The Reincarnated Cop Who Strikes With Wealth

Chapter 36.3

The Tombs’ Owners (3)

With each burst of gunfire, a member of the Joongmae Gang was felled.

After firing six shots each, for a total of twelve shots, apart from Wi Yeon-Gil and a few others, everyone else was left rolling in agony on the floor.

“Fucking yeah. This is the first time that I’ve been able to shoot as many scumbags as I pleased.”

“Phew. This should be enough to handle, right?”

“Of course it is. Let’s gooo!”

Throwing aside his gun, Black flung his fist towards Wi Yeon-Gil.

Keeping pace with Black, I also started swinging my hammer.


“Like hell!”


Black grabbed hold of his wrist and, with a crack, the blade fell to the floor.

I kicked the knife away with my foot, sending it rattling down the stairs, and then I swung my hammer down at his knee.


Wi Yeon-Gil collapsed, clutching his knee.

Although Black tried to hold him up by his hair,

“Ah. This bastard is bald.”

So he had to dangle Wi Yeon-Gil by his ear instead.

Then his fist started pounding away without any restraint.

Bam- bam- bam!

With his face now covered in blood, Wi Yeon-Gil tumbled down the stairs.

He landed at the bottom, on top of a pile of his fallen subordinates.

Then we burst through the door to the bridge.

“This is the police!”

There were three fallen men on the floor who were covered in blood.

Two of them looked like they were from the Joongmae Gang, but one of them was-

“Big Bro!”

“Team Leader-nim!”

The captain, along with the conductors and the helmsmen, had gathered around Team Leader in a panicked circle.

Caught in the middle of staunching the blood flow, the captain started to explain.

“He was fighting those guys when-”

“Big Bro! Are you okay?”

Black ran over and started examining Team Leader’s body.

Team Leader frowned and knocked Black’s hands away.

“Disgusting. I’m fine, you bastard, so get your ugly face away from me.”

“Fuck… If you can still mouth off like that, I guess you really are fine.”

His radio was lying on the floor and seemed to have been smashed.

It looked like Team Leader had used it to block an incoming attack.

I let out a relieved sigh and started talking to the captain.

“The Coast Guard should be here soon. Please stop the ship and turn back to Incheon.”


We could see Deck D from the bridge’s window.

As well as the lights from the coast guard’s ships in the distance, illuminating the dark sea as they drew ever closer.


Back at the Incheon Port.

The blood-stained ship had made its return only a few hours after it first departed.

Police cars and ambulances had flooded the scene with their sirens wailing.

Once the gangway was set up and the passenger doors had opened, police officers rushed aboard.

Then Sae-Bom and I slowly descended from the ship, after making sure to cover her face with a blanket.

This was because of all the reporters who had somehow caught wind of this and had encamped themselves around the port.

The reporters immediately spotted Jang Man-Chun’s granddaughter and started racing over.

“Huh? Over there! That’s Jang Man-Chun’s granddaughter, Jang Mi-In.”

“Jang Mi-In-ssi! Could you briefly tell us what has happened-”

Flash- flash-

“Young miss!”

“Please don’t take any more photos. To all reporters, Congressman Jang Man-Chun will hold a formal press interview soon.”

Adding to the scene, were the secretaries and bodyguards sent by Jang Mi-In’s family to escort her back home.

Because of all this, there was no way for us to break free of the crowd.

Sae-Bom ducked her head and whispered to me quietly?

“Is it okay for you to be here?”

“Why not?”

“That’s a Congressman’s granddaughter over there. At a time like this, you need to get your name stamped on the case if you want to secure a promotion.”

All the other rescuees were being met with and embraced by their families who had been informed of their rescue.

If Park Han-Dong could have been here, he would definitely have shown up as well.

However, for now at least, there was no one present to celebrate a certain orphaned young lady’s survival.

Since their fates had been distorted by my reincarnation, I felt obliged to take care of her in Park Han-Dong’s place.

Sae-Bom kept speaking to me in a low voice.

Perhaps overwhelmed by the relief of having been saved, her voice sounded like it was on the verge of tears.

“I heard from my oppa. You said that you were going to find the real culprit. If that’s the case, don’t you need to get promoted quickly?”

“I’ve already been promoted not long ago. Also, with how capable I am, it’s only a matter of time.”

Sae-Bom’s words were said in jest.

I had also retorted to her while laughing gently.

At that moment, the paramedics approached us and took over supporting Sae-Bom.”

“…thank you so much. For both now and back then.”

“Rest up well. You did a good job swinging that hammer.”

Caught by surprise, she smiled brightly.

“I’ll call you later.”

“Sounds good. Let’s go visit oppa together. I’ll buy you some pizza.”

Sae-Bom got into the ambulance and left the port.

After Black and Mong-Doo made sure that Team Leader was also sent to the hospital, they came and found me.

“How is Team Leader? Will he be okay?”

“Mhm. It was nothing much. Just some flesh wounds.”

“Yawn. I feel dead on my feet. But now things are finally over!”

Black yawned while stretching loosely.

How good would it be if things really were all over.

However there were still a lot of loose threads that needed to be pulled.

Taking things step by step, I still needed to unravel each tangle.

Especially Wang Ong-Gu.

Now the time had come to sort him out.

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