The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 313 Power of Matter and Soul

Chapter 313 Power of Matter and Soul

When Yanlvge leaped down from the roof of the building and transformed into an "angel of innocence" over the square, evil spirits also quietly appeared under the Moon Gate.

It may have been there long ago, or it may have just arrived.

It's just that at that time, everyone's eyes were mostly attracted by Yanlvge, and no one noticed the silent mummy evil spirit.

But Yanluge will not ignore it.

So he threw a high-energy laser beam at the opponent when he disagreed - this is one of the attack methods that "Angel of the Unsullied" comes with.

The essence of the photoreceptor of "Unstained Angel" is something like a resonant cavity.Before launching an attack, some low-energy weak beams will be spontaneously generated in the body, and the weak beams will continuously reflect back and forth in the resonant cavity to oscillate and proliferate until a strong beam with the same propagation direction and the same frequency and phase is formed in the cavity, that is, After the laser beam is fired, it will be emitted.

——The principle is very scientific, as scientific as the "Fire Dragon" that Caroline alienated.

The speed of light is 30 km/s.

Much faster than the reaction speed of humans, and much faster than the movement speed of mummified evil spirits.

From the moment Yanluge emitted that high-energy light beam, it pierced the sky without any suspense and hit the mummy evil spirit.

No matter how fast the evil spirit moves, there is no possibility of dodging in the face of an attack at the speed of light.

Just like that, the mummy evil spirit received a high-energy beam head-on.

Under the bombardment of ultra-high-temperature high-energy laser beams, everything is like thin paper, a small arc-shaped corner of the towering moon gate is torn off, and the ground under the evil spirit's feet is instantly obliquely cut into a right cylinder big hole.

Hard stones, cement, bricks and tiles have no resistance to high-energy laser beams.

So, what about evil spirits?

High-energy laser beams come and go quickly.

In just a split second, the high-energy laser beam disappeared.

The evil spirits hit by the high-energy laser beam head-on also disappeared.

do you died?No, it's not that simple.

It is unlikely that a fifth-level spirit would be killed so easily.

Yanluge stared at the big hole that was burnt out on the ground. The rock at the entrance of the hole was half-melted by the laser beam, and the boundary was radiating a terrible high temperature, so that in his light-sensing vision, it showed that human beings could not see it. strange colors.

But there was no trace of the evil spirit.

where did it go
Yanlvge immediately used more supernatural abilities of perception and direction detection—although his appearance remained that of an "angel without scale", it didn't mean that he would be stupid enough to use other supernatural abilities.

When he turned on the "spiritual perception" of the specialized route, he suddenly saw a cloud of white mist.

A mass of white mist suspended above the void, invisible to the light receptors.

As if it does not exist in the physical world.

Is it really this?

Soul power.

In the magic system of Ancient Nile, life is opposite to death, protection is opposite to destruction, matter is opposite to soul.

Yanluge had discovered it before—this evil spirit that was spawned in the new era still followed the ancient rules in terms of extraordinary power.

The power of matter is close to the strengthening route in the standard ability tree diagram, based on the essence of "strengthening the material body of a living being", and is mainly used to strengthen one's own body.

Whether it is the coffin board of Su Er VII or the mummy body of the evil spirit, they have all been strengthened with the power of matter.

As for the power of the soul, according to the memory of Su Er VII, it seems to be a somewhat mysterious practice - it cultivates the non-existent "soul".

To focus, there is no "soul".

Ordinary human beings have no souls, ordinary superhumans have no souls, and not so ordinary demons and spirits have no souls—although there are legends and customs related to "souls" in many countries, ordinary life forms have no souls. There is really no such thing.

The will of high-level carbon-based life depends on the brain, the will of low-level carbon-based life depends on the instinct of cells, and the will of spirits depends on microscopic particles that science cannot yet observe.

However, spiritual power is an omnipotent wish-making machine. When a certain life will unswervingly wants a soul, it can make you grow one.

Thus, in some special transcendental beings, "souls" were born.

In the ancient Tianzhou's immortal system, this is called "primordial spirit", in the ancient Nile's magic system, it is called "soul", in the modern scientific system, it may be called "Boltzmann brain", "quantum brain" Consciousness"—in short, the core is a consciousness carrier invisible to the naked eye.

The function of "primordial spirit" or "soul" is very simple, it is to allow the will of the living body to exist without matter, and to do some things that the material body cannot do.

For example, now, the evil spirit has transformed itself into a virtual soul state, and then distorted the internal structure of its own soul through some means, allowing the high-energy laser beam to pass through its own soul like a piece of transparent glass, while its own But unscathed.

Although theoretically speaking, the energy carried in the high-energy laser beam can cause damage to the soul, but if the soul body is controlled by an intelligent life with rich combat experience, then the latter can easily modify its own soul. structure to be immune to attack.

This is what evil spirits do.

Although it has a high probability of not knowing what the high-energy laser beam is, it still made the correct choice at the first time.

— not stupid.

—Maybe smarter than Su Er VII?
Yan Luge made a secret complaint.

After he discovered the trace of the evil spirit through "spiritual perception", he thought about it, but he didn't seem to see it at all, and he didn't continue to attack.

Yanluge controls a part of the feathers, making the air flow through the fine quills, squeeze and collide, and make a strange sound that is neither male nor female: "Sur VII, I know you are not dead."

His voice was neither sharp nor hoarse, nor high nor deep.

His speech was neither fast nor slow, neither clear nor ambiguous.

His tone was neither passionate nor pathos, neither angry nor mild.

It was a fairly neutral voice - the kind that was absolutely neutral after listening to all human vocal ranges, just like his non-male and non-female appearance.

It seems to have no characteristics, but it is unforgettable.

Because it doesn't seem like a human being can say it at all.

There is no tone of voice between the words, like stone rubbing, cold, indifferent, and inorganic.

It was the falsetto that Yanlvge used to stop the "curse of death" before.

The evil mummy did not move.

That mass of white soul was still floating in place, did nothing, didn't move or plan to fight back, as if it didn't care about the attack just now.

But Yanlvge knew that this was impossible.

It is impossible for anyone to be hit by a deadly high-energy laser beam head-on, let alone a vicious evil spirit that has been shaped?

The only explanation was that the evil spirit wanted to hide himself first, and plot against him after he passed by.

Evil Spirit: You can't see me.

Yan Luge: I can actually see you, but I pretend I can't see you.

With a sneer in his heart, the young man took a step towards the moon gate and walked towards the big pit without any fear.

The invisible air seemed to form invisible steps under his feet, allowing him to walk down the steps with ease.

(End of this chapter)

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