The Reincarnated Master Craftsman Just Wants To Live A Peaceful Life.

(Chpt. 36) Father and daughter.

I am really late. This is as early as I could. How annoying... I hope you people enjoy melodrama. I edited this on mobile, so tell me if I missed anything. Favorite the chapter if you enjoyed it. (Shameless beg.)


Hmm, her father is completely different to what I expected. You know, I had spears pointed at me… Now, knowing Firil is the boss of Gerard, and Gerard did that. Well, I would certainly expect something less... friendly? I might be illogical, but to think he’d allow us to stay. Also, I almost called Aizen dragon in front of him. Haha… Just arrived and I am placing myself at wits’ end with my actions… Hey, but at least we get to stay here as long as we’d like. 


“Did my daughter tell you she lived here?” He asked out of nowhere, but I just shook my head. She did not say anything until Aizen questioned her. 


“We were coming to the capital and ran into some bandits along the way, that’s where we found Cecil.” He quietly nodded hearing me. 


“If you don’t mind me asking, what’s so eye-catching about the capital to adventurers like you? I don’t mean to be rude, but considering you declined items and wealth I truly don’t see the point in being here.” He did say something perfectly reasonable, also he seemed to want to know more about us. I could only assume it was because we were staying here. 


“Well, Aizen got a letter of recommendation for the Magic Academy, and I personally came here for materials. I want to be a smith once I reach level 40 on taming,” I said with a wry smile. I was not going to expose myself like that again. I don’t know what could potentially happen, but better this way. 


“A letter of recommendation you say?” he said with wide-open eyes. I just nodded. 


“That’s the first time I heard of someone getting a letter of recommendation for the magic academy. It simply doesn’t happen. Self taught mages do exist but most of them are already settled so they have no time to waste on something like the academy," he said while looking at the ground. Then looked back at me. 


“Is there any reason to why she wants to be in the academy?” he said while looking at me. I just shrugged. 


“Well, she just received it without requesting, although. She seems to find it interesting.” I noticed Firil started thinking while looking at the roof but that did not matter much to me. He nodded and looked back at me. 


“If that’s how it is... You did say you wanted to become a smith, correct?” I nodded. 

“I know this dwarven smith, I am sure he’d be willing to help you if I contact him.” He said with a smile. Noble power huh? I wonder, dwarves… Aren’t they good in smithing and crafting classes in general? Don’t do it… You know it’s best to not do it. 


“I would like to meet him at least once.” I said with a crooked and forced smile. 


To believe my willpower is so lackluster… Well, worst case scenario I just need to leave the capital. No big deal… Ahhhh! How did I even manage to do this. How frustrating! Truly frustrating! 


As I was holding my head in pain, Fenri came over to me and looked at me in the eyes. I guess it was to calm me down. 


“Thank you,” I calmly whispered in his ear as I rubbed his head. He was more like a dog or any other animal in all aspects, but what do I know? Wait… What do I know… There has to be a way to get general information about the world, like an encyclopedia or something… Ah, that’s it. 


“Umm, Firil, this might sound slightly awkward, but is there a library in the capital?” He was probably my best bet, he seems pretty friendly and owes us a lot (kind of). So he probably won’t question my silliness. 


“Hmm, I do have a library. You can ask one of the maids to take you there. If that’s not enough then you can ask Gerard to guide you to the library in the noble district,” he firmly informed me. Although, shouldn’t the library be more available? 


“If you don’t mind me asking. Why is the other library in the noble district?” He narrowed his eyes and looked at me. 


“Sadly, information is power. As much as I hate to say it, us nobles try to stay on top over common people on all aspects of life, even status wise.” He was pretty serious about the whole ordeal. I guess I got a vague answer but I did get an answer. I wonder what is his level if he is somewhat high. 


“If you don’t mind me asking. Do you have more than one class?” I don’t really care about his exact number. For all I could care he could be level 120 and it wouldn’t matter. He smiled and stood up; puffed his chest. 


“I have two classes and I am an [Archmage].” He said with a grandiose aura. 

“I see..." Just archmage? Didn’t Cecil get that? 


“Impressive right? I hope my daughter surpasses me one day. But to do that she needs a class first,” he dejectedly said. Wait… He doesn’t know his daughter has a class? Wow… Well, I don’t know if I should tell him or not… 


“Well you s--” 



I was called by a girly voice. I looked towards the entrance to the room, there was no one. But soon enough Cecil peered into the room, looking at me. She entered the room and as she was walking towards me, she noticed her dad and froze. 


“Umm… Cecil?” Not knowing what to do I just called for her. She blinked a few times and her eyes gained light again. She silently walked towards me and set next to me without saying a word. I noticed Firil had a drop of sweat running down his forehead. I guess it was just an unexpected situation. 


“Cecil.” Firil called out to his daughter. She just looked at him and opened her mouth. 

“Cecil? Wasn’t I just ‘your daughter’? Did I even have a name?!” I could hear her resentment. 


This escalated quickly… Alright Kuro… Just don’t say anything stupid and you will be fine. These type of things are noble things right? I mean sure, she seems to have gripes with her dad. But what can I do about it? I don’t even have experience with those things… I should just not say anything, I can’t leave the room either; it would look disrespectful leaving mid conversation… What do I do?


As I was having an internal panic attack, I managed to see that Firil had started looking at the ground and fiddling with his hands. Cecil was just looking at him fixedly. I kind of just sat there, not knowing what to do. Suddenly Firil rubbed his temple and looked at Cecil again. 


“You are Cecil, my daughter and more importantly, the treasure of my life.” He said with resolute voice. However, Cecil instantly shook her head. 


“Am I really? Aren’t I just some object?” she quietly questioned. This time Firil shook his head. 


“No… I made a mistake… I did not realize until I lost you how wrong I was, that’s why i want to ask for forgiveness.” he said as he removed himself from the couch and prostrated on the ground in front of his daughter. I had a bad feeling about this noble behaviour. I felt like Gerard would’ve sliced my throat if he was there just by looking at his master doing that… 


Firil slowly lifted his head to see his daughter after receiving no reply. She was standing up, looking at him with clenched fists and teeth. 


“D-Do you know… How much I lost just to attempt to behave like a noble?” 

“Cecil…” Firil quietly called to her. 

“Do you know how much I lost?! I have no friends… The teachers in the academy made fun of me... “ 


She was tearing up. 


“I-I am sorry… This foolish father of yours never realized.” He said as he looked on the ground. Cecil just let out a dry laugh. 


“... Of course you didn’t… You were too busy doing paperwork instead… I tried my best, but it was never enough for you…” 


“What would mother think?” I noticed Firil petrified. It was probably a forbidden topic. 


Silence filled the room. 

Firil was looking at the ground and started shaking--after a few seconds he started quietly speaking. 


“Cecil… I-I don’t deserve you, I know I don’t...I-I…” At that moment Cecil realized what she was doing to her father. All her pent-up resentment, she was letting it go just on him. However, was Cecil the only one with problems? Cecil just looked at her dad with a bitter face. 


“Father, I--” 

He was silent, looking at the ground. After rubbing his face he looked back at her. 

“Just dad is fine.” He interrupted her as he stood up with somewhat red eyes. However, despite hearing all of this, he still looked at his daughter (Cecil) directly in the eyes. And spontaneously hugged her. Cecil froze and had a wide-open mouth. Her eyes started trembling. 


“Cecil… I-I might have failed as a father. But I won’t fail again, please forgive me. Forgive my neglect... forgive this foolish father of yours,” he paused. “... But I want you to know one thing... I am proud of you. I was blinded. I wanted you to be the best, I wanted you to receive the best. But I never realized what you truly needed was nothing like that…” After a pause he whispered in her ear “Cecil, I love you.” 


“Uwaa... ” Cecil broke on Firil’s shoulder. Tightly hugging him as she cried. Firil closed his eyes as he tightly hugged his daughter. 


Why am I even here?! Should I even be here!? I made a mistake. I should probably go. 


“Yami.” Firl called for me while Cecil was still under his embrace. 

“Yes?!” Why would he even call for me? Is he gonna execute me!?  

“Thank you,” he silently said. 


What did I even do? I just stayed silent the whole time watching both of you have a family drama… 


After a few seconds Cecil was looking at her dad in a new light with flushed cheeks. After her father let her go and went back to sitting. She stood there looking at him. 


“Dad…” She silently called for Firil. 

“Yes?” He gently responded. 

“I have something to say.” She looked at him fixedly as he took a seat. Firil quietly watched her as he wiped his eyes. 


“I became an [Archmage]!” She joyously exclaimed. I looked back at Firil. His eyes grew wide and his muscles let go of him, letting his body collapse on the couch. Cecil started fidgeting as she watched her unmoving dad. He blinked a few times. 


“I-Is that true?” He spoke with a trembling voice. 

“Yes!” She cheerfully affirmed. 


Firil was shaking. I kind of just started playing with my hands as I looked at them. I had absolutely no idea of what to do. 


“GERARD!” Firil called out for him at the top of his lungs. I started hearing a disaster outside the room. Broken plates, a lot of running. Until Gerard jolted into the room with heavy breath and bathed in sweat. 


“Y-Yes, M-My Lord?!” He was flustered. 

“We are having a banquet tonight! We are celebrating!” Firil joyously exclaimed with sparkly eyes. Gerard wanted to say something but Cecil looked at him and quietly shook her head. Gerard gulped. 


“I will get things ready.” he bowed and left in a hurry. 


“Cecil, how did that happen? And why didn’t you tell me about it?” Cecil started fiddling with her hair as she was questioned. 


“Well… About that… I thought you would’ve been mad so I never told you… And then you apologized and I couldn’t believe it, so I ran away…” She awkwardly said with a wry smile as she scratched her neck. Firil awkwardly nodded. 


“And about how I became an [Archmage]...” she paused, and looked with sparkling eyes. “Aizen did it! She is amazing!” Firil did not seem to believe her words and just looked at me. I nodded. Firil placed a hand on his chin and nodded. Well, then again I don’t know what kind of impression she left on him. But probably not a good one, I don’t think Aizen mixes well with nobles. 



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