The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 1020 Unavoidable Debt

Chapter 1020 Unavoidable Debt

"I am very sorry!"

Natasha to T'Challa, who lost her father in the explosion.

"In my culture, death is not the end, it's more like the beginning of a journey to a strange land, you reach out to Buster and Sekhmet, they lead you into the green grassland, where you can run forever .”

T'Challa said in a mournful voice.

"Sounds very peaceful."

Natasha said.

"My father thinks so too, but I'm not my father."

T'Challa and T'Challa have different concepts. T'Challa cannot remain indifferent to the loss of his father.

"T'Challa, the task force will decide who gets Barnes."

Natasha persuaded.

"Don't bother, Miss Romanov, I will kill him myself!"

After T'Challa finished speaking, he stood up and left without continuing to chat with Natasha, who made him quite fond of it.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Natasha's phone rang.


Natasha picked up the phone.

"Are you ok?"

It was Steve who called. He knew that Natasha had participated in the signing meeting of the "Agreement". He was worried that Natasha would be injured, so he made a special call to say hello.

"It's okay, thank you for your concern, I'm very lucky..."

Suddenly Natasha heard the sound of an ambulance on the phone, which made Natasha immediately realize that Steve was in Vienna, maybe not far from her.

"I know how much you care about Barnes, really, stay home and don't come out! You're only going to make it worse for us all, please!"

Natasha tried her best to persuade Steve not to intervene in this matter. She understood how important Bucky was to Steve, and now only Bucky was left with Steve's contemporaries. If Kei did it, then Steve would definitely not sit idly by, and it would definitely cause even bigger troubles by then.

"Are you saying you're going to arrest me?"

Steve asked.


"If you shoot, someone will catch you, and that's it now!"

Natasha said.

"If he becomes like this, Xiaona, then it's up to me to catch him!"

Steve looked at Natasha who was talking to him from afar and said.


Natasha asked.

"Because I'm the least likely to die!"

After speaking, Steve hung up the phone.

What Steve has to do now is to find out whether Bucky did it. From Steve’s heart, he doesn’t believe that Bucky did it, and it’s impossible for Bucky to do it during this critical period. This kind of outrageous thing.

After the last battle where Hydra occupied S.H.I.E.L.D., Steve could clearly feel Bucky's changes. If Bucky was still Hydra's weapon, then Bucky would not save him in the final battle between the two. himself, and Bucky saved himself, which means that Bucky has changed.

"Did she tell you not to meddle? She may have a point!"

Steve, who hung up on Natasha's phone, came to Falcon's side, and Falcon looked at the silent Steve and asked.

"He'll do it for me too!"

Steve insisted.

"Would it be possible in 1945, I just want to make sure we think it through! People who shoot you usually end up shooting me too!"

Falcon said indifferently, Falcon is a diehard of Steve, as long as it is Steve's choice, Falcon will unconditionally support it.

"After the video was released, I received a lot of tips. Everyone thought that the Winter Soldier went to a gym with them. Most of the clues were worthless, except for this one."

Sharon Carter, the niece of Steve's favorite woman Carter, handed Steve a folder that was the only one the intelligence agency had received from the aftermath of the bombing that might be a Winter Soldier lead.

"My boss wants a briefing now, and there's only so much information I can give you!"

Sharon said.

"Thank you!"

Thanks Steve.

"You have to hurry up, our order is to kill on the spot!"

After Sharon finished speaking, he turned and left.

And Helmut Zemo, the murderer who actually planned the bombing, is arranging the next plan.

Zemo belonged to Sokovia's special forces, and his family died accidentally during the battle against Ultron. For Zemo, the Avengers were his enemies. What he planned was to destroy the Avengers, because he had mastered uncovered a secret that could completely dismantle the Avengers from within.

Zemo can't defeat the Avengers, but he can use this secret to let the Avengers defeat themselves, and obviously this plan is going very well, he is now waiting for Bucky to be arrested, and the whole situation will be completely opened by then , The Avengers are about to usher in the end.

On the other side, Bucky, who was hiding in Bucharest, didn't know that someone pretended to be himself and caused so much damage, and he was leisurely buying food on the street.

However, Bucky, who was on the run, was always vigilant, and any disturbance would attract his attention. Bucky noticed that the newsstand owner looked at him abnormally, and finally ran away in a hurry.

When Bucky saw this, he immediately went to the newsstand to check the situation. He saw the news about the Vienna bombing in the newspaper. Bucky knew that he was framed, and someone would come to arrest him soon.

At this time, Steve and Falcon rushed to Bucky's residence first based on the information provided by Sharon.

"Attention, captain, the German special forces are coming from the south!"

Falcons on alert outside reported.

"Roger that!"

Steve said.

"Do you recognize me?"

While Steve was talking with Falcon, Bucky also returned to the residence and stood behind Steve. Steve noticed Bucky's existence and turned to look at Bucky and asked.

"You're Steve, I got to know you in the museum."

Bucky's memory is still incomplete, he felt that he should know Steve, so after the last war, Bucky went to the museum to learn about Steve, and saw that he was Steve's Roaring Squad The only "killed" comrade-in-arms.

But Bucky hasn't recalled the past memories yet. He is also looking for his own past, wanting to know what happened to him. Hydra remodeled his body and erased many of his memories.

"I know you're nervous, and you have reason to be nervous, but you're lying."

Steve said.

"I didn't go to Vienna, I don't do that kind of thing anymore!"

Bucky said.

"People who think it's you are coming, and they're not going to keep you alive."

Steve said.

"Very smart, good strategy!"

Bucky said.

At this time, the special forces that came to arrest Bucky have surrounded Bucky's residence from all sides, and soon the two sides will exchange fire.

"We don't have to fight, Bucky!"

Steve said.

"There's always a fight!"

Bucky has already sensed that someone is outside the door.

"You rescued me from the river, why?"

Steve asked.

"do not know!"

Bucky took off the glove covering his mechanical hand.


At this moment, a grenade broke through the window, and the special forces launched an attack.

(End of this chapter)

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