The Reincarnated Villainess Assassin Only Wanted Friends

Chapter 68: A Day in Disguise

I used my dark illusion magic on the guards to render us invisible, and we headed towards the inner ring, where the noble quarters were located. However, my actual intent was far different—I longed to explore the slums and savor some street food like ice creams. The pastries and puddings prepared by the royal chef were undoubtedly delicious, but the intimate stares of the nobles around soured their taste.

"Wait. Where are we headed? This is the gate to the slums, right?" Ludwin asked, his voice laced with disbelief. "Why are we going to such filthy places?"

"We're going to the commoner area, not the slums! It's still clean!" I retorted, correcting his assumption.

"Ah... so we're going incognito to mingle with the commoners? Claire enjoyed such escapades too! I never thought you had that in common with her," Ludwin remarked, guessing my intentions.

"Well, I certainly came here unprepared. I didn't bring any money or bread to give to the paupers. Did you bring any, Lady Eli? I promise to reimburse you," he added, slightly embarrassed.

"Hm? What exactly did Claire do again?" I asked, curious about his reference.

"Heracles mentioned she often sneaked out of the castle to distribute alms to the poor around here. I'm not privy to the exact routes since they never shared those details of their adventures with me, nor do I wish to know," Ludwin explained.

"Don't worry, Ludwin. I'm not as saintly as she is. I just wanted a break to sneak out and perhaps tinker in my own workshop," I clarified. As usual, I cast an illusion on the gate guard and we sneaked past into the slums. Ludwin was a little peeved when he learned we came out sneaking without notice, but nevertheless, he let me lead the way.

Our venture was not just a whimsical escape; it held a deeper purpose. With spices and fruits that R663 (Narwhal) cultivated in Shadowstep territory, R661 (Leon) had utilized them to open a restaurant here in the slums. Leon was still officially my butler, so he had delegated the restaurant's management to others. I often visited this spot with Alicia when we had spare time. I was aware that some private rooms in this restaurant served as hubs for reaper activities, but I remained indifferent to these clandestine operations.

As we arrived at the restaurant, the atmosphere struck a perfect balance. It wasn't rambunctious like a bar or tavern, yet it wasn't as serene as the dining halls of the nobility. Quiet whispers and soft conversations floated through the air, reminiscent of a fancy restaurant on Earth. Conversations from nearby tables were audible, but at a moderate level.

"A table for two, please!" I requested from the waitress. "At the rooftop terrace!"

"Right away, milady and sir," the waitress responded politely, leading us to a corner table. Ludwin seemed uncomfortable observing the table settings, which differed from what he was accustomed to in noble dining. The tablecloth only covered the middle portion of the table, unlike the lavish spreads in noble settings that draped all the way to the floor. The simplicity of the table left him puzzled about the lack of extensive coverings. Moreover, the tables were not ordered by status, so people could sit where they wanted.

"Hmm? What's the matter, Sir Ludwin? Sorry, since we're incognito, I will use 'sir,'" I joked lightly.

"Just call me Ludwin. I'm not familiar with this establishment. Is it intended for nobles, or is it a place for commoners?" Ludwin asked, looking around curiously.

"Anyone is welcome here, whether they're nobles or commoners. I don't mind as long as they can pay," I answered just as a complimentary plate of cookies was served.

"Hm?" Ludwin expressed his surprise.

"Ah! Lady Elidranthia, greetings," a man said as he bowed to me.

"Who is this?" Ludwin asked defensively, but I quickly calmed him.

"This is Thomas, the manager I've entrusted with this restaurant. We're trying to keep a low profile, so please, no honorifics," I explained to him.

"Very well, sire," Thomas nodded, bowing to Ludwin. Despite our efforts at incognito, Ludwin's attire, embroidered with royal insignia, was a dead giveaway to those familiar with royal symbols. I had asked Thomas beforehand to exercise discretion to avoid drawing attention to Ludwin's status.

"I'll head up to the rooftop terrace. We can dine there! Come on, Ludwin!" I called excitedly, bounding up the stairs as if beckoning Ludwin like a dog. He just stood there, gawking.

"As you wish," he finally replied. We left Thomas behind as we climbed up to the third floor. Narwhal and Leon had renovated this space on my suggestion. Instead of the usual attics and sloped roofs, I proposed converting it into an open-air terrace. The idea was well-received, though it required a significant investment to remove the old roof and install proper stairs leading to the new flat roof. From here, the castle could be seen in the distance, encircled by walls.

"There's your home, Ludwin," I smirked. The view was hardly spectacular, given the walls surrounding the capital, but the crisp spring air made sipping tea and nibbling on cookies quite delightful.

"Hm… this is actually nice," Ludwin remarked as he sipped his tea.

"The tea at the royal castle better, though? How odd, even though we use the same tea leaves." I pondered. The tea at the royal castle was more fragrant. Either they used a very specialized tea set, or they added some additives.

"It's the view and the breeze I'm enjoying. I once suggested we have a garden atop a tower, but the security department vetoed it," Ludwin explained.

I winced. Typical of a bourgeois prince. He had proposed constructing a tower large enough to accommodate a garden and a gazebo on top. Ignoring the cost of building the tower, the maintenance of the garden alone would be astronomical. I mean, that was a ten-story building. How would you carry water there without magicians?

"Well, it's pleasant here. While we're passing the time, we could play chess. Or would you prefer cards?"

"Nah, I just want to enjoy the view for a while longer," Ludwin said, his gaze wandering between his castle and the pedestrians below.

His demeanor was captivating as the sun highlighted his sharp features and his eyes shimmered like sapphires. It was no wonder he attracted a following despite being the villain in the novel. Now, he was no longer that villain. His gaze towards the commoners below had shed any hint of condescension. There was no disdain in his eyes as he observed the pedestrians from the terrace, just curiosity.

Hours drifted by while I idly played with my food, slicing the cake as thinly as possible or cutting it to make rabbit-shaped cookies. Ludwin was handsome, but staring at his still face for over two hours was boring. The daydreamer prince, absorbed in his thoughts, continued to watch the pedestrians until sundown. I suspected that this once arrogant figure was now caught in a reflective mood, perhaps contemplating how he could effect change and bring prosperity and peace to his realm.

He was a prince, after all. It was his duty to ponder such matters. Yet, the steak he had ordered had long since gone cold—an absolute waste! I had wanted to order steak too, but felt constrained by the societal expectations that women should stick to lighter fare like cakes or salads in such settings. The etiquette lessons Miss Sarah had given us at the academy seemed utterly pointless now. I regretted ever paying attention to them.

"Ludwin, let's head home. It's almost sunset. The people at the castle must be worried about us," I suggested.

"Hm? Oh! Right! My apologies. I must have zoned out. How long was it?"

"Almost four hours, I think. Was the food not to your liking?"

"No! It was good!" Ludwin exclaimed, flustered. He quickly finished his steak, and we made our way back to the castle just as we had come.

"Um… Lady Eli, I apologize for zoning out like that."

"Me too. Sorry for bringing you to such boring places," I replied, feeling a bit guilty.

"No. It wasn't boring at all."

"Hmm? Then why were you staring into space for two hours?"

"I was just caught up thinking about nobles, commoners, and mages."

"I see. Did you figure anything out?"

"Um… I figured out that you are amazing," he then reached from my shoulder to my cheek.

"H-how flattering! You need not to flatter me so!" I ran back to the noble quarter. I felt a sudden shudder of embarrassment and hastily passed the gate, forgetting to hypnotize the additional guard stationed there.

"Halt. State your name!"

"I may only be the second prince, but have these imperial soldiers really forgotten my face so quickly?" Ludwin came and mused aloud, prompting all the guards to kneel instantly!

"Prince Ludwin! We have been looking for you! Where have you been?"

"Merely indulging in a trivial diversion. There's no need for concern. Let us return to the castle. Lady Eli, I apologize for any offense I may have caused. I will make it up to you. See you soon, Lady Eli." With that, he turned and strode back to the castle with the knights in tow.

What an arrogant, self-entitled prick! He left me alone in the street—a frail lady left to fend for herself after he had his fun. Is this the new medieval way to treat a lady? By the gods, he was the most entitled man I had ever encountered. I needed to consult with Alicia on how to annul this engagement with the prince.

"R666, are you there? I see the line is connected. That means you are outside of the castle. Prince Ludwin, the second prince, has been missing. You've been seen with him, right? Do you know where he went?" R25 messaged me at just the right moment. "He's been gone for five hours now. The intelligence bureau wants any information on his whereabouts."

"He was with me!" I responded, my voice a mix of exhaustion and frustration.

"Did you just kidnap a prince? How bold of you! There's no ransom on him. Are you trying to create a demand?"

"We were just hanging out on my restaurant's terrace. I thought Thomas would have informed you."

"Well, he's not a reaper. And there were no reapers there today. I guess this was a rare gap in my intelligence network, huh? I need to sharpen up. I thought you had planned something."

"I didn't plan anything. The prince has already returned, so you can kiss your commission goodbye."

"I see. What a shame, but relax. Such information was better and more pricier than merely kidnapping the prince. The commission might be worth more now. On to the next one then. Your commission was completed the other day. I'll transfer the data to your reaper card."

"Is it about the monster tamer?" The lighthearted atmosphere with Prince Ludwin vanished instantly. My heart pounded louder at the mere mention of the monster tamer.

"Yes. Here is the map of the Elderan Capital, the location of the monster taming facility, and some of the known members."

"Wait. Let me sit down and access the white room." I paused R25B and found a bench nearby in the noble quarter's park. As I accessed the white room, several names, a map, and some photos were uploaded to my reaper card and cartographer.

"Well, with this, your commission is settled. I hope it was worth the 500 points. By the way, these names aren't all the monster tamers. The location wasn't particularly hard to find, but only the most famous monster tamers' names are known to us."

"The information came surprisingly fast. It only took like a week."

"Well, we are reapers. Oh, by the way, one of them will be coming to Althemer."

"They are coming here?"

"Yes. They have been chosen as diplomats."

"I see… thank you." I closed the call. My mouth curved into a wide grin.

Eli grinned at the rare opportunity that had befallen us.

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