The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 59 The Murderer and His Amusement Park 1 (for further reading)

Chapter 59 The Murderer and His Amusement Park 1 (for further reading)

Yuding fumbled and took out the key, opened the rusty iron gate, and walked into his own amusement park.

Facing the gate of the amusement park is a cute lion slide.

The lion is about seven or eight stories high. It squats on its hind legs and raises its front legs in a friendly gesture of waving its paws. The lion has a mischievous expression on its face with its tongue sticking out.Visitors can walk up the stairs to the top of the lion's head, and then take a pulley to slide down from the lion's back to the tip of its tail.

Yuding stepped over the collapsed fence, approached, and stretched out his hand to gently stroke the metal feet of the big lion.

It was originally painted bright yellow, but due to years of no maintenance, most of the paint has peeled off, exposing the rusty metal brackets inside.

Every toy in this amusement park is designed and supervised by him, You Ding.

But he could only watch them rot and weather.

"I'm sorry." Udin murmured to himself, stroking the rust spots with his fingers, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, maybe I shouldn't have created you.

"I thought that the amusement park I created would bring happiness to everyone, but in fact, what I brought was only tragedy, despair and death. I failed those who had expected me , I have failed you too.

"But I still believe I'm right. I'm going to do one thing.

"I will find those who framed me, those who murdered them, and those who destroyed you, one by one, and make them pay the price!
"Thank you for being here with me...sorry."

In the night wind, he gently pressed his forehead against the cold and rusted iron shell of the giant lion, as if he was confessing, mourning, or swearing.


Twenty years ago, Yudin Rodster was the most famous amusement park designer in the Nile Federation.He became famous at a young age and was full of talent. At the age of 20, he joined the Fillol Power Company based on the design drawings he drew in the garage. One year later, he became their chief designer. The next year, he invested in technology and became the Fillor Power Company. The second largest shareholder of the company, many world-renowned amusement parks have his works.

At the age of 20, Yudin suddenly left Ferol Power Company, and returned to his homeland, the Nile Federation, with the funds he earned over the years, announcing that he would build a world-class amusement park here. two.

Two years later, the Dreamland Amusement Park, which was designed and supervised by Yuding himself, was completed.However, those amusement facilities that he had hoped for became murder weapons on the opening day, causing 36 deaths and 21 injuries in a major accident.

The subsequent investigation report showed that the accident was caused by a design defect of the roller coaster.

Yuding lost a huge amount of compensation, closed the amusement park, was sentenced to five years in prison, and disappeared from the sight of the Nile people.

Many people from the Nile Federation who passed by the abandoned amusement park said that even if the murderer was released after serving his sentence, he probably would have no face to stay in the country, but he didn't know where he went to kill people again.

No one knows that after the five-year sentence expires, Yuding returns to the amusement park he built by himself.

He has never believed in the so-called "design flaws", and he firmly believes that there is nothing wrong with his design concept.

He sees it as a premeditated murder frame-up, just as he did 20 years ago when he pointed the prosecution's nose and snarled in court.

There are many shops and staff dormitories in the amusement park, but they are all vacant.

Yudin lived there, trying to find the truth through the Internet, old newspapers and old files.

He no longer shows up and rarely interacts with people.He no longer trusts anyone.

In his free time, he would climb up those tall amusement facilities and silently clean, wipe and maintain them.

But the amusement park is too big, and there are too many facilities, no matter how hard Yuding works, he is only one person after all, so gradually, gradually, this facility has declined, showing a desolate atmosphere everywhere.

No. 15 years after the accident, 37-year-old Yudin boarded the boom of the speed windmill and wanted to clean the seats for it, but the whole boom suddenly broke and fell to the ground from a high altitude.

Yuding, who was tied with a safety rope, escaped luckily.

He looked at the spiral arm that was broken due to weathering and corrosion for a day and a night, and suddenly turned his head away.

He still lives in the amusement park, but since then, he has never tried to maintain the things he has painstakingly built.

You Ding found a job in a nearby small restaurant. There were only him and the strange old man in the restaurant. He did all the hard work, but his salary was pitifully low, and he was often deducted maliciously.

But Yudin doesn't really care about money.He just wants to move on from his past.

If he cared, he could have sold the ownership of the land under the amusement park 15 years ago, and the money in exchange, even after deducting compensation, would be enough to feed him for the rest of his life, or make a comeback in another place-in fact, This is what most businessmen and capitalists do.

But he didn't sell it. He would rather sell the house, sell the car, sell everything that can be sold, and then lose himself, but also keep this amusement park that is destined to never come again.

So it was like this, Yuding worked in the restaurant during the day, and went back to the amusement park to rest at night, and another five years passed in a daze.

Sometimes, there will be some young guests in the restaurant. Most of them go to the abandoned amusement park to explore or take pictures, carrying big and small bags one by one, and they are in high spirits.They'll talk loudly in restaurants about how they cleverly found holes in amusement park fences and climbed in, or how bravely they burrowed into the stomachs of scary-looking steel monsters to take pictures.

When they were talking about this, they never imagined that the real owner of the abandoned amusement park was right in front of them, serving them hot meals without saying a word, and carefully cleaning the tables and chairs after they left .

They did not recognize Yudin.

The high-spirited Youdin Rodster had already died 20 years ago along with his dream, and what remained here was only a persistent and numb walking dead.

Another day of normal work.

When the strange old man locked the door and Yuding turned around and walked towards the amusement park, he found a black luxury car parked across the road. The owner of the car was standing on the side of the road. When he saw him, he greeted him with a smile, as if specially As if waiting for him.

"Mr. Rodster, hello." The owner of the luxury car wearing a valuable custom-made suit handed out a business card and said politely, "I am Jiang Changhai, Commercial Director of Cornerstone Technology Group, and this is my business card... "

Jiang Changhai, he is the commercial director of Cornerstone Technology Group, and also the head of the intelligence department of the Blackstone Research Institute.

There are not many people like him who work in Cornstone Technology Group and Blackstone Research Institute at the same time.

Because when his father was still alive, Yan Lvge generally didn't poach his father's wall, unless he couldn't help it.

(End of this chapter)

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