The Reincarnated Cop Who Strikes With Wealth

Chapter 36.1

The Tombs’ Owners (1)

Wham-! Bam!


While I used my hammer to strike at the thugs’ sides and stomachs, Mong-Doo and Black finished them off with shots to the head.

There were about 40 guys heading down to this deck.

If we wanted to survive this, there were two important things to keep in mind.

The first was teamwork, and the second was to make sure to put them down so hard that they couldn’t get back up.

In an instant, we had already rendered three of the guys standing in front of us unconscious.


Black grabbed the head of one guy, who had started panicking, and slammed it into the iron door.

Both the man’s nose and mouth seemed to have burst open, as a thick stream of blood started to flow down his face.

That was crazy. All his muscles definitely weren’t for show.

At that moment, a man grabbed hold of my trouser leg even as he was fainting.


“What’s he saying?”

“Roughly speaking, it seems like he’s asking us who we are.”

I swung my hammer at him once again and shattered his ribs.

I felt a satisfying sensation from the end of my hammer. It was clear that it had definitely smashed right through.

In an almost berserk state of excitement, Black roared.

“We’re the cops you muuutherfuuuuckers-! Police! Korea Police!2 You sons of bitches!”

Like a beast hunting its prey, he leapt right into the midst of all the gangsters.

As the guys standing at the front of the group collapsed helplessly, the rest of the Joongmae Gang began backing away.

Then they started pulling out pocket knives.

By all appearances, they’re dressed like ordinary tourists, but they’re actions are unscrupulously bloodthirsty.

“That’s fine. You’ve got to pull those out for me to feel like it’s a fair fight.”

Mong-Doo tightened his grip on his iron pipes with a loud laugh.

Just like back at the nightclub, Mong-Doo seemed to derive enjoyment from beating people up.

“From now on, there’s no point in begging for mercy!”

With that he ran in to support Black, the pipes held in both hands spinning in a dazzling flurry.

The accuracy of his blows were so great that there were absolutely no wasted movements.


One of the guys swung his knife at me.

With a smooth turn of my body, I dodged the swing and tapped his wrist with my hammer.

“Aaargh! Fuck!”

“Hm? It looks like this bastard is Korean?”

In my previous life, it was guys like this that had caused quite a mess by prompting a debate on whether to allow them to be executed in China or arrange their extradition to Korea.

However things were a little bit different this time around.


In a single motion, I grabbed him by an arm and a leg, and twisted them in the opposite directions.

“Don’t even think about moving and just stay here.”

By this point, only half of the thugs were left.

Although they weren’t a match for any of us in a one-on-one, seeing as there were still plenty of these guys left, things still looked a little dicey.


“No! Stop!”

Avoiding the fight, two guys had managed to sneak down to this deck and had found themselves over by the girls.

Right next to the emergency escape ladder leading down to the yacht.

Realizing what was going on, these guys called out something to their comrades.


“希洛船长! 你必须乘船.”4

Then one of them started shaking the ladder, trying to pull it off.

A woman, who had been in the middle of escaping, screamed as she clung to the ladder.

The other man grabbed her by the hair and tried to pull her back up onto the ship.


The rest of the kidnapping victims seemed to have been instilled with a deep fear of these thugs, and appeared to be frozen into inaction as they watched all this take place.


I quickly started running over, but it was quite some distance away.

But at that moment, Sae-Bom made a bold move and struck the man in the face with a hammer.

It was the tool that Black had used to break open the wooden boxes.

Clenching her teeth tightly, she shoved the other man back.

“I said stop! Didn’t you hear me tell you to stop?!”

“什么? 这只疯小猫?”5

She cast quite a valiant figure.

Just like back when she had almost been assaulted by the Suan Spaniel, and then when we saw each other in the visiting room, this was how Sae-Bom should look.

Even though her hands were trembling, she bravely swung the hammer once more.

Although she seemed to have shut her eyes tightly out of fear.

Yet even without any guidance, the hammer continued to mercilessly fall upon these men.

In response to her bravery, a few of the women also started helping Sae-Bom hold down the thugs from the Joongmae Gang.

‘…looks like there's nothing to worry about over there.'


1 “Who are you?!”

2 Bolded words are shouted in English

3 “They’re escaping!”

4 “Captain Xi-Luo! You have to take over the ship.”

5 “What? What’s with this crazy bitch?”

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