The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 295 "The Pharaoh's Curse"

Chapter 295 "The Pharaoh's Curse"

During the waiting time, Yan Lv Ge also boarded another tall building and sat down on the edge of the roof.

He dangled his legs, looking casually at the golden coffin on the top of the building in the distance: "Well, I always feel that things are not that simple... Although the 'Fate Real-time Calculation System' is a little retarded in function, the tasks issued every time The angle is also strange, but there are traces to follow.

"For example, this time, the system believes that a 'live broadcast' is required for Su Er VII to join the Blackstone Research Institute, but I can't figure out the logic of the task.

"Obviously there are more simple and effective ways to complete the second awakening of Su Er VII and get rid of the cognition of 'ruler', why does it have to be an inexplicable 'live broadcast'?

"Compared to 'the system is playing with me', it is more likely that I have overlooked something... or... there is something else I don't know..."

Yan Luge's voice was extremely low, almost drowned in the whistling wind.

He didn't want to tell anyone, he just talked to himself.

Limited by the hardware limitations of the phone's microphone, Bailu knew the whining wind, but couldn't hear what he was muttering clearly.

"What did you say?" she asked.

"It's nothing."


Surr VII stood quietly on the top of the building.

After losing its sense of the target, it stopped all movements.

Overhead is the light of dawn.

Below is the bustling city.

The scenery completely different from the ancient Nile falls into its eyes, gorgeous and prosperous.

The prosperity of the modern city is beyond the imagination of this ancient creature.

Even cultivators who went to heaven and earth in ancient times failed to build such an endless super-large city, but ordinary people in the technological age have done it with their own strength.

What a miracle.

But Surr VII just watched and waited, without any reaction, silent and quiet, just like when it was lying in the tomb and in the exhibition hall many, many years ago.

But only it knows vaguely... Maybe it's not the same.

There were frenzied, chaotic, and noisy voices stirring in the ears of King Su Er VII, as if they were very close, but also seemed to be far away.


"Will you die? Will you be killed?"

"The legend says so..."


No one knew that Surr VII could hear the voices of the people.The dead of Ancient Nero can.

Yanluge killed its priest, thinking that it cut off its connection with the outside world and cut off the control of outsiders.

But that is not the case.

Even the top extraordinary people reborn from the future don't know that in the magic of Ancient Nero, the contract between the living and the dead is definitely not like "the living call the dead to return, and the priest guides the dead with the "Book of the Dead"" Simple.

Ancient Nero - this ancient and powerful extraordinary kingdom, stood on the boundary between life and death and mastered the deeper laws.

As an extremely powerful combat weapon, the "dead" has never had a record of betraying Ancient Nero. It is not entirely because the priests who guide them have been selected through layers of selection and are absolutely loyal and reliable to Ancient Nero.

But because the dead will never betray their subjects.

The spirit "dead" born with the wish of the whole country is different from ordinary spirits. It is not fixed in a constant state from then on, but will change according to the voices of many petitioners.

Guardians, conquerors, pioneers, slayers, saviors... the dead can be anything this extraordinary kingdom needs.

The aspiration of the people is what the sword of the "dead" is pointing at.

If the dead is compared to a sailing ship, then the priest is just steering its rudder, and the wishes of millions of Nile people are the rivers that support the ship.

If the priests follow the will of the people, then the dead are the most powerful weapon in their hands.

If the priest and the people are separated from each other and try to betray Ancient Nero, the dead will cut off his head in an instant, and then quietly wait for the next priest to succeed him.

Of course, it is not easy for the dead to hear the voices of hundreds of millions of people.

To do this requires a medium.

This medium is - the undead lamp.

Almost every household of the Nile people has one or more lamps of the dead.

The amazingly talented Ancient Nero cultivator optimized, simplified, and de-extraordinary the runes on the lamp of the dead, and finally turned it into a craft that ordinary people can master, and taught it to everyone in that country.

After 4000 years of extinction, the craftsmanship of making undead lamps is still preserved in the form of traditional crafts and has been passed down to this day.

Therefore, Sour VII can still hear the voices of people through the undead lamp engraved with his name.

Those voices are affecting it, changing it, shaping it.

But now, in this city-state union known for its freedom, the voice lingering in the ears of Surr VII is no longer the worship and prayer of the subjects for the monarch, but a well-known urban legend.

- "Pharaoh's Curse".

For more than 100 years, the ancestors of Li Chongshan led the explorers into the tomb of Su Er VII, and saw the curse inscription written by the priest in the tomb-whoever disturbs the Pharaoh's sleep, the god of death will spread his wings and come to his body. on the head.

The explorers died one after another after leaving the ancient tomb, just like the revenge of the dead, so the "Pharaoh's Curse" became famous.

The Jin family finally cracked the curse, proving that the so-called "curse" is actually a brain infection caused by an unknown ancient bacterium. However, this mysterious rumor has been passed down, and it has even become more and more serious in recent years. .

When Li Chongshan ignored the rumors for the sake of tourism income, he probably never thought that the deity of Su Er VII in the coffin could really hear the thoughts of mortals.

In the horror story with weird and absurd colors, the image of Pharaoh Sur VII is gradually distorted in people's minds.

"Sur VII was a terrible, tyrannical pharaoh."

"Sur VII is an evil undead. After losing its life, it hates all living people."

"Sur VII will kill anyone who disturbs its sleep, everyone."

That's how the people of the Nile Federation see it.

The subjects after thousands of years hoped for it so much.

So, under the power of almost rules, Surr VII complied with the ancient contract formed by the dead and the living, and slowly became what they thought.

...even if it doesn't want to.

Judging by the standards of the Blackstone Research Institute, Su Er VII, it, is degenerating into an evil spirit.

It wants to protect its priests and subjects.

It wants to kill everyone who disturbs its sleep.

It likes this vibrant world.

It is jealous of all living creatures.

It treats its people tenderly.

It brutally destroys everything.


Ancient and modern, good and evil, two diametrically opposed desires are fiercely tearing apart in this spirit's body, as if to tear it in half.

Su Er VII, who had just opened his mind, could feel that something was wrong with him, but this ignorant creature didn't know how to deal with these messy thoughts.

It is only silent, and it can only be silent.

Until the two voices were completely separated.

Make it the guardian of the Nile Federation again.

Or become the most terrifying evil spirit of this era.

(End of this chapter)

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