The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 269 The Betrayal of the Betrayer

Chapter 269 The Betrayal of the Betrayer
On the big screen, a man and a woman disguised as medical staff carried the mummy into the ambulance, and then the ambulance drove away with the alarm lights on.

In the studio, the mad Uncle Li sometimes cried and laughed, sometimes knelt down and shouted, and sometimes danced wildly, tearing the paintings in the studio to pieces.

Yan Luge slowly stood up from his seat, moved his hands and feet, and walked slowly to the window.

For him... the first phase of the task "onlooker" is almost coming to an end.

So, next...

Seeing him standing up, Li Chongshan hurriedly followed, but Yan Lvge by the window looked back at him.

"Don't follow." Yan Luge looked at the ambulance speeding under the night, licked his slightly sharp canine teeth, showing an expression eager to try, "Do what you should do."


"Do you know what to do?"

Li Chongshan took a deep breath, bowed his head like a pious student in front of Yan Lvge who was younger than him: "I know.

"The family's most precious antique was stolen, the owner of the golden castle suddenly went crazy, and it was also related to extraordinary power... If these things are not handled well, there will be trouble."

"Do you want me to teach you how to deal with it?" Yan Luge raised his chin and asked Li Chongshan.

"I... no, I can handle it."

"very good."

"Boss, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to meet that 'Pharaoh'." When Yanlvge said this, he had already stood on the window sill, opened the window, and let the evening wind from the mountains and forests pour into the small studio.

The golden castle was originally built on the top of the mountain, with one side leaning against the towering cliffs. Standing by the window and looking down, you can see the dark forest below and the winding mountain road.

The ambulance carrying the mummy of Surr VII was speeding on the winding mountain road.

Probably because of some guilty conscience, they turned off the alarm lights after leaving the golden castle, but with the eyesight of Yanlige, they were still able to locate the escaped little mouse in the dim mountain forest.

He opened his arms, and there were thin fleshy membranes formed under the arms, which were not really wings, but more like the flying membranes of flying squirrels, or the flight suits of wingsuit pilots.

He jumped off the castle.

When Li Chongshan rushed to the edge of the window sill, Yan Luge had already turned into an invisible black spot in the night, falling towards the mountain forest, and opened his arms when he was about to fall, slowed down and glides, Chase towards the winding winding mountain road.

Like a black ghost, a real nocturnal animal, he flies, shuttles, and jumps in the dense forest at a very fast speed.

In a very short time, Yan Luge caught up with the ambulance.

When the international thieves drove a fake ambulance and turned a corner around a towering tree, Yan Lige happened to pass over the top of the tree, bypassing the blind spot of the people in the car, It landed silently on top of the ambulance.

His movements were extremely light and slow, and he controlled the speed and attitude of the landing very well, so no one saw him when he fell, and he did not cause any extra bumps, and he was attached to the roof of the car lightly and delicately like a fallen leaf .

Yan Lvge squatted down, and slowly retracted her flesh wings.

At his feet, several international thieves were chatting around the coffin of the golden statue.

"This is our goal?" An unfamiliar rough male voice.

"That's right. It took me a lot of effort to get it out, isn't it amazing?" Qianqian said.

"Boom——" Someone seemed to be curious, and knocked on the golden coffin with his fingers, and there was a boom.

"A coffin and a mummy, are these things worth 5 million yuan?" The strange and rough male voice asked again.

Sissy laughed loudly: "I don't think it's worth it either, but this is the price our employer offers.

"As long as there is a smooth handover in the future, we will be able to get this huge sum of money smoothly!"

"What does the employer want this mummy for? Sleeping with it?"

"Hey, maybe that's the case, who doesn't have any special hobbies among rich people?"

There was roaring laughter in the car, full of joyful atmosphere.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Atu's slightly puzzled voice suddenly interjected, "5 million? Is the price offered by the employer 5 million?
"Sissy, didn't you say that the price offered by the employer is 3 million, and all the money belongs to us?"

"I just said it casually, do you really believe it?" Sissy's tone rose slightly, full of joking, "Hahaha, I'm afraid you're not a fool, right?"

"Sissy, didn't you say..."

"What are you?" Sissy laughed arrogantly, and after Atu lost his use value, she completely tore off the disguise, revealing her true colors, "Ah, by the way, I said that I would elope with you and spend a good night together .

"—but that was a lie to you! Silly [beep——]!
"I'm not interested in you at all! From the beginning to the end, I have no interest at all!
"Every time I [beep——] with you, I feel so sick that I want to vomit, and I wish I could chop off your [beep——].

"If it wasn't for making money, who would be happy to accompany you in such a silly [beep——] acting?!"

"Hahaha!" A rough male voice echoed Sissi and laughed loudly, "This time we really wronged our sister Sissy. When we get the commission, we can go to Vidora's nightclub to play for a few days!"

"I have to go!" Sissy shouted excitedly, "I want to kill little Wei Ni, that soft body~ yo~ I'm so excited when I think about it!
"You don't understand at all that being with such a beauty is the bliss in the world!
"Compared with an idiot, trash, and idiot [beep--] like you, it's much more exciting!"


There was a sound of rope rubbing, and it was like the sound of someone's heart breaking

Attu, who was in a sluggish state, was tied up with a rope by several big men and thrown into the corner of the ambulance, bumping helplessly on the mountain road.

Yan Luge was still squatting on the roof of the car, with downcast eyes and a cold face, as calm as ever, like a cold sculpture.

The conspiracy, deceit, and betrayal revealed by the perpetrators below did not make him have any emotional fluctuations, nor did he have any feelings.

In fact, his attention was not at all on the thefts of several international thieves, or the love-hate relationship between Sissy and Attu—these little mice he could easily crush to death.

He pushed his abilities to the extreme, paying attention to the "Pharaoh" and the movement of the mummy of Sur VII in the coffin.

However, no matter how many abilities he used to observe, scan, and test, he only came to one conclusion—the one lying in the coffin of the golden statue was just an ordinary mummy.

At that moment, even Yanlvge, who had experienced many battles and seen all kinds of bizarre situations, fell into confusion.

Could it be that he made a mistake?

Could it be that the system task is wrong?
"The first phase of the task has been completed."

A soft sound in his head pulled Yan Lv Ge back from his contemplation.

"The second stage mission has been released."

(End of this chapter)

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