The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 281 The King and His Subjects 3

Chapter 281 The King and His Subjects 3
It was a war the spirits had never experienced nor imagined.

On Planet Aquamarine, in the five extraordinary countries, and on the land of Nile, the gods from other lands appeared in an unrivaled posture, took away the source of spiritual power, left a place of pollutants, and then turned away.

The cultivators at that time rushed towards them one after another, trying to stop all of this, but the end was like moths to a flame. Apart from being polluted physically and mentally, and adding a wandering pollutant to the world, nothing happened. to any effect.

Then, the source of spiritual power was taken away by the gods, and the spiritual energy was exhausted.

The top cultivators from the five major countries realized this immediately.

Facing the pollutants wandering around and multiplying on Planet Aquamarine, the world that is constantly being eroded by pollution forces and is about to be destroyed, and the extraordinary power that human beings rely on for survival but is doomed to disappear, they let go of their barriers for the first time and achieved made a resolution.

The spirits don't know the specific content of that resolution.

All I know is that after that decision, the five extraordinary countries formed an alliance, and they also formed an alliance based on the heads of other small forces and even alien beasts, vowing to fight the pollutants to the end with their last ounce of strength.


Ongoing war.

A protracted war.

No one is immune to such a war.

The spirit and its priests have tossed and turned on the battlefield, fighting against those strange and frantic pollutants all day long, without a moment of rest, and without a moment of rest.

The old crone priest who accompanied it was no longer young, but still followed it step by step.

"I am your priest, and I will stay with you until death, until..."

"I am also a cultivator. My abilities are all for repairing your armor. There is no better priest besides me."

"Such disgusting things dare to invade Nero! Let's kill them together!"

The old woman leaned on a cane and read out the "Book of the Dead" in a hoarse voice.

Suddenly, the young priest seemed to have returned to its side.

The long-lost will fluctuation reappeared, but in an instant, it was pressed back by the heavy shackles.




Spirituality fulfills the only mission it has been given since its birth.

On the battlefield, it saw the father of Su Er VII, the grandfather of Su Er VII, the ancestors of Su Er VII, and all kinds of high-ranking people... Those dead appeared on the battlefield one after another, and Disappeared one after another.

Many of them died.

Those spirits who had already died once and were awakened by the people were really dead this time.

Kill those pollutants.

kill those...


The spirit has no flinch, no fear - it was never expected to have such useless feelings.

—even when that huge mouth tore it apart.

That was the last battle in the memory of spirits.

It fought a monster that looked like a meatball but was covered in huge mouths.

That thing looks clumsy and slow, but it is very difficult to deal with, because ordinary attacks have almost no effect on it. When the lightning whip hit it, it seemed to tear the meat ball, but the meat ball grew out of the wound in an instant. A new giant mouth was opened.

The huge mouth on that alien species can not only bite and swallow enemies, but also spit out green acid, corroding and dissolving everything it comes into contact with.

When spirits fight this alien species, it is inevitable that they will be stained with some acid, and the golden body, which is not considered solid, will be corroded and pitted.

Fortunately it still has its priests.

Under the chanting of the priest hiding in the dark, its corroded coffin was restored to new in the blink of an eye.

The battle was going on fiercely and fell into a stalemate.

The spirit priest was too focused, almost all of her attention was on her pharaoh, so that she ignored that behind her, there was another alien species that looked like a two-headed snake approaching quietly.

Its speed is not fast. If it was a young priest, he might be able to repel it by pulling out his sword, and then turn around and flee.

But she is old.

She is no longer as sharp as she was when she was young, nor is she as flexible as when she was young.

She didn't discover it until the two-headed snake mutated approached two meters to her and began to chant a prayer.

“Mia amo kaj mi naskiis el la morto de sangaj parencoj. (My love and I were born from the death of bloodborn.)”

Frantic words pierced into her mind, the priest endured the pain of his head bursting and suddenly turned around to touch the dagger at his waist, but he tripped over his crutch and fell to the ground.

she is old...

As the body leaned down, the priest suddenly had a premonition of her end.

She would fall to the ground, staring at her eyes, and unable to get up for a while due to old age and frailty.

She would listen to the prayers of those monsters without warning, and scream in pain, gradually becoming a monster in pain.

But she won't really turn herself into a monster.

She will try her best to clenched the dagger in her hand, and when she is still alive and able to control her actions, she will cut her throat with one knife.

This is her end, and that is the end of all priests.

Born in the world but died on the battlefield.

In all the priest's imaginations about death, there was no place for the dead.Although she spent her whole life serving the dead, even at the end of her life, she never imagined that the Pharaoh would come to save her.

Because the dead never existed like that.

Although these dead have the most respected identities in the world, the old woman who is a priest is actually very clear that they don't actually have much self-awareness, and they are the purest fighting tools.

If there is no guidance from the "Book of the Dead", they will not come out of the tomb to take a look even if the sky falls and the earth falls.

The dead are weapons...they are just weapons.

Weapons will not look back for the life and death of human beings, even if that person is its priest.

She wouldn't let it do that either.

It is the fate of the Pharaoh to enjoy the glory and wealth of the world during his lifetime, and to protect a country and fight for Nile forever after his death.

To be born in the mortal world and die on the battlefield, to devote one's life to being anonymous—this is the priest's destiny.

She'd known it, she'd known it since the day she became a priest.

The old woman clenched her dagger tightly and closed her eyes.

But at the moment when the metallic luster was reflected in front of her eyes, she suddenly opened her eyes wide.

That golden body, born for fighting, stood in front of her abruptly.


But she has been polluted.

The bones of her limbs were shattered and completely broken, and a strange snake head was protruding from her shoulder. There were bloody holes on the surface of her body, but the forehead flowing out of the wound was not blood, but a black, distorted forehead. snake scales.

Her face was old and distorted, but an unprecedented thought erupted in the extremely simple mind of a spirit.

It doesn't want her dead.

Although it didn't know what happened, it just didn't want her to die.

This strong will even broke through the shackles that had been imprisoning it, making it go against the priest's "battle" guidance.

The phantom of the golden eagle emerged from the top of the scepter and sank into the priest's body. He tried his best to save her, even ignoring the flesh-ball aliens approaching from behind.

It can't be blamed.

The snake shadow represents the power of destruction, and the eagle shadow represents the power of protection.

In the magic of Ancient Nero, this kind of power is two completely opposite extremes, which cannot be compatible at the same time.

Although it obtained two kinds of power at the same time with the body of the dead, even it could not break through the limitation of the practice itself.

If it wants to save people, it must give up fighting.

However, its priest saw the meatball alien species gradually approaching.

She seemed to realize something, raised her head with difficulty, and showed a smiley expression: "Don't waste your spiritual power for me... have you forgotten that you are still fighting...

"I am your priest.

"Only I die for you, how can there be any reason for you to die for me?"

In front of it, she raised the dagger with her last strength and stabbed herself in the heart.


The spirit let out a pathetic, silent cry.

For the first time, it exploded with unparalleled combat power without the guidance of a priest.


Fight, fight.

To fight, to fight.


Three days later, the High Priest of Nero found it battered and nearly completely broken from its golden casket.

The high priest knelt on the ground and wept in a low voice: "I'm sorry, my king, we came late. It was our incompetence that made you sacrifice so much."

—how is she?

Spirits come up with such thoughts.

The high priest couldn't hear its heartfelt voice, and just lowered his head and caressed its broken coffin: "I'm sorry...we don't have enough spiritual power materials to repair your coffin..."

—I want to know how she is?

The spirit screamed in his heart, but he couldn't make a sound.

The high priest picked up the dilapidated coffin of Surr VII and brought it back to its tomb.

To the surprise of the spirits, the wall of the tomb chamber, which was always clean and clean, was covered with dark red blood at this moment, with a strange and complicated rune circle.

What frightened him was that the breath of these bloodstains was actually a little familiar.

"My king, although Nero can no longer obtain spiritual power materials to repair your injuries, the golden coffin itself has a certain self-healing ability. As long as it is placed in an environment rich in spiritual power, it will slowly recover on its own. Repair." The high priest placed it on the unfamiliar but familiar stone platform, and kowtowed again, "So, we drew a closed magic circle here.

"After I leave, your tomb will become a closed space, and the spiritual power in the magic circle will slowly escape for your use. Although there is very little spiritual power here, as long as the time is long enough, You still have the hope of repairing and surviving."

—I just want to know how she is doing? !
The spirit roared silently.

The high priest raised his head slightly, with a somewhat unbearable expression, and finally answered in a hoarse voice the answer he wanted to know the most: "The spiritual power material for drawing the magic circle comes from your priest.

"You don't have to be sad, and you don't have to feel guilty—this is her last wish, and it is also the fate of every priest in this era."

spiritual power material.

What a cruel word.

Spiritual power is a kind of power that can only be obtained from living bodies. In the past, most of the time, human beings obtained spiritual power materials by hunting strange animals.

So much so that they almost forgot that human beings are animals at their core, no different from the beasts they hunted.

The flesh and blood of a practitioner is also a kind of high-quality spiritual power material.

This rule was not remembered by the last generation of human cultivators until the end of the Dharma Era when the aura was cut off.

The spirits wept silently.

There was once a person who was willing to serve it for the rest of his life before he was alive, and was willing to dedicate his flesh and blood to it after death.

But it lost that person forever, forever.

This damned, crazy, hopeless time.

The high priest kowtowed for the last time, and then slowly backed away while maintaining his kneeling posture until he reached the outside of the tomb. Then he gently closed the door of the tomb, stood up and resolutely rushed towards the city full of pollutants.

The spirits in the dark return to stillness and silence.

It doesn't seem sad and angry anymore.

It began to desperately absorb spiritual power to restore itself, waiting for the day when it would return to the battlefield in the future——

But waited until all the wounds on the body healed, waited until the rune magic circle decayed and dissipated, waited until the Nile people's belief in the dead almost disappeared, waited until the rank of the spirits slowly fell, and no priests came to open it again. The door of this small tomb.

By the time we see the sun again, 4000 years have passed and the vicissitudes of life have been subverted.

 It feels like it's been a long time since I've cut someone with a knife, and my hands are raw.

(End of this chapter)

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