent confusion the two used magic to change their hair and eye color to look different, but in most circumstances they were treated as one in the same. Their tendency to speak simultaneously when together had long been a point of contention amongst the other Elector Kings, but their sheer magical power and key weapons research generally meant that others had to put up with the absurd situation, lest they miss out. "I don't think I need to tell you that a war with the Empire will likely be devastating, and the last thing we need is an internal threat while dealing with them, especially one like this."

{Creepy fucks...} (Bathrumd)

"I still think we could handle things, but fine." Bathrumd huffed. "So, Princess, what's our plan of attack? My men tell me that your agents have tracked these bastards to a mountain fortress to the southwest, and with all our forces combined we should make short work of those rats!"

"Yes..." Ariel took a deep breath. "However, the situation... Has... changed..." She gulped. "Approximately one week ago... I was approached by an Ambassador from the Kingdom of Dumetor."

"Dumetor?" Balour raised his eyebrow. "I've never heard of such a Kingdom."

"Perhaps they are from the South, or maybe the West?" Delora commented. “We know little of either place, beyond the small details from wandering merchants.”

"No..." Ariel shook her head. "The Kingdom of Dumetor... They are the official front for the ones who attacked Amdamell..." Her comment caused a bit of a commotion.

"You met with Cultists?!?" Bathrumd yelled, his entire body heating up with rage. "What is the meaning of this?!? Have you no shame?!?"

"The meeting was forced upon me, Bathrumd." Ariel didn't flinch in the face of his anger. "They intruded upon my private office without my permission and I was left without any choice in the matter."

"Well, I hope you exterminated them!" Bathrumd barked. "Cultists daring to set foot in the Royal Palace should be given a death consisting of the most horrific torture that one can imagine!"

"You said that you were approached by Ambassador. What did you mean by that?" Phima asked. "The Cultists are never in any mood to negotiate, they only seek to destroy. So why would they wish to speak with you?" She figured that there was more to this than simple threats and demands.

"From what they told me, they and Vikes' Cult are separate organizations." Ariel explained. "I do not know how much of what that beastkin woman said was true, but she claimed to represent another Demon Lord. The very one whose name we've been hearing more and more these past few days.”

"Akagi..." Delora mused. “I've heard much about that one.”

"Are you sure that this isn't just some elaborate scheme?" Melifous asked. "I've known the Cult to fake parlaying in order to advance some kind of plot."

"Though why would they infiltrate the Palace if they were scheming?" Phima hummed in thought. "And if they could so easily get in, why would they not have caused damage?" She turned to Ariel, hoping to get answers. "I'm actually more surprised that you're alive than anything else. The Cult should've wanted you disposed of since that would've plunged the Kingdom into Chaos."

{Why leave the head of state alive? It would make much more sense to kill or capture them.} (Phima)

"Perhaps they were unable to harm Her Highness? She is a powerful magic caster after all." Balour commented.

"No, had they wanted me dead, I would not be speaking to you now. One of the beastkin that they had with them, a girl, was able to stop one of my attacks with ease." Ariel's fist tightened in frustration.

"So the, pray tell, what did they want?" Melifous asked. “What was it that brought these not-Cultists to our doorstep?”

"In short, they came to deliver a warning." Ariel took a deep breath. "A warning that if I didn't comply with their demands, that we'd get the same treatment as Amdamell."


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Next Chapter: Chapter 331 - The Law of Averages. 

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