The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 78 Test

Chapter 78 Test
The next day, Logan came to the training ground early. The warning signs on the sidelines had been removed when Logan became a general. People removed the warning signs.

When Logan arrived at the training ground, [-] recruits were already waiting in advance, and Qifu, who had become a major general, applied for Logan to be his deputy.

"Report to the general, all [-] recruits have been assembled, please speak to the general."

Qifu looked at Logan excitedly and said, he finally returned to Logan's side. In the past few years, Qifu missed the days when ten people went out to sea together. has been scattered all over the place.

"Relax, Chief, there's no need to be so serious in our relationship."

Logan smiled and patted Chief on the shoulder. Logan also missed the days when ten people fought together. It was only for his own plan that he had to leave his brothers later, but he never gave up paying attention to them.

"Logan, I'm finally back by your side. To be honest, I still feel at ease by your side. I'm only responsible for cooking."

Chef touched his head honestly and said.

"Let's talk about the past, let me take a look at these recruits first."

"Yes, General!"

Logan walked up to the recruits, looked at the excited recruits one by one, feeling in his heart, he used to look at Teacher Modi like this.

"Hello, everyone, recruits. I am Logan. From today onwards, you will be led by me. In the next few years, you will face cruel experiences. If anyone wants to quit, please report immediately. I'll give you a chance, if you don't quit this time, then you won't have another chance in the future, and you will either be eliminated or die, understand!"

Rogan asked.


All the recruits answered loudly.

"Okay, let me ask again, has anyone quit!"

"Report, no!"

Still the same answer in unison.

"Very well, next, let me introduce myself, starting with you!"

Logan pointed to Sakaski and said.

"Report to Admiral! My name is Sakaski, and I ate the natural magma fruit. My ideal is to become a navy like Admiral Haechi and uphold the justice of the navy!"

Sakaski replied loudly, Sakaski has been entangled in whether to be a navy, until he heard that Logan single-handedly blocked Kaido and Big Mom, wiped out the Rocks Pirates, and after being promoted to admiral, he changed his mind to become like Logan like the Navy.

"Report to the general! My name is Kuzan, I ate the frozen fruit of the natural system, ah la la la, what is my ideal? Forget it, anyway, I want to become a navy like the general."

Kuzan's character is still the same as before.

"Report to the general! My name is Polusalino. I ate the natural-type sparkling fruit. Is it ideal? I haven't figured it out yet. Otherwise, I will become a navy like the general."

After hearing Huang Yuan's self-introduction, not only did Logan's mouth twitch, but Huang Yuan's undisciplined character made people speechless.


After that, everyone introduced themselves one after another. What Logan didn't expect was that among this group of recruits, there were "Peach Rabbit" Zhi Yuan and "Tea Pig".

Looking at the young future three generals and the two admirals as substitutes, Logan couldn't help laughing, these years will be very exciting.

"Very good. For me, the initial impression you gave me is not bad. I hope that you will also satisfy me in the next training. First of all, I will give you an impressive class. Are you ready! "

Logan slowly flew into the sky, said while looking at the recruits in front of him with a smile.


The recruits will arrive, and Sakalski's voice is particularly loud. Unexpectedly, the young Sakalski is still an agitator.

"Illusion and dream!"

Logan's eyes of reincarnation spun rapidly, and it was estimated that the invisible fluctuations slowly spread to all recruits, and most of the recruits began to lose sight, but the red dog, blue pheasant, yellow monkey, only circle and tea dolphin were still able to resist the winner, As expected of the future pillars of the navy, this perseverance is not bad, but when Logan slowly increased the output of pupil power, the five of them also fell.

"Logan, use this trick when you come up, isn't it a bit ruthless?"

Qifu looked worriedly at some of the recruits who had already started to grimace.

"Don't worry, if you don't carve jade, you can't make it into a tool. You can't bear this kind of tribulation. What kind of navy is it? How can you become the pillar of the navy."

Logan said with a smile.

"However, these five little guys are not bad, so we can focus on training them."

Logan pointed to Akainu and the others and said to Chief.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that there would be three natural departments joining this year, and the navy would become stronger and stronger in the future."

Chef sighed.

"Let's see how long these little guys can last. When the time comes, please remember. I'll go to rest for a while."

Logan left the work to Chief, ran to the side, took out the deck chair and sun umbrella, and lay down to rest leisurely.

The illusion that Logan cast on these recruits is that the cruel pirates that Logan and others have encountered over the years are all pictures of those pirates killing ordinary people. Logan did this to deepen these recruits' understanding of these brutal pirates The cognition of thieves also made them realize the important responsibilities of the navy, especially the most important one for the yellow monkey.

In the illusion, each recruit will encounter different situations, but the same thing is that they all face this group of pirates alone. If they want to wake up, they must either be killed, or kill all the pirates, or they can only fall into the trap. In illusion.

The time passed by every minute and every second. The first recruit who fell was 10 minutes after the illusion, and then recruits continued to fall, until an hour later, only five people were still standing, and the others all fell unconscious .

Qifu looked at the five people who were still standing at the end but started to shake a little, and couldn't help admiring. You must know that the nine of them had faced this situation before. At that time, only Da Bird persisted until the end, and the other nine fell down. .

After an hour and 10 minutes, the first one to wake up was the lazy yellow monkey. After an hour and 15 minutes, Akainu woke up. After an hour and 25 minutes, Aokiji woke up. I fell down and couldn't hear the end, but it was also very good.

"Logan, all the recruits have passed the test, this is the result."

Chief walked up to Logan and handed the record sheet to Logan with his eyes closed.

"Oh? It turned out that the yellow ape woke up first. As I expected, this yellow ape is really not simple."

Logan looked at the record sheet and guessed that the yellow ape would be the first to wake up, but he didn't expect that the yellow ape would actually do it. You know, the illusion that the yellow ape cast was a bit stronger than others. It can be seen that the yellow ape Apes are really strong.

"Okay, I'm going to wake up these little devils."

Logan got up and walked towards the fallen recruits.


Logan relieved the recruits who were still in the illusion, and then looked at the yellow monkey, red dog, and green pheasant who had lingering fear.

"How does it feel? Is it real?"


The three of Huang Yuan were silent.

Logan looked at the three people who were a little sluggish, and the rest of them who got up staggeringly, knowing that the purpose of his first class had been initially achieved, and the next step was to understand the true strength of these recruits.

(End of this chapter)

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