The Reincarnated Villainess Assassin Only Wanted Friends

Chapter 65: The Entrance Ceremony

Having graduated, I am now entering high school. This is the crucial part. The journey of "The Assassinated Princess: Returning Back in Time to Live a Happy Life" begins now. The first scene unfolds as Claire enters the site for the magic examination. Magic examinations at Althemer Royal Academy are conducted to showcase a mage's talent and skill.

What she did at the site closely mirrored the book. Using a measuring tool, she was declared a Rank 8 Light Mage. Following this, she was asked to perform a spell with which she was familiar. As she elegantly flourished her dress, she cast her light spell, "Heaven's Light." Just like at my brother's wedding, a golden light seemed to shine down from the sky, filling the entrants with hope and joy. I must admit, even I was entranced by it.

It was deemed an aesthetic spell by the masses and professors, yet it harbors a secret usage in the novel. This spell can dispel any camouflage skill, and anyone bathed in its light will be freed from any mind-controlling magic. It was my nemesis. With a round of applause, Claire exited the stage. Despite being from a Western nation, her status as both a mage and a princess earned her respect from us, the people of the Althemer Empire.

Next was Ludwin. Heracles was skipped, as he was not a mage. Ludwin cast a compound magic of all three elements. First, he combined his water and earth elements to form three mud golems. Then, using his shadow binding, he controlled those golems. Dark tentacles enveloped the golems' arms and legs like chains. Standing like a majestic king atop the ten-meter golem, he flourished his cape with pride, smirking at the crowd as if to assert his superiority. It might have been my imagination, but he seemed to glance at me more than anyone else. Was he challenging me to a magic duel? Sorry, but I can only show dark magic. My other two elements, fire and water, are not my forte.

After that, it was my turn. Considering this was merely a show, I didn't feel the need to go all out. Thus, I simply conjured my dark tentacles to lift myself off the ground. My dark magic then morphed into a shark, which I launched at the dummy target, biting its head off. Following me was Safira, who summoned an ice field around her. Her surroundings quickly transformed into a winter wonderland, with ice spikes emerging from the ground.

Alicia, on the other hand, chose the opposite approach, casting a lava field. Her surroundings became swelteringly hot as flames engulfed everything within reach. Thankfully, the extent of these fields was confined to a twenty-meter radius. Nana, as usual, was playing with her dolls, manipulating them with her magic. It made me wonder… Had Ludwin borrowed Nana's dark binding technique for his golems?

After the entrance ceremony for mages wrapped up, the swordfighting tournament commenced. This was where Heracles truly excelled, besting everyone but Abel. According to the book, Heracles and I had a deadly encounter, with him and Claire turning on me after I had defeated them multiple times in other timelines. Like Abel, Heracles possessed a unique skill that allowed him to move twice as fast as me, even with my enhanced agility skills. While I could handle him alone, thanks to his vulnerability to dark magic, Claire's presence complicated matters. In the story, Claire wielded the power to reverse time to a designated checkpoint, dubbed "the blessing of the sky." After several attempts, Claire and Heracles figured out a strategy, and together, they defeated me.

Now that I think about it, I also possess "the blessing of the killing comet." Does Claire have a similar leveling system to mine? The intermediary mentioned she was regarded as an oracle, so at the very least, she might have precognitive abilities. Or could she, like me, be a reincarnator?

"Lady Eli, would you prefer this dress or that one?" Alicia's question snapped me out of my daydream. In her hands were two dresses: one red, echoing the color of my eyes, and the other blue, mirroring my hair. After the entrance ceremony show of talents, a dance ball was scheduled. She was selecting my outfit for the event. Admittedly, I lacked a keen sense of fashion; both dresses appeared equally appealing to me. Yet, admitting as much would only encourage Alicia to embark on a frenzied quest to try other dresses, extending my ordeal. Thus, I opted for the blue dress.

"Abel truly is an exemplary knight, isn't he? He was magnificent in yesterday's tournament! Truly befitting the grandson of Duke Bron and the brother of Ronya," Alicia chattered as we navigated through the ballroom. I humored her with encouragement.

"Indeed. He even defeated Prince Heracles. It's reassuring to see he didn't hold back just because his opponent was a prince."

"Do you think the others really held back? It didn't seem that way to me."

"Some appeared to hesitate before striking Prince Heracles. But it's not as if he would lose easily, even if they were more aggressive. Prince Heracles seems to possess a unique skill, right?"

"Absolutely! His speed was astonishing. Even Abel appeared to struggle against it."

"If Abel hadn't been so diligent in his training, he would've been defeated there." I mused aloud as we reached the ballroom. The grandeur of the space overwhelmed me, my gaze inevitably drifting toward the exotic food and beverages displayed in a corner. Safira, Nana, Ronya, and even Abel greeted me immediately, thwarting my attempt at the rare seafood showcased on the sidelines.

"Lady Eli, what a pleasure to see you here. It's not every day that knights and mages assemble for conversation in this academy," Abel greeted, bowing gracefully with a hand over his chest.

"Greetings, Sir Abel," I responded with a succinct bow, "Congratulations on your victory in yesterday's tournament. It was a splendid display of valor."

"Thank you. I must admit, it felt like a stroke of luck. Had Prince Heracles not been preoccupied with his royal duties and had more time to dedicate to swordsmanship, I'm certain the outcome would have been different," he replied with humility, though his grin stretched from ear to ear. Boys will be boys, always reveling in the thrill of a good tournament.

"King Andre Seraphim!" The court herald's voice boomed, announcing the arrival of the king. My attention snapped to the door instantly, and there he was. Why would the king visit a school?

As the king proceeded down the red carpet, everyone knelt like a wave from the one closest to the one furthest. Reaching the podium, he gestured with his hand. Ludwin, Heracles, and Claire followed suit, bowing before positioning themselves slightly behind him at an angle. Was he here to make an announcement?

"Greetings, children of the empire. Hello, Ludwin. Congratulations on your admittance to the Althemer Royal Academy for mages."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"You may be wondering why I have come today. My visit is for a simple yet significant announcement," King Andre began. "Alongside the engagement of Prince Heracles Seraphim to Claire Lustria, I am here to declare the engagement of Ludwin Seraphim to Elidranthia Shadowsep. May these unions propel the Althemer kingdom to even greater heights of prosperity."

The king's announcement was met with a flurry of hushed conversations. I stared at him, utterly dumbfounded. Was he seriously saying I was to marry that insufferable prince?

"With that, I have delivered my news and will take my leave," the king stated, exiting as swiftly and unexpectedly as he had arrived. Immediately, I was surrounded by a crowd offering congratulations, with some even seeking to curry favor.

"Congratulations, Lady Elidranthia. It seems you will soon become a princess!" Alicia exclaimed.

"Ahem! Well, it appears we are engaged now, Eli," Ludwin commented, his smile strained. It was clear he was just as taken aback by our sudden engagement as I was, while Heracles and Claire approached to offer their congratulations. His expression was a mixture of surprise and discomfort.

"It seems we'll be sisters before long. I hope we can become friends, Lady Elidranthia," Claire said, her smile warm and inviting.

"Prince Ludwin, Prince Heracles, why would the king choose me as Ludwin's bride? This isn't about becoming a princess consort or a concubine, is it?"

"Yes, brother, this is news to me as well. How could father make such a decision on his own? Were you aware of this?"

"Actually, you're to be Ludwin's formal wife. Oh... Father didn't mention it? It was decided several days ago. Father wished to honor Count Shadowstep for his defense of the county, so he arranged for his daughter to marry you," Prince Heracles explained.

I couldn't hide my frustration. "You had no objections, Prince Heracles, Claire?" It was expected they would object! A marriage like this could spark a civil war! Ludwin's influence would surely expand within Slane's faction.

"Well, not exactly. The alternative was making you my concubine, which would've caused an uproar. Ludwin and Claire would kill me if I made you my concubine. Hahaha. Besides, despite your intimidating aura, you're not so bad. Some officials display more hostility than you," he said, glancing at me and Claire with a chuckle.

It was clear; I stood alone. The engagement was a fait accompli. Even Alicia offered me no comfort.

"Moreover, there's cause for celebration as we're nearing a truce, perhaps even a peace treaty with Elderan. They've requested peace talks, and their diplomats are on their way. Tonight is certainly one for the history books!" Heracles exclaimed, raising a glass of champagne in toast. Claire joined in, echoing his sentiment. The room erupted in cheers.

Yet, within me, a storm suddenly brewed. A tempest of anger and unresolved vengeance. Eli was far from content with this peace. She had yet to avenge her mother's murder.

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