The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 465

Chapter 465
Very rarely, the chairman of Cornerstone Technology Group visited all of his "products" at the counter.

Have to say, these guys really did a real job.

At least he didn't see any difference from the genuine one.

Of course, this is also because the technical content of these products is not high.

Most of them are just daily necessities such as toothbrush, toothpaste and slippers. After you buy some samples, with a little effort, you can imitate them almost exactly.

There are no truly high-tech products.

Just as the outside world always thinks that the technology tree of the Peacock Dynasty is a bit of a black box, the Maurya Dynasty actually thinks that the black technology products of the Cornerstone Technology Group are outrageous, and it is impossible to imitate them.

A little relieved, Boss Yan said to Bai Lu: "Help me send a message to those directors, saying that the product lines of these things will be canceled in the future, and don't sell them."

Bailu: "Huh?"

"Our Cornerstone Technology Group is a technology company. What's the point of selling something that everyone can make? If you want to play, you can play black technology."

If he doesn't come up with some unique technology, how can he make the price [-] times the cost and sell it?
"Okay." Bailu suppressed a smile, "The message has been sent."

Yan Luge looked away from her counterfeit products, and swept towards the family of three in the corner without any trace.

He was sure, guaranteed, sure that the peacock must have ulterior motives for this family.

The corpse dog is rushing here with its army of living corpses, looking for the missing eyes of its master.

As long as the peacock has the IQ level of the little white deer, it can probably guess its purpose nine out of ten.

Therefore, Peacock will definitely act first, no matter what, first control the little boy who has transplanted the eyes of the corpse transporter first.

Yanluge smiled.

Its first move was to cause a car accident on the road, waiting for an opportunity to take away the target boy, but failed under his interference.

But Peacock would never give up.

After the first failed car accident, Peacock should no longer attack the traveling tourist bus.

So, its second act will definitely be here.

what he said.

Sure enough, under Yan Lvge's watchful eyes, a young man wearing the uniform of a shopping mall staff, with an ordinary figure and appearance, but with an obviously trained walking posture, walked towards the family of three.

—Executive Officer 5DF70, whose mission is to take away Special Visitor 888 without attracting anyone's attention.


A family of three sat on a bench in the corner of the mall.

They didn't visit the mall selling fake luxury goods.

First of all, it is not very convenient to go shopping with a child who has just undergone surgery and whose eyesight has not yet recovered; secondly, their own income level is too low, and they have not yet been exposed to the circle of luxury goods, so they are naturally not interested in these.

So, while other tourists were wandering around asking prices and shopping wildly with big bags and small bags, the family just sat in a corner, feeding their children warm sugar water from a thermos.

They brought their own sugar, and the water was begged from the front desk of the hotel early in the morning. It was free, no money, but they had to endure a blank stare from the aunt at the front desk.

But enough is enough for them.

Most of the money I saved in my life was used to operate on my child, and there was not much left, so I had to save some money.

Still, they looked up when Executive 5DF70, in the uniform of a mall worker, walked towards them.

"Hello." The executive greeted the young mother proactively, "I am a staff member of the mall. Our mall held a free lottery event, and I would like to invite you to participate..."

"No, we won't participate." The young mother shook her head and refused.

"It's really free, no need to spend money..."

"It's not convenient for our child. It's not convenient for me to be with him."

The executive 5DF70 failed.

Peacock only told him to take the target boy away calmly and control him, but he didn't tell him how to take him away.

Yan Luge suppressed a smile, bowed his head and continued to study the counterfeit products of his company.

A few minutes later, a colleague of the previous executive entered the scene.

The executive officer this time is a petite woman with an immature face. After putting on a cute princess dress, she looks like an innocent and lively little girl, which can easily make people lose their guard.

She bounced and approached the family of three.

"Little friend~ What's wrong with your eyes? Are they injured?" She pretended to be surprised and pointed to the gauze on the boy's face, "Does it hurt? Don't be afraid, my sister has a lollipop that can relieve pain. Eat a lollipop." It doesn't hurt at all..."

The young father scowled and said coldly: "I never thought that the Maurya Dynasty would also have a way of abducting and selling children? Put it away, we are all watching."

The executive officer failed again.

But Yan Lvge noticed that before she left, she quietly put a handbag on the bench.

Another 5 minutes passed.

A group of executive officers in formal uniforms suddenly appeared, rushed over with a whoosh, and surrounded the bench where the family of three was sitting.

The family of three was still in a daze, only to see the older chief executive officer lined up and stood in front of the family of three.

"Hello, please don't be nervous, this is a drill." The executive officer in charge opened his eyes and said nonsense, "Can I ask you to cooperate?"

He pointed to the tote that the previous squad member had placed on the bench.

"The scenario we simulated was, 'Terrorists attempted to attack the mall and planted a bomb on a chair'. We need to complete the evacuation of personnel and simulate bomb disposal." The executive said, "Can I trouble you to leave here temporarily? We There is a rest room nearby for you."

Although this excuse was full of loopholes, but because the group of them wore the uniforms of executive officers, they looked majestic and had their own deterrent and convincing power, so the family of three nodded subconsciously without thinking much about it.

"Okay, follow me," said the executive.

If they were allowed to take away the family of three in full view, then Peacock's plan would have succeeded.

After these three people left, they would never appear in the public eye again in all likelihood.

How could Yanlvge let them succeed?

He moved his fingers imperceptibly.

So, when the executive officer led the three of them out for a distance, the leading executive officer was obviously relieved.

The handbag placed on the bench and put down by their companions——

——It exploded with a bang.

The scorching air burst out, slapping the bodies of the nearest executive officers violently, knocking them to the ground.

The leading executive officer was still dazed until he was blown to the ground.

He couldn't figure it out, the "bomb" here was obviously a lie fabricated by him and his companions, why did it really explode?

(End of this chapter)

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