The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Chapter 538

“But before that…” Glenn’s red eyes became serious. “Continue what you were about to do.”

“What I was about to do… Do you mean training?” Raon asked while looking at Heavenly Drive, which was reflecting the moonlight faintly.

“Since you slew Kaibar, show me how much you’ve improved.”

“Like I said in the lord’s manor, I didn’t achieve that on my own. Aunt—I mean, Lady Aries did all the difficult parts, I only delivered the finishing blow.”


Glenn frowned with his mouth tightly closed. He looked displeased. It must’ve been because Raon had said aunt once again.

‘He really hates it.’

Raon raised the sword while resolving himself to never say aunt in front of Glenn ever again.

“Then I’ll just do some light exercises.”

Raon raised Heavenly Drive overhead. He clenched the hilt with both hands and cut the moonlight reflected on the lake with a focused mind.


Even a five-year-old child could perform that downward slash, but Raon’s sword was different because he’d continued basic training without missing a single day.

It was extremely polished, free enough to reach anywhere, and the sharpness extending from it seemed capable of cutting through anything.

After the vertical slash, a horizontal slash, a diagonal slash, and a stab followed. Even though he could do those moves with his eyes closed, as he swung, he focused his entire mind and muscles to swing his sword.

He also performed the techniques of the Fangs of Insanity and the Blizzard Sword Art as if he were in a real fight before wiping his warm sweat away and turning around.

“You still didn’t let go of the basic techniques,” Glenn stated, furrowing his brow slightly and uncrossing his arms.

“Yes, I’ve been continuing with them whenever I have time.”

“For what reason? You should’ve already refined those basic techniques to the point where you can use them with your eyes closed.”

“It’s because my goal is a versatile sword like yours, which incorporates all kinds of swords. Since the basic techniques can be compared to the root of a tree, I figured that my sword would collapse if my foundation was weak.”

Raon told him exactly what he’d been thinking while practicing the basic techniques.


Glenn nodded while covering his mouth with his hand. Raon could see that his finger was trembling faintly.

“I was wondering how your mental world became refined enough to defeat a Grandmaster, and it was all thanks to your dedication to the basics.”

“Th-thank you.”

Raon awkwardly lowered his head.

‘I didn’t expect him to straight up compliment me…’

Glenn didn’t compliment others easily. If he said it was excellent, that implied that he seriously thought Raon did a good job. He felt like he was being rewarded for being dedicated to the basic techniques so far.

“Those basics allowed you to reach the sword field. Even though it was incomplete, how did it feel to use the sword field for the first time?” Glenn asked.

“I felt like I was borrowing the power of a stronger version of myself.”

When he’d activated the Divine and Demonic Harmony, he’d felt like he was borrowing his technique and aura from another version of himself that was at least a Grandmaster.

“It’s not wrong, but it’s not correct either.” Glenn narrowed his wrinkled eyes and continued, “The Sword Field Creation consists of bringing the power in your imagination that you can control right now into reality.”

“The power in my imagination…”

“That’s why the sword field embodies the life and swordsmanship you’ve been accumulating so far.”


‘Is that why I could use the two swords and coldness?’

Glenn’s advice helped him further understand how his sword field was created, and how to make it stronger in the future.

He felt like his mental world had broadened from a single word from him.

“Another thing.”

Just as he was about to thank him, Glenn continued, “As you continue to practice versatile sword, there will be a time when you will focus on the principles that you are used to and overlook the ones that you are lacking in. It might be painful, but you will face your deficiencies.”

He even gave a second piece of advice. He must’ve been pleased with Raon’s response about the basic techniques.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

He engraved Glenn’s advice to his heart and decided that he was going to polish the swordsmanship that he wasn’t used to yet the next day.


Glenn casually snapped his fingers. A faint luminance as beautiful as the descending moonlight spread around, and an antique box appeared from the thin air. He took the box and handed it to Raon.

“Take it.”

“What is this…?”

“I told you in the audience chamber that I’d reward you later for the matter about Kaibar.”

Raon accepted the box and nodded faintly.

‘So this is why he came here.’

He could finally understand why Glenn was visiting the annex building. He was trying to give him advice and the box as a reward for slaying the mad dragon.

“It’s the Red Flow Pill. It’s an elixir created by mixing a sacred herb and energy core, so it should make a good combination with the Blue Purification Pill that I gave you earlier. Take them together.”

“Thank you.”

Raon held onto the red box tightly and bowed to Glenn.


“What’s the matter?”

“There was an incident after we slew Kaibar.”

He told Glenn about how the dragon lord had appeared and threatened them.

“Dragons are pretty much the natural enemies of humans. A simple swing of their tail can destroy a city, and hundreds of people die as a result. The ones like Kaibar, who despise humans, are pretty much a disaster.”

Glenn twisted his lips, implying that he was already well aware of the dragons’ wrongdoings.

“What you did was right, and reasonable. Don’t mind what the dragon lord said. Call me right away if you encounter him again.”

He furrowed his brow, saying that dragons were selfish creatures who believed they were the only justice in the world.


Raon felt at ease from hearing that. He felt like it wouldn’t be scary even if a bunch of ancient dragons attacked him at once.


They silently stared at each other for a while.


Raon narrowed his eyes while watching Glenn’s twitching lips.

‘Why is he acting like that?’

Glenn had already finished teaching him and giving him the elixir, yet he was still there instead of leaving.

‘Is he talking to someone?’

Raon was guessing that he must’ve been sending aura messages to someone, and Glenn suddenly gestured with his hand.

“Try using an advanced technique. I’ll check out your martial art since the rewards seem to be slightly insufficient.”

“What? Ah, yes!”

Raon thought there were enough, but he demonstrated the technique he’d created, the Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation’s technique, and the Azure Sky Sword since it was a great opportunity.

“The Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation’s sword techniques are definitely powerful, but they aren’t exactly suitable for your current state. You should adjust them to suit your senses. As for the technique you made yourself…”

Glenn gave objective advice that was difficult to understand after watching all of his sword techniques.

Raon couldn’t understand it immediately, but he was just thankful because that was how Glenn had always taught him.

However, Glenn didn’t leave even when the swordsmanship practice was over, instead looking up to the night sky while rubbing his hands.

Raon clenched his fist after taking a glance at the annex building behind Glenn.

‘I don’t know why he is staying there, but this is my perfect chance to tell him.’

He decided to tell him about the resolution he’d gotten when he saw Sylvia in the kitchen and walked up to him.

“My lord.”

“Call me—”

Raon was trying to call Glenn, but stopped midway and raised his hand.

“Please go ahead and speak first.”

“No, you should say it first.”

Glenn told him that he was fine with it and shook his hand.

“Hmm, my mother’s energy center and mana circuits will be restored soon.”

Raon nodded and started to tell him about what he was thinking.

“Are you using the dragon heart?”

Glenn looked back at Encia’s room, where an intense fragrance of mana could be felt, suggesting that he already knew how he was going to achieve it.

“Yes. We’ll be making my mother’s energy center with the dragon heart that Lady Aries gave me in order to let her restore her previous realm.”

Raon walked up to Glenn and went on his knees.

“The reason why my lord doesn’t let me refer to Lady Aries as aunt must be because I’m still a collateral.”


“I’m well aware that I can’t become a member of the direct line even with the seven golden tablets I currently have.”

If he counted all the golden tablets he’d obtained, officially and unofficially, they made seven in total.

It wasn’t a small number, but it was still far from sufficient to restore Sylvia’s position while breaking through the interference of the direct lines.

‘That’s why I need to gamble now…’

Raon raised his eyes full of determination to succeed and looked into Glenn’s bored eyes.

“Please restore Sylvia Zieghart to the direct line with the golden tablets I’ve gathered so far and my victory against the Axe King next year.”


Glenn didn’t respond. He covered his mouth once again with his large and long hand, his shoulders trembling faintly. He seemed to be deep in thought, and his fierce gaze dropped towards him.

“The Axe King is powerful. Even though he is a Grandmaster just like the Holy Sword Alliance apprentice that you won against, he is on a whole different level from him.”

“I’m well aware.”

Raon nodded. He was still unable to forget about the Axe King’s vicious energy. He knew better than anyone that the Axe King was powerful.

“Are you still going to go for it?”

“I’ll be different that day from the way I am right now.”

“Are you confident in your improvement?”


Raon responded that he could do it, confidently and calmly.

“You are right. Even with seven golden tablets, it would be difficult to make Sylvia a member of the direct line. However…”

Raon’s eyes reflected in Glenn’s red eyes, and they looked exactly the same.

“If you manage to achieve victory against the Axe King at twenty-two years of age, it’s good enough as a condition.”

He easily agreed to it.

“I’ll accept your condition under the name of the head of house.”

“Thank you!”

Raon bowed deeply at Glenn.

“You don’t need to thank me. It hasn’t even happened yet.”

Glenn shook his hand, telling him to thank him after everything was over.

“Then please tell me what you wanted to say…”

Raon stood up and mentioned that Glenn was about to say something before.


Glenn didn’t say anything for a while, then he averted his gaze.

“It wasn’t anything important.”

“What? But I definitely heard about calling something…”

“I was about to tell you to calibrate your swordsmanship if you have nothing else to do.”


“I’m taking my leave now.”

Glenn furrowed his brow and disappeared. He looked like his mood was suddenly ruined.

Raon tilted his head while looking at the spot where Glenn used to stand.

‘Why is the ground dug out like this?’

* * *

Glenn left the lake in the annex building and went halfway up to the North Grave Mountain.


Rimmer sighed deeply, leaning his back against Tiger Rock.

“Why did you return without achieving anything when you went to allow him to call you grandfather?”

He shook his head, unable to understand Glenn’s behavior.


Roenn lowered the booklet he was holding in his hand and casually laughed.


Glenn lowered his hand that was covering his mouth once he was in front of them. The corners of his lips, rising to reach the sky, were shivering intensely.

“Isn’t he so praiseworthy?”

“What? What do you mean…?” Rimmer as he blinked blankly, looking at Glenn.

“The fact that he is dedicated to basic techniques and achieving the Sword Field Creation at his age is amazing enough, but he’s giving the dragon heart to his mother. Isn’t he so commendable? The dragon heart isn’t a simple elixir. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s a mythical treasure, yet he is using it to make Sylvia’s energy center without even hesitating! How could such a kind and good-natured boy be born into this world?!”

Glenn clenched his fists, saying that he couldn’t suppress his overwhelming emotions because he was too proud of his grandson. His powerful will spread around like a spider web, and the entirety of North Grave Mountain started to shake.

“If that’s the case, just hug your grandson!”

Rimmer placed his palm on his forehead, telling him to show Raon that instead of telling him about it.

“Huhuhu, my lord. Please calm down.”

Roenn shook his head at Glenn, trying to prevent the North Grave Mountain from collapsing in the middle of the night.

“How could I calm down?! I’ve never seen anyone like him before. I’m not saying this because he’s my grandson. Anyone in the world would praise him!”

Glenn has been suppressing his urge to say that when he was in front of Raon, and he started to speak rapidly now that he was in front of them.

“I’m fully aware that Raon is a good man! But being called ‘grandfather’ by him has the highest priority right now!”

“Raon already talked about it, didn’t he?”


Rimmer tilted his head, unable to understand what he was talking about.

“He said that he would defeat the Axe King next year and come back to me to call me grandfather.”

“Wh-when did he ever say that?”

“That’s what he meant when he said that wanted to restore Sylvia’s status as a member of the direct line by using the golden tablets he’s been gathering and the achievement of slaying the Axe King. Once Sylvia becomes a member of the direct line, Raon will naturally call me grandfather since he will be a member of the direct line, too! He was asking me to wait for that!”

Glenn shouted, frustrated about Rimmer failing to understand that fact.

“You are unable to see Raon’s big plan.”


Rimmer clutched his stomach, nauseous. With such a positive spin on the matter, it looked like he couldn’t talk sense to Glenn at all because his love was so blinding that even his ears were deaf.

“We need Sheryl at a time like this.”

Rimmer sighed deeply. They needed rational people like her to convince him, yet she was away on a mission. It was a shame, but he couldn’t do much about it.

“It’s happening soon.”

Glenn carefully rubbed his hands, saying that he would finally be called a grandfather the next year.


“Yes, my lord.”

“Did you add what he said today to Raon’s gospel?”

“Of course.”

Roenn smiled while opening the booklet attached to his waist.

“His philosophy about basic techniques, the way he used the dragon heart for Lady Sylvia, and his declaration to defeat the Axe King to become a part of the direct line. I wrote down all of it.”

He showed him the booklet while reciting what Raon had said. There was a drawing of Raon confidently declaring his future victory during the duel on the white paper.

“You’ve gotten better at drawing.”

“Huhuhu, I’ve been practicing whenever I have time for this day.”

Roenn smiled, saying that he’d been taking drawing lessons so that he could draw Raon’s picture.

“You are all insane…”

Rimmer shook his head while watching Glenn and Roenn smile at each other.

“You need to stay alert.”

Glenn frowned at Rimmer.

“Raon can’t hope to defeat the Axe King in his current state. You need to properly help him so that he can get stronger.”

“Of course I’ll do that. But I’d like you to help me too, my lord.”

“What do you want me to help with?”

“I’m no match for the Holy Sword Alliance master, but I can’t forgive the Master of the Wise Dragon Sword at least. I want to kill my archenemy, so…”

A murderous wind emerged from Rimmer’s green eyes.

“Please help me with my training.”

* * *


Rokan Sullion bit his lip weakly.

He should’ve been extremely happy since his cherished youngest daughter had returned, but his mood was heading to rock bottom instead.

The reason for his bad mood was simple.

“Raon teleported us all to the Owen Kingdom and remained in that forest on his own. I heard he used some kind of boundary…”

His beloved youngest daughter had been talking about Raon alone for the last four hours since she’d returned, and that was making him extremely irritated.

‘I’m well aware that he is an amazing guy. I’m definitely thankful to him.’

It was all thanks to him that Runaan had survived, gotten stronger, and even her personality had become brighter. That was why he was thankful to him.

However, the fact that she was continuously talking about him and no one else was getting on his nerves as her father.

“Raon went to the ocean after that…”

“Ahem, how about we stop talking about him now and talk about you, my dear?”

Rokan gently shook his hand, telling her to talk about herself.

“We couldn’t meet when your daddy went to Owen to see you because you were too busy. What were you doing over there?”

“Honey, please stay quiet. So, what happened after that?”

On the other hand, Rokan’s wife and Runaan’s mother, Clara, waved her hand at Runaan while telling her to continue. She seemed to find her cute since she was enthusiastically talking about Raon even though she wasn’t good with words.

“Mhm, after that…”

Runaan explained everything that had happened before placing the golden tablet and elixir on the table.

“That’s how we all ended up getting a golden tablet each.”

She caressed the golden tablet, saying that she got it thanks to Raon rather than her own achievement.

“No! It wasn’t because of that bastard Raon, but because of your own accomplish—”


Rokan called Raon a bastard, and Runaan narrowed her blank eyes.

“Ahem, Raon the da-damn handsome…”

He called him the damn handsome, and the furrow disappeared from Runaan’s brow.

“That guy, I mean, the damn handsome Raon did indeed save you, but you pretty much saved him, too!”

Rokan shook his head, telling her to stop feeling so thankful towards him because it was normal for companions to help each other.

“Your father is right. You need to be proud of yourself for risking your life for the sake of your companions.”

Clara smiled while patting Runaan’s head.

“Haa, I don’t even know anymore!”

Rokan placed his hand on his forehead and started to drink from the bottle.


The door to the dining room was smoothly opened, and Syria Sullion entered with his face covered in a cold smile.

“Oh, my! Syria?”

“Syria? It’s so unusual for you to come back at this hour!”

Clara and Rokan smiled brightly while looking at Syria, who had suddenly returned.


On the other hand, Runaan dropped her ice cream on the ground upon seeing Syria’s smile. Her hands were trembling as if she were having a seizure.

“I decided to drop by because I heard Runaan had returned.”

Syria smiled while taking off his snow-covered coat.

“It looks like you were having a meal.”

“Did you already eat?”

“No, not yet.”

“Prepare the food!”

“You must be hungry, right? Just wait for a moment.”

Rokan ordered the kitchen to warm up some food, and Clara smiled while brushing the snow from Syria’s head.

“Yes, I’m actually a bit too hungry.”

Syria licked his lips while watching Runaan as her fingers trembled.

“Because I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

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