The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 311 Bailu: The Boss's aesthetics are hopeless

Chapter 311 Bailu: The Boss's aesthetics are hopeless
The personified AI considered the words for a while: "According to the uncanny valley theory, ordinary humans are most likely to be afraid of objects that are 'human-like but slightly different', such as artificial puppets with rigid facial features, such as clown makeup with exaggerated smiles, which can easily make people Think of a stiff corpse.

"In addition, missing or proliferating limbs and alienated organs are also easier for ordinary humans to fear, such as soft-bodied people without bones, such as banshees with snake hair."

Bai Lu spoke more bluntly, so he almost used Director Yan himself as an example.

After all, with the boss's aesthetics, it is very likely that he will pick "Skeleton Man", "Snake of the Abyss", "Flesh Roller"...

"Really?" Yan Luge nodded, "Then I understand somewhat.

"No wonder some people would be dumbfounded when they saw my 'Hunter's Cage', and Lao Zheng's bastard subordinates kept stabbing me in the back because I had tentacles.

"I thought they were looking-based.

"Now it seems that they don't seem to be discriminating against supernatural beings with inhuman shapes, but are they purely afraid of strange shapes?"

The boss actually understood her hint!And he wasn't angry!

Bailu was deeply relieved: "I guess, yes."

Yan Luge's brows were slightly furrowed as he flitted across the walls of the buildings: "Isn't this too fragile?

"The supernatural beings who see alienation can be frightened, so what should we do in the face of more exotic gods and pollutants in the future?

"We have to find a way to slowly correct their mentality..."

He seemed to be thinking about it seriously.

Although Yanlvge still doesn't understand why some people are afraid of corpses, tentacles, and bones...but he has enough tolerance for ordinary humans who have not experienced storms in this era, just like parents' tolerance for children. Childishness and mistakes are laughed off, and try to educate slowly.

Probably after staying in the bloody and crazy doomsday world for a long time, the boundary between human and non-human is very blurred in his eyes.

In his eyes, there is no difference between a beautiful girl and a monster with blue face and fangs, they are all life.

In his eyes, there is probably no difference between sitting in a pile of rotting and smelly corpses and drinking blood, and sitting in a hotel with clean windows and eating delicious food, both of which are full.

Bailu didn't say anything this time, nor did he complain silently.

She suddenly discovered that although their boss usually acts perversely, it seems that subjectively, he really has no intention of scaring people.

It reminded her of a fantasy movie she just saw in the database.

The son of the demon clan in the story was exiled to the world by the demon king because he was too kind.The blue-faced and long-toothed son of the demon clan met a little girl, and he took out the favorite snack of the demon cubs - a bloody crow eyeball and gave it to the little girl, but the little girl screamed and fainted from fright.The little girl's parents came and threw stones at him like crazy.

The son of the demon clan froze in place, he didn't understand what he did wrong, and he didn't understand why others would fear and loathe him.

——In the final analysis, it’s just an “aesthetic” difference.

That movie was a third-rate romance movie, so the demon prince finally found someone who could accept him, learned to make the cake in the shape of a heart instead of a heart, and was recognized by humans to stay in the world.

Yanluge is like the son of the demon clan from the bloody land, but he is colder and more powerful than the son of the demon clan in that story.

Also more gentle.

Although he acted as fiercely as a devil, it seemed that he really came for some kind of mission of "saving the world".

Others don't understand, but he never seeks to understand, and he will never change himself for others.

Before his spiritual energy recovered, many people called him mentally ill behind his back, but he didn't even try to defend himself, he just practiced his will silently.After the god came, everyone in the research institute regarded him as a prophet and a god, and offered the most fanatical loyalty, but he moved forward quietly as before.

Looking back, it seems that they were able to do all this now, entirely relying on the persistence of Yan Lvge alone.

A person.

Bailu was surprised to find that their director seemed to be alone all the time, advancing on the rough road.

His assistant Bella?This female warrior is his most loyal follower, and perhaps has a little admiration for her boss.It can be said that Li Ge really regards the other party as his assistant, and is willing to put the greatest trust, but there is no extra emotion.

His father Yan Rong?This blood relative who died young gave him the greatest financial support, but if we analyze Yan Lvge's growth process, we will find that the time that the father and son spend together is very limited.Yan Luge respected his father, but he never told Yan Rong what he was going to do.

The venerable atomic energy?This pair of Wangnianjiao are equally tenacious, but they are more like business partners, with a common goal and a tacit understanding, but it is because they are too firm, as long as one of them shows a little fatigue, the other will be there. Pass him without hesitation and move on.

Not to mention anyone else...

For some reason, Bai Lu suddenly felt a little sad... She wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

In terms of rhythm, there is a high probability that Rhyme is not needed.

In the end, Bailu just threw all the chaotic data generated at that moment into the encrypted database and secretly sealed it up.

Do your job first.

The ignorant anthropomorphic AI makes up its mind.

For example, first make the "combat auxiliary module" to become a useful AI!

"If you want to change human beings' fear of non-human forms, you can't just rely on guidance and preaching." Yan Lige hooked the tentacles to the eaves, turned over and jumped onto the roof, running and jumping on the roof.

He didn't know how many tricks his family's supercomputer made up for him behind the scenes, although even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

He was just seriously thinking about what kind of image the next villain's vest should use: "After much deliberation, it is more reliable to use shock therapy directly.

"Bailu, according to the uncanny valley theory you mentioned, I chose a supernatural profession with an alienation route as a template, which will definitely create an image of evil, horror, and villain at a glance.

"That's it—"

In front of you is the location of the Moon Gate Square.

Looking from afar, the Moon Gate Square is filled with dark crowds, most of whom are bounty hunters who came for the mummies.

Many people held up their mobile phones and looked around, hoping to capture something.

Even the gradually darkening sky could not stop their yearning for money.

Yan Luge ran to the edge of the roof, retracted his signature tentacles, and jumped down towards the square where the crowd gathered in front.

There was light shining from his body, as holy as the morning light.

Wings spread out behind his back, as white as the first snow.

Water flowed on his face, obscuring his facial features.

When the people below were attracted by the light and raised their heads, they were shocked to see an angel flying in the air with pure white wings exuding holy divine light.

The angel is wearing a black sleeveless gown, the exposed part is not like human skin, but has a texture close to marble.His face has no eyebrows, no eyes, no nose, five mouths, and no ears. There are only simple facial features, but the curvature of the outline is as handsome and three-dimensional as an exquisite sculpture.

Bailu also stared dumbfounded at the "angel" transformed by Yanlvge through the camera set up in the square.

Her first reaction was: so beautiful——! ! !
The second reaction is: It's over, the boss's aesthetics is hopeless.

(End of this chapter)

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