The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 261 The most important thing in life is to recognize yourself

Chapter 261 The most important thing in life is to recognize yourself
The mission goal that Yanlvge set for the system at the beginning was to find the user of the spiritual potion numbered X25662RU9.


The word is subtle.

Generally speaking, only an existence with self-will can be called a "user" of something, not pollutants or rune equipment. People who use spiritual potions for pollutant experiments or create rune equipment are "users" user".

According to different understandings of each person, "user" can be used to refer to a specific human being, or it can also be used to refer to a certain other intelligent creature including human beings.

In terms of Yanlvge's subconscious world view, it is naturally the latter - his three views were formed in the era when the three races of human, demon and spirit coexisted in the previous life.

Therefore, if a mummy that died more than 4000 years ago can be resurrected and has self-will, it can undoubtedly be called a "user".

"That mummy?!" Li Chongshan was dumbfounded, he didn't know what to think of, and his face turned pale, "You, you, you, you mean, it, it, it, resurrected?"

"more or less."

"Of course, then, it, it, it returned, snatched my spiritual potion?!"

"It's possible." Yan Luge looked at the pale Li Chongshan, who looked like a ghost, and snorted, "You seem to be very scared? You are the heir of the Golden Family, the planner and host of "Howling at Midnight", Midnight What about the president of the Explorers Club?

"Did you have a good time sleeping on a coffin board when you were a child?

"Have you enjoyed planning the Return of the Dead event?

"Have fun making money with 'Curse of the Pharaoh'?

"It's really time for the resurrection of the mummy that you love to see, why are you so cowardly?!"

"...My name is Ye Gonghaolong!" Li Chongshan found an idiom accurately from the Tianzhou language to describe his behavior, "It is precisely because I know that the dead will not jump up and beat me, so I dare to sleep on the coffin board, take it Spoof, make up a story for it.

"If I had known that there really are supernatural phenomena in this world - how dare I be so reckless?!"

Yan Luge was taken aback by his overly sincere speech, and held back his words after a long while: "You really have self-knowledge."

"The most important thing for people to live in this world is to recognize their own position and make adjustments in time-you see, I have challenged you with the boss before, do I dare now?"


Yan Lvge, who claims to be well-informed, has nothing to say for a moment.

Damn it, how many people's ancestral graves did the Niloticians dig up in their previous lives to give birth to such a wonderful leader of an extraordinary organization in this life?

Yan Luge decided not to count on Li Chongshan—although he didn't count on it at first—turned his head and cast his eyes on the mummy again.

He turned on "X-ray vision".

Through the two layers of coffins, the crystal coffin and the golden coffin, he saw a mummy wrapped in sackcloth lying quietly in the sealed golden coffin, with several pottery pots stuffed into the empty abdominal cavity. Encapsulating the pharaoh's internal organs soaked in honey - the ancient Nero custom of burying pharaohs.

The ancient Niloticians did not believe in an afterlife, but believed that their rulers would be resurrected in some form, so they used honey as an embalming material to preserve every part of their pharaoh intact and seal them in coffins.

Now the mummy is lying motionless in its own coffin, and tourists are still looking at it with curiosity, curiosity or fear.

Like an ordinary, real corpse.

With Yan Luge's gaze, he couldn't even see anything unusual about this mummy.

Looking at it, Yan Luge actually doubted his judgment just now - is it really the user of the spiritual potion numbered X25662RU9?

Could it be that he guessed wrong?

The mentally handicapped system, a guy who manages to kill but not to bury, can only assign tasks, but can't interpret the results of the tasks.

Yanluge pondered for a while, and then set a new goal using this most powerful and most uncertain system.

"System, set a new goal: to find the owner 'Pharaoh' whom the 'Blood Lion' is loyal to."

"The goal is set."

"The system is doing calculations for you based on existing resources."

"The calculation is complete."

"Generating task."

"The task has been issued."

System task: look up.

Mission Description: Look up and look straight ahead.

Task Difficulty: Level E.

Task time limit: 3 seconds.

Required price: 0 yuan.

Task reward: see the master "Pharaoh" who the "Blood Lion" is loyal to.

Yanluge: "..."

Such a simple and rough task really left him speechless.

The "Fate Real-time Calculation System", which is more mysterious than playing the mysterious "Pharaoh", simply and neatly exposed this behind-the-scenes black hand under the eyes of Yan Luge.

Looking at the coffin of the pharaoh in front of him and the surrounding VIP tourists, the balance in Yan Lvge's heart was inclined to the first guess - "Pharaoh" may be the real pharaoh, this mummy who was revived in an unknown form The man behind the robbery of the Midnight Explorers Club.

This statement also matches what "Blood Lion" said before he died——


"The door to eternal life..."

"On my master, on the 'Pharaoh'..."

"Give me the same eternal life as him..."

——Is there anything closer to the image of the "Pharaoh" than the resurrected mummy?
But Yanlvge did not immediately confirm this highly probable guess.

While taking inventory and reflecting on his previous mistakes, he discovered another blind spot in his thinking.

Just a few minutes ago, because he was so focused on "people", he almost ignored that "users" may also have other life forms.

But now, will he ignore the fact that the "Pharaoh" is actually a person because he is too focused on the "mummy" in the golden coffin?
After all, in the field of vision directly in front of him, besides the coffin of the pharaoh, there are also a dozen VIP tourists and dozens of ordinary tourists.

If the "Pharaoh" was among these tourists, then the system-generated "look up" task would also make sense.

The words and songs are in trouble.

But he didn't hesitate for too long, and set a new goal again: "System, set a new goal: kill the 'Pharaoh'."

"The goal is set."

"The system is doing calculations for you based on existing resources."

"The calculation is complete."

"Generating task."

"The first stage mission has been released."

System Mission (Phase [-]): Watch.

Mission description: Watch the "Blank Paper Thief" steal the mummy of Su Er VII.

Task Difficulty: Level E.

Mission time limit: 1 hours.

Required price: 0 yuan to 256965 yuan.

Mission Reward: Relax.

Words and songs:? ? ?
Watching... Does this mean that he should do nothing?What the hell?
Another even more inexplicable E-rank mission?
Did he have a fight with the E-level task today?

(End of this chapter)

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