The Reincarnation of Alysara

Chapter 5: A Mother’s Worries.

Edit 12/10/2021: Fixed tenses. Credit to Quaoar for editing this chapter




It’s been a week, and Alysara hasn’t once opened her eyes, ever since she’s had that nightmare. A part of me wonders if it really was a nightmare, however. Feyan has never heard her scream in such pain before. There has been no traces of magic being used. The healer has tried to look at her eyes, but the moment her eyes have been forced open, she starts screaming in pain again. Nothing is found in her eyes to cause the pain.

Alysara has been restless and making cute groaning sounds. Feyan strokes her royal blue hair, wishing she would open her eyes. Feyan loves Alysara’s eyes: an icy blue eye, and a striking red eye. Her mismatched eyes, like two gems, encapsulate two opposites. Heterochromia is already rare and a desirable trait, even more so when it’s opposites.

It’s kind of why Feyan and her husband are called a good fit. Feyan’s deep blue eyes and Kanato’s strong red eyes capture the desired opposites, a balance one could call it.

Feyan senses Alysara has fallen asleep and puts her in her crib. She stands above her, wearing a worried frown.

“We could take her to the Guardian,” Kanato, Feyan’s husband, says, wrapping an arm around the shorter woman’s shoulders. Feyan rests her head against Kanato.

“We shouldn’t bother the great one with something trivial,” Feyan says after a moment.

“Feyan, children don”t act this way—something is seriously wrong.”

“We could see another healer—perhaps Fynato island has someone who can help!” Feyan starts to sound desperate.

Kanato brings her close in a hug and strokes her long blue hair.

“The best healer on that island is my sister, and she has already looked at Little Aly, Feyan. I’m beginning to think this might be a cursed skill.”

Feyan shakes her head. “She’s not even a month old! How can she have a cursed skill?! How would she gain one? She’s just a baby!” Feyan’s voice started to crack due to her worry

“Calm down, Fey. Let’s not wake little Aly up.”

“I just—I don’t know what to do. What if this is permanent? How can she live a full life blind to the beauty of this world?”

“There are other ways to experience beauty.” Although Kanato says that, she has a hard look. Beauty is mostly experienced with sight, one of Myrou’s domains. In order to live a full life, one must hold Myrou’s essences to heart. “We’ll figure something out and help her through life.” Kanato holds her wife tighter.

“What if it really is a cursed skill? How can we…” Feyan trails off. Little is known about cursed skills. If one thing is known, it’s that all attempts to remove or replace them have failed.

“We’ll do what we can and love her all the same. I have to go to work now. I hope I’ll be back before the Lojyo.” Kanato lets go of Feyan.

“What are you working on that requires you to work from sunup to sundown?” Feyan asks, now that her mind has been distracted from Alysara, she seems to have relaxed a little.

“Do you have something in mind for Little Aly’s Kyhosa?" Kanato asks.

“Her life celebration gift? Every time I think about it, my mind just goes blank. I’ve asked for ideas, but nothing speaks to me—nothing seems to fit our little girl just right.” Feyan’s eyes start to well up in tears. “I’m a horrible mother! I can’t even think of something that fits Aly’s Kyhosa, let alone make it before her Kyholo!”

“Every parent has that issue, Feyan, you don’t need to beat yourself up so much. We still have half a month before her life celebration, and it’s good that your [Perfectionist’s Eye] skill is telling you that those ideas aren’t ideal—some parents simply give up and go with an expensive gift rather than something that fits perfectly, and the fact that you’re so worked up about it means you care.” Kanato hugs Feyan again.

“And who says that she needs an individual gift from both of us?” Kanato continues. “Why not give the one gift that we both made?”

“What do you mean?" Feyan asked

“I found a nexus gem.”

Feyan gasps.

“A nex... How?! We can’t afford something like that! Do you know how much those cost?!”

“It’s not on sale, Fey, no one’s selling it. I found it last month when I was diving with Wimola. I’ve been working on it all this time, but I’m no jeweler, I’m just a gem cutter. You, however—you’re a jeweler.”

“But everyone gets two Kyhosa—are you really fine with Aly only having one?”

Kanato smiles. “Who said anything about one? I said having an individual gift from both of us.” Feyan looks shocked. “The nexus gem is quite large, large enough for two gifts. I’m hoping I’ll have them done by today.”

“You’re such a blessing, Kanato. Still, don’t you think a nexus gem is too much? The elders won’t like it. It should be devoted to Myrou.”Ever since I started working on it, Myrou has been smiling—she’s been hinting at something ever since I found it, but when I drew up a plan for Myrou’s devotion project, she frowned. She wants this.”

“Myrou... Now that you mention it, she’s been smiling at me too, ever since Aly’s conception. Do you… do you think she might have been blessed by the goddess?” Feyan asks, hope in her eyes.

“Others have noticed Myrou’s been acting weird lately, and it all coincides with Aly’s birth. She’s special—that’s for certain. I think the elders will let this pass, although I may have to do some explaining, and I plan to do that once I’ve finished the cutting.” Kanato turns around to leave. I best get going. I’m already running late.”With that, Kanato walks out of the room.

Feyan turns back to Alysara and smiles. If she’s blessed by the goddess, then everything will be alright.

* * *

“You really poured your soul into this—it’s absolutely flawless, and even then there’s something more to it, as if beauty incarnate resonates within.” Elder Tusile says, putting the gem down. Although she gave a compliment, she still wears a frown. “However, it’s blasphemy to devote yourself to such a degree to anyone other than the goddess—you were right to come to us before you made a mistake. It’s not too late to change the purpose of your project.”

Kanato holds a steadfast gaze. She won’t be punished for wasting such a material, but the elders still don’t like the plan.

“It is as you say, Myrou has been hinting at something, but to say she actually wants such devotion to anything other than her domains... Kanato, you should not misread her intentions,” Elder Opetu says. She shakes her head. “I know you love your child, but, please, cease this foolishness.”

“Elders, you speak wisdom, and I am truly grateful you care about me to set me back on the correct path—but, if I may suggest something.”

Elder Yukika sighs.

“Kanato, devotion to Myrou brings fulfillment to our lives. It is through her teachings that we can live this life without regret.”

“I know, Elder Yukika. That is why I suggest we test my interpretation of her hints.”

“And how do we do that?” Elder Tusile asks.

“We take my child to Myrou’s likeness in the temple and lay these gems on her. Surely the goddess will give us a sign.”

The elders remain silent for several minutes before Elder Yukika speaks.

“It’s a fine test. With this, we can ask the goddess directly, but Kanato, you know the consequences. If she doesn’t like it…” Yukika trailed off.

It’s blasphemy to ask mundane and especially trivial or foolish things of the goddess. If the goddess frowns upon my suggestion...

“I’ll take the Analysha,” Kanato says. The elders widen their eyes. “If I displease the goddess, I’ll make a statue of her likeness.”

“Kanato, don’t be a fool!” Elder Opetu exclaims.

“There’s only ever been one person to have ever successfully completed the Analysha, Kanato,” Yukika says. “You did well—no, perfectly with the nexus gems, but not even that will be enough for the Analysha. When you fail, you’ll only be in more trouble!”

Elder Tusile remains silent until the other two are done.

“If that is your resolve, then I will allow it.”

“Tusile! You can’t let her throw her life away!” Yukika argues.

“I have to second Yukika. This is unreasonable,” Opetu agrees.

“Elders, I understand your worries, but I intend to attempt the Analysha regardless; the only difference would be when I do it.”

“Kanato—” Yukika starts, but Kanato raises her hand to stop her.

“While working on the nexus gems, I gained a skill, [Essense Sight (Beauty)]. It allows me to see the magical essence of beauty itself. The reason why most people fail the Analysha is because they can’t capture the full likeness of the goddess—they can capture her physical likeness, but the likeness of her essence remains unseen by them.” Kanato pauses to let her words sink in. “With this skill, I will be able to capture her true likeness, both physical and magical; I need only to hone this skill.” Kanato finishes and let the Elders digest what she said.

“Very well,” Elder Opetu finally says after a long time.

“Opetu, you can’t seriously agree to this madness!” Yukika exclaimes. “What about the other essences? The magical essence of creativity? Myrou is both! She can’t succeed with both essences!”

“I already have that one, Elder Yukika, I’ve had it for three years now.”

“But you—”

“Give it up, Yukika. Someone is bound to have the capabilities of passing the Analysha, and if Kanato has such abilities, then the least we can do is support her choice in this matter,” Tusile says. “Come to the temple in three days, and we’ll test your child—if she really is loved by Myrou, you may devote the nexus gems to her Kyhosa.”'

“Thank you, elders,” Kanato says with a bow and leaves.

* * *

“I’m still not sure about this, Kanato," Feyan says. She holds Alysara while Kanato rows the boat toward Temple Island. Kanato hasn’t mentioned the test with the likeness of the goddess to not worry her wife.

“If anything goes wrong, I’ll take responsibility. Don’t worry about anything.”

“Don’t worry? Kanato! I don’t want anything to happen to you either!” Feyan chides.

“The Guardian doesn’t hold grudges, Feyan. She sees us as children—nothing will happen to me.”

“I hope you’re right, Kanato. But this isn't necessary.”

The boat docks at the piers, and Kanato ties it off. She steps on the pier and holds out a hand for Feyan.

“We have to make sure. Besides, we are here for another reason as well.”

“We are? What is it?” Feyan tilts her head with a frown.

“You’ll see. But first—let’s meet the Guardian.”

They walk a stone path several kilometers until the huge sapphire dragon comes into view. With horns made of actual sapphire, and gleaming scales the size of Kanato’s torso. Claws long enough to tower over houses, and long sapphire spines trailing down her back to the tip of her long tail. The immense magical pressure weighs heavily on them, making them stop, quite some distance away, for fear of Alysara’s health.

As if sensing their presence, the dragon stirs. Raising her large head and sits proudly with her chest out.

“Little ones, what have you come to me for? Do you seek wisdom? Guidance from your superiors? Don’t be shy. Ask me what you so desperately seek,” the Guardian says with a gentle but commanding tone.

“You are very generous, Guardian. I am sorry to disturb your rest," Feyan says with a deep bow. Kanato follows suit.

“It is our child, Guardian—something ails her, something no healer has been able to figure out. Please, we don’t ask for healing—we just need to know what’s wrong with our child,” Kanato says, still bowing.

“Hmm, I sense nothing wrong with your child, little one. No illness, no defect. The only strange thing is how unnaturally healthy she is?” The Guardian says.

“Every time she opens her eyes, she screams in pain,” Kanato replies. “I fear it might be a cursed skill.”

The dragon goes silent for what feels like an eternity.

“It is difficult to see something like that, little one, but your intuition is likely correct. I’ll need to examine her more closely—bring her closer, little one.”

Kanato and Feyan look at each other, then both step forward, Feyan holding Alysara tighter as the magical pressure increases, so much so that she grits her teeth. It’s hard for her to even breathe, and she worries it might be too hard for her child.

“That’s close enough, little ones,” the dragon says when half the distance has been closed. “Hmm… Yes, she bears a mark on her soul… Strange. Very strange…”

Feyan doesn’t dare question the Guardian—she wants nothing more than to increase the distance between them and get her child to safety. She feels Alysara struggling to breathe under the pressure.

Feyan strokes her child’s hair and purrs for her comfort.

“...A mark of the Great Spirits, a blessing of beauty, other, barely noticeable, applied more to her mind than body,” the Guardian says, her words elating Feyan.

A blessing of beauty! Alysara really is blessed by Myrou!

Kanato sighs in relief.

“There are indeed two scars on her soul... An expansion of her essence... Yes, she has two cursed skills, though what they do, I cannot tell.”

Feyan feels her heart tighten. Two cursed skills?

“There is more, though I cannot tell what, but this is no ordinary soul—too pure and… dormant? How curious, but...a forceful awakening?” The dragon muses. “No, the Great Spirits knew this irregularity and did not act... It will be prudent to heed their caution... A forceful awakening may cause irreparable damage.”

What is the guardian going on about? What more is there?

“Forgive my ramblings, little ones. You may retreat and recover.”

Feyan doesn’t waste any time and rushes to a bearable distance, even a little farther than they have started.

“Thank you, Guardian,” Kanato says before joining Feyan.

"One cannot remove an expansion of their essence, little one." The dragon says. "Those skills cannot be removed."

“Thank you, Guardian! We are in your debt.” Feyan bows again.

“Yes, you are. One you can repay.” The dragon says with a calm tone, always retaining its commanding presence.

“What do you ask of us, Guardian?” Feyan says.

“Bring your child back to me in a year’s time, and every year thereafter so I may examine the irregularity of her soul. It is not detrimental in the least, but I have never once in thirty thousand years seen a soul like hers.”

Feyan shoots Kanato a dirty look who looks ashamed. The Guardian merely asked to examine Alysara, nothing else; and if she can make it out of this ordeal as an infant, then she can when older.

After the meeting with the Guardian, they go to the temple and, to Feyan’s surprise, meet the village Elders, talking with the Temple priestess.

“Are you sure you want to do this Kanato? Now’s your chance to back out,” Elder Yukika says, upon their arrival.

“Kanato.” Feyan looks at her quizzically. “What’s this about?”

“You’ll see soon, my love. There’s nothing to worry about.”

Yukika sighs “Very well. Follow us.”

The group walks up to a magnificent statue, the most beautiful thing in the world, a divine beauty, something beyond mere physicality. It’s as if the statue is a beauty incarnate.

Kanato motions for Feyan to give her Alysara. Feyan hesitantly does so. Kanato kisses Alysara’s head and places her on the altar in front of the statue. The Likeness of Myrou smiles warmly.

Murmurs erupt among the elders and priestesses. Kanato then places the nexus gems on Alysara and bows to the statue.

Feyan doesn’t interrupt—she doesn’t dare. She knows now what this is. The Elders won’t accept the nexus gems to be used for anything else other than for the devotion to Myrou, so this is to get the acceptance of Myrou herself.

The Likeness of Myrou nods once, and light envelopes the gems, imbuing it with an unworldly beauty and...something else—creativity itself.

The Likeness returns to its normal position and expression.

The whole room is dead silent. It feels like a dream to Feyan. Her child, blessed and loved by Myrou herself. She wants to pinch herself to make sure this is all real.

Noise erupts among the elders and the priestesses. Kanato leads Feyan and Alysara out of the temple.

Feyan remains silent the whole way back; although the day is young, she’s completely exhausted.

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