The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 68 A Revenge After 1 Years 2

Chapter 68 A Vengeance After 20 Years 5
Xue Batian felt as if he had heard of the term "spiritual" somewhere, and he didn't seem to have it. After thinking for a long time, he searched his guts and found a relatively similar concept: "Monsters? Are they spirits?"

Yan Luge explained: "It's different from monsters. 'Monsters' are evolved from creatures, and their ability systems are actually similar to those of human superhumans, and they are even compatible and interchangeable, while 'spirits' are inanimate. Life born in the medium. Generally speaking, sword spirits, tool spirits, these spirits born from human creations will have a closer relationship with humans, while wild spirits such as mountain spirits and river spirits may abide by neutrality, but they If it is contaminated, it becomes a very dangerous existence."

Spirits are a very special kind of extraordinary life.

In other words, their existence itself is an alternative supernatural phenomenon.

Generally speaking, spirits are more likely to be born on objects that have been poured with emotion and will for many years, such as gods and altars that receive incense and worship for many years, such as weapons that accompany their owners day and night.

Once born, the memory of spirits can be traced back to the beginning when the object was created, so they often mistakenly think that they are the existence that has been poured with emotion, resulting in cognitive bias-for example, many born from statues Spirits, they will think that they are that god, but in fact this is just a cognitive bias.

Note that they are not "gods".

The essence of a "god" is a high-level life that is completely different from all known life on Seablue Planet. The only way for a mortal to "cultivate into a god" is to turn itself into a polluted alien species.

In contrast, "cultivating to become a spirit" and "cultivating to become a demon" are still possible.

Gods are gods, and spirits are spirits.

In the previous life, some spirits became true spirits through the second awakening, no longer bound by past memories, and became a "spirit race"; Extremely terrible pollutants.

Yanlvge has been hesitating for the past few days, how to deal with the spirits in the amusement park.

Yes, dispose.

"Spirit" itself is a very good raw material for spiritual potion, which can be easily refined into spiritual potion with a high extraction rate, which is much higher quality than the plant-based raw materials in the cold leaf forest.

In the previous life, in the middle and late stages of spiritual recovery, human superhumans and spirits had a honeymoon period.Humans and spirits born from human creations live and fight together.

However, there are also forces that specialize in warming objects to breed spirits, killing them after birth to extract spiritual power potions, and treating them as livestock instead of intelligent life.

Later, those weapon spirits and sword spirits rebelled on a large scale and killed their masters. They called themselves "Spirit Clan" and became one of the great enemies of mankind.

Since then, human beings no longer trust spirits, and destroyed most of the objects possessed by spirits, refined them, and extracted them into spiritual potions.

Since then, humans and Eldar have become sworn enemies.

This battle is regarded as the dividing line between the two eras of "Resurrection of Reiki" and "Supernatural Rise".In the previous era, no matter how much human beings fought among themselves, they still sat firmly on the hegemony on Planet Aquamarine. In the latter era, with the rise and rebellion of more and more alien races, human beings gradually fell from the top of the food chain and became An ordinary member of the extraordinary group.

When it comes to Yanlvge, as the leader of the entire extraordinary era, how to deal with these new spirits who have never rebelled or been enslaved by humans has become a problem again.

...It's actually not too difficult.

Yan Luge smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Their biggest enemies are gods and pollutants, gods who are all extraordinary beings united, and they don't know if they can fight against them.

So he needs to unite all forces that can be united.

Be it humans, spirits, or demons.

He said that Rhyme is a human being, so he will establish an extraordinary world order dominated by humans, but in this order, there will still be places for spirits and demons-as long as they are willing to obey his order.

At the same time, he will also protect those kind and orderly aliens from being hunted and enslaved.

"Come on, let me see what you guys will do." Muttered to himself after throwing a bunch of thugs into the amusement park, turning the abandoned amusement park into a hunting ground, "Of course, and you—

"—The Avenger, Yudin Rodst."


Yudin ran out of the old dormitory.

He raised his head, under the night, staring dumbfounded at this scene he had never seen before.

The stone bird on the bell tower jumped down and fluttered its wings to the sound of the ancient bell.

The roller coaster, which has no power source, turns itself on, flipping up and down the track.

The sculptures displayed in the park or on both sides of the aisle came down one after another and walked freely in the amusement park.

"Is it my hallucination?" You Ding said to himself in a daze.

Suddenly, he felt something lightly bump on his thigh.

Yudin lowered his head and found that it was a rabbit head that had fallen from the sculpture.

The rabbit's head was very big, reaching about the position of his thigh, but he couldn't see it because it was too dark.

The middle of the rabbit's head is hollow, and because of the two long ears, it can only roll over on the ground and roll with its face against the ground. Funny and eerie, like a ring stuck in the face.

"Candy Bunny..." You Ding said softly, it was strange that he didn't feel any fear.

The rabbit statue standing on the side of the road and handing a lollipop to passers-by was designed by him.Its setting is a candy merchant, but it likes children, so it will always foolishly give its own candies to passing children, and it is very happy to lose money.

Its sculpture is the image of holding a candy basket in one hand and handing out circles of lollipops in the other.

But before it could send out its candy, it was sealed in dust for 20 years, never seeing the light of day until it completely decayed.

Candy Rabbit's head rolled over again, bumped Yuding's leg lightly, then rolled away for a distance, stopped, turned back and looked at Yuding with big eyes, as if asking him to follow.

You Ding came to his senses: "You want me to go with you?"

The rabbit's head shook in place, as if nodding, and then continued to roll forward.

Udin hurried to follow.

The rabbit's head was rolling in front of it at a very fast speed, and Yuding was chasing after him, and he had to trot to catch up.

Where does it want to take him?
This direction is... the tour train?

You Ding was confused, and suddenly heard a scream coming from the front.

The screamer seemed to be enduring extreme pain, screaming so hoarsely that his voice changed.

Startled, Yuding couldn't help speeding up with the head of the rabbit, and ran forward.

(End of this chapter)

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