The remnants of the Uchiha are forced to save the ninja world

Chapter 83 The Gentle Man

Chapter 83 The Gentle Man
Converging all negative emotions, Shinji carefully planned the next arrangement.

Even if you want to climb to the top, you must first look away and focus on your feet!

Road, we have to go step by step.

And every step must be steady and steady!

"Fragrant Phosphorus."

Soon, Xianglin came to his mind.

Xianglin is the key to everything. It is up to her whether she can recover those half-damaged or completely lost Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

So Shinji had to do one thing well before that.

So he immediately bit his finger and started the mudra.

A burst of white smoke rose, and briquettes came out from inside.

While licking his fur, he asked, "What are you going to steal this time?"


Shinji was speechless.

The coal ball immediately understood, and Maomao sighed: "Isn't it stealing something? Then I must be spying on someone? Hey, it's such a tiring job again!"

Shinji was a little embarrassed: "Ahem, this time it's something else!"

The coal ball looked at Shinji.

Shinji said: "I need to go to Kusanagi Village to do something, but I can't go there openly, so I can only ask you to go to Kusanagi Village first, and then pass me by reverse psychic."

"Grass Ninja Village? Isn't that going abroad?"

Briquettes hesitated.

Shinji frowned: "What's the matter, you don't know the way, do you?"

"How is that possible!" The coal ball patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Shinji suddenly felt that it was a bit unreliable to hand over this matter to coal balls, but after thinking about it carefully, he had no other choice.

With the footsteps of the coal ball, even if he set off immediately without any accidents on the road, it would take a week at the fastest to arrive near Cao Ren village, so after he made an appointment with the coal ball, he released the psychic and let the coal ball Go back and get ready to pack.

After sending away the briquettes, Shinji thought about the leukocytes again.

Although the leukocytes collected by Didara are safer than the first-generation cells, there are still great risks in transplanting them.

So if he wanted Xianglin to cooperate, he had to show sincerity first.

"After I rescue Xianglin's mother and Didara gets the leukocytes, I can try to mention the leukocyte transplantation to Xianglin."

Shinji guessed that Xianglin would not refuse.

For one thing, the strong vitality of the Xianglin Uzumaki clan and her self-healing physique, which is extremely rare among the Uzumaki clan, ensure that the risk of her transplanting white blood cells is far less than that of ordinary people.

Secondly, this is also a great improvement for her.

Once the transplantation is successful, her body is equivalent to possessing the immortal body of the whirlpool clan, the immortal body of the thousand-handed clan, and some of the characteristics of the sacred tree.

If she can tap the potential of her physique to the extreme, the immortal body alone can even be on par with Otsutsuki Asura who directly inherited the immortal body of the Six Paths Immortal.

And the way to stimulate potential, Shinji also found with her, that is to practice "wood escape".

'Wood Dun' can affect the characteristics of the sacred tree in the blood, and to support 'Wood Dun', it needs its own powerful immortal body, so in the process of studying 'Wood Dun', Xianglin will instinctively dig out the hidden The immortal body power in the blood.

This is the same as Shinji's use of the 'Susa Zun Lamp' to control other people's eyes.

Controlling this matter itself is a kind of exercise for chakra control ability, so this is also the reason why he got started with medical ninjutsu very quickly, because he is exercising chakra control all the time.

Thinking about it, he felt that his eyelids were a little heavy.

This night, he first sparred with Sasuke, then hurried to meet the invasion, and then witnessed the destruction of a world.

Now he couldn't hold it any longer, so he turned over and fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Shinji came to the ninja school with a yawn.

After finishing the cultural class in the morning at the ninja school, he hurried to the laboratory to help Kaoru Kusanagi and completed two operations.

Maybe it's because of his superb chakra manipulation, maybe it's because of his mature mental age, in short, his talent in medical ninjutsu impresses the whole medical class.

Even Kaoru Cao Dao, who was critical of him at the beginning, is now proud of him and praises everyone.

Of course, Shinji still knows how much he has.

In the field of medical ninjutsu, he is still a beginner, not to mention comparing with Tsunade, an expert in medical ninjutsu, even compared with ordinary medical ninjas, he still has many shortcomings.

So he was not blinded by the praises from around, but absorbed all the knowledge crazily in the medical class.

In the evening, he walked alone to the practice field he often visited.

Before entering the training ground, he heard the sound of fierce metal clashing from inside.


Shinji was a little surprised that there were people in such a remote place.

But when he went in and took a look, he found that it was Bai and Xianglin who were practicing against each other inside.

Seeing Shinji coming, Bai and Xianglin stopped quickly.

Bai stepped forward and explained: "Student Shinji, I met Xianglin and I by chance!"

Xianglin nodded at Shinji, turned around and was about to leave.

Apparently, they already regarded this place as Shinji's exclusive training ground, and they were afraid that Shinji would be unhappy, so one explained and the other wanted to leave.

"Aren't you more suspicious like this!"

Shinji cursed inwardly.

Bai and Xianglin acted like he was here to catch a rape, which made him scratch his head.


Soon, Shinji stopped Xianglin who was about to sneak away.

Xianglin trembled and stopped in her tracks.

At this time, Shinji carefully looked at Kaorin, wearing dark goggles at night, although it was a little strange, but ninjas are like this, and some people still wear masks all their lives.

There was a small bag hanging around his waist, and what was contained in the bag should be the loot that fell from Gu Gui's body.

Seeing Shinji scrutinizing Xianglin in this way, Bai Bai was afraid that Shinji would see something, so he hurriedly said: "Student Shinji, let's practice against each other!"

Shinji said, "Why did you run away when you saw me?"


Xianglin froze for a moment.


After leaving this sentence lightly, Shinji took his eyes away from Xianglin and strode towards the center of the training ground.

Xianglin looked at Shiro with questioning eyes.

Bai smiled and nodded, and said softly: "Student Shinji is actually a very gentle person, please stay!"

Shinji allowed Xianglin to stay, in fact, he approved Xianglin to join his small team.

Especially with Shinji's current reputation as a 'genius' at the ninja school, it is not an easy task to join such a small group, especially for a lonely student like Xianglin.

Throwing the coat on the bench aside, Shinji turned and said to Bai, "Stop talking nonsense, let's start!"

Bai smiled: "Come on!"

 The first update is here, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets, follow up!

(End of this chapter)

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