The Reincarnated Young Lady Aims to Be an Adventurer

Chapter 83

83 Guild Staff Audition

In the afternoon when the winter cold gradually eased, Lu and I were called by Tabuchi and went to the old castle.

“I’m sorry for the trouble in the busy place.”


“ The Four Heavens of the West, Mimeji Kyoetsu Extreme ”


“Today we had a consultation and came here. In fact, Marche has finally begun to see the path of the new system.”

“Hey! Congratulations!”

“Before that, I’m trying to revive the guild.”

That’s right. You have to gather people to recover. Guilds are indispensable to operate fairly and honestly.

“I want you to give me advice.”

“Um, aren’t you a former guild?”

The last time the March guild was destroyed was due to the royal family, not the guild members.

“Of course most would have been serious staff, but the guild here in Toukun, head of the Marsh Guild, was taking advantage of the royal family, and the early story leaked information from Selefione. is”

Indeed, the guild of Coco was carrying one of the sticks in that case that involved me.

“So what about a triptych? Call for applicants, first a paper test of general knowledge and computational issues, then an interview with me, the sacred beast and Tabuchi. Finally, a general election to choose the guild length!”

You can buy a CD.

“According to the customs of the past, it’s quite tough. Whether people gather or not …”

“I don’t mind this suggestion, but if you’re so strict, you’ll be able to tell the outside that your marshguild has been reborn.”

“So that’s it”

“It’s honest money whether or not people gather. Oh, yeah! If you can get a stable income, you will gather together!”

“Yeah, my ears hurt. Of course I don’t have much money. For a while, I just have to work hard for lunch and work hard with lunch.

Ideal! It is only you who work with the idealistic theory and flourish under the eyes.


Muttering in my heart, Tabuchi glows blue.

“Ho, celebrity, a useful new work. Tell me more later

Tabuchi (Former Prime Minister of the New Government, Former Minister of the Marche Kingdom)

Condition: chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, near death from overwork

Skills: earth magic, fire magic, struggling

Hmmm … people who struggle with skills … can cry.

“I see. I’ll take off my skin!”

I took out a brown spherical substance from the magic box.


“This is a fossil about 10,000 years ago that my brother, recently an explorer and a rare book collector Laluza Granzeus, dug out of an iceberg. One limited one! One in the world!”

“This is hello …”

“It’s in good condition. You can smell the prehistoric scent by tapping it!”

“No … I don’t smell!

“Let’s put this up for auction and use the proceeds to fund the guild for the time being!”

“Huh? I can’t sell!

“Lou? There’s something enthusiastic in any world at any time. Look at it!”

Later, I sold it for 200 million gold!


Guild staff recruitment throughout the country! One year salary guarantee! From the second year as soon as we work hard! Come out, rookie! Aim for the hero! About 4000 people gathered.

As suggested by me, a paper test was first conducted and reduced to 100 people.

And today, I will narrow down to 50 people again in the interview. For the time being, we will be turning around five places across the Marche with 10 people. Then select five guild leaders in the general election.

In front of me, Judge and (Lu and) Tabuchi, applicants come in order and appeal themselves.

I will remember the audition program of the previous life.

Aunt from the awesome countryside doesn’t sing with Goddess Voice, right?

“The entry number one, please!”

Moderator, of course, Tabachi-san’s eternal ditch, Yamada-kun.

A middle-aged man who seems to be brilliant talks about Perapera and the fact that he is a guild staff and has been experienced.

“Sele, this guy, it’s black in the stomach. I’m trying to eat a rushing adventurer. ”


End when I ring the bell!

“Yes, it was a challenge. Next, entry number 2, please!”

“What a … thanks to you!”

Tabuchi is delighted!

No. 2 is the youngest of the prime of work divided into seven or three. He was once a civilian in the kingdom and was good at arithmetic.

“Don’t kill him. For trivial reasons


“Hey, bad luck. Is there anything like this? This country”

“Because the wise man has finally left the country …”

Tabuchi is about to cry!

“Sorry, I’m sorry, there’s still something to say! Yamada-kun! Next, let’s go next!”

“Yes, next, please go to entry number 3.”

I will sort out quickly based on interviews, Lou’s suggestions and my appraisal. The direction of recruitment is normal as long as the writing is passing.

“Next, entry number 74, please!”

Yamada-kun hurriedly rushed to the entrance of a bent-backed grandmother and offered a hand.

“HM. My body is ragged but I have guts. ”

There is no particular problem with the answer.

But age is … age is lacking.


Glows blue.

Gengorou (former A adventurer, Francis of Purgatory)

Condition: Physical declining due to aging, transvestite, matured onee

Skills: Fire magic, acupuncture, savings

Skill saving … I won’t be able to get it without some hard work …

“… It’s full of tsukkomi.”

Cancan Khan!

Three bells!

“Yes, Francis, please wait here!”

When Yamada-kun is guiding Francis,

“wait a minute!”

An unfamiliar man came to the judge’s seat with Zukazuka.

“Oh, what are you doing? Why are you so bad and we are not?”

This is the only man who makes a fuss, but many defeated people are glaring at me and nodding her.

“I don’t know what kind of relationship he is with the Prime Minister, but I’m not convinced that you can decide on your advantage!”

“It seems so!”

“Is it possible to do with the Prime Minister? Cute girl !?”

“Loo! Even cutie!”

“Sele, are you happy here? compassion!

Well, I’m irritated if my little girl decides to move in and out.

However, it was disqualified as a guild official.

When I got up, Mr. Tabuchi said,

“Huh … please don’t break the venue as much as possible”

Goji, don’t treat me!

I decopined the man leaning forward and threatening.

Dogon! ! !

I flew to the facing wall.

“I’m like this, but you can attach it if it’s strong or weak, right?”

“” “Wow, wow oh!” ”

“Hey, have you ever heard this story? A country once collapsed because it despised a single, 14-year-old adventurer woman.”

“That’s the legend of a twilight destruction princess !!”


“Um, else, the man who was sucking sweet juice was ruined because he despised a fifteen-year-old adventurer who had visited a small island, and the city had to start from scratch.”

“That’s the legend of the twilight storm !!!!”

“What? What? What? First Ear! Tell me!”

When Tabuchi leans out, one of the defeated people speaks trembling.

“Northern Reagan was dominated by a guess adventurer named Bacas. Nothing was stronger than Bacas, who violated relatives and children, and the entire city was under the control of Bacas. The adventurer who drops in with Falli returns and defends Bacchus, who can’t return, and finally the city is freed from the spell, calling her a storm princess from its appearance! Feminine like a storm! Terrifying … ”


Both of them look so funny!

That’s what Reagan Island was all about.

“Oh, yeah! What I want to say is that the person you judge by appearance is the least suitable as a guild employee! Is there any other person who wants to eat my deco pin?”

Well, it’s finally quiet.

“Yamada-kun, let’s resume”

“Now, take care of the entry number 75, please!”

“Hello! We are engaged in a boarding house in Toukun, it is Yoko!”

“… Yoko-san, why?”

“Because I always accept Fio’s requests. It’s an extension of that, right?”


Cancan Khan!


A general election was held from 50 of our choice, and five new guild leaders were born. Yoko was also selected as the guild leader in the cafeteria vote. My home boarding became the third guild of Toukun.

Well, it’s convenient and good.

“Hey! Storm Musume!

…… Because I have limitations! Roux?

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