The Reincarnated Master Craftsman Just Wants To Live A Peaceful Life.

(Chpt. 50) Proving my worth (2)

The chapter is a bit weird seeing I wrote it when I did not know what I was doing, I decided to not rewrite it because I liked where it was heading in spite of the nonsense that happens. Although... Nonsense is a common trend in this novel, we will see a lot of it in the next installation of, "let's make something at the forge," with Yami.

“I don’t care.” Grand Mage or not, what difference is there? In the end, it’s just a fragile existence. Like every, single, person that has challenged me. In the end, it’s just a person. I continued looking at the elf, he did not seem to expect this development. As I saw him ready to launch another spell. He was unusually, hostile for someone that is supposed to teach. 


“What are you doing?” 


A deep voice resounded throughout the room, I stopped looking at the elf as if he was going to be my next meal. The elf stopped moving and turned stiff when he heard the voice. and with a troubled face looked at the ‘teacher’s door’. There, stood a well-dressed man with long bath-like robes. I know they were supposed to be some type of formal attire, but I basically got a ‘bath-robe’ impression from them ⁠— they were red with white and the man himself looked slightly past his prime; wrinkled and caved in eyes. However, he had a weird aura, something admirable for a human. I looked back at the elf in curiosity, he was trembling and then hurriedly knelt on the ground. 


“Your majesty…” Majesty? As in the King? Weird. 

The 'king' sighed. “I was told you were pretty…” he paused as he thought of a word. “Merciless with students, but this is too much. I can’t have the royal magician court get a bad reputation just because the leader is an elf that despises children.” He said in annoyance. 


The elf slowly stood up and snapped his fingers; dispelling the spell, although the kids weren’t really waking up, their expressions just softened and changed to a smile. I figured out that they probably won’t be able to remember anything; mostly because they weren’t waking up. The problem was the elf that I was looking at, the king gave me a weird look before looking at the elf. 


“Who is that student?” He pointed his finger at me. The elf’s expression crumpled and he just scratched his cheek not really knowing what to say. Well, he doesn’t know my name and I literally just met him today. 


“That is complicated…” he paused. “She is, a friend… yeah…” What?!

“Is that so? Your friend is very interesting then…” The King left after saying those words in curiosity, for some reason he was in the academy roaming around or something. But this wasn’t really the issue. I narrowed my eyes and looked at the elf. 


“What are you planning?” 

The elf snorted. “You should be thanking me instead. If I told the king you are just a new student who knows what would’ve happened to you…” he nonchalantly informed me. But it was weird, was this person the same elf? “Besides, you are plenty interesting. I like you.” 


I sighed. “You are crazy…” seeing he did ‘help’ me in some weird way I guess I will just not do anything to him. “Just don't use another damned darkness spell or I will turn you to cinder.”  


However, he sneered. “As if you could do that!” 

“I wonder…” I set ablaze the plants he was smashing, it was probably some stupid medicine anyway. The elf noticed the change too late, however, he just laughed. 


“I see how it is! Very interesting indeed.” he thought for a second. “Those were not flames made by magic were they?” 

“I don’t know.” I shrugged.   


The elf started pondering for a second before bringing out a bag and taking more herbs out of it and another mortar and pestle. I think his bag was an item-bag or whatever Kuro had called it. Apparently it was valuable, but I did not really think of stealing it from him. Besides, I already had a spatial-box. Once the elf set his things on the table again he stood before me. 


“Let us make a deal.” 

What is he on about? Well, this seems interesting. “What kind of deal?” I decided to ask. 

“Well, nothing too especial. I will leave you all three girls alone from my torment, and you will help me.” Before I could say anything he continued in explaining. “I am interested in researching magic around the world and the types, that’s the major reason I am here. I would be willing to share some knowledge with you if you agree. As for what you will be doing, I just want to know the nature of those weird flames of yours.” 


Seeing the school life seemed boring I just nodded. The elf extended his hand to form a contract of sorts. I gripped his hand, however, I did not expect to get ‘system’ messages. 


[Resisted abnormal status effect ⁠— Impeding Abyss] 

[Resisted abnormal status effect ⁠— Vanish]

[Resisted abnormal status effect ⁠— Touch of Malice]

[Resisted abnormal...]



"I am sorry girl, you are too dangerous for my objectives," he coldly said. 

I sighed… it was too good to be true, wasn’t it? I emotionlessly looked at the elf who had a stupid grin on his face. I did what any normal person would do, I smiled and kept his hand gripped. Gradually increasing the temperature of my hand. I was still pretty much fire-proof, so that was good. The elf quickly realized something went wrong. 


“What are you⁠— ARGHH!” His hand was burning, it smelled kind of nice. He kept trying to free himself before taking a knife and bluntly stabbing it into my hand; making me lose my grip, it was kind of extreme attacking a student with a knife if you asked me. However, his hand was pretty much unusable at this point.

I looked at my hand and while it was bleeding I noticed something rather odd… It kind of looked like broken scales rather than skin. However, I couldn’t rejoice about knowing the fact that I still technically had scales, the problem was, the elf treated me as an enemy. He was holding his hand in pain on the ground, he tried to heal it with various herbs by rubbing them on his burn, but nothing really worked. He sent me a bloodshot gaze. 


“YOU! WHO ARE YOU?! There is no way a random girl can do this! Who are you working with! Is it the elves? Is it the king?! Is it⁠—” He was kind of losing it. 

“Just shut up already, if you did not try anything then your hand would be fine right now.” 

“That still does not explain how you survived that!” He shouted in disbelief, he fully intended to kill me right there. I guess darkness spells are incredibly powerful if you are stronger than your target, unfortunately he picked the wrong person. 


'Abnormal statuses,' as the mystical window calls it. Were useless against me, they were useless in general. They would only work if the status was higher level than the target. If it was equal or lower, they simply would be “resisted”, meaning; darkness magic was useless against people stronger than you. 


The elf noticed I looked down on him and did not even bother to answer his barks. Therefore he just fled the scene by hurriedly sprinting out through the bottom door, I couldn't be bothered to chase after him, I had more important things to care about. I looked to my side, Ari was soundlessly sleeping on the table. The spell probably took a toll on her, I wonder how she dispelled it. She probably isn’t higher level, she is no mage either. It was something that I thought about but arrived at no conclusion. 


I caressed Ari, which somewhat eased up her complexion and even made her smile. Unfortunately, she was still sleeping ⁠— everyone was asleep. I was practically alone because the elf left in a hurry. Probably in an attempt to fix his hand, although if I had to bet ⁠— his hand is completely gone and it’s better to amputate it. Well deserved. 


I looked around the room and noticed something peculiar. There was a light on the desk and then it faded. Probably magic again; weird how I have seen more magic today than in the past year or so. Well, I guess that’s fine⁠⁠— 


The door opened and a knight stepped in, he did not even carry a weapon, he was still armored and everything. He stood in front of me and put a letter on the desk. He bowed and then left. The letter was… Fancy, to say the least, it had golden edges and the paper seemed to be of the finest quality. I looked around; seeing I had nothing to do I decided to open the letter and pour the contents on the table. There were two papers and a type of quill pen. One of the papers was blank and the other one did have writing in it as well as an outlined box. I began reading it. 


“I saw your “fight” with the elf. It was, interesting. I am interested in you, you aren’t really his friend are you? I would like to appoint you as an official kingdom magician. Showing the talent of the youth could be beneficial. To reply just write on the blank paper. Feel free to ask questions. They will be answered in the box.” or so it read. It was a lot longer but that was basically the summary. The sender was the king himself. But I wasn’t really interested. 


“What do I gain from this?” I decided to boldly ask since I really wasn’t interested. 

“What do you mean with what do you gain? Isn’t it obvious? Wealth, recognition, status!” The king informally answered, or at least I assumed I was writing to the king. It worked kind of like an instant letter system. 


“Well, the elf was pretty annoying. King or not, I honestly don’t care. Political power, status, wealth. It’s something that can be acquired by brute force.” 

“Hahaha~ You are right on that girly. That is why I am here, not because of bloodline, but because of power. Anyway. Is there something you are interested in?” 


I thought and thought about his question. I hated the elf but his job seemed fun. Bossing around kids. Well, in theory, it’s teaching, but he did not seem to have problems basically punishing nobles. So I can only assume the elf is backed by the king. Which is odd because he did say I worked with the king, but doesn’t he work with the king? I wonder in how many disasters the elf is involved in? Well, it seems fun. 


“Can I have the position of the elf?”

“Oh, I like you already, that endless greed!" Eh, it's not greed though... It's entertainment... "There is no problem with that. Come to the castle tomorrow.” 


After I read that, the paper burnt to ashes as well as the envelope. I felt somewhat awkward being invited to the castle by the king himself. In such a casual way too. While I don’t really understand society, wouldn’t he need to be formal? Being the king and all, representing the nation. He did say he got there through power, so maybe strength is more important than I thought in this place? I wonder. 


“A-Aizen?” Ari had finally woken up and hugged me again. 

“I am sorry Ari, don’t worry. The elf is gone now.” I whispered to her in reassurance. “He paid for his sins as well.” Ari seemed to be brought back to reality by what I said. 

“How did you make him pay?” 

“Well, he tried to kill me, so⁠—” 


She hugged me again and interrupted me. “It’s better that he paid for his sins then…” I was somewhat confused by Ari’s behaviour, but seeing her expression I decided it didn’t really matter and I hugged her back. Everyone was still sleeping. The door opened again. 


“What happened here?” It was the old man.

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