The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 272 Strong Onlookers Watching the Recovery Ceremony

Chapter 272 Strong Onlookers Watching the Recovery Ceremony
Under the gaze of the mysterious eyes behind him, Atu walked slowly to the stone platform, kicked the body of the rough man aside, knelt down in front of the golden statue coffin, and gently wiped the blood on the golden statue coffin with his sleeves. Devoted and focused.

After a long time, Attu, who had wiped off all the blood, exhaled slowly, and took out something from his arms: "It doesn't matter, even if it's just me, the 'recovery ceremony' can still be held as usual.

"It's the potion of spiritual power in their hands - we have to find a chance to get it back."

Recovery ritual? !
Yan Luge's eyes lit up, and he was so excited that even the tentacles on his back trembled twice.

He has been lying in ambush for so long, watching the love and hate for so long, isn't it just to complete the task of "watching the recovery ceremony of the 'Pharaoh'" given by the system?

Finally waited until this moment!

Excited, Yan Lvge took another two steps forward, reaching a position where A Tu could be hung up and strangled to death with a stretch of his tentacles, curiously poked his head over A Tu's shoulder to see what was in his hand.Little Fang was suffocating in his clothes, and slipped onto Yanluge's forehead. With his mouth wide, he stretched out his thin tongue to try to lick Attu's neck, but he missed it by a few millimeters.

Atu was unaware of everything behind him. He just knelt on the ground, pressed one hand on the golden coffin, and held a yellowed page of "Book of the Dead" in the other, chanting words with an extremely focused expression.

... I don't know if he would have a heart attack when he turned around and found a tentacle monster staring at him at close range.

However, with Yan Luge's reaction speed, even if Atu turned his head suddenly, he could slip into the opponent's blind spot in an instant and play hide-and-seek with him.

...Thinking about it this way, I suddenly felt more intrusive.

Yan Luge, who was dressed in the style of a horror movie boss, was unconscious. With the help of his "dark vision", he looked at the "Book of the Dead" in Atu's hand.

The "Book of the Dead" was written on papyrus in the ancient Nile script, densely packed with thousands of words.

Yanluge had a headache for a moment - because he couldn't understand.

Ancient Nero was founded 300 years ago. It faced the Sun God Sea in the east, the Ancient Tianzhou in the west, the Maurya Dynasty in the south, and the Nishizawa Empire in the north. It took 200 years. In time, surrounded by the four extraordinary civilizations, the fifth extraordinary civilization has been achieved.

However, the good times did not last long. Only 300 years after the founding of the ancient Nero, the gods came and the spiritual energy was cut off.Ancient Nero, who didn't have a deep background, lost all his extraordinary power, persisted for less than 60 years, and then fell apart and fell apart.

In the next 4000 years, the Nile, Tuershilin, Yanting, Manlacher, and Guti tribes in this land successively established their own city-states, sometimes uniting, sometimes fighting, dividing and reuniting. Stretching for thousands of years.

Until modern times, although the Nile Federation has regained the name of "Nile" and once again stands on this land, it is actually no longer the ancient Nile that flourished at the beginning.

The language, characters, and classics of the ancient Nile practice era have long been lost in the war, and they have disappeared without a trace. Only in the tombs of the pharaohs more than 4000 years ago can we get a glimpse.

But even if something like a text book is dug out, it's still... incomprehensible.

He said that the rhythm song is still offering a high price reward, and the vast number of ancient Nilotic language experts are still working hard to decipher it, so what's the hurry.

Therefore, when Yanluge discovered that the "Book of the Dead" in Atu's hand was written entirely in ancient Nile, he also had a headache.

It is incomprehensible. At most, he will write down all the crooked symbols, copy a copy and throw it in the database later, waiting for someone who is destined to successfully decipher it in the future.

But just after memorizing half of it, Yan Lvge's eyes suddenly froze.

He discovered that Atu, who was chanting words, was not reciting random spells, but reading.

Read rhythmically, regularly, and with yin and yang setbacks.

Read the text on the papyrus.

Damn, this guy actually knows Lost Old Nile? !
Yan Luge was startled.

Comparing the few deciphered words he knew, Yanlvge realized that Attu was not just reading blindly, but really understood the ancient Nilotic language.

In an instant, the thought in Yanluge's mind of "cut off this impeding guy after the mentally handicapped system is updated" turned into "take this guy away after the war starts, and decipher the ancient Nile books for yourself, wait After deciphering it, chop it."

The director of Yan University still attaches great importance to the talents of the history department.

Attu had already read most of the contents of "Book of the Dead".

Yan Lige had no idea what he was talking about.

If you guessed blindly, this might be a contract of sale.

Attu completely dedicated himself to the Pharaoh, offered his life and bones, willingly accepted all the punishments, lashes, and rewards from his master, and lived forever as a loyal servant under the Pharaoh's throne.

—So, what did he get?

Contracts of prostitution are not uncommon in all dynasties and countries, but people who voluntarily sell themselves as slaves or handmaids, either to save their families during famines, or people at the bottom trying to fight for wealth and glory.

No matter what the reason is, when they signed the deed of sale, they would always think that what they got was more important than what they lost.

The blood lion is for the temptation of eternal life, Li Ao Duo is for his own ambition, what about Artu?Why is Attu?
This thought flashed through Yan Luge's mind.

He found that he didn't know Li Chongshan's friend well, so he couldn't deduce the answer from his past.

Attu had already read the last sentence.

Strange, difficult, and incomprehensible pronunciation came from the depths of his throat, echoing in the dark cave.

The warning signs rose in Yan Luge's heart.

Even though Atu, who was kneeling on the ground, was still an ordinary person with nothing special, and even though the golden coffin placed on the stone platform was still silent and quiet, Yanlvge felt a sense of crisis like a thorn in his back, so much so that his body All the fine hairs stood upside down.

It seems that an ancient giant beast is slowly waking up.

But Yanlvge couldn't even tell where the crisis was coming from.

Artoo finished reading the last sentence.

When the last word fell, Attu took out the last spiritual power potion from his pocket, opened it, and poured all the emerald green spiritual power potion onto the "Book of the Dead" in his hand.

The spiritual power that can only be attached to the will of life is completely absorbed by this seemingly ordinary papyrus, and the words on the papyrus all light up line by line, emitting a light golden light, shining like a small hole in the dark cave. sun.

And in the light of "Book of the Dead", the golden coffin on the stone platform made a creaking sound, as if something that had been sleeping for a long time was waking up.

Under Yan Luge's dignified gaze and Atu's ecstatic gaze, the pharaoh's face carved out of gold, white deer, white jade and other expensive materials on the golden coffin blinked for a moment.


 Thanks to "Book Friend 20200229110611203" for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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