The Reincarnated Girl Will Live Quietly

Chapter 25

“Hey, Bel?” 




“What do we do if someone finds out about you?” Sable looked at her older self curiously. 


Bel stared at the bedridden girl in contemplation. 


“It would be hard to explain if they can’t see me.” Bel paused. “Well, it might be harder to explain if they could see me.”


“That’s… true.” Sable muttered in agreement. It would certainly be strange for anyone to see a younger Sable and an older Sable. 


There was a moment of shared silence as they were both thinking. 


“Claire once called you a guardian angel.” Sable voiced. “Perhaps we could use that?” 


Bel placed a hand underneath her chin. Being called a ‘guardian angel’ felt strange, but they needed something to work with. 


“That could work, but we still need something concrete to convince people. Claire and the knights that day might believe it, but I doubt the others will.” 


“Can you still manifest the blue butterfly?” Sable questioned. “The knights were able to see it, so the others should be able to as well.” 


Rather than answer, Bel extended her hand out and narrowed her eyes in focus. Slowly, a glowing blue butterfly manifested onto her hand. Its wings fluttered for a moment before taking off from her hand and flying around the room. After a while, the butterfly dissipated. 


“I suppose that would be believable enough.” Bel nodded to herself and glanced at Sable. “There’s also one other alternative, but...” 


Sable looked questioningly at her, then her eyes lit up in understanding. She narrowed her eyes warily at Bel. 


“If it does come to that, then please be careful with my body.” 


Bel waved her hand dismissively. 


“Relax, I’ve done what I needed to do. And we can’t afford to have you bedridden all the time.” 


Sable glared at her, but looked away when she heard a knock on the door. 


“Come in.” She called out. 


Isadora entered the room carrying a large book in her arms. Behind her was a maid carrying a few more books as well. 


“Good morning, Sable.” She greeted her. “How are you feeling?” 




“Hm.” Isadora hummed in acknowledgement. “By the way, who were you talking to?” 




“Oh, well, I brought you a few books so you won’t get bored…” 




Everyone stared at Sable incredulously. Or rather, at her hand. 


Sitting on her palm was Bel’s butterfly. 


After Auberon’s abrupt appearance and departure, Grand Duke Lione led Sable back to the study. With him were the Grand Duchess and Isadora, as well as Vice Commander Reinfred, Percival and Isaac, and her personal maid, Aly. 


Isaac’s and Percival’s reactions, in particular, were not one of surprise, but recognition. As they were part of the party that found Sable, they were familiar with the glowing butterfly and seemed easily convinced by her explanation. 


However, not everyone shared the same opinion. 


“Forgive me if I don’t believe you, but I’ve read the reports about what happened in the forest.” Reinfred responded with skepticism. “Why would your guardian angel let you put your life in danger? And why didn’t Lord Auberon see it then?” 


“Before the incident in the forest, I had a very small mana capacity.” Sable answered frankly. “As dangerous as it was, I knew that I had to take that risk in order to increase my mana capacity. When I woke up, I found that I could see her, so it was likely that her presence is linked to my mana, and therefore, she could not interact with me as much as she can now.” 


“As for Lord Auberon, he mentioned sensing her when I talked to him back in the forest, but before today, I was under the impression that I was the only one capable of interacting with her.” 


Reinfred carefully scanned her face for a moment, but he didn’t ask any more questions. 


“What did he mean when he said that you shared the same blessing?” This time it was the Grand Duchess. 


Sable shook her head. 


“I don’t know.” Sable frowned. “This is only a guess, but…” 


Grand Duchess Adelaide gestured for her to continue. 


“There is a slight possibility that the Archangel may be involved.” 


When they heard her answer, the faces of everyone in the room changed. 


Sable knew that her words would not be taken lightly. 


The Archangel, Freya, was believed to be a benevolent goddess of peace, and the one responsible for maintaining order in the world. It is believed that without her blessings and guidance, the Teodora Kingdom would not have continued to exist for as long as it has. 


Every so often, the Archangel would grant her blessings upon someone she deemed worthy, follower or not, and they were elected as the Saint of the generation. Through the Saint, the Archangel could deliver her oracles, and many conflicts and disasters have been avoided thanks to her. Even the royal family consulted the Saint in the past, a testament to the influence of the Archangel. 


As a result of this, the Archangel has the largest following in the Teodora Kingdom, and one doesn’t need to look far to find one of her believers. 


If Sable’s guess was correct and the Archangel was involved with her and Auberon, then this was a serious matter. Receiving the Archangel’s blessing was akin to becoming a Saint, and in Auberon’s case, he would be considered a Divine Beast. 


However, if Sable’s guess was incorrect, then her words could be taken as an act of blasphemy against the Archangel. The Saint was in a position of both power and prestige, but if they used their position irresponsibly, then it could result in a catastrophe. In the past, anyone who dared to falsely claim the blessings of the Archangel were excommunicated by the Church of the Archangel or even imprisoned. 


“...Are you aware of what you are saying, Sable?” Adelaide’s serious expression was mirrored by those around her. Even Isadora was frowning at her words. 


Sable sighed. 


“Yes, I am aware, but like I said, it’s only a guess.” Sable’s mouth stretched into a thin line. “I intended to pay a visit to the Church in the Capital, but it would be difficult to freely move around there.” 


“So your mother wasn’t the only reason for wanting to go back to the Capital.” Isadora commented. 


Sable shook her head. 


“No, she wasn’t.” She paused. “However, I still need her help. Without her support, I doubt I could go anywhere, let alone enter the Capital..” 


“Why not stay with us?” Isadora offered. 


“I appreciate your kindness, Isadora. You and your family have already done more than enough for me.” Sable shook her head, a trace of sadness in her eyes. “But I can’t live the rest of my life hiding from that man.”

The room fell silent as the weight of Sable’s words sunk in. 


Isadora looked down for a moment, before raising her head with a hopeful expression.


“Hopefully, Lord Auberon can find the Winter’s Tear for you.” 


Sable’s eyes widened in surprise, before a small smile graced her features. 


“Mhm.” She agreed. 


The others, once again, stared at her in shock. It was the first time they had seen Sable’s genuine smile, and for a brief second, they caught a glimpse of the idealistic optimism that was normally hidden away. 


And with that, the meeting ended. 




Sable woke up with a start. It was still dark out, but she could hear people moving around and shouting outside. 


“Bel, what’s happening?” 


Bel shook her head silently. 


Reading her expression, Sable shut her eyes and activated her ability. Despite the flurry of activity, she was able to pick out the information she needed and pieced it together in her head. 


The exact details were unclear, but something had happened to one of the outer villages, and they required the knights’ immediate aid. 


Suddenly, she heard multiple footsteps approaching her room. 


Moving off the bed, she opened the door to the concerned faces of Isaac and Aly. Isaac frowned when he noticed her using her ability, but he didn’t reprimand her. 


“What happened?” Sable questioned. 


“A village was attacked by beasts.” Isaac answered grimly. 




Alarm bells rang in Sable’s head. Immediately, she thought of the worst-case scenario. 


How? We should have prevented the outbreak!” Her body wavered. “D-Did I fail again?” 


“My Lady!” Aly cried out as she caught the unsteady Sable. 


“I-I need to go to that village.” Sable struggled to keep her voice steady. “I need to- I need to do something.” 


“Sable.” Isaac’s firm voice stopped her. “This isn’t your fault.” 




“No one could have predicted this.” Although his words were meant to be comforting, it only made Sable feel a lump in the back of her throat. 


“...He’s right.” A cold voice from her side. 


Sable’s eyes darted to the side where Bel was floating. 


“How can you stay calm about this!?” As soon as the words left her mouth, she immediately regretted them. 


Although Bel sounded indifferent, there was a fiery blaze in her eyes, and the glare she directed at Sable made her flinch. She had seen Bel angry before, but being subject to it was another thing entirely. 


“...I’m sorry...” Bowing her head, Sable apologized. 


Isaac and Aly, who observed what appeared to be her one-sided conversation, were confused by her actions. Noticing their gazes, Sable sighed. 


“What is His Grace doing?” 


“He’s heading there now with a group of knights.” Isaac replied. 


“I see.” Sable rubbed her tired eyes. 


“My Lady, perhaps it would be better if you rest.” Aly carefully guided her back to the bed. “I’m sure His Grace will take care of everything.” 


“Please ring the bell if you need anything. Sir Isaac and I will be standing by.” 


They were still concerned about Sable, but for now, the best thing they could do was let her rest. 


Laying in silence, Sable stared at the ceiling attempting to calm down. Noticing that the only sound she could hear was the ticking of the clock, she turned her head to the side. 


“...Bel?” She called out her counterpart’s name, but she didn’t respond. 


Sitting up, she called out to her again. 


“Bel? What’s wrong?” 


“It’s too convenient.” 


“What’s too convenient?” Sable was puzzled at what Bel was saying. 


“The timing, Sable!” Bel answered with frustration. Whether it was directed at her or not, Sable didn’t know. “Why now?”


“Bel, calm down.” Sable tried to placate her. “This is something out of our control.” 


“But what if this is his move?” 


Sable felt her body go stiff. 


“You mean… but what does he have to gain from attacking a village?” 


“Think carefully, Sable!” Bel reprimanded her. “His goal isn’t the village, it’s you. Why would he go out of his way to attack one of the outer villages?” 


Sable felt her eyes widen unconsciously. Her voice overlapped with Bel’s as she answered her question. 


“‘It’s a diversion!’” 


Sable jumped off the bed and ran to the door.


But it was already too late. 




“Have they taken the bait?” 


Although his face was covered, there was a scar over his left eye that made the man stand out from the rest of his fellow assassins. 


“Yes.” The underling reported. 




The village was indeed a distraction. Using a corruption orb, a group of assassins gathered corrupted beasts and led them to one of the outer villages. This was all done in order to draw the Grand Duke as well as a portion of his knights out of the castle. 


While they were busy dealing with the ensuing chaos, the assassins could move into the castle. However, they still had to act quickly. 


He turned to address the assassins under his command. 


“Remember the plan. Your goal is the girl. If you can’t find her, then do everything you can to delay the knights. Once you kill her, signal the order for retreat.” 


From the cover of the treeline, he eyed the knights on lookout duty. Signalling the assassins forward, he left them with one last comment. 


“Failure is not an option.” 


Everyone, I'm really sorry for the late updates recently. University classes are starting back up again, and I'm dreading the in-person classes, but I also can't stand online classes, so I've been too stressed and unmotivated to work on anything. 


For those of you who are still here, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have no intention of dropping this story, and there will be updates, but I can't promise frequent updates, and for that, I'm really sorry. 


Thank you for reading The Reincarnated Girl Will Live Quietly, and stay safe, everyone!

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