The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 971 Take Action

Chapter 971 Take Action
No one knew that Logan had returned from the starry sky, and the situation in the United States was still in chaos. The cult matter was too much trouble, and even the matter of joining the Hades Church was overshadowed.

And because this case of child abuse and murder also led to contradictions of racial discrimination, this time, except for the case of Wei Zhonghe, other children who were tortured and killed were almost non-white minor victims, and they were all of other races.

And this kind of thing can't be concealed at all, and this matter was revealed by Logan, so now the entire American network and TV are full of related discussions, which can be said to be an explosion.

Now the blacks have fallen out, especially all the captured murderers are almost white. Racial discrimination is a deep-rooted contradiction in the United States. How many people want to change this pathological phenomenon, but they can’t change it anyway. Many others gave their lives.

It is really difficult for white people to change the discrimination against black people and other races in their bones. Even if a black person becomes president, those racially discriminatory people will not change because of this, they will only make trouble. more fierce, so racial discrimination in the United States will always be a topic that cannot be avoided.

Even though there are various laws and regulations, as long as they are not violated, there is nothing to do about them, so those things are just a decoration in the end, and they cannot change the status of blacks and other races. On the contrary, the emergence of anti-racial discrimination laws, for blacks and It is a disgrace to other races. They need legal protection to survive better. What is the meaning of such a life!

Of course, those who are truly loyal to racial discrimination only account for a small part of the huge population, and more people belong to the kind of people who take the lead and then follow, so the whole country is in chaos.

But now Logan has no time to pay attention to the affairs in the United States. Logan has already turned into a detective in Bangzi Country to investigate Park Qirui, and he likes this exciting feeling.

"I've always watched TV and felt that the police detectives are very exciting to solve the case. After I participated in it, the feeling of finding the real murderer is really very impressive!"

Logan turned into a policeman and is monitoring Park Qirui. This is the first time he has experienced this feeling. In the world of Pirates, Logan was in the navy, and he has always been direct. There is almost no chance to analyze, Logan found it quite interesting to investigate.

"Occasionally, it's interesting to experience the fun of being an ordinary person. Gaining unlimited life, but losing a lot of fun. This is the so-called gain without loss!"

Logan sighed.

Regardless of whether it is the previous life or the present life, Logan's life is not comparable to that of ordinary people. As a member of the Dongfang family, he shoulders a huge responsibility. He has experienced various hardships since he was a child, and lost many relatives. Logan didn't even know when he could wake up.

Moreover, the most promising son in his previous life didn't know which world his father had thrown him into. There is no news now. This must be the fate of the Dongfang family!
"Even if you can live forever, you can't get rid of the shackles of fate."

Logan thought about his past and present life, and sometimes he really wished that he was just an ordinary person, without having to bear so many responsibilities, and enjoying a short life span of a few decades.

But the life of ordinary people is not so easy. More than 90.00% of the people in this world are busy with their lives, and few people can really enjoy the fun of life.

"Huh? Come alive!"

It didn't take long for Logan to feel emotional, and saw Park Qirui's motorcade appear, but Logan didn't know which car Park Qirui was sitting in. Since he experienced life as an ordinary person, Logan hardly used his abilities, In addition to eavesdropping on the conversation between Li Qingxiong and Han Sunmi.

Logan skillfully started the car and drove to keep up. Although Logan didn't know which car Park Qirui was sitting in, he could almost figure it out.

Although Park Qirui and the double ride in the same car and have the same security forces, there is still a difference between the real body and the double, but this difference requires extremely keen eyesight to discover.

That is, there is a slight difference between Park Qirui's car and the double car. Park Qirui's car is more protective and has thicker armor, so the bottom row is a little lower than other cars. This is almost visible to the naked eye. I can't tell, Logan also observed this difference many times before discovering it.

So after observing which car was Park Qirui himself, Logan drove to follow.

After Li Qingxiong and Han Sunmi decided to startle Park Qirui by killing grass and scaring snakes, they started to act. Of course, they can't act recklessly, otherwise they will really sprinkle water on the bamboo basket in vain.

Now that we have figured out Park Qirui's psychology, we must follow Park Qirui's psychology. Even if Park Qirui is rampant, he will not let too many people know his evil deeds. Three or two people are the most. People must be the people Park Qirui trusts the most, but they will never appear in public, and will definitely meet Park Qirui in private to help him deal with those inhuman things.

This starts with the investigation of the people around Park Qirui. It is unlikely that they are family members. Park Qirui is a pervert, but he is by no means stupid. On the contrary, he is also terribly smart, so it is absolutely impossible for him to entrust such a thing to him. family to deal with.

It is also impossible for his subordinates, no matter who they are, it is impossible for them to know the most inhuman side of themselves. Secrecy is one aspect, and the most important thing is that subordinates may back him at any time, so subordinates must also Throw it out.

Then the rest are the congregants of the Truth Sect founded by Park Qirui. The people here are the most likely, because many of these congregants have been brainwashed by Park Qirui, and they completely regard Park Qirui as their god. .

So the things God entrusted to them are a kind of glory. Not only will those people not betray him, but they will protect him with their lives. These people are the ones that Park Qirui can trust most, and he can entrust those dirty and inhuman things to them You don't have to worry about these people betraying him.

Because for those people, what Park Qirui entrusted to them is the highest honor, and Park Qirui's act of mutilating those girls is also described as the redemption of the girls' depravity, so that they can be reborn and become pure people .

Therefore, in the eyes of countless people, it is an act of inhumanity. In the eyes of those believers, it is sacred and inviolable. It is God's forgiveness and bestowal. They will firmly support it, and will spare no effort to help Park Qirui. A normal person gradually turns into a madman.

Therefore, Li Qingxiong and Han Sunmi set their sights on Shinrikyo. The person who disposes of the corpse according to Park Qirui's order must be a believer of Shinrikyo, and this person must not be very old. Moving the corpse is a very labor-intensive task. , too old to do it, this person should be between 40 and [-] years old.

And this person must be the kind of person with an unusually calm mind, who is used to seeing life and death. After all, not everyone can handle the corpses, and there is no clue at all about the corpses being disposed of, except for the violence left behind. There are no traces of other superfluous things.

It can be seen that this person was extremely calm when handling the corpse, without any panic at all, and there are very few people who can do this.

And this person must be very low-key whether in life, work, or in Shinrikyo. He belongs to the kind of existence that will never be looked at by anyone in the crowd. No one will pay attention to such a person, even more so. He will not find out his relationship with Park Qirui, and he will even deliberately separate his relationship with Park Qirui in Shinrikyo to avoid anyone from finding out.

To sum up, the image of Park Qirui as a helper was gradually portrayed. He is between 40 and [-] years old. He is physically strong, looks ordinary, and has a firm mind. The possibility of being a soldier who has been on the battlefield is extremely high. As soon as it came, a large number of people were excluded from the believers of Shinrikyo.

"In this way, there are only 30 suspects left, but it is not easy to find the real culprit among these 30 people."

Han Shanmei looked at the photos of thirty people in front of her and said.

The reason why Han Sunmi has photos of Shinrikyo believers is because Park Qirui has registered with Shinrikyo, and the information of all believers has also been entered, so everyone's information can be easily called up, so that Li Qingxiong and Han Sunmi saves a lot of trouble and can find suspicious people directly.

"Time is running out, so we summoned these 30 people directly. The publicity is that the serial murderer may be among the 30 people. In this way, we can not only investigate Park Qirui, but also mislead Park Qirui into thinking that we have no suspicions." He, this can actually arouse his excitement, which is also beneficial to our investigation!"

Li Qingxiong thought for a while and said.

"Yes, if we do this, Park Qirui will think that we have fallen into his game. When he starts a war for his game, he will definitely not trouble us."

"Even he will continue to throw out new clues to prove our investigation is wrong, and then get excited about our incompetence, which will further arouse his arrogance and arrogance."

The more Han Shanmei thought about it, the more excited she became, as expected, an experienced veteran patrolman was needed to join in!

"Then take action, but the monitoring of Park Qirui cannot be relaxed, on the contrary, it must be stricter, but it cannot be discovered by Park Qirui. Our alarm is not really to alert Park Qirui to destroy the clues, but to paralyze him and divert him. His gaze really let him know that we have found him, and he will not do nothing, if all the evidence is really destroyed, then everything we have is in vain!"

Li Qingxiong exhorted.

"Yes, Deputy Chief, I know what to do. I will immediately arrange for people to summon these believers of Shinrikyo, and Park Qirui's helpers will definitely be caught!"

Han Sunmi stood up and said firmly.

"Okay, if you have any questions, please contact me as soon as possible. I will do my best to escort you. You don't need to worry about other pressures. I can still withstand these four days, but if the four days If Pu Qirui can't be arrested and brought to justice, not only you, but even me will go!"

Li Qingxiong stood up and said.

"Deputy Chief, thank you!"

Thousands of words can only be turned into a thank you. Han Shanmei deeply understands how much pressure Li Qingxiong is under at this time. Once her actions are launched, she does not know how many high-level politicians will intervene. All these must be faced by the deputy chief. The task force I am in charge of must solve the case within the time limit in order to repay the deputy chief for his sacrifice.

"You don't need to thank me, I am also a policeman, and I want to make this country safer, but my position is far less convenient than yours, so I still rely on you, and you are the ones who are on the front line. You are the ones who are in danger, you must pay attention to safety, and protect yourself while solving the case!"

"In the eyes of Pu Qirui and his believers, human life is worthless. When it really threatens them, they will never be soft, so you must not leave your guns when you act. If you encounter danger, I will approve it. You can fire at any time." Gun! You don't need to be polite to these demons who are not as good as animals!"

Li Qingxiong said in a serious tone.

"Yes, Deputy Chief!"

Han Sunmi was very moved. The support of the deputy chief was the biggest motivation for their task force. Without the support of such a major case, it would be extremely difficult to proceed. Han Sunmi and the others were all ready to die together, but they did not Thinking that the deputy chief will do this for them, this is a bet on the rest of his life!

"Go! I'm waiting for your good news. Even if you want me to leave this house, I will leave in a good manner! Instead of being chased away like a bereaved dog!"

Li Qingxiong looked at Han Shanmei and said.

"Please rest assured, Deputy Chief, we will definitely not disappoint your expectations and sacrifices, and we will definitely arrest Park Qirui!"

There is no need to say thank you. The last thing to look at is the result. If you can’t capture Park Qirui, no matter how nicely you say it, it will be in vain. Those girls who were tortured and killed by Park Qirui should give an explanation, and they should also give an explanation to Li Qingxiong.

"This is a war that does not allow failure! Even if the opponent is extremely powerful, we will not lose, let alone lose!"

After leaving Li Qingxiong's office, Han Shanmei looked at the door of Li Qingxiong's office and cheered herself up.

When it comes to saying a thousand words and ten thousand, when she really wants to face the evil dragon Park Qirui, Han Sunmi still has no idea in her heart. Although her confidence has been aroused, her strength is really not enough!
The comparison of the strengths of the two parties is like a mayfly shaking a tree. They are not at the same level at all. It is boastful to say that the upcoming battle will be tough. If Park Qirui wanted to, he could disband his task force in minutes and revoke all investigation.

What we need to use now is Park Qirui's arrogance, arrogance, and abnormal psychology that is out of human nature, making him think that everything is under his control, and everything is just a game. Only in this way will Park Qirui not fight back , but will guide the development of the entire situation and enjoy the thrill of this game to the fullest.

What the task force had to do was to dig out the evidence under Park Qirui's nose, and before he reacted, everything was definitive, and the chance to bring down Park Qirui just now was just a chance.

After leaving Li Qingxiong's office, Han Sunmi immediately contacted the police station in Seoul and passed on the information of 30 Shinrikyo believers, and asked the police station to immediately arrest these 30 people for interrogation. Han Sunmi only said that these [-] people were The suspect in the serial murder case didn't say much else. The purpose was to alarm Park Qirui first, so as to facilitate the next work. moment.

(End of this chapter)

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