The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 1017 Attack

Chapter 1017 Attack
Although the Avengers saved the world in Sokovia, it also aroused the dissatisfaction of most countries and people in the world, because they also caused too much loss in the process of saving the world.

Although the Avengers tried their best to save the people of Sokovia, they still caused tens of thousands of ordinary civilian casualties, which gave those politicians who have been coveting the Avengers a chance to attack.

If the army is a gun, then the Avengers are strategic nuclear weapons, but they are more useful than nuclear weapons. Whoever can master the Avengers can control the world.

In the past, because the Avengers have made great contributions to the world, and they have always been self-reliant and have nothing to do with the government. Even with SHIELD, it is only a cooperative relationship. SHIELD cannot order the Avengers to do anything, but SHIELD Provide information, and the Avengers will act according to the situation.

At that time, it was very difficult for politicians to get involved with the Avengers, but now the Avengers have personally delivered the excuses to those politicians, and they will not miss this opportunity. These politicians are like sharks that smell blood. Will pass up the tasty bait of the Avengers.

But in the eyes of the politicians, it is not the best opportunity to attack the Avengers. They need the conflict between the Avengers and the people to intensify.

And the politicians didn't wait long for this opportunity, and the Avengers personally delivered it to the door. That is, in the process of chasing Crossbones, Wanda's mistakes caused a large number of civilian casualties, and the politicians who got the opportunity immediately revealed cut their fangs.

After discussing with the governments of various countries, they came up with the "Sokovia Agreement". The purpose is to get the Avengers to sign the agreement. From then on, any of their actions will be controlled by the government. They can only be dispatched if the government agrees, otherwise they will not Any right to participate in any action.

And the first to act was the American Secretary of State Thaddeus E. Ross. As the most powerful country, the United States wanted to put the Avengers under their jurisdiction. This time they used the United Nations to put pressure on them. first step plan.

As long as the Avengers sign the "Sokovia Accords," control of the Avengers will be in the hands of the United States.

"The whole world owes the Avengers an irrepayable favor! You fought for us, protected us, and risked your lives!"

"Although many people regard you as heroes, some people are willing to use 'vigilante' to describe you!"

Ross first started with gratitude, and then led to his real purpose. The Avengers have indeed been a little unscrupulous recently, and the appearance of Ultron is the biggest manifestation.

"Which word would you like to use, Mr. Secretary of State?"

Natasha asked.

"Dangerous! How?"

"How would you describe a group of superpowers stationed in the United States, habitually ignoring the borders of sovereign countries, where to go, what to do, it's up to you!"

"And to be honest, it doesn't seem to care at all about the consequences!"

Ross continued to complain, and then Ross played some footage of the Avengers fighting the enemy.

"New York! Washington DC! Sokovia! Lagos!"

The video played on the monitor in front of the Avengers made the Avengers aware of their problems. At that time, their attention was all on the enemy, and they ignored the additional damage caused by the battle. Now the picture is reproduced , each Avenger has different ideas.

"Okay! Enough!"

Captain America said.

Lagos belongs to Wakanda, and the Avengers fought Crossbones in Lagos. Because of Steve's distraction, Crossbones had a chance to self-destruct, and Wanda was not proficient in his own power, causing irreparable casualties.

It can be said that the Avengers failed completely in the Lagos operation this time. Crossbones died, and the things he stole were also snatched back, but the incidental damage obliterated the efforts of the Avengers.

"The past four years have seen your operations run with unlimited power and unsupervised. The world can no longer tolerate this situation! But we have a solution!"

"The "Sokovia Agreement", ratified by 110 seven countries, stated that the Avengers Alliance is no longer a private organization, but will operate under the supervision of a United Nations team! And whether to dispatch is decided by the team!"

Rose revealed his true purpose in coming, which was to accept the Avengers' dominion.

"The Avengers were created to make the world a safer place, and I think we did!"

Captain America, who was born as a soldier, should be the first to agree to this agreement, but the reality is that Steve was the first to oppose it, because he deeply understands what will happen if such a powerful force falls into the hands of politicians.

"Captain, do you know where Sol and Banner are now? Oh, yes, there is also a panda who knows Kung Fu, do you know where they are?"

"If I lose three [-]-megaton nuclear weapons, there will definitely be very serious consequences!"

"Compromise, guarantee, that's the way the world works, trust me, it's the middle ground!"

Ross pointed to the Sokovia Accords.

"Mr. Secretary of State, I want to correct you!"

Steve spoke up.

"Sol is in Asgard, this is known to the world, and Fatty was exiled into the universe by Ultron in the process of fighting against Ultron. We don't know whether Fatty can survive in the universe. , and Bliss chose to exile himself in order to ensure that he would not bring harm to humans!"

"Your testimony is an insult to the three heroes who used their lives to protect the earth. They did not do anything to be sorry for the earth or human beings. On the contrary, they did their best to protect the earth. I hope you will remember this!"

Steve immediately rebutted. He is the brain of the Avengers, so he sees the situation more clearly and understands the plans of these politicians.

So the first thing Steve has to do is to unite the Avengers, and there must be no differences among them, otherwise the politician's plan will definitely succeed.

"I will not deny their contribution, and we are very grateful to you! But the harm you have caused is really there. Your unscrupulousness has caused countless ordinary people to be displaced, and even lost their lives. Captain, I I think you can't deny it!"

Ross looked at Steve and asked.

Talking to politicians is really not a way for Steve, not to mention that Ross has been preparing for this moment for a long time. He has thought of all kinds of situations and will never give the Avengers a chance to stand up.

"Is there a contingency plan?"

War Machine Rhodes asked, Rhodes is an active soldier, he will definitely be more inclined to the government's side, Steve observed the expressions of everyone, and a bad feeling came to his heart, the Avengers may be on the verge of disbanding .

(End of this chapter)

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